The Front

Who’s getting up to what THE QUOTES

7.31.. fl, , H, 1,. F. ‘I know you --. . .- - Idid nothing but finely. f"a’. .'.e ~"' ': z : z" 50b 0” my bed knot; But tt‘ere a'e . " . :1 -- »' ' " « and Sing

.rrik"’,.'."<. 7"‘-',-'~’.- 4": f" :T : " 2‘, z: -- .~' 2 " ' s" mournfUI country “,1 K... . . .. . _ .. songs on the karaoke machine.’

‘I don’t really care what he does to his face. He could just erase it as far as I’m concerned. This guy is nuts. He shouldn’t have these children.’

.(jl‘r'fii r" i'l‘: Nikki' ', ":2" ‘...' rti '

.'.’lill Terry Gilliam v r: " --

tlrt""ake"<; I<;"<r r‘ner sir-'1"

Nit: wait" .."() firefu'i/ .' 4.; ‘i f"


“,f)ll<tl1f.(:f21?‘: rmr . ,‘ .' a

Non. "=3 .".(:'.‘. 7'»! I)"

I Poldrcian‘; a'e ’l'tzaf fan. Great ‘(ll‘ Orv/PW. “as :i’fl‘i‘f "‘1': T i"‘a' 1 2' ; when they're 'r‘ak'nq arses of Grilrar" v.'."o filtl‘ufl- at. r’ "w: fir" ," iltt:l!‘f;(:l‘.t:f$. .'.hi<:". 3; WHY)! of the tirv‘e. theArjuer‘tt/ex; 4‘" Harv" '. I ‘.'.“.:'. vf r".

tr; rr‘ake a f3‘.'.’t:(:l)il‘.(_l generalisatzon ant: Burr. tili‘t;.’l§] r;t'w w"... .."m"- . " »- 2.1" it S “Re looking after an If;t;tt‘-(:ll‘.tlit) r,<;iiti(;.anf; also excei '1». ‘étltiétfsltif; had Lee" zit-4H, tr; '."-;:' Jeremy Hardy T'iw :' ": aUtlSth baby.

'lhere is; no such tttll‘t; éif; snore-t,“ ’)nr, .'.’l‘.|(:ll re rt‘;t§ll":(:fr ‘3‘»; t." f"-.,-'\; fr liar 1. -,-' -.» ‘1 ii» I peopref lhatrmm at her seierel‘, ‘.'./r'ote those "ilfii‘. ’a-r‘. fang-5.1%. ,‘ iia' :. z c: k-x : " :~ 2 t; »‘ succinct pest and at; 't turned eat. 'r‘<)r‘.:;ter nur‘term ’.'.(t' :ri i)';iLl..!' “crew: '_ .1 unit :1:".:'.r‘w . . . . . .. . . , . Mleakesmesrcktomy (tune accurate after sne o (lisrriantled where rlttrt‘,‘.‘.'::(><: {1.15. :7t<:t.. " w :m .,; _1. .. ,.~ ; '7 , . .. . . .. . , . . .. . . stomach. If you re not in a

our society (luring; her reign or .error. reio(:a.e(t itsei , "a, :.<:..t%. Mr ."e le‘tr' : ,:. Yasser Arafat . ,

. H y ,, m _, H rap group, If you re not Billll'.'.'Zlf3li"()l)£ll)r‘,‘f3<1ll‘(}(1l()‘.(}l, as; ttitKil‘ élf‘» the (31:1)l‘itl'“, :xi .r'w'x; .‘7 r: .2" : r..-.-.;-.- 3 w.

talking about fucking the cutest girl in school or if you’re not singing about skateboarding, you can’t get played.’

ll‘lf3glll(l(3(l fil)(?(}(ill'.'.’lll(‘:l' who carve up there:. He'd not Matt Damon a'irr ' at . '... run 2‘. '. 1" .r' w:th that line. Politicians are men Heath Ledger to plaf. V‘s: rzrrttr‘e'f; t" «int; .,- .1". more fun when they "re ~.'.rorking and Robin Williams to pa. .e‘. Intern tional Solidarity without st>ee<:rr-.-.'r'rtert;. coasting another xrllarr‘. ‘//?:;:)/t.‘.'7.a. ()"w r' 123' Movement. Z: "in; 'r‘ mr'

Without a script. lns:<ler"5; favourite for Photo —§)() Hohir‘n. lt‘en :r‘e starts. to arr-.311. ‘t.'‘t '_r rr‘ere‘ A]; __ \ t, f, 3W )1, mam, years; was; Thatcher's; pal Ronald MGM. pulled the plug; ‘cr ‘ear of We“ check :1..t Lara Saw. 243;" ’)i M , I, My ' , Reagan's speech, 1‘ ‘~.'.'hr(:.'i the budget. You can just ;rr‘ag; l‘(;' (3. Haw rum}. 3‘. "i: :oa‘. r‘ F’amt nu

l)(}tll(l(}l(3(i ex H lll()‘.|(? actor hlether'ed {l0lil'lg that phone cal" for trte 3' ram. .'-_>':;..:; fee rrvgre E x: up!

on and on about herht; sore, fne'd .rrnpteenth tirr‘e: ‘God on his *.<:_. can't :e-::-«:- 't In 8" 71a”: .-:".. A i ‘HOW small minded can YOU said something he couldn't rerr‘err‘her' motorbike! \"Jh‘. do those creeps not enan the Palestinian General get? lt’S cloth-eared rot. I saying. Or sorriethrng. Insider can". keep wrtltdr'a~.'.‘ih;; their phone. ." N73,, Delegation at car-u: rmi'um would like nothing more

recall exactly Anyway. ‘.‘.(2 nov. haxe a insider wonders. ‘.'.'(>trl(l ins; tr:‘..t:ie ::a:: gen tr :;l"f;’.'. 1.3.: «nu-w" .r‘zar-xut than to bagpipe away for the .m virtues of Scotland.’

«*\ r r:. >’ /\ ‘fi"!.’.‘. ’(li/(vrll‘ i'l/ J.

new top treeforrr‘ politioan speech. Gilliarr‘ keeps; ()Xl1(?li(}li(I:Y‘-(_] naue fron‘ none other than US oil baron graduated fror‘.‘ an unkr‘nxnr‘ unknown

Donald Rumsfeld: 'There are ror‘. Baron Mtrrrc/rauseei fc a wear I *"h'iv" " “\i:) '1‘ ‘r \Iyll‘L Irv”,- I! I known knoz-rris. There are things we tittknoxzr‘ ion Don Ornate to t)e<:<:r"e ' ' (I t . ii ' P r iryr‘,"‘;r“r

‘The thought of Edwina Currie doing it with John Major is just such a vile image. It’s like butter on bacon. It’s simply

too much.’

(11.2 a.‘ .a'

Moore the 'er mem I As far as Insrder's concerned. satirist Michael Moore is a known known. InSIder knows Moore can be relied upon to be a thorn in the side of the George Bush administration. along wrth any other assholes who connive to rid the world of peace. It was a fully known known, then. that Moore would make an impaSSioned acceptance speech at the Oscars ceremony. where Bowling for Columbine won an award. lambasting Bush and his war for orl. It was an unknown known, but very nearly a known known. that Moore would be booed by the more reactionary members of the Academy Awards crowd for taking the trouble to give a shit. And rt was very much a known known that host Steve Martin would make a few Crap jokes after Moore's speech. so that all those sensitive celebs in expenswe evening wear could Sit comfortably once mOre in Order to congratulate one another on being safe and sound in America . . . er. sorry. congratulate one another on being very. very talented. The final known known here is that Moore is. thankfully. followrng up his Oscar-Winning documentary wrth another (see Coming Not a man to 8000. page 4). 1. favour Currie