Art listings

Edinburgh Galleries continued ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE

Landingx (iallct'y. 10H Princex Street. 225 l5ill. .\lon l‘ri lilam (ipm. What If . . ? l'ntil i'l't 9 May. Winner of the R()Sl. Annual Art lixliibition (‘atalogue l)e\ign (ionipetition. .\lookx llamliali from Singapore. prexentx and exhibition of typographic interpretationx on \ubiectx affecting daily life ranging from a xliopaholicx route planner and life decixionx for Mtixlim yxomen today.


l() iit)\\L' Street. 32.5 2”“). bit)" Sttl ltlam 5.30pm; Siiii by appointment. Antique and Contemporary Eastern Carpets lidinbui'gh'x neyy ext lzaxtern rug and carpet gallery xet up by Brian .\lacl)onald featurex a fine Selection of contemporary rug art from the liaxt as \yell ax antique rugx and tribal bagx.


to l)tindax Street. 55S 1200. Mon l’ri ltlam (ipm; Sat ltlam 4pm.

Janice Gray l‘ntil Wed 2 Apr. .-\ xmall Slit)“ of ltltlttttl‘UUS animal \xatercolourx.

David McClure t'ntil Wed 2 Apr. An exhibition of paintingx by Day id .‘xic(‘lure RSA. RSW t I926 I998). Kathie Murphy l'nttl Wed 2 Apr. \eyy rexiniexxellei'y by Kathie Murphy. Teapots l'ntil Wed 2 Apr. A grotip \lttiyy of contemporary fornix of the traditional teapot in ceramic and

xll\ erxx are.

Scottish Colourist Drawings Mon 7 Apr Fri 2 May. A xltoyx of draxxingx by the Scottixh colourixtx: SJ Peploe. Jl) l"c‘i‘gtixxtiii. (i l.exlie Hunter and l-‘(‘B ('adell. NEW SHO‘JI’.

Rings Mon 7 Apr Hi 2 May. Regular and my ited makerx are presented in thix group xlioxx focuxmg on dexignx for l‘tltgx.

Sax Shaw Memorial Exhibition Mon 7 Apr Hi 2 May. 'l'apextry. xtained glaxx and \xorkx on paper.


5 (‘i‘icliton‘x ('loxe. ('anongate. 557 2870. Mon Fri Itlani (ipm; Sat

noon 4pm. \\'(‘. \VA.

Marianna Lines: Stone Poems l'iitil Sat l2 Apr. A yixual poetic fuxion of “only and imagex \x itli traditional hand-printed etchingx. reproduction printx on felt and natural dye xytirlx'x iiixpired by Pictixh xtonex.


Reiacli ttltd Hall Architectx. (i Darnaxyay Street. 225 S444. Mon liri 2 5pm.

Kenneth Dingwall t'iittl t-‘ri 18 Apr. .-\n inxtallation by Kenneth Dingxyall.

THE SOUTHSIDE GALLERY 5b' Rtttcliflc 'l‘L‘t't‘aL‘C. 667 l9(i(i.

.\lon l‘ri 9am—brim; Sat 10am 5pm. Alison Auldjo l'ntil .\ton I4 Apr. .\'eyy oilx and acry licx.


2| Lixtttttl‘c Crescent. (320 3344.

Wed l‘ri by appointment only.

Dave Beech t'ntil Fri 28 Mar. i);l\L‘ Beech prexent a Seriex of nexx work entitled Stretching the Trill/I. The poster-flied text yxorkx haye been described ax a ‘Scrambled databaxe of a political xpeech xyriter xxhoxe computer has been infected by a \ irux designed by the ghoxt of William Burroughx.' Soundx intriguing.

The Gruppe Show t'nttt t-‘rt 25 Apr. Artixtx from the Tag Team group hay e been my ited to xhoxy a piece of \xork alongxide the work of l)a\e Beech. the laxt artist to initiate his oxxn xhoxy. The result ix a grand array of objectx and xtatementx.

90 THE LIST 2" Ma'—‘ S in"

The Scottish Photographic Federation at the McManus Galleries

TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'niyerxity of lidinburgh. South Bridge. (i5() 2210. Tue Sat ltlam 5pm.

Jo Ganter Sat 5 Apr Sat 3 May. Delicate lithography and xcreenprintx and a neyx xc‘l’lL‘S of paintingx by (ilaxgoyy—baxed at'tixt Jo (ianter. NE‘.“.’ SHOW

Zoe Fothergill Sat 5 Apr Sat 3 May tround roomi. lidinburgh ('ollege of Art graduate Zoe l-‘otliergill createx an iiixtallation of mm en xxire yexxelx for the round room.


5(1 l)tttttl;tx Street. 556 (i366. Mott l'it‘t llam (ipm; Sat [0.30am 4pm.

Enid Foote Watt and Ian Frame l'ntil Sat 29 Mar. Recent paintings by [art lirame and linid l-‘oote Watt yy ho \adly died earlier [ltix year.

Spring Exhibition Sat 5 Apr Sat 3 May. Spring exhibition featuring paintings. jeyxellery and \culpture by around (it) ttl‘ltxlx including regular exhibitorx. NEV‘.’ SHOW.


(‘afe Bar. It) (‘ambridge Street. 228 5383.

In Glorious Technicolour tfnttl Sat l9 Apr. Recent yyork by Malcolm Beii/ie. .\'eil ('ammock and (‘atherine l)ey’lin in axxociatioii with the lidiiiburgh International Science liextiyal.


to South Fort Street. 478 7810. Mon Sat llam~| l.45pm; Sun 12.30 ll.45pni.

Premonitions t'ntil Sat 26 Apr. Paintingx. xculpture. xk'etchex and reproductionx by Alan Rtixx.


3t) \Vextburn (irox‘c. \Vexter llailex. 458 5267.

ArtAttack l'ntil l‘ri ll Apr. An exhibition of work by the Whale Art.-\ttack group.


4 l)undax Street. 558 9544/5. Mon—Fri l()ain (ipin; Sat Ham—4pm.

Spring Exhibition l'ntil Sat 19 Apr. Selected Victorian oil paintingx and \yatercolourx.

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh Life, page 95.


42 High Street. 529 4142. Mon— Sat l()am~5pm.

The Golden Ages of Toys L‘ntil Sat 7 Jun. Share the magic of Meccano. llornby traiii xetx. teddy bearx and the \xonderful array of toy x that came to life betxxeen IS9() and 1930.


I42 ('anongate. 529 4l4.‘~. .\lon Sat ltlatn 5pm. Packed yxitli hixtoric artefactx. lltlx rextot'ed loth century manxion tellx the xtory of lidinbut‘gh‘x paxt and itx people and liouxex important collectionx of lidiiiburgh xily er and glaxx. Scottixh pottery and \hop xigiix. Unmarked Lives t'ntil Sat .‘~ May. A touring exhibition of tapextriex. lL‘\lllL‘\ and papet‘xyorkx by Joanne Soroka focuxing on the ll\Cx of her Scottixli. Japanexe and eaxtern litiropean


Neyyliayen Harbour. 55l 4165. Daily noon 4.45pm.

A Tribute to Fishermen t‘ntil Wed 31 Dec. An exhibition focuxing on the \yorking lixex of t'ixherman. featuring ceramic and textile tlcxtflttx created by xtudctttx front \‘ictoria Primary School and Iidinbtirgh'x 'l‘elford ('ollege.


2 (’hamberx Street. 247 42l9. .\lon Sat 10am 5pm t'l'ue 8pm); Sun noon 5pm. Free.

Millennium Clock A chance to \ ieyy Rtixxian mechanical xculptor liduard Berxudxky 'x millennium clock. a kinetic xculpture. meaxuring 9m high. Mediating with Spirits, Shamans in Korea l'nttl Sun 30 Mar. An exhibition exploring xhamanixiii. an important element of the Altaic cttlture that came to Korea in the 13th century B(‘. The xhoyy featurex dioramax atid ritual objech llSL‘ti by xhaiiianx. many of \xhicli haxe been donated to the National .\luxeumx of Scotland by the Korean goyernment. Designing Ourselves t'ntil Sun 3t) Mar. A faxcinating insight into hoxx dexign can be lISCd on ourxelyex. to enhance. adorn atid tranxforin the body. yxhether by tattooing. piercing. branding or eyen surgery. Key exhibitx include Shatiii Leane'x (‘milom' ('urer. a curyaceoux xilxer-plated corxet uhich retlectx the xilhouette of the ('oca-(‘ola contour bottle and body xculpture by contemporary jeyyeller Jacky ()liyer. William Speirs Bruce - The First Polar Hero l’ntil Sun I Juti. An exhibition celebrating the lifetime achieyementx of William Speirx Bruce. a polar \L‘lL‘ltllSI and leader of the Scottiin National Antarctic Expedition in |9()2—A4. See reyiexy.

William Speirs Bruce: A New Perspective Wed 2 Apr. 2.l5pm. .\‘.\lS curator (ieoff Syy inney gixex a talk oti polar explorer William Speirx Bruce. Textile Art from Southern Appalachia - The Quiet Work of Women L'ntil Sun 25 May. Textile yyorkx by yyomen liy'ing in the Southern Appalachia. a region that includes Wextern North ('arolina. [iaxt Tennexxee and Southyxest Virginia.


lady Staii'x llouxe. 1 ad\ Stank (Joye. 5294991 \lon Sat lttain 5pm Chapman: A Literary Hinterland l'ntil Sat 5 \pi \n exhibition celebrating the lttttth edition ot (7:..g:m:..v'_ Scotlandiix liteiaiy magazine


l’iiiyei'xity ot Dundee. 13 With Road. Hl3S2 3453.19 Mon in 9am S itlpni. Sat Want 4 39pm

My Mouth is Quiet But my Mind is Noisy l‘iitil .\loti 14 \pi Internationally tenoyxiied lllthlldlt‘l John \Vulxtin 10h“ :tllNli

Interior and Environmental Design Department that ill 1 1 -\pt tl.oxxei' l‘oy er (ialleiyt lntetioi and

em noiimental dexign xttideiitx iexpond to a biiet to ieconxti'tict .t neyy oblcct out ot the partx ot ati old obiect

Legacy - Images of South Georgia l‘ntil \loti l4 Apt tl aiiib (iallei‘yi An exhibition ot paxt atid pi'exent photogtapltx ot Sotitli (ieoigia

DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS 152 \etheigate. HI KS2 9H99HH l’ue \\etl. Sat ck Stiii lit Want 5 itlpiii. lliti ix i'il 10.30am Spin.

0 Christopher Wool Stiii o Apt Stiii .S‘ Jun. 'l‘he tirxt maioi [K ono \ltoyy tot the iiitluential American .tlll\l. ('lii'txtopliet‘ \Vool. knoyyn toi illS bold and otteti multi-layei‘ed paintingx \ylitcli combine \ci’cenpi'intnig and xpt'ay paiiit \yith painterly l‘tll\l1\\tttk 'l he exhibition teaturex [\yo gi'ottpx ot pltologt'aphx each ot oyei' too imagex ax yx ell ax large \cale paiiitingx. See prex ieyy

Craft Focus l‘ntil Sun o Apt t( )ne 'l'yyo l'ixe xliopi. Jeyxellei'y iii U\lxIlSCti

Sll\ er atid gold by Andrea l)otigla~


Albert Square. ill .‘MS2 432HS4. .\loii Sat lifiilaiii 5pm; Stiii 1230 4pm. 'lliti 10.30am "pm.

The Scottish Photographic Federation - The First Hundred Years Sun 3” Mar Stiii 4 May An exhibition celebrating It)“ yearx of club photography featuring miagex. printx. xlidex and camerax oti loan from many ot the Fill) or xo cltibx \yho hay c iiiade tip the federation. NE SHUI.

British Art Sat 29 Mar Stiii 22 Jtiii Work by Walter Sickert. John \ttSll aiid Stanley Spencer

Guided Tours Sat 5 Apr. 2pm (itnded tottt‘x ol the Scottixh Photographic l‘ederation exhibition.

Print and Slide Shows/Av Presentations Sat 5 Apt. 3pm. A xeriex ot xlide Sittiyyx to accompany the Scottixh Photographic l'edet'atton exhibition.

The Beatles in Dundee t'nttl .\loit 3‘) Jun. A collection of photograph tioiii the l)(' 'llionixon arcliiyex plux film


Outside the Cities

East Kilbride

EAST KILBRIDE ARTS CENTRE ()ld (’oacli Road. 01355 2(iHNNl

Mon Sat 9am 9pm; Stiii noon 9pm. Three l'ntil Sun 20 Apr l.;ttttJ\c;tpcx by former (iltthtiyy School til Art xtudentx ('athy Richmond. Shirley 'l‘tpping atid Judy Spark.



3.5 The Stirling Arcade. 011% 4’93(il. Tue~Sat llain 5pm.

Prince Lightening - The Long Scratch Sat 5 Apr Sat 24 Slay. Nathaniel .\lellor\ prexentx photogntphx. IIIUSIL' and a xculptural inxtallatit in u hich dt ictinient his inyention ot Pnnce Lightening. a ‘dixplaced you] Star. HEX. SHOE.