.\IaIIa langpm and proud mxner ot not out} n hulk-[puma ear. hut alxo armtulx oI Semtex e\ploxI\e .v\Ided h} Ilong Kong light ehoreographerx. exeoIIIIIIeIeIalx dIreetoI IIImteI xtagex the IIIIIId-numhmg Lteleaxx .utIon utth eIItlIIIxIaxIII. hut It'x ltlxI another eraxx. halt-arxed attempt to low modern Ameman hudd} -hudd} humqu \IIth aIIeIeIIt Izaxtern m_\ \IIL Ixm See In Ieu (it'm'lu‘l Ir/I'uu' Burning in the Wind (Brucno Nel vent0)1IHIISII\IIISHI(IIIH. Ital}. ZINIII I IHmIII 'I'ohIax \xorkx III a metal Iaelot’} and hax a tIaumatIe eluldhood Ill .III ;IIII»II}IIIoIIx \ Illage \xhere hIx mother \xax the loeal \xhore and lle IatheI the \IIlIIIIIlllIhICI'. III htx preerIt hIe he xearehex IoI an Ideal \Ioman ealled |.IIIe \\ hen lane turnx out to he real. Soldmt Ie.I\ ex hIx IorIIIeI IIIe IoI one oI Ioeuxed paxontI (i/‘ I. (i/uwuu Carlo Giuliani, a Boy (Carlo Giuliani, Ragazzol teert theI II-raneexea (‘omeIIeInL Ital). ZIIIIZI (IJIIIIII I)oeIIIIIeIItar) that reeteatex the laxt hourx III the Me oI (ltIIlIaIII. the 3‘ _\ear-old demonxtrator xIIot dead h) ltahan poltee III the mIdxt oI aIItI-eapItalIxt rIotx III (Ienoa III Jul} 30”]. Narrated h) IIaIdI. ('aIlo'x IIIother. and Interxperxmg tllICt'\lL‘\\\ \IIth aI‘ehIIal neux Iootage and photographx. the IIIm quexttonx oII'IeIaI goIerIIIIIent explanation» (i/- I; (iluwtm. Catch me It you Can t I2.'\I O... ISteIeII SpIelherg. I'S. IINHI I.eoIIardo I)I('aprIo. 'I'Im Ilankx. ('hrtxtopher \Valken. l-Ilmm. Inxptred h) the Me oI' I’rank \V :\hagna|e Jr. the Illm Iollo“ x .-\hagII;IIe'x e\traoI'dItI;II'_\ e\pIoItx area 1004 (I‘), hegIIIIIIIIg \\'llll hIIII runnmg amt) Irom a hroken home aged I7 and endng \IItlI htx arrext h} the l'IlI. III hem een. .-\hagnale got h} paxxmg hInIxelI oI'I ax a teaeher. aIrIIIIe leoI. doetor and |;I\\)er. all the \\ |II|e eathng IIIIIIIonx oI dollarx \xorth oI Iraudulent ehquIex. (’axttng eharIxIIIatIe I)I(‘aprIo ax Ahagnale Ix Inxptred the _\otmg outla“ got .ma) \IIth xo mueh lor xo long prIIIIarIl} heeauxe oI' hIx Innate eharIxIIIa. (‘axtmg Ilankx ax .-\haguale'x nemexIx. the dogged. IIuIIIoIIrIexx l‘Iil agent (‘arI Ilanratt). Ix equall} Inxptred. .-\n enorIIIouxl) entertammg eomIe adIeIIture. B} Iar SpIeIherg'x hexI IIIIII m )earx. XI II'I'II'I/ I'I'II‘IIH’. Cats and Dogs II’(II .0. Il.a\\renee ('IuterIIIan. I‘S. ZINII I JeII (ioldhlum. lilI/aheth l’erIxmx. .\IIrIam MargoIIex. 87mm. 'I'lIIx reIrethIIg approaeh Io euIe tallxmg petx IIlIIIx Ix a Ixmd oI' xuh\erxt\e luuu' meetx .IIIn/un: IIII/nnu/I/Ix 'I'hexe dogx don't IIIxt talk. the) uxe xur\ etllanee quIIpIIIeIIt and hax e a xolemn mtxonn to proteet ereIItIxt (ioldhlum ax he Im entx a eIII'e I'or dog tIIIL‘t'glL‘x. 'I‘IIL' eatx are C\ II. hell-hent on eonqttet‘tng the world; then xpeeIaI agentx IIaIe deadl) nmla kullx and \ IeIoux \x eaponx. 'I‘he anIIIIatroIIIe eI'I'eetx are ot a prett) IIIgII xtandard. hut II'x the anImaI tramerx )ou're III real a“ e III. The oeeaonnal uander Into xentImentaI terrttor} and xlou mg IIp oI paee eaII he Iorgtxen h} the madl) orIgmaI Idea. |I\el_\ aetIoII xequeneex and knoekahout humour Sler (‘enlury Iz'I/IIIIIm‘e/I. Chicago I IZAI CC. IRoh .\Iarxhal|. I'S. 3002i RemIe /.ell\\ eger. (‘atherme Zeta-Jonex, RIehard (iere, I IRmmI .\Iarxhall'x |orIg-anatted xereen adaptatton ol’ the eelehrated muxteal L'\[‘IU\IC\ on In the xtl\er xereen, l-IIlIIIu In; the e\pIoItx oI' t\\o IIIurderoux Ia/l hahIex Roxte IIart I/ellu egerI and Velma Kell} (Zeta-JonexI and then detenee I;I\\_\er. Ihll) l-‘IIIIII I(ieI'eI. .\Io\ng heIIIeen the reaht} oI l’rohIhItIon-era ('hIeago and the Interior t'aIItax} \\orld oI Roxle “art. “here eaeh eharaeter heeoIIIex an all-xmgmg. all-danemg po\\ et'lIIIlGC. Nlttt‘xltall kuII'ttII} \tteL‘eedx III a potetItIaII) prohlematIe xtage to xereen adaptation. l.aekIIIg enough xaxx and xe\ua| Innuendo. ('ulmrer IhIx am‘t. hut ('IIII‘IIL'U nonethelexx doex jtlxllce III the xtage muxIeal and the da/lhng \ Itaht) ol. the huxinexx known ax xIIII\\. (inter-III I‘I‘lt'tlu'.

City by the Sea I 15:00

INIIehael (‘atoIIgloIIex I \] :INIII Rohett I)e \uo. I'l.tll\ ex l)oIIIIaIId. .Iamex I'Ialluv IIIMIIIII I)e \uo pla_\x \eu. \ork hoIIIIe Ide deteettx e \ me eIIt I .t.\I.tl\d. \IlIo II\ ex a Itte oI onItude and deduatton to hIx \Iork Ile lxeepx hIx gulIIIeIId. \IILIICIIC II)UIIH.III(I. \\.leeII here I. at arm'x length mm] one da} he haon eoIItroIIt lIIx paxt \IlIeII he IetIIIIIx to hIx old xtoIIIpIIIg ground long Hand to IIIIextIgale a drugxrrelated murder Ihe mam xuxpeet tIIrIIx out to he hIx long lorgotten ahandoned onI ‘.loe_\' \o\a II'I'aIIeoI lt'x a great xtoI_\. It xhould he It‘x true. haxed on a two xpaper aItIeIe h_\ \IIke \Ie’.-\I.II_\ IIII\\C\CI. thIx Ix pedextIIaII xtuII that Itmpx Iouardx Itx eoIIIpIoIIIIxed and predIetahIe eoIIeluonn .‘ll'l ('I'IIIIII‘I. lat/III/m/g/I

City of God I IHI .0... II'eIIIaIIdo .\IeII'e|Iex. Bra/II. ZINL‘I ll‘lmm Ihe IIIteInatIoIIal rextIIgenee oI l atIn .'\IIIL'I’l(;tll emema \IIII\\\ no ngux ol

xloxx mg doun I'oIIoIIIIIg ('I'Imu/ XIII/Inn. .'IIHIII'('\ I’I'I'Itn. II III .IIIHIIII III/"I’M II and .VHII' (JIuwII eomex an exlularatmg III'a/Iltan drama. (‘III of (im/ llaxed oII l’aulo l.mx‘x xprau Img uox el and xpamImg three deeadex. It'x an epIe aeeount ot the groxxth oI orgaIIIxed drug dealmg III a qum houxmg proleet. the xo eaIIed (at) oI (iod III Ru, de .laIIeIIo (Ill/HIV! A'- l'( I], l‘.(/III/’HI'L’/I. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind I I5) O... t( Ieolge (IIUIIIIC). I'S. ZINHI Sam Roekuell. |)Ie\x

Barr} more. (ieorge ('loone} l 1 ‘mm. (iol'geottx (leorge'x dIIeetIIIg dehut tIIrIIx out to he a real treat. llaxed on the aIItohIogI'.Ip|I_\ ol the ereator oI xIIelI dumhedalonn Altit‘l'lk'tlll game xIIIm x ax 'l'ln' [Mime (iume I\\|IIelI xpa\\ ned our our] II’IIIII/ I)(llt'l. ("on/I‘unun tellx the xtor} ot ('huelx Ilarrtx. a man uho mxIxtx he \xax alxo a ('l:\ hItmaII \x ho perI'ormed 33 axxaxxmatIonx tor the ['5' go\ L‘l'lllllL'lIl, ('Iewrly (lonne) and hIx er'IpIIIrIter ('lIarlIe Ix'auImaII take llarrIx' \xotd “llll a pmeh oI xalt. pla} mg the “hole IIIIII ax an ollheat. hlaek eoIIIed}. Roeku ell‘x IIIIperxonatIoII oI Iiarrtx Ix unpeeeahle. \thIe (‘loone_\ gI\ex hImxelI a plum eameo ax a ga_\ ('|.'\ operaln e. .X'I'let ml re/euu:

The Core I l2.-\I .0. Ilon .-\mIe|. I'S/l 'K. BINHI :\aI'otI Iielxhart. IItlar} Snanlx. Stanle} 'I'ueer l35mm. .v\x the Iiarth Ix xIIhIeeted to mereaxIIIgl} dextruetne eleetromagnetIe xtorIIIx. It heeomex elear to a group oI ereIItIxtx that the planet'x molten eoIe IIax xtopped I‘otatmg. 'I’IIIIx. a group oI ‘terIaIIatItx' lead h_\ Izekhalt and Suank. htIIIou to the eenue ot the Izauh to get Ihe planet‘x heart prImIIIg agaIII. xaxmg xI\ hIIIIoII lI\ext None oI tlIIx eIIteItaIIIIIIg toxh Ix to he taIxen \L‘I'lIIllxl}. hut It'd he great to appl} a IIttIe lemmet theor} to The (ore. “llll Itx uptIglIt men III nuelear phallux hlaxtmg then \\a} to the “(filth ol .\Iother Iiarth to xa\e the old gIII. (ienem/ I‘I'II'IIH'.

The Council of Egypt (ll Consiglio D’Egitto) 1 ISI ISII\ to Orlando. Ital}. ZIIIIZI SI|\ to Orlando, INIIIIII SIIIIIptIIoux eoxtume epIe. depIetmg xoeIal upheaxal. xet III SIeII} III I733. 'l’IIe tIIIIhaxxadoI oI .\Ioloeeo Ix I’ol‘eed Io xtop III Stetl) heeauxe III a xtorm and the onl} perxon to help hIm ax InterpIeter Ix l-IaIIeIxean monk \'el|a

II )IIaIIdoI \\ ho xeex .III opportuml} IoI IIIIIIerI. xedIIeed h} the mateIIal uoIId lI/HI/IIIHH'. [aim/Hugh

Cradle 2 the Grave I IV 0.0 I:\ltIIl/L'| liartkomak. I‘S. ZINI‘I I).\I.\. .Iet I.l. Iom .'\ltIIIIII, lIll IIIIII Rap xtaI' I).\I.\ pla}x the gangxter \IIth a heart. Ion} I'.ttI. “ho xtealx onIIe pIeeIotIx hIaek dIaIIIoIIdx I~aIt Ix unexpeetedl} eaught up III a \\ at hetueen Su. a 'I‘aIIIaIIexe lntelhgenee ()II‘IeeI ImaItIal .utx ehamp .Iet I.II and an IIIteInatIonal eIImIIIal. \xho hoth \\.tlll the xtoIIex. l'rom heIe. It'x all laxt-paeed Itght xeenex. .I (IItlpIe III gIIIIII ear and hike ehaxex .Ix \x ell ax the oeeaxtonal htoken hone and hlood} hp .\Iean\xIIIle. the paumg ot drIIeI ‘l‘omnn

and \\ Ide ho} .»\IeIIIe I.\IIIoIdI ptox Me the

humour III tlIIx hght hearted. hut appropIIatel) aetIon paeked tIlIII (it In ml I!’/('(l\('.

Days (Giorni) I [M II.auIa .\queaIdIII. Ital}. SHIN I 'I'homax 'I Iahaeeht ‘Nlltllll Set III a hourgeon ga} xeene. (‘IaudIo I'l'rahaeelIII Ix a ‘5 Ixear old III\'-poxItI\e hanket \xhoxe \xaIxmg hoqu are ruled h} the regIIIIeIItalIon oI hIx exetetxe Ioutme. IIIedIeatIoII. dtet and loh. .v\n unapologetIe and uuxentImental \Iexx ot the hxex ot a xmall elrele ol ga} II'IeIIdx (il' l.

(i/tnguu ; l‘l/HI/IUIIH‘. lat/III/mrg/I. Donnie Darko I I5» 0000 «Rtehaut Re”). [8. ZINIII Jake (i) llenhaal. I)Ie\x Ilarrynore. I’atrtek Sxxa} xe. I I hum

The Little Polar Bear, two of ‘em

Kell) ‘x dehut Ieatme Ix a IIIexIIIeIIxIIIg

\\ Ienee leIlI‘ll tahle that pIIxhex the eoneept oI eIIIematu tIme tIa\el Into a

\\ hole IIeu dIIIIeIIonII Itx xomIIaIIIhIIlaIIt teenage [IIIIlagIIIIIxI xeetllx III xltp ltlIII .l parallel Imnetxe. “here a gIaIIt deIIIoun I‘atht ealled I’l.llll\ pIoelaImx that the \\orld \\ III end III Sh da} x‘ (I hoIIIx. ~13 mmutex and II xeeondx Set III l‘).\'\'. thIx geIIIe heIIdIIIg IIIIII Ix not onl) an IIItIIguIIIg IIIedItatIoII on tIme tIa\el and a deepl} dettuhmg honor mo\Ie. It Ix alxo a John Ilughex xt)le eommg oI age IIIo\Ie and a hlaek eomIe xatIIe on Reagamte greed. IIIdI\ Iduahxm and (‘hrIxIIan IundaIIIentathII Nun/I I.t/1IIl»IuglI.I/I\ ('t'nm', l',</III/IIu'e/I





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' 'rI/fl Azl' 2'23", THE LIST 27