Art listings

Glasgow School at Art continued

Smalls l'ntil I‘l‘l 35 Apr (Atrium

(iallcr) i. An cxhibition ol' \niall-xcalc L'Ct‘;ittllc‘\ lo cclcbratc thc intcrnational llllkx lk'l“ L'Cti (ilaxgtm School (ll. .Al'l'S L‘crtitiilc tlcpartmcnt and il\ partticr lllSllllllltillS in .AllSlrilIllt. RUSSIA! and thc l'SA.


183 Bath Strcct. 333 lWl. Mon l‘ri l(l.3()ani 5pm; Sat ltl_3()am lpni. Spring Exhibition t'niil Wed 30 Apr. A \pring collcction ol‘ paintingx including \HWKS b} Margarct Ballanl_\nc. John Bcllan}. llamixh McDonald. l’ctcr .\'artlim. (‘arlo Rthxl. liugcnc Dckkcrt. Patrick I)U\\lllt‘ and man} morc.


IS King Slrccl. 553 3540. 'l‘uc Sat

noon 6pm.

Use Your Illusion l'niil Sat 2‘) Mar. Ncu work from Lucy Batcx. Katc l)a\i\. lamic Kilburn. Julia Schmidt. Sarah Smith. Yionnc ’l‘uatltllc and Nathan \Vilxon.


300 Bath Strcct. 5.” (I733. 'l‘uc Sill 9am 6pm.

The Eluethera Chronicles Fri 38 Mar “ml 7 .\la_\. Painting and lilm producctl in thc Bahamax b} Roth-rick Smith. NEW SHOW.


I l Mitclicll Lanc. 331 6363. Mon.

\Vcd Sat l().3()am 5pm1'l'tic llam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. £3 (SOpi.

River City: The Making of a BBC Scotland Soap l'ntil Sun .ill Mar

tch icu (iallcr} ii (io bcliintl tlic \ccncx ol BB(' Scotlaiitl‘x ncucxt \oap Rn t'r (‘IIL Fiona Alston - Raprolight t‘nnl Stiii 13 Apr il.c\c| 4 (‘irculationi l-‘iona :\l\ltill prcscntx hci' 'raprolight' tlcxign which “ax CUIIIIIIISSIUIIL‘tI b) (ilaxgoii l)c\ign ilx part ol' lIS 3nd Batch collcction ol products in 3003.

Flammable Jam - Life of Pi Interactive Promo l'nnl Sun 3t) Apr tAlcoxc I.L'\L‘I 4i. IIU\\ (iill'ol‘tl'x onlinc intcractix c promo l’or Yann Martcll'x Bookcr pri/c-uinning noxcl lift of I’I. thc lit‘xt in a \cricx ol' tour to bc pi‘otliicctl lor ('anongatc bookx.

Neil Tierney - Incubator Prototype l’ntil .\lon 3| Apr (Alcox c. In cl 4). Young (ilaxgou tic-\igncr .\'ci| 'l‘icrnc) '\ protot} pc lot a morc cl'licicnt incubator lor criticall) ill babicx gocx on display

Common-Place l'ntil \Vctl I l Jun. A look at how builtlingx arc concciictl antl tlcwlopctl. l'ocuxing on ninc Scottixh projcctx including litlinburgh‘x l)ancc Baxc and a \hcltcr on 'l‘ircc. newformations 3 Fri 33 Mai“ Sat 17 Ma) tl-‘ormi. l’rintctl lcxtilcx b) \onic ol Scotland‘x lorcmoxt tlcxigncrx lcaturing Joannc Kinncrxl}-'l'a)lor\ lath hantl- printctl tablc lincn rangc. hantl \ilkxcrccn printing tlc‘rtixx ol' rangc ol' lionic intcriorx b} l-‘iona McIntoxh and Annc K))ro ()uinn’x \ol't lurnixhingx. I’llh icucllcr) b} tlcxigncrx uorking \\ ith plthllc‘S antl \ilxcr. Timorous Beasties Sat 5 Apr Sun 32 Jun tchic“ (iallcr) l.c\cl l i. Rcccnt

Glasgow Print Studio Gallery

Atww Red Path iii": in: “.u‘

86 THE LIST 2? Mar—10 Apr 2003


2|March - l0 May 2003 Caller. Barbara Rae - Travelog Carer". ll Joyce Leitch Somewhere Else Caner. 'il Shu Ching Yeh Etchings & Drypoints

.. .3 '\ ,\S'.'z“<*‘.w’,;i-.\,,,.'. \: ,1 090" looK SJ). T 1,;7!“ to c v 3:. o .-.c:; ran-x it a,

New work by Barbara Rae is on show at the Glasgow Print Studio

\iork b} thc (ilaxgoii -b.i\ctl tlcxign conipan} \Slilt‘ll \pccialixcx in printctl labricx. \xallpapcrx antl llllt‘l’ltil'S. Scc Shopping.

RSA Student Design Awards Sat 3‘) Mar Sun 37 Apr Annual c\liibition \lio\\c;i\iiig llic bcxl ol \IlltlL‘lll tlcxign proicctx in thc l’K.


Station Road. .\lilnga\ic. 57S SS4“.

'l‘uc Sat lilani lpm & 3 5pm

Joan Eardley (1921-1963) Sat 3‘) .\lar \Vctl Io Apr A \mall tlixpla} ol tlramngx b} Joan l:aitllc_\ draun lrom tlic gallcr} '\ pcrmancnt collcction. N?

Si l()‘.'..

Young People’s Art Sat 2‘) Mar \\‘ctl lo Apr. I’ainling\_ than Ill:._'\ and \culplurcx b_\ participantx allcntling claxxcx at thc gallci'}.


333 S 334 |)ukc Strccl. l)cnm\toun. 5M (mu: 'l‘uc Sat noon opm.

The Way it IS Inc 1 Sat 5 Apr. \‘itlco projcct crcatctl \uth )oung pcoplc in Dcnnntoun ('ommixxionctl b} thc .\larkcl_


7| 73 Albion Strcct. oll (‘antllcriggx 553 59(ng l‘or morc inlormation about l)a//lc (ll 5S0 S535ll3 or log otito u.\t\\./ The Glasgow Art Fair Fringe 2003 \Vctl 9 Sun I i Apr. l’notal Art and thc (irccnhouw (iallcr) ioin lorccx loi‘ IIIIS c\liibnion ot' contcmporar} Scottixh art in (ilaxgou \ .\lcrc|iant Squarc. .'\l'll\l\ mcludc llclcn Ucncrlc) \\ ho \iill bc \liouing a 7M \culpturc ol a camcl. antl lrixh artixt Sandra Bcll and 'lim l’omcro}.


75 Rtibc‘t‘lxon Strcct. SllIlL‘ 6. l'iltitil' I. 3-13 57l l. 'l‘uc l‘ri noon 5pm.

Simon Periton: Snip Riot Omen I'll 33 Mar I'll 35 Apr .\'c\\ papcr cut-outx by Simon l’criton. Ship/1'.


33l \VCSI (ic'til'g'c‘ SII‘L‘CI. 3-13 95.5.5.

.\lon I'll lllam 5,3llpm1Sat lllam 3pm Mixed Show t‘nnl \Vctl 3n Apr. .-\ \clcction ol Scotthh \iatcrcolourx and pulllllllg'x


it» \Vadimgton Strcct. 33l 3l33. .\lon l'ri 0am 5pm.

GSA Visual Communication Exhibition [hill in l l Apr. An c\hibition ol \tork b_\ thrcc (ilaxgou School oi Art \ lSllttI ctimmunication lccturcrx.


0 \Vilxon Sticcl Mcicliaiit ('ii_\. 553 (i703. ‘l'uc. \Vctl & I'll Ilani (ipiii; Illtl llani 7pm1Sal Illam opni; Sun I 5pm Mechanic l'ntil Sun l3 Apt. l’lioto l'L'ttllSIIL' paintingx b} Dan .\lcl)cimott lakcii lroni Supcr S ciiic lilm \Iltil iii .\'c\\ York and IV \llllS. antl lcalin'iiig urban and \uburban Anicrican t‘;|l\. roatlx antl burltlingx.


l'nil 3. \lcrcliant Squarc. 553 5037

'l'uc Sat llam 5.30pm; Sun llani 5pm Mixed Exhibition [bill 'I liii 37 Mai l.antl\capc\ and \llll lilc b) \iit'iiitiii Kirkliani antl gallcr} rcgularx (icrartl .\1 Burn\. l’at Scniplc antl J;tlllL‘\ llaukinx.


('cnti'c l'or l)c\clopnicntal .Al'lx IS Albion Strcct. 553 3333. Mon l‘ii

lllalli 5pm.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles Part 2 [bill l‘ri 3S Mar. l’art tuo ol a group Silt)“ baxctl on thc tlicmc ol lt'ulhpul'l.

Arizona Dreams I‘l‘l ~1Apr Stui l l Slay A collaboratix c cxhibition b} l’t‘oiccl Abilit} antl Natiw Amcrican artixtx li‘oni Ari/ona lcaturing iniagcx ol Scotland lroni a .\'ati\ c Aiiicrican pcrxpcctixc and \ icc \crxai NE W Si l()‘.’.’


Hit) chlrcu Strccl. 333 5057. Mon in ()am 4,3lipm.

Pauline Murray t'nnl Mon 3| Mar. Work in paxlcl and acr} Iic lIISpH'L‘tl b} pattcrnx lountl in naturc and tlic laticlscapc


(i Burnlicltl Road. (iillnock. (HS l3titl. 'l‘uc l‘i'i llam 5pm: Sat Illani 5pm; Sun noon 5pm

Group Show l'ntil l'ri 3S Mar. l’aintmgx b_\ Sarah ('arrington. l’ctcr \artlini. Blair 'l'homwn and Pat Kramck

Mixed Show Inc I Wm] 30 Apr. An ongoing c\liibition ol' original paintingx b} gallcr) tirllslx.


3nd l‘loor. l4 King Strcct. 553 7th“), 'l‘hu noon 6pm; Sun noon 3pm at

4 (ipm.

Old Haunts New Work l'ntil Sun 3| Aug. £3 «£3: undcr lox l’rcci A tlhplit} of original lurmturc lll wood by lhc latc 'I‘Ini Slcatl.