
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.

Thursday 27


I George Heriot’s School (ilL'_\lllal\ Kirk. (in->11...“ l’lau'. (‘05 2111‘) " 5”}‘111 £5 IllL'Ul (nacnn‘ llrounlcc gondut‘lx a \ain-d [nogi‘annnc ol 11111\|\ in'ilorrncd h} lhv l'nxl ()n‘hcxua. lhv ('oincr'l Hand and 11n- ('ornnnnnl} ('hon

Friday 28


I Midday Concert I<\‘.\\1I). qu chln-u Sllk't'l. z‘2 5(15~ llnn £5113: 'l\\o HUhldlldlllj.‘ \l|l(ll\l\. l’lnlip 1)ul\c~ on \ iola and Sophia Ralnnan on piano. pcrlorni llcclhown'x \uriurno up J2 and lllm'll'x 81th 1/9/91.

I Masterclass Rs.\.\ll). IllH chlrcu Sliccl. 1525115" 2 ;(1pm l‘lu' Viola 111.l\lL‘l't'l;1\\(lll'L‘t‘lLKl h} l’lnlip l)lll\('\

I Pre-concert Talk l<S.\.\ll). loo Rvnln'n Sliccl. “2 5115“ (1.5111‘111.l‘1L'L'IU ('ouu'i'l ln‘kcl lioldcrx. \ol lo 1w nnxxcd .i 1.11(' (llallu‘ lo hcai ('HIIIIHHL'I' (ix-orgy llcniannn talking: about lnx 111.l\l('1']‘1(‘t‘(‘ .11 In (I [IQ/II. lwloi'c hc condut'lx 11 111 loingln'x S('() conceit «\L'c lwlou I

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra l<.\‘.\.\ll). loo chlicu Sum. 153 won. ".lllpin. £0 £1.\ \\'orld lulilillh ("Ulllptlu‘l (icoi'gc livinannn (ondnt'lx lnx o“ n \xork. .1! [1er 1.12/11. a inagn'al pn'u' Illal I‘L'all} Inn and ln‘calhcx In Inc [wilorinancu 'l‘hc programin alxo nn‘ludcx 1\\o wrilraxling olx‘llL‘fll'dl \l||l('\. R.l\('l‘\ .UoI/Ir'l' (hum and Slrax lllxk} \ pla} lul I’ll/( rm'l/u.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l‘xhcr Hall. l.ollnan Road. ".Sllpin. 225 1155, £11 £2-1.5(l.1'or1o\cr\ ol “)1th lroin lhc lug: \ci‘ccn. (‘arl l);1\l\ \‘Ulldllt'h 2(l()\cai>\\nnnng_' lihn worm. Mom I)! //Il\11;'u lo ('lrarmlx HI lll'l'.

I YGR Quartet 8! (‘ccilia'x llall. .\'iddr} Sum-l. (ms 2111‘) ('Iaxxlcal guitar quai'lcl lacklnig “orkx h} Bath. lirouxxcr and morc ax “('11 a\ pci'loi‘nnng 1\\o \pcciall) connnmioiml pn‘ccx li'oni l)a\ Id l'cnnmw} and HM id \Vaid .\1acl.can. l'or ladinhurgh conccrl conlacl Simon l’ol\\al'1 oll “RU-ll 93.5 11‘)“ lUl' Illol'c (lL‘l;lll\.

Saturday 29


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l{o_\al (‘ollt‘crl Hall. 2 Sauclnchall Slrccl. '7 51111111 ‘55 801111, £1175 £25.511Scc1n2h‘.

I Venetian Splendour .-\n (iallcr') and \luwuni. Kch ingrow. :\ig_'_\lc Slit-cl. 2.5“ 200‘). ".Rllpm. £111 i£5 children). John “allacc iuurnpcl i. Sinlonia .'\lha. RS:\.\11)\12ar1} .\1u~n' ('nonp and olllCh rct'rcalc lhc chaixxancc \plcndour ol Si .\l.n’l\\. Vcnicc. Programme lllt'lll(l(‘\ \'i\aldi\ (ilurm and lhc llN [wrlor'rnanw in niodcrn lnncx o1 (‘aldara'x (‘om (’I'Ir' lol' [J's/i: II'll/ll/lr‘h and ()n hurrah l’rot‘ccdx go lo lhc Kclungrow Rt‘llll'l‘hllllk‘lll :\ppcal.


I Linton Singers (irc_\lriar\ Kirk. (ircflriarx l’lacc. mm 2111*). ".Rllpni. £' il’r'ccr .\1un'a_\ ('aniphcll conduclx lhc Linton Singcrx pcrl’ornnng Vcncuan \Mll'ln l'rorn Ihc lolh and I‘ll) C(‘llllll'lk‘x including .nniphonal 111;l\lL‘l'PlL‘CC\ h} (‘noxainn (ialn'icli and Monlcwrdi. (‘all (11.51 220 3.2110 101‘ [lChCl\

I Choir of St Peter’s Episcopal Church SI l’clcr'x Church. 1.ullon l’lacc. NP 0855. 'Nlpin. lice. Rupcrl l‘orlXN conduclx 11w church choir 111 a conccrl o1

56 THE LIST .‘ ' “31' '

\('11111:_'\«ll lllc Hug/ssh 1;! and \am I)mn.'.'i\

I Erskine Stewart’s Melville Schools Concert 1 \lm llall. lollllall Road. 22\ 1155 11111121" (i.n_\ “alkcr. awu‘ialc gondudor o! R\\( ). gondut‘lx a 445 \lion; ghon ol all ago 111 a gongi'il lhal gulnnnan-x with .1 [wilorniainc ol lln' (‘lnghcxlci I’xalnix

I Pre-Concert Talk ()uccn'x llall. (.lL'lk hllL'L'1.(\'\-\_“ll" (\ 451‘!“ l lL'L' \L‘L‘ l 11 25

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()uccn'x llall. (‘luik Sin-cl. (m5 2(11‘1

" ~15pin £0 511 £21 Scc l‘ll 2\

Glasgow I Junior Academy Orchestra Concert RS.\\ll). loo chlicu sin-c1. H: 505' 5’ Nip”) L- ILJI (‘llllxlopllcl .\(l('} condut‘lx lln' Junior \t‘adcnn ()It‘hcxlia pvrlornnng a \aiicd piogiannnc (icnlmnl‘x \m} 1 (‘u/nm (in Him. Salnl Saab. (‘oln i Ho Ho / III 1 Iii/rim and Slln‘llllx‘ \mr/r/roni 1111,5111]. Ila!

" :1 1pm 1"


0 Lesley Garrett with the Northern Sinfonia l'xlm llall. l.ollnan Road. 225 1155 “.Sllpin £2" 50 1;“) 511 SW llil 1N. right,

I Meadows Chamber Orchestra ()uccn's llall. (‘lcrk Slrccl. (\(m 2111‘) "J51nn. £5 i£l £05111. 111v “oild prcnncrc ol a ncu (l/mr (‘qu u-ro h} _\oung_' goinpoxcr and ohoixl. llclcn (irnnc. who I\ alxo loinghl'x \Ultlhl. undcr lln' mlk'l‘l dn'cclion ol l’clcl‘ l'.\an\ 'l’ln- pi'ogiannnc aim nn'ludcx Srhuhcr'l‘s MHz/Ilium no \ in If mrnor ( lililiixiu'd. Kodal} \ Hum m ul (in/(rum. and \1;ililci\ (“\qllhIlC [rule r um \ ltl/II‘r'IIr/(‘II (ri'u'l/(‘II I Holyrood Ensemble Si (‘uihlwnk (lunch. 5 l.ollnan Road. 22‘) 1112 Mun £" tundcr 1M and \ludcnlx live I. ('hcck oul ludinlnn'gh‘x iu‘cnll} loi‘nn'd t‘lldllllk‘l choir pcrlornnng a progrannnc o1 \n'nncw \‘llill'ul lllll\lt‘ undcr lhc dnu'lion ol conducloi‘ l)ou;_'1a\ \lcllnranh.

I None of the Above Bongo ('luh. H .\'c\\ Sum. 55.\ "NH. 3.5111‘111 nndingln, £.\ i£oi llillcd ax a crucible lor a no“ alt‘hcni} o1 nnixical \l_\lc\. and ulcarl} unnnxxahlc. llllx nnwd night inyludcx lhc \xondcrlul clawn‘al cclcclicx .\1r.\1t‘l'all'\ (‘hmnhcr pcrloi'inanu' pour} lr'oin :\nlla (iman and l11(l1;111L‘l;1\\|L‘;ll lllll\lL‘ and dancc lr'om Vila) Kangulkai:


I East Dunbartonshire Schools String Orchestra RSAMI). lllll chlrcxx Slim-l. 552 505". "Mlpin. £4 l£2i lain .\1c\aughl conduclx a \aricd progrannnc including: nnixn~ h} 1113:;n. Bach. ('oln-n. .\1o/arl and Walton.

Tuesday 1


I Piano Soundbites Rainxllol‘n 'l'hcalrc. 0% Ingram Slrccl. 545 5411.

12.15 12.5llpnnk 1.15 1.5llpin. £1.51). l’rogi'annnc ol clavn‘al lllllll;lllll'L‘\ pcrlormcd h} pianixl .\la\dan‘ ('anlcron a grcal conccrl lor lhoxc on a lighl lumlnnnc \cllcdulc Snackx aunlahlc lrorn 1 1.45am.


I George Heriot’s School Band Concert ()uccrh llall. (‘lL‘l'l‘ Sll'L'L‘l. (\(lh 2(11‘). -..“ll[‘111. £31£2i Scmor and nnnor conccn haudx. ia/l quarlclx. mm; handx and \octhh pcrloi'ni cwrfllnng lrorn lilla 1‘il/gcrald Io Rohluc \Villianlx.


I Puccini Gala Ro}al (‘ongcrl Hall. 2 Sauclllchall Slrccl. 353 Mlllll ".311pm, {12.5111 x\11(ll‘L‘\\ (ll’L‘L‘thlml (Ulldllt‘h lhc Scollhh ('onccrl ()I'chcxu‘a 111 an m cnmg ol' opcraln‘ l;|\(1lll'll('\ including ai'iax lronr .llmlunia liru’nrlh. Iim 11. 'Iumlrr/u! and 1,41

li’oia rm lcalurnig soprano R«‘\.il111\l \ulhcrland. 111(‘//\‘\l.11t'1allg‘ll.1111}.1L‘1101 Julian (i.1\111 and l‘alllUIIC \Icwn l’agc

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Halon} Hall. ('axllc 511cm. z5551111“

a 5111‘!” L" Ll\ li' t‘L‘lCl‘falC l .hlL'l. harminu \I‘Ct'ldlhl \n'holm Kracnicr gonducls lhc SH ) and a lint-111‘ ol ltlllld‘llk \Ull‘1\1\lL'fi‘L'g‘ldll} \opl'ano (‘aiol_\n Sarnpxonl 111 liaglIK [mar ()Im'urlu \ [11}llll\\.ll’l\111.1llxltlol‘ll \xnhlhc icsur‘rccuon. 11's lull ol lrunipcl lalllalcx and uplilling; ghoruxcx l’iogiannnc al\o ingludm Bath‘s Ifmnu’uilimu ( 'om ('I'IU No 5'


0 Royal Scottish National Orchestra 1 \llcl Hall. I ollnan Road. 2251155 2 511p!” £‘)"5 £23 Scc lln



I Singing Workshops (ll.|\:;(1\\ l'inwrxn} ('onu‘r'l llall. l‘nncrxil) .'\\cnuc. :“141192. 111 Main 12 Winn £5 «£5: .'\\;1lilllld-lll‘lfllllt‘ll cclclnalcd annual pcrlornranw ol Bach'x \r \Iurrlu-u Minion. lhc Duncdni ('onxorl hold an L‘\t'llllI:_‘ \xoiluhop no lorrnal \ingnig: mpcrn‘ncc icqun'cd 1)on'l 1111\\ llnx. ("\pcciall} ll )ou'i‘c going lo [1n- gongcil ixcc lhu llll, (‘all (1131 22.\ 54111 loi an nnorniauon pack and lo icxcr'w ln‘kch

. TWO'S Company (lgillL‘D Ul .\1odcrn .r\r1. ()uccn Slrccl. 22‘} 10% .‘~ 4pm l'rcc \iolnnxl llccloi Sun! and glaring-[1N Slnnohu \hla mnlnruc then won ol inloi'nlal allcrnoon conccrlx \\ Ilh lhc \oundx ol L‘Hlllt‘lllpnlul‘} Suillixh C(llllpll\Cl\,

0 Royal Scottish National Orchestra l{o_\al ('onccrl Hall. 2 Sauclnchall Slrccl. 555 Nllllll, " .‘llpin. £11.51) £2575. Scc llil l.l\l. right.


0 Scottish Opera - Gotterdammerung l‘meal ‘I'hcalrc. l5 2‘) \It'olxoll Sll'L‘L‘l. 52‘) NM)“. 1pm. £12 £4019) £3"). Scc llil l,l\l. right.

I Singing Workshops \rL-olwn Squarc Mclhodm (lunch. 25 \lL‘Ululll Squaw. 3 5pm. £5 I£5i Scc Sat 5.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()uccn’x Hall. ('lL'l'lx SII‘CL‘I. (ihh 21H”. “:15pnr. £6.50 £21.8ccl'r14.

Glasgow I Paragon Ensemble 'l’ron ’l‘hcauc. ()5 'l‘I'ongalc. 552 420". (\pni. l‘l'CC Rclawd. (“\lllllgl and a challcngc lo lhc carx Swilaml'x ouixlanding conlcnnmrar) lllUNlC cnwrnhlc prcwnlx ‘Whalcwr llappcncd lo .\1u\ic ". an nn‘rcaxingl) popular hi-nionlhl) nigh! \lnmcaxlng nc“ llllhlt’ iron) crncrging coinpoxcrx. “hum yin can inccl and chal lo 111 lllL' har.

Wednesday 9


I Paragon Ensemble 'l'ron 'l'hcanc. (i5 'lrongalc. 552 426". hpnr £.\ i£5i l’lnllp (ilaxx' I’H’“,'\ll’l')/(JI1¢'\“III/H'Rtll'lh a mulu-incdia nnixic/drania inaxlcrpiccc. l'n‘sl [wrlormcd m an airport hangcr in (icnma. The work 1\ pcrlornlcd Inc to a lilrn proiccuon h} .\1|l(c \cnniau. and conduclcd h} (1am Walla-r. Scc prcucn,


I Scottish Opera - Gotterdammerung 1le lllt‘dlrk‘. l5 2‘) \lt‘oluln Slrccl. 525161100. me. £12 £41119) £5"i. Scu Sat 5.


I Dunedin Consort (ilaxgou (mu-mt} (’hapcl. llnwrxn} :‘anuc. 330 4092. 7pm. £5 £1 1. The Duncdin (‘onxon gnc lhcrr lughl} acclanncd annual pcrl'ormancc o1 Bach'x Sr .UuH/H'n l’uorun.


Lesley Garrett with the Northern Sintonia l

loathe nor. shun

.1 .a ; all n (V1.l()'1l[]liil_iiu,,' _, J. Lu“,

.rl 111%.(3' L (:llxll l": (‘ _41\4 1

«W: «’l('\()/' ow. ..’1|l,'l loin \rl l'rfl" ill-013130." f;€"l(‘-§;(\T I'lwt.a"i.- _)' 1'13,

;)<>r‘=',»""é; songs and llallarlé; 11):

Haw. r t'icnrt. 11:5;10‘.

sonar!" .'.;tli llii- :1‘;‘;lf§1111‘.f‘(:(7f Nounriastlra'tl ‘tY’ nil-"if N Willi-'1‘ E‘Slrlfo'na 1/:JW l rki‘. fr)"‘.‘\.' J". 8.1" 3‘" 7.7m

Royal Scottish National Orchestra ll(:[)Lll‘:Tl 1’) 1H: ;i.".1 .1 lllll€:1)l‘il‘.la(l, l'1(:{:‘»l()'1";lllll{;{111 l. £1lill‘1ff‘;. 11111)l‘}il!'lléll)l‘r, lliiwsaar [)léill‘f;l (Erigor‘, f3()l\’)l’)‘. ‘lJHIlLlelll 1'1E1k(3f; a rotor.“ .'15$rll()ll1‘3llf5l\l() to plajV Mo/arl'x l’lanr: (,‘o/ilio/fo noQI)‘. x'xliirgli f31lfi£1l()ll(1‘;l(llllll‘f latest installment of fur: ()l(;l1(";ll£1".; Prokofiev serum

111 (hr: i)()1’i annmzrsar‘, war of his death. (ls/w Hall, ld’flf/YHQ/l. fr/ 4’ Apr; (S/asgoz'x Howl Cour/3N Ila/l. Sal 7') Apr,

Scottish Opera - Gotterdammerung At fax and a half hours. llllf} lf,ll1(:l()ll(}(}f;l. af; ‘.“/(}|lElf3ll1(:l£1f;f.()lfllkl’nll’)[)(:r:1'; making 111)\’V£l(]11(}1lfil'llflllll, Him; (l'y’ClU. (Latch il iioi.‘.'. af; ll(;l<(:lY> lor Scottish ()iiora‘s oresonlalion o1 1hr; wholr; thing at llllf) ,12ar‘; l'(ll'1l)11((}l1 llllOlllElllUlléll 10811.11: have almarl‘, sold out, /ofi;:/'.a'i/ HIOHTHB. [din/)i/fgh. Sal 5, WW] .‘I 8 Sal 1’/ Apr.

5h "willow ,"o (i

\th lhc rcnrarkahlc lcnor Julian 1’1 leJL'l as l‘.\;1llf_'L'll\1. '1'1nx l\1111;1l\\0llllc nnM we lllc (.Ullxtll'l arc all Ulll\1;lll(l111j2 \HlHl\1\ and cnxcrnhlc \lllfJL'h. and 1111' uork l\ a drarnaln' niaxlcrpiuc ol urnnalglnal cniouonal llllL‘lhll}

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra l{(r};il (‘onpcl'l Hall. 2 Sauclnchall Slrccl. 55* MM” " ‘(lpnr

£11 £18I£5 £"r. llan \olkm conduclx a hcaulilul progrannnc ol lonc PUL‘HH including: 1)L-l\iixx}'xlu.llrr. and .\1c\\iacn\ l’umrm [mm nu \ung: h} \oprano Rim-mar} Hard}

I Paragon Ensemble 'lron ‘l'hcauc. ()3 'l'rongalc. 552 426" 5pm £3 l£5i \cc \Vcd t).


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()UL'CH‘\ Hall. ('lcrk Sum-1.661% :(ll‘). 7.45pm. £650 £21. Andrew Litton conduclx [lit 5(‘() 1mm lhc kc} board. and 1\A|(llncd h} the group's lcadcr (\lllllllhl Alcxandcr Janie/chi and cclchralcd gcllixl l‘rxula Snnlh in :111C\Clllll}_‘ pcrlornrarnc o1 licclhm cuK 'Irip/r ('um ('I'Iu. 11K a \mndcrlul \xork. and l\ (."Hlllplclllk'lllcd h} Brlucn'x S'Iulc' on I'JIL'llx/l I‘m/l. quu. and 'l'chaikox \k} 'x dclrghllul liniurriunu Brunt