The hazards are plentiful on a cheap date with the Faint

Frrst out of the gate .‘.r,- tiét‘J: I , therr eponymous debut (Jar, '.:. .0. . sa<;< "a' "e ms" a watt/r ta Barrarra Shirts. l‘art Stakes. its ’;',"s‘.a"'. Leaf ar::,' grates :zf a": rrothrrrg (,‘arr rrratoh tf‘e t"’;res." s "gt: a":: :rr,e"e' "Cw. ().-.:' 3' ram, s I,'\.', '1 equal rrteasure.

The Buzzcocks taro-x: us . (Cherry Red .0. r. (L; ssr; Bur’flgocvxs. "i; -:-ss as park as they oar‘, 2 O. r but they're ,vust too ".<;e to 'éra I. “.th ‘. A H "L" ,:,.. :41" take ":25"e to rrreet your mum. Burning Brides tea' i"e :, axe ara't t" tf‘e' 'e 'eeased /9a// of the Plastrr: [hr/me 'V2 0... "f;(?"’.2 a", 'Z/Irk (te‘i: Te t"<>.' gauge ohsessrorrs.

Cursive grve us a (,‘or‘oerX ah." " '."e ‘<:"“ .r‘ .4; ‘. 0'5;th Sadde Creek 0... r, F’u(;k kriows '.'.;"at the corner}. s. r:..’. t?:<:'<:a'er:.e"‘.\.':z‘ '(3'1f(:-.'"(_; stage left's, l()l()l(3t‘.(:(?f§ tr, ofgil":; an: Cue t?f3(lt.(i’ "

twrsteu gurtars dash and garage l)t."v\ goes an at>straef

But :t that's just a ht too r‘orr'a for ,a. check out Misterlee’s dehu: C/rrsserguhtxm Huhher (l/eel‘. .0. . a uhtrategorrsahle standards, Ll'KU t"e l'a :;.".(;'a:;»\.i"-s.e;;:f;a't:t13::u'tdstf";:..;;li everythng from ,an to Beck to (rags-'rweet B<:"te'r‘:: harkrhg 0898 Dog loys'r. Strange", e'tgr'a'. <:.

Mew. Z'‘.er‘. tend towards t':e olartuer ::o':;orate (3".(1 of HM! e rock and th 3.! dehut. Frenge's rftnr: O.

()eeassrorralh. Ike on the bars» aht'ter't <2.

Sugarcult in to lie " (1" (XXV

.31 a demo ass of;/\ ' .r;fa.r

in]. r'( :r' (if) (“Put/f) fw’ud'.

ge'e' 'e(,::rd .;

ft. 1. Le

ergar~ (2.” the totalr,

,‘s a fax», "E';;.(t{1"{1hrfrriERlH"gjitfftllr.

:;r‘;‘;;rtrr:;; Sou'ds'. the; create an I'tt;')l.'..".g;la(lk(?f.Hut'12:)iitlytlioy (:or'e aeross .ke a seeoeo (tr‘. soh Co!d;:'ay. Orrraha oahd The Faint (:orr‘e across ke end per ed £5 a! " a" .gy s<:'a_r) th earh Duran [)urarr. except roe-r. Bark .'/a'.e Ar.:a::e Sande Creek 0... rs rnarrre. trarrtro arrd ser.ousy urtsett. rig, '.'.utr‘ :;<;"gs N) 'Sex :5; Perso'iai‘ ar‘d 'Worked Up So Sexual Isoot a t‘ie"‘e T; v- "re exar":: es o‘ L."."il‘tj(}(1 r". r‘os at work.

E\er thought Mogwa. (:oaid he a ht rr‘o'e. . Shams“? \r".ei‘. Sa't Sebastrarr west-rockers Miztura eotmr he to Al :zm O. 5; ft... o‘ 1e", rrrrr‘rute dyrrarrrrr; sourxlsxmpes (“at 5.". see." :;"e 'rxr‘ate a'd ' e 5e” ea's o‘t t"e next. Curl) the exeessrue arrr‘ ess o;;;:::.."g "ext ‘. "‘e. arid We, pond he gr ,>at. Srrrrrlarly post ro(;k:r‘.g but a r“ i. o" tr"es .'.::- .'de' me Hex. 7"e Scottst duo are outtrhg the 'rrxer‘tar' ham " 'ex;;e'.'r:e“ta.' t". We (hear otr‘o.‘ Car "5; ‘l'lf‘.'."-1-: .0. the word rs does. e:1r;e:; a [. rt" ~13 r":"..te :‘ .25; "g; atx;"z."a‘. o"

'Urrrr; med -/\s Yetr',

Back re the larxd o‘ the song are Skin on Skin 7W;- EJ.."::<:" f'".es;,'t‘e's Sara 7 Part ofa Brg '.'.’orrd Skrtoriskx‘ O. .s s r‘ r: e {zut assure: seeds; 2 r‘g. 1;..1 they do tend tt ‘.'.a.'ds (:tieesy oat tunes am: <; <t'tes ‘."e :1as..: g;.. ta' Jag) .kes of ‘Fallrrrg Soft; ’. More org ".1 a";: .:-;-:‘..:e;: ‘. "‘::'e s :it'“..r are Husband, Rock and Pop rGerztre E e<;tr.<: O... s a s eer‘. eyed. :: aes, Heck :;‘ a ' ELK/Yd. tracks rrke the arraerrrrr: ‘.'."eexe o‘ 7%. (I'a"‘:;' .t' '3‘»;- re'fi ‘..".k t;‘ 1* lot may bemg suoero exarr‘;; es o‘ ate " 5;“1. ;:'~.:e:;.. ‘..i»\e;2 ..:t s “at.” f;;;"g;.'.' '. "g; at is best. lHUt‘!\ Northruore a";: Cong; V'.;""::‘.::"~:'

r. a record so {th/‘(J-(t‘, "dezl ,o.. susrxxi the, 'e e" ;. reeasflrg ,t a':."r;‘;.

rhakeoxerr. Lazy melodres and :so‘...‘t.. ..'s .:"s 101;; ’.."e atrrrospherrcs aorxgsrae Hi.) .; a":: "1;, °."e more hectc fare « out PURE "wit:

on Teehrrrml Itch and Baum gangs Ejanw‘ :mat

Kerhal's save-to ‘Tf‘e u" “mgflm- om.”- ss~:>..'5; "of Ca!lrr‘.g' rf yoa're .ook."g "1: '."a’.'s fer a Mtf(?‘.'.rrid.'t():513. Arid . "e'e. 1:.3. tape", :;"e e se

whue a cowie of yea's smut: :;e ar; e 2:; so at ago half the x'.’ no fire ". the is east “we t..'ie to Wake seemed to thrrrk that :r‘te'est ."g to "(fie t"<‘-' '::.'.

drum & bass had had .ts ha"; (3‘ ‘."-:.>se t'aeks


aAINBowsrx 3: .. RAVENSHIELD :

a u‘ y 'r . . I . . ,o,‘ ‘IIVUZ

I, . I; K. 2. I. I : 3". 'u’ 0, .1..'1l -- z: :wztr'~:~:wt :v' “‘ DOA XTREME

*%'..“.1".‘:'.) "l.‘-.t.l"“""~


it 1v ' I" Be » am am a...

"ii I!" 1"!" 5.3.

Ant" ‘r saw trar'w‘rs are

sewx: as " l .iw xe 7w ,N’arr 55~ s"es»=es.‘g;"t"das a"t.r""‘.!<:"afr.z" "ama.'.ay.:;:;w-"a s"e‘:;"‘.s. 81‘;‘Lrtw'r; " " rat 1:" '3; x.‘ '."‘.“_;e"_"tt ".z ~ar>t'a::~;" :,.t".a.n‘1 »x:l'. l [U y ' :l. 1‘ tees. 'ttt,‘ It i u‘a'tl : ,‘ em; stung. ear. ’1' ::ar~:.~"‘e : as 1" w ate" :’ "1 N ' .'.aj.:>:1.'tf r;a<:e'r‘e."t. ‘.'.a‘. e: Ha! e"'l " 'r a'. " ".r- fé-afr‘ sweetzu'rard f.’e‘;”<‘ 1/r're '. 'k ' 1w 1 1‘ ‘l‘ ’ar .'."ttll’."‘ ("tone a. N‘ El!” ..s. F .rs‘. a'i. ‘t"-" \' <:<:".‘~’r*:‘.8:-d to 'r‘ti-rr‘o", "‘l1"-f%f3',"f3 sagtles‘. a "l 'w» '. in "‘ r’ t z:<,-":'e s":>'t. ‘r‘terise “xx‘da'ie. ‘heaht ‘.. . s"" a .ra'W" .r‘. a ‘asttes (it act/.77: .'.."ere :nesw‘tett. fist Je'ser’ "r<. r'w ai t"e'.'.‘o"~\ r‘ the (Mg). s"r‘w“' [Sa‘ a ‘( "‘1‘" r H 'l ' ‘ddr ;;(:-.'<:<l‘a‘!s°.': r‘<,..'s'r:'a', 'ex'ealstt‘at T. ".rr‘T’w-t’...‘r' r:e;tes fr.>:!s'r‘.ss,<:' r‘deel 'n-.:‘.a'.tx;f""w

Hate" Shed dues <;(;-et;.'ate.Met/("t1 ' '.. 3'»

M:- tile rtefny‘w's' {1.13M

'71/tt‘17‘8’“ld’ill‘éllttl‘d; PL'IVPH‘AH FPSL‘Jt‘uid enrw'w" t-‘wt‘swm' llatIeHr. t at." r"'ssr<;" attempted r21. gear

squad of a't. terror se;

he so. Ex ‘.‘.'<;";;_

rrlea' "arr‘eiy tr: ret‘reate a man few dam on a st. f de'r‘ar‘ds 'r";>.'ess-\.e su't'w Is-ar‘rl [Jaygrourtd sf'att'g‘,’ ar‘d " rr‘ole wth ".otf‘ 1".) tr) :11) MA

"‘."(3'::. t!‘-<:;rg.". {have “axe ‘urr.

'ta‘J: heer: a rtu'r‘her :;‘ [)rr'r't he tor‘ erl try The turd. bk."

who drax le tt‘errrse'uv',

mpmwyxjmf; ti; “0”; Hart 'r WUIW‘; ><2Llrr1tttstrtrtl W‘staiir‘rerit. Dt,r'1gjlw(} a<;‘.or‘r;‘1ase.eer‘t'erog;

oxer t’ie pror'rotrorral rrtater at either.

your team has tzeer? Voyetlrrstl'; (:arrte'a 5;."rr1‘t.ed. reoa<:"u your

‘o'de's rite

parts ar‘d zooms are

'rurtr' o sour

orgotterr as vou

a senes at o'te or ‘..'.'o go about the husrrless (.‘Erttk rher‘us. As nae; as Ur‘tzerrex'atw. .t. "as

(atlhtpv’x: ."-(,‘ r'tl".". {K},

o‘ (Bt‘joyrrrg yourself Ill vuiat .s a :.\.'ely em ‘rortrrrerrt Maybe you tam»; a J'arrrhfe at the «ammo?

f‘.e.:;r'1g‘.‘.~tl‘. t“er:‘a""eo ;t.'r‘r; r‘g exr: ovate" (2‘

.ts 2t) f;:(t(;- o"

strategy. th s stra'gl‘.

::o"'r".a'1o structure


a'tte<:e<le"ts. l'te

‘reesyou uptode‘.-afe s'r‘h’ed' .ett; see Dr ."létytflféi‘UVJ

‘ro'rr rzrt at r2rer:aratror‘s .'.,*\at s a'uu‘rl that r‘ext splashes by He oool’)

shon e\.re",rt"::r‘.g go <:<:"‘e' (:r throng.“ t"at What about a tr r) to the (:‘oseo ::<;';' .s st-

SNAFU. it also rrtakes

)(fll' suuad feel a :.ttle

‘ar‘uy houtrdues') lher‘. agarrr. you may feel

more somatic,» and

gear. "gt; ado ';t are, “.et

lt‘at's not to say that rrrtx‘h "‘0'et'1aea

tl‘e tjétllEO rs titty eas er progress ot

t"ar~. rts oreoeeessxrs

You isti 'r;e st'et<:'ted

to mm M t. t,:,:t

t-“e garr‘e s agar‘ so rriter'art Wrtlr the other guests or‘ the 'f‘JZlHrt.


. (jut; .x,’ -(,(II

t. files of W ssmrs. Amt ssr‘<;..221a":~./ :;"are"»<}e seem su‘firw, "‘z;<;.‘sr,e.

("we are a .'.'a‘,s the

‘a"y "urit r,‘a,er ga'rtes

(a .Lwdi‘fij ’v I; . a.

Stand out title: Doa Xtreme Beach Volleyball

\u-' (5' rw‘(1"(/ 314' f)//, G

A: ' (3 "THE LIST 107