Music rock 8 pop listings


Edinburgh, Usher Holl Monday 7th April Box Office 0131 228 l 155




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Em Office Glasgow, Burro;

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The Jarhes Taylor Quartet: The Barfly Glasgow Tuesday 6

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Average White Band

The Liquidroom Edinburgh

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Friday 23


Glasgow Pavilion 21th "a"

_ Box Office 014133218116 fllllllllllgll Queens Hall 22ml M8! Box Ottice 0131668 2019





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EDINBURGH Festxal Theatre 25th Mag

0:31 529 6000

GLASGOW Row. Cones t Hai 30th Mag 014i 555 8000"

Edinburgh Playhouse

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0870 90 33 444

48 THE LIST .‘ ' .‘Ja' 4:”

_ o "-5 “(:2 L ) ".3 ~ 'f.‘. ‘3 Box Office 0870 606 3424

Friday 28 continued

I Bob Cuba, Viva Stereo and Relative People lhc situntlhaus. .1" link l’aik \ticct. Ill -lt~5‘t ltlpm U 'L‘ mcmhcisu \lonthh showcase ol local unsigned hands \sho rehearse at the \oundhaus complc\

I Ampersand, Coolerking and The Yetis l'lll_\ \lui’i} ‘s. *to \la\\\cll Street. Ifl h5ll ‘tpm £4.1ncludmg cult} to post club

I Texas Express (irand ()lc ( )pt_\. l’aisle) Road loll. ~13” “Wit 5 iltpm £4 «L 1 memheisi (‘ouiiti_\

I Abba Tribute llouthon Street. Ins (ieoigc Street. 553M141 "pm £5

i£l4 5H \sllll dmneii

I The Hermit Crabs and Marie Campbell lcltai ()\na. 43 ()tago lane. ‘5“ 4524. .\pm. l'iee

I Kong \lacSoilc) 's. ‘13 Jamaica Street. 24% 85M ‘l‘llpm l‘ree Rock

I Rush Hour Samuel l)o\\ "s. o" ~l \itlisdalc Road. 4.‘ i lllll". N zllpm. l‘lt'L‘ I Daniel B Shenkin (‘att- llula. ‘31 Hope Sheet. {5‘ lltllll. Rpm. l'tcc .'\t‘ttll\ll\‘ rock residcnc}.

I Live Music the l lih \ole (ate. 50 ()ll King Street. 55* loih. 0pm.

I Live Music \ic~t-'ii‘S|t-;t/}. -12l Sauchiehall Street. i” ‘lo V. ‘lpm.


I Yush Records Showcase Night llcnr} \ .laH (that. X Morrison Street. 467' 530i). Midnight. £5. Hip hop. lunk and ragga lrom Ytish All Stars and Rat.

I The Rezillos lhe Liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Street. 325 3504. 7pm. £13.50. See Thu 2/.

I AKA Weave and Obscure The Venue. 17 2| ('alton Road. 557 3073. lllpm. £3 £1”. Band and club pt'olltolcl's :\l\'.-\ \VL'au' get lllL' dark grom es going at this inusic-lxised night \\ lllt special guests ()hscurc. llcdonlsl icon Shaun Ryler ol ll;ipp_\ Monday lame spins some tunes throtigh ‘til 3am as part ol cluh night (irome llarder.

I Cowala, Concession 101 and Inwards Sulma). (i‘) ('oxsgate. 335 (i700. 7.50pm. £4. Rock three-piece (’ouala headline \\ ith support ll'ollt indie kids ('oncession ll)! and Alrican rock act ln\\at‘ds.

I The Ruffness, FB Collective and Big Hand lllL‘L' l'tttlctwuil'ltl. ltinnerman's. .\'iddr_\ Street. 550 3254. 8.45pm. £4. 'l‘hee l'nderuorld present this night ol local hip hop acts \sith a dose ol' upheat hut smart ska l'rom Big lland.

I Big Hand and Dr Jones (‘ahal‘cl Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 3:” ()l7(). llpm 3am. £(i. 'l‘xso ol~ lidinhurgh's hest |o\ ed hands Ia} do“ n the ska and lunk respectixel} \xith Big Hand in tor a hus} night \xith their second gig ol the c\ening. .\ more cluhh} \ ihe here as \ai'ious l)Js taking _\ou through to 3am.

I Lee Paterson \Vltlsllcllltlklcs.

4 (1 South Bridge. 557 5] 14. 9pm. l-‘ree. lidinhurgh-hased

singer/song“ riter gi\ es his unique mist on hlues tollt and gospel.

Saturday 29


I Ladytron and Tarwater (il‘t‘ Debating (‘hamhetz l'ni\ersit} .-\\ enue. 0370 l)(il)() l()(). 7.30pm. fl”. lL‘L' cool electronica l'rom this sharp-dressed troupe ol' hutton-pushers. Nice matching utilit} jackets.

Check out the Blag Bag for great


on page 11

I M.A.S.S., Dilute to Taste and Merika King l‘ut‘s \\ ah \\ ah llut. 353a St Vincent Street. Ill 52‘”

,\. ztlpm £5 Halls} garage rock and post punk mlluences tioin .\l \ S S

\\ ho hail trom (ireat \armoulh and parade their neu single ‘l,i\e a little' lt‘t' Us

I Blindside l'he (Killiotise. l5 l'nion Street. 34.\' noon. illpm £5 \o age restriction on this shtm. ('.-\.\‘('l:l.l.lzl) ()nc ot the liist \ictinis ol the \\.ll as this Scandinaxian rock outlit postpone,

I Billy Mahonie and Laeto (ilasgms School ol .-\i'l. on Renlre“ Street. 35“ 45” 5 illpm. £5. Post rock and angular punk mlluences liom \eteran indie noiseniks tucll. the} ‘x e been around since the mid ‘le. so tliat\ \ctcran enoughl.

I Open Stage Blues Jam \ice'ii'Slegil}. 43| Sauchiehall Street. 333 *loV. 2pm. l'iee. \Veelsl} hlues based session.

I Miss Black America, Muwk, Mangara and The Black Panthers \ic‘t"ii'8|t‘;i/). 42! Sauchiehall Street. iii ‘7. 0pm. .-\n cwmng ol attitudmous alternamc rock sounds entitled l.o\e .\lusic. llate Racism.

I Lapsus Linguae and Macrocosmica Stereo. I: I-1 Kelnnhaugh Street. 5% 50”, lell. Big \alue douhle hill ol (ilasuegian noisemks .\lacrocosmicamtersperse their rock onslaught \\ llll quieter post rock passages

I Brown Eye Superfly, Munter and The Ives llarll}. 3N) (‘l_\dc Street. 0370 W7 own. .s'pm. £4.

I Squander Pilots and Cnut Z'l‘he Departure lounge. the Hill Note (ale. 5” (ill King Street. .555 HHS. 9pm. £3. llosts the Squander l’ilots are joined l1} demented L‘lcctro pop dtto ('nut lor an exening ol Inc music. his and competitions t\\ ith ‘non crap pt'l/L's. lllc‘} prottllscl.

I Contraband, Austin, Touchstone and Insignia Sll'ttnht‘l‘l'} l'lL‘ltls, 5h ()sualtl Street. 0845 ()53 03h“). 7.30pm, £4. (her 14s slum. Indie and rock line-up.

I Texas Gun (irand ()le ()pr}. l’aisle} Road 'l‘oll. 43‘) 5300. 7.30pm. £4 i£3 memhersl. ('ountr}.

I Ronan Keating Tribute Bourbon Street. lllts’ George Street. 552 UN]. 7pm. £5 (£10.50 with dinner). I The Re-mones Mc-(‘huill‘s. 40 High Street. 553 2H5. lllpm. l'ree. Ramones trihute hand.

I Jamie Barnes and Cochise MacSorle) ‘s. 43 Jamaica Street. 248 8581. (rpm. l'ree. Residenc} lor the R&B \eteran.

I Black Rose MacSorlL‘} 's. 42 Jamaica Street. 343 8581. 9pm. liree. I Open Stage the Hall Bar. loo Woodlands Road. 564 1537. 4 8pm. l'rce. \Veclsl} session lor local nuisicians.

I Primary Colours The Hall Bar. 160 Woodlands Road. 564 I527. 9pm. l‘rce.

I Life and Soul Samuel Dow‘s, ()7 7| \ithsdale Road. 423 lllll7. 8.30pm. l‘rcc.


I The Waco Brothers, the Sadies and Sally Timms Sulma}. (i‘) (‘tm gate. 325 ()7()(). 7.30pm. U). Rock meets counlr) \sith hells on as the “two Brothers. lronted h) Nlckotis man Jon Langlord. lake the stage at this Bloodshot Records night. A next album Nun Deal is on its \sa}. Langlord \Nlll also he performing \\ ith suppon act the Sadies. pen ersel} a quartet ol sophisticated )oung men.

I Dead Fly Buchowski 'l‘hec l'ndemorld. Bannerman's. Niddr) Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4.

l’s) chedelia-tinged rocking replacing the cancelled Black MacSahhath gig. support still the.