ientist John ulston


Edinburgh Physick Garden: 333 Years On Rina] liotaiiie (iartleii. lmerleith Ron. 553 “17!. l lam l3,3llpm tk 3 3.30pm. £3 (£3.5tli. See in II. Design-A-Dinosuar Roxal \tiixeum. 3 ('haniherx Street. 34" -13 l‘). l |.3llaiii & Killpiii. £3. See Hi I l.

"sunda 13


Convicted by Computer Rinal .\ltixetiiii. 3 (’haiiihei'x Street. 34” .13 I‘),

3 3pm. £(i i£4 l. liiteriiet erime eomex under the iiiieroxeope ax (‘ln e (‘ariniehael- Joiiex axkx: \Vhat prohleiiix do eomptiter iinextigatioiix laee'.’

Evolving the Alien Ro)al .\luxeuni. 3 (‘hainherx Street. 34" 43W. 4 5pm. £3 t£5i; lamil} tieltet £3ll, (Killing all .\'-/-ilm and li'l' lanx. l‘intl out xoine ol the iiioxt outrageoux poxxihilitiex lor e\ti'a--terrextrial lite merlooketl h} man} xeieiitixtx. ax Jaek (‘ohen antl laii Steuart. authoi‘x ol l-Jioli'uie the .'lll('H appl} their xeientilie e\pertixe to the e\aiiiinatioii ot ‘eelehi‘in alieiix' li'oiii film and hoon and gauge \\ lietlier the} are hiologieall} eretlihle.

Question Time 'l'i'axeixe ‘l’lieau-e. ('aiiihritlge Street. 33S’ l4tl4. "pm. £(i (£4i. Some ol' the iiioxt eoiiipliealetl qiiextionx ol' our time are iinplieitl)

intertu lllL‘tl \\ ith xeieiitit'ie athaiieex iii teehnolog). ('oine and Join thix lixel} 'l'\'- xt)le tlixeuxxioii and poxe _\our oun quextionx to xome of the eouiiti‘iex inoxt thought-primoking iiitlnitlualx. inelutliiig (’laire Ra}iier and Rieliartl llolloxxa). Suhiiiit _\our tiuextionx iii athaiiee to ho\ot'l'iee(0 xeitext.tleinoii.eo.tik and iiielutle )titir name and tla}tiiiie telephone iiuinhei: Vegetable Museum Rinal .\tuxcum. 3 ('haiiiherx Street. 34" 43“). .S' ‘lpin. £0 «£4 I. Join the tlehate ahotit “ltclllL‘l' geiietie engineering ix ha\ mg poxitix e or negatn e et't'eetx on our l'ootlxtult}

Economics, Behaviour and Reality 'l’raxerxe 'l'heatre. (’aiiihritlge Street. 33S Hit-1S 0pm, £hi£~li Dr Mark Btiehanaii. l-oriiier l‘eature litlitor ot' .\'eu Si'ieniixt. tlixetixxex helia\ iout'al eeoiioiinex. and e\plainx \\li_\ eeonoiiiixtx and

px) etiologixtx are mm exploring the iiixtahilit) ot~ human heha\ iour in relation to potential eeonomie eonxequeiieex.


The Zoo and its Role in Conservation lidiiihurgh Zoo. ('orxtorphiiie Road. 334 0|"l. Illam noon, £7.50. l)ixeuxx the ixxuex xurrountling eonxenatioii and loo keeping during a guided tour letl h) iiieinherx ol the litlueation Department.

Other events

Keeping Scotland Healthy! Rinal liotaiiie (iartlen. lineileillt RU“. 553 7l7l, Illam 5pm l'iee. See l'll ll. Bug Lab Rinal liotame (iai'tlen. linei'leith Ron. 553 "I‘l. lllani -lpm l'll't'L'. See Sal l3.

Treasures of the Garden Rotal liotaiiie (iai'tleii. linei'leith Ron. 553 7|7l. lllam 4pm. £l. See in II Energy for Life Rinal Boianie (iartlen. linerleitli Ron. 553 "I‘l.

Illam 5pm. l'ree. See l'i‘i ll,

Royal Observatory, Edinburgh Open Days Rwytl Ul‘w‘l'htlnl) \IISIlttl (.L'lill'L'. liltlL‘lxlUl'tl lllll. (i(i.\' Sill-l

| lam 5pm. l'i'ee. See Sat l3 Edinburgh Physick Garden: 333 Years On Ro}al liotaiiie (iaitleii. lmei'leith Ron. 553 ‘l‘l l lam I3, illpm & 3 3.3“pm. £3 i£3_5lli See l'll ll. Design-A-Dinosuar l{o_\al \ltixetiiii. 3 (‘liainherx Street. 31" ~13!” ll5ll.tlll tk 3.30pm, £3 See l'll ll.

Monday 14


Who are the Silent lnvaders?l<ti};il liotame (iaitleti. lineileitli Ron. 3 3pm. £4 i£3.5l)i. You'll tie\ er look at )our 'l'exeo ti‘olle) eoiiteiitx the xame ua} again ax Miriam Jaeohx e\aniiiiex the em ironineiital eoxt ol lootl on the xtipei'iiiarket xhell .llltl piexeiitx the moxt i'eeeiit laetx ahotit health impaelx l'rom glohal pextieitle tixe

Our Final Century? 'l'iaxeixe 'l‘heati'e. (’aiiihritlee Street. 338 l-lll-l 7.15 S.l5pm. £7 i£5i .\'oi the elieeriext ol tlixetixxioii topiex. htit laxeiiiating.‘ noiiethelexx. ('oxiiiologixt Sir .\lai'tni Reex eonxitlerx whether the litiiiiaii iaee eati xui'\i\ e the 3lxt eentiir). “till niitiiineiit

..-;r::;-.«;,-,,4H l": a.:..; «4

Edinburgh International Science Festival

thieatx ol ‘_'\'ll\'ll\ttll_\ eneiiieeietl \iitixex. lli'llt‘lt‘elllli‘l~‘j3}. ax \uell .ix en‘. iionniental iini‘lieationx

What Should our Genes Be Used For”? l\’w\.:l \ltixenin. 3 (liainl‘eix Street. 31‘13l‘t‘ “pin 1" 11' llou do he nit- ".x nit h senex to tlexelop antl to "ahat einlx l intl on! mth \xlt'lGC \‘-lll\'lx. Sn lohn \nlxton antl (ieotz'ina l eit_\ Memories are Made of This lhe lllll‘. ('tixtleltill. Rinal \lile_ ~15; 3M“ ‘15' \iitohioeiai‘hieal

iieinou ix the ke_\ to out xelt. _\et mentor} lll itxell tan l‘e l.tllll‘lt‘ llov. teltahle are our nienioiiex teall} ' \ntl \xhat impaet tloex ll liaxe ll thet thanee ' l’iotexxoi \laitin ('onua) tiom the l'iiiwixitx ol llniliain e\.iniinex the exitlenee

\ ‘lpin :5

Other €}\.'(}'ll8

Keeping Scotland Healthy! Raul llotann (ianlen. |n\eileith Ron. 553 filfil lllani 5pm liee See l ii ll

Big Name Game knell Itoiann (iaitlen. lineileitli Rim. 553 “|"l

lllain 5pm | tee l\ploie the \xoiltl ol plantx \i. ith the (ham l’laiit Ke} .llltl photoxenxitix e paper

Exploring the Seven Hills ('ailion llill. Regent leiiaee. Illam l illpm tk

_‘ R {tilim LIlltLh'I \‘t\ll .tll til l'tliiihtiieli'x xe\en liillx and gain an tiiitleixtaiitlinj; ot liou the xhape ol the l.tlttl ll.t\ .lllt't'lt'tl [\‘let' (“Ct llillt' \lt‘t'l at the eat paik on (.ttlllttll lllll. Fuelling the Future Roin Bonnie (iaitlen. lineileith Ron. 553 ~lql

lllam 5pm l'iee See l'l'l ll,

Real Life Science Ro}.tl Botaiiie (iai‘tlen. lineileith Rou. 553 7|"l.

ll). illam tk 3pm. £5 t£3i. See in II. Edinburgh Physick Garden: 333 Years On Rinal liotaiiie (iaitlen. lll\L'llt'llll Rim. 553 ilfil llatn l3. illpm t\ 3 l. illpiii. £3 t£3.5lli. See l'ri ll. Design-A-Dinosuar l<o_\a| .\luxeuni. 3 (‘haiiiherx Stieet. 343-131”. ll .illam & Villpm £3. See l'll ll.

Tilesday 15

Ta ks

Diamond lt’au‘l'xc 'l'heati’e. ('aiiihritlee Street. 33S Hit-t () 7pm. £(i i£-1i. In the immortal \xortlx ol good old _\l.iiil}ii Monroe. tliaiiioiitlx me a gii'l'x hext lllL'lltl l’llltl otit liou to grim _\oui' oun \Hlll thix iiilormetl talk Cancer: The Food Factor Ro};tl .\ltixetiiii. 3 ('haiiiheix Street. 347 >13l‘) (i Spin I£~l l. letttllltf.‘ L'\[3L't'tx oil eaiieei' attempt to tlennxtil} lootlx relationth \\ ith eaiieei'. Edinburgh Medal: China’s Bridge to Conservation Signet lilwiai). l’ai'liaiiieiit Sqnaie. 473 3ll”ll_ 7 .S'.l5pm £(i i£»l l. l’i'olexxor \Vaiig Sting: tletlieatex liix \tork iii xtipport ol eoiixei'\.itioii tn ('hina. Here. the man liimxelt. tlixeuxxex uhat gnex him the xtieiigth ol liix A Devil’s Chaplain 'limeixe 't‘lieaiie. ('amhritlge Street. 33S Hit-l .S' ‘lpm £7 t£5 I. lt‘x the time oltl qtiextioiix. lolkx: Who are \\ e ’. \Vhat are \\ e ’. and Where tiltl \\ e eonie tiom '. all eome lllltlL‘l the iiiieroxeope ax l’i‘olexxoi‘ Riehai'tl l)a\xlxiiix xignx eopiex and tlixetixxex liix pi'oweatn e .llltl .iiiiuxiiig neu \xork.

. l 1

Other events

Rocks, Buildings and Carlton Hill (ailton lllll. Regent leitaee. lllain noon t\ 3 -1}‘llt L5 \ \xalk around one ot ltlinhtiieh'x Se\en llillx tor a geologieal xtoi} in otittiopx. \\.illx .llltl \iexxx .\leet I‘ll l\,\‘_‘_'\'lll Rikttl t'ppHSllt‘ lllL‘ \et‘llhll

I \et titi\ e \tl\aiieetl hooking exxeittial Keeping Scotland Healthy! l\,t\}.ll Hotann (iaitleii. lnxeileith lx’ou. 553

3 l 31 lltam 5pm liee See I H II Catch a Falling Star Rota! ()hxenatou \ixitoi ('entie. l’slaekloitl llill. ho\ S-lltl Illam 5pm £3 (‘5 i£l 85!. tamil} tieket £0 (‘omet iiiakiti; \\itll\\llit[‘\ and a \aiiet_\ ot ehiltlien'x aetn itiex itieltitlmg xtoiiex ol xtaitltixt trailx .tlhl eoniet talex

Big Name Game Rinal Hotame (i.tltlt'll. lineileith Ron. 553 "l‘l

lllam 5pm liee See Mott M Fuelling the Future Ro).il Moraine (iaitleii. lineileith RH“. 553 “I”

Want 5pm l'iee See l‘ll ll Edinburgh Physick Garden: 333 Years On l{o_\al liotame (iattleii. lll\t‘llt‘llll Ron. 553 "lfll llaiii l3 illpm K 3 Hllpiii £§ i£3 5th See It! ll Design-A-Dinosuar Rinal .\ltixeiim. 3 (‘liaiiiheix Street. 31" -l3l‘l ll ill‘llll k l {tlpllt £3 See l'll ll

Wednesda 16


To Infinity and Beyond ’l‘iaxei-xe l'heatie. (‘aiiihiitlee Street. 338 l-ltH.

(i "pm. (Hi It “tillltl xeeiii “alkiiig: on the moon ix \ei'_\ laxt xeaxoii' tiiitlei\\;itei' iohotx are the he“ hlaek. l'llltl otit ahout the elialleiigex that make remote operatioiix iii the oeeaiix more tleiiiaiitltiig than iii xpaee.

Booze: The Truth ‘l'iaxeixe ’l‘heatie. ('aiiihi'itlge Street. 333 l-lllJ. S 0.30pm. £0 i£-1i, Ho“ harmltil reall} ix that little pintette ioi' teiii alter \xoik l'llltl otit the [mill heliiiitl the demon drink ax l’i'olexxor ()li\er Jaiiiex \teighx up otii laithltil lrieiitl‘x iiegatne aiitl poxitix e atti‘ihtitex. .\leet m the .'\ll'tlllll at 7. l 5pm tor a pie tlixetixxion tipple.


Statues in Princes Street Gardens l’rineex Street (iartleiix.

3 3.3”pm & (i 7.30pm. £5. her} xtatue tellx a xtoi'}. oral leaxt the} do totla)

\\ ith thix guided tour. Meet h) the lloral eloek itixt oil the Hound .'\tl\;llIL'L‘(l hooking: t‘\\eltlltll.

Other events

Growing Green Rinal liotame (itil‘tlelt. linei'leith Rim, 5.53 7l7l. l‘ree. See 'ltte l5.

Keeping Scotland Healthy! l{())ill liotame (iai'tleii. lmerleith Ron. 553 7l7l. Illaiii 5pm. l‘ree. See l‘l‘l ll. Treasures of the Garden Ro};il Botanie (iai'tlen. llt\L‘l'lL‘llll Run. 553 7|7l. Illam 4pm. £l. See l'ri ll.

Big Name Game Roin lioianie (iartlen. linerleith Rim. 553 7|7l. Illaiii 5pm. l‘ree. See Mon l4.

Catch a Falling Star Rti};ll ()hxerxator} Vixitor (‘enti‘e. Blilt‘lxltirtl Hill. («)3 8-104. Illam 5pm. £3.(i5 i£l.S5i; laiiiil) tieltet £(i. See 'l'ue l5.

Museum of Flight

5 . w‘flfia‘uflv‘” .431 5" '-

' ,r x-1 MK 2’1", THE LIST 99