Events are listed by city, date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Glasgow Thursdays


Giggles Herein) l.ounge. ll: Halli l.ane. l-lh’ l7"7 ‘ipin llllll iShoxx starts at ‘i, \0pnii. H. Weekl) Jane (iodle) and \ l\ (iee round up the L‘lillt‘klt'x on lhti 37 Mar \xltile Alan (‘arr and Keaia \ltit'ph} piox ide the lllllgllx on l'hti 3:\pi l’uii iii I/lt‘ (ilritgim llllt‘l'lltlllllllrll ('iinii'rlt l'l'\ll\ll/


I Audioporn Night of deep

and dirty house wrth a slice of techno on the side. See Clubs listings. page 73.

I Glasgow International Comedy Festival Gay/camp comedy throughout the festival in the company of Pam Ann. Scott Capurro. Jackie Clune. Julia Morris and Tina C. See Comedy listings, page 66.

I If Only French-Canadian play ab0ut a gay son and his mother. See Theatre review, page 60.

I Alison Moyet The chanteuse formerly known as Alf. See Music listings, page 45.

I Sing-a-long-a Abba The hits of the Swedish supergr0up performed live with onscreen lyrics so everyone can join in. See Music listings, page 45.



Candle Bar 20 (‘antlleriggx SM IZXS. ‘ipnt. l‘i‘ee. l.i\e|_\ hai‘.

Court Bar on lluleltexon Street. 55: 24M. (r30 l0pin. l-‘ree. l’opular traditional har.

Delmonica’s ox Virginia Street. 553 4803. 0pm. Free. l)J\. qtii/ and karaoke. Centre l l l)l\nll .Sll't‘t‘l. 23l 7203. l lain midnight. liree. (‘ale/har. Mercury Lounge l4: Bath lane. 348 I777. Bar open from 5pm. l-‘ree. Polo Lounge S4 \Vilxon Street. 553 1321. |0pin lain. Free. lintertainment f'roin Mon to Thu and a lix'el} bar at

\\ L‘L‘kelulx.

Revolver in John Street. 553 245p. 8.30pm. Free. Weekl). Popular har. Sadie Frosts S l() \VCSI George Street. 332 S005. Noon midnight. Free. DJx. karaoke and tllll/IL‘S.

Waterloo Waterloo Street. 33‘) 53‘”. Noon midnight. Well-knonn ga} har.

Clubs Bennet’s 90 (ilaxxl‘ord Street. 553 S76]. llpin~ 3.30am. £3 to (£2 {Si

70 THE LIST 13—37 Mar 900%


Lick lt \lereui} lounge. l-l: Hath I .zllt' NS 1"" lllpin 3am liee heloie

ll 30pm. H allei \\eekl\ \lISelllt'hillS laughs and erotn male [it‘lli‘llllt'lS

Mr Gay llt'llllt‘l‘\, ‘lll ( li.l\\l"lll Slieel. “3 VM lll 3S \lar

llpin lillain t3 to it: 1*» lhe (ilaxgou heal ol the annual toiilexl \l. llll l)\ l) p|.i_\el\ and eaxli tip for gratis ;\n_\one inlerexled lll eoriipeling e an enter on the night

Girls on Top l‘k'llllt'l.\. ‘lll ( il.l\\l|‘lll Slieel. “I <~lil lll -l \pi llpiri £3 Ur it: {it \loiitlil} (illl\ only iuglil

Glasgow Saturdays


Lifeboy \leieur} lounge. I-l.‘ llath lane. Z-lS l7fi’. 10.30pm 3am l'iee heloie l13lipili‘. £5 alter \Veekl) iiiot Sat 5 .-\prl. ('ulting edge danee lllllSlt' Crash \ler'etii} lounge. l-l.‘ Hath |.ane. I-lS I777. Sat 5 \pi

l0. lllpin 3am. {the \\itli l).l\ l’rint'exx Julia. .\lai‘k .\loore. 'l'axt} Inn and more


Boys in the City (‘(‘,-\. Wt Satieltiehall Street. 353-1000. Sat .“i Mar. ‘iarn Spin. l'ree. Reeeplion Spin ineltiding a [il't'St'lllullUll h} Bod} l’liSllHt'. ()tleroll exhibition of the photographs It} \oliinleer .\lenela\ Sialakax \\ itli lhernex ol pla} lulnexx. )iitilli and puhlie dixohedienee

Glasgow Tuesdays


Pink Pound .\lereui'_\ lounge. l-l.‘ lialli lane. 3433' I777. Illprii 3am. l‘ree helore l 1.30pm; t'l alter. \Veekl}. (I drink pl'tillitiS and DJ .\liehelle.

Glasgow Wednesdays


Bona Cornucopia (ll-“l1 13 Row Street. 3.33 SILS. “ed 3 .»\pl‘. LU)“

it 3.5m. A look at the \toi'k ol Kenneth Williams tixing rarel) seen telex lSlUll l'oolage. (lllll'lL‘S and letter\.

3 Want


CDT The Slailtl. 333 \Voodlantlx Road. 0370 “ll” (3055. \Vetl ‘) Apt; 7_ 3llplll. Ur (£5). \lonthl}. Willi (‘raig Hill and .llll

l’eaet Wk.

Edinburgh Fridays Clubs Velvet ligo. H l’ieai'd) Place. 473 7434. Fri ZS Mar. llpin 3am. Ur (£5);

lixeellenl danee aetton Wed to Sun and a student night on Thu.

Cube 34 Queen Street. 23o S‘Nli. ll.30pm 3am. £3 (£3 uith l'l_\ei’i. ('heext ehart ga} nights on Mon (PilSSlUlléllll) ) and 'l‘ue ll'il N ). Mercury Lounge l4: Bath lane. 2-18 I777. Bar open from 5pm; (‘luh l0pin 3am. l‘ree. ()pen late 'l'ue Sun \xith l)J\. drag aels. (K‘t‘iISIUllill theme nights and a xx eekl} eotned} eluh i'l‘hu).

Polo Lounge S4 \Vllsnll Street. *5: IZZI. 10pm 3am. £5. l-rexli. l.ll\ll and ('arr} on l’olo. Hi to Sun.


Joys-4-Us l.(il%'l~ (‘entre l I |)i\on Street. III 7203. Noon Spin. .\'e\\ lesbian—run \lllip \toeking \ ltlt‘US. l)\'l)\. inaga/inex. hooks. Ctll'tlS. incense. L‘ttlltlleS. nm elllL‘S and lo_\\.


LGBT Centre M Dunn Street. III 7303. Main ga} eentre liliSllllfJ He}ond Barriers (challenging homophobia i. Stew Relxon ga} men‘x \e\ual health adxiee i'l‘hu 5.30 .S'.30pmi. llHllSllk'

Glasgow Fridays SA

60 Broughton Street. Edinburgh, 0131 478 7069

It‘s all change in the old home of Nexus. It‘s had a name change. the shop has gone and the cafe has expanded and introduced a new menu. Owner and manager Joanna Martinez was involved in Nexus and decided to take the opportunity to work for herself. With a history in the catering business, she knew what the customers were looking for and chose her international-style menu. There is everything from Spanish tapas and torados. home-made Greek hummus and Italian pastas to jacket potatoes and salads.

The cafe bar has a laid-back feel which allows you to dine at your leisure or just have a coffee while soaking up the sun streaming through the huge windows. Be prepared to fight for a place on the comfy leather sofa that

looks out onto Broughton Street.

The LGB Centre now has a separate entrance directly off the street but it‘s definitely worth a visit to Sala whether you’re visiting the centre. just passing, or having a lazy day drinking coffee and reading the papers. (Jane Hamilton)

luo lot one lreloie ll 30pm. \lonllil} \rglil lot ea) gulx and their \peeia||_\

rn\ iled ho} liiendx

Woman’s Own ('luli .la\;i. (‘oiiurteieial Street. I eitlt. 55‘ So}: l'll -l s\]il. lllpiii Iain. [S before midnight; t" .illei. \lonlhl}. “omen onl} eluh \\llll lt'Sltlt'lil l).l Riv.

Edinburgh Saturdays


Eye Candy \l;i\\a. 3o 3‘) \lai'kel Stieel. Eli-1.7.13. Ilpm 3am. [l0 ttSi. \M't‘kl}. (ilairi house part}.

Men Only (’laieiiiont. l33 I3i l‘.;t\l (‘lateriionl Street. “o Sooj. Sat 5 .\pr. Spin l'iee. l'orliughll). \\ild drew eode Mingin’ Studio3-1iupxlairxi.(‘allon Road. SSS VSS. Sat S .-\pr. l0. 30pm 3am {5 before midnight; to alter. l-oi'tniglitl}, (la) lriendl) eluhlnng \\llll l't‘Sltlt'lllS Brian l)einp\ler and Alan lo} Wiggle lago. l’ieard} l’laee. ~17S "-l 3-1, Sat 3‘) Mar. llpm 3am. U). \loiithl).

'l rend} \Vend}. .lon l’leawd. Sall} l' and \llt'llt‘llt'.

Healing (iroup i_\lon 7, if) lliprrii. l’ei‘loi'iuanee (iroup i.\lon 7. 30priii.

()l (i.~\ \oeial group lor older lexlnanx llllilllllil} i. leeltieakei's lor those lie“ to the \eene linonthl}. alw at Sadie l'lt\\l\l. lli (illtxgtnk iinonthl} i. ('i‘mxl} n\ (iroup tirionthl} i. (hit on Sunda) inloiinal group hit all l.(il£'l”\ iinontltl} i. l.l(‘ lt'Sl‘lilll \oetal group tiiiontlil} l and Speakeax} poet and “l'llt‘l'S group linoiithl} i.



Blue Moon Cafe l Baron} Street. 557001]. Mon l‘l'l llain l 1.30pm; Sat Sun ‘ipui l3. 30am. l'i'ee. ladinhurgh'x lttllfJL'Sl-l'lllillllljJ ga} eale. CC Blooms :3 34 (ilt't‘llSltlt' l’lllL‘t'. 55o ‘) 33 I. Hi. 30pm 3am that lrom (ipllll. l‘l‘et'. .-\l\ii lliiSIS leehi'eakei‘x iiuonthl) l for those llt'\\ to the Scene. Habana (it'eelhltlt' l’ltlt'L‘. 55S l37l). Noon lain. l-ree. l)_l\ e\er} Hi and Sat and qui/oke on lllll.

Flashback 0 Hope Street. 3% 0001. -1pm lain. l)i\eo and pop Mon to Strii. Frenchies RH\L' Sll't't'l. 235 705 l.

Luvely 'l'he | iquid Room. ‘it Vietoiia

Sllt't‘l. .3.“ 350-1. Slll 5 Apt. l0 {lipm 3am. to. \lonthl}. House pan}.

Edinburgh Sundays


Taste ’l'lie|llltl Room. ‘ie Vietoiia Stieet. 335 .‘Sot llpiri 3am. [5 before ll30pin; L'S iUr llit‘llll‘t‘l'Sl alter; t' I0 non llit'llllit'l’S on guest I” nights \Veekl). .Ion l’leaxed on Sun 30 .\lai. Tackno Maxxa. 3o 3‘) Market Street. Elli-132.1. Stin {0 Mai". l0, 30pm 3am. L3 to. \loiillil}. \Vith 'I‘rerid} \Vend)

Edinburgh Tuesdays

Clubs Vibe Iago. l’ieard} l’laee. ~17.\' 7-134. llpiu 3am. t3. Wet-kl}. ('liart} part).


OOT on Tuesday The Stand. o York l’laee. SSS 7273. ‘lue S Apr. 7. 30pm. to t£5r Monthly See (ilaxgtm \Vetl.

lpm Iain. l'ree. Popular.

The Laughing Duck 2»: lltme Street. 320 2 37o. .\lon ‘l llll

llani llpni; l‘l'l & Sat llarn lain; Stilt ll.3l)atit llprn. Sl}li\li. L‘tillll} hai'.

New Town Bar buhlin Street. SW 7775. Mon 'l‘hu noon lam; l‘ri Sal noon 3am; Stilt l3. 30pm 1am. (la) L'l'lllSL' bar and underground eluh Planet Out (il'L'ellSlllL' l’lttL‘L‘. 53-1 00M. Mon l-‘ri 4pm lam; Sat Sun 3pm lain. l‘ree. Regular lun e\ent\. l)J\ ineluding 'l'rend} Weird} i.\loni. qlll/IL'S and bingo.

Sala (r0 Broughton Street. 473 706‘). 'ltie Sun llaiu llprii. l'ree. 'l‘he l.(ill ('enlre'x eale IS rte“ I) reopened.


Dykes Night Out l’t) Box lot). lzlll 3l.l '. Soeial exenings lor \tonien. LGB Centre on Broughton Street. 47S 7on9. Important ga) eentre hoxllng the \Voiiien'x (iroup Drop-In t'l‘hui. (Ea) l)ad\ Seotlantl tinonthl} i as u ell as Bi-l'.tlirthiii'gli the weird/support group lor bisexuals and those questioning their \L'\ll;llll_\ lllitillllil) i.