3. Frida1151 H11

Shower1121 11311

HussianArk11 11111

;:.j/,'./ 3.1.1144 1.HowherelnAtrIca1151 2.15. 5.15. 815

2.InThlsWorId1151 3111). 11.1.5. 11.4.5 3. Sunset Boulevard 11’111 3.311. 8 30. The Hours112\1 111111

1. Nowhere In Africa 1 151 2 15. 5.15. x 1a

2. In ThisWortd1151 3111). 1115. 15.45. 3. Sunset Boulevard mm 3311. (1.1111. The Hours 12.11 8 30.


\ \I._/"/A/

1. Howhere In Atrlca1151 2.15. 5.15.

8 18 2.InThlsWorld1151 3110. 11.15. 8.45. 3. Sunset Boulevard11’111 3.30. 8.31). The Hours I2.-\1 11.1111.

. '13:”; 1.HowherelnAtrIca1151 2.15. 5.15. 8 15.

2. In This World 1 151 3.110. (1.15. 8.45. 3. Sunset Boulevard mm 3.30, 11.011. The Hours 12v\1 8.30.

1.HowhereInAtrlca1I512.15.5.15. 8 15.

2. In ThisWorId1151 3.1111. 11.15. 8.45. 3. Metropolis mm 3.30.

Sunset Boulevard 1l’('11 11.011, 8.31).

saw/1'1: Aim 1. HowherelnAtrica1151 2.15. 5.15.


2. In ThlsWorld1151 3.110. (1.15. 8.45. 3. Sunset Boulevard mm 3.30. 8.31).

Metropolis mm (1.110.

5451:,1‘1‘821114933 1.HowherelnAtrlca1151 2.15. 5.15. 8.15

2. In This Worid1151 3.00. 11.15. 8.45

3. Sunset Boulevard 1P1 11 3.30. (1.00.. Metropolis 11’( 11 8.311.

Horth Edinburgh Arts Centre

15.1 1’1‘1111)\\e11 (111111.11131 315 2151. £1 £3.


Anita and Me 1 12.-\1 ".30. SAXHZZAV '22 APR

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets11’111 2.1111.


Harry Potter and the Chamber at Secrets 11’( 11 2.011.

Ddeon Wester Halles: Edinburgh

\\IL‘\1\1t1C 1’111/11. 1211\VL‘81L‘1'111111L‘8 R0311. \Vextel 11.11118.11821151151101)". [1)]. [1i]. .\dult\: £5 1\tl[)t‘l'lt)l'\Cttt\ £5.5111;he1ore (111111 £3.51). ('1111111'en11)AP/Student: £3.21) 1811111‘1'1111'81'atx alter 11pm £41. 15.111111} 111‘111'1: £12 181111111111 \eatx 11111111111111 £141; helore 11pm £12. Bargain 1).1_\ luez £3 .111 \e.1t\. 1’1‘e—noon 81111\\~: £3.

2 1 ' \2

Blue Crush1l2..\1 3.55. 11.211. 8.45.

Catch me It you Can 1 12.-\1 H_1)1). The Core112.-\1 2.00. 5.00. 8.15.

Evelyn11’t‘11 3.00. 8.50.

Check out the . Bing for great


Bag Offers


The Jungle Book21t‘1 2.20. 4.15. (1.05. Just Married 1 12.41 4.00. 8.45.

The Little Polar Bear 111 2.30. 4.30. (1.31).

Maid In Manhattan mm (1.30.

AMan Apart1181 2.45. (1.115. 8.35. The Hecruit112.4\1 8.25.

Shanghal Knights 1 12.111 2.1111. 5.45. 8.35.

CRIDAY tf—THUPSDAY 1 7 Blue Crush 1 12.»\1

1)ail_\: 1.11). (1.15.

Catch me It you Can 1 12.41

111— Wed: 3.25. 8.15.

The Core 1 12.81

D1111): 11.11).

Evelyn mm

1511 -\\‘ed: (1.11). 8.31).

How to Lose a Guy In 10 Days 1 12.»\1 Sun 1& Thu: 1.25. 3.51). (1.11). 8.41). Johnny English 1P(11

[)1111}: 1.50. 4.10. (1.25. 8.50. The Jungle Book 2 11'1

[)11111: 1.411. 4.211. 11.30.

The Little Polar Bear 1L‘1

1)ai|_\: 1.31). 3.21).

The Lord at the Rings: the Mo Towers 1 12A)

1)ail_\: 2.1)1).

The Magdalene Sisters 1 151

111. Sat & .\1on~'1'hu: 1.21). (1.11). A Man Apart 1 181

11.111): (1.115. 11.35.

Phone Booth 1 151

11111: 5.00. (1.50. 8.50.

Rabbit Proot Fence 11>(‘11 Matinee Tue: 1 1.1511111.

The Hecrult 1 12.»\1

Fri. Sat & .\10n-Thtt: 3.45. 8.41). S Club: Seeing Double 1P(}1 11.111): 1.211. 3.511. (1.15. 8.31). Shanghai Knights 1 12.-\1

Dail): 2.41). 5.55. 8.25.


Programme likel) to be similar to the pre\1ou\ ueek. Phone ()871) 505001)? for detail\ and times. Next 1111118 due to open on Fri 18 Apr:

Bulletproof Monk 1 12.-\1

How to Lose a Guy ln Ten Days 1 12.-\1 Phone Booth 1 151

Ddeon: Edinburgh

‘7 ('lerk Street. ()131 (167 ()971. Info and (C hooking: 0871) 51) 51) ()117. Bar. [1)] \ereenx 2 and 3. Adult: £5.31) 1be1‘ore 5pm '1‘ue»~'1'hu: £41. Cones/child: £3.21). Bargain 1)a_\ exer} Mon: £3.21). 151111111} lieketx exer} 1111} until 7pm: £14.


Contesslons ot a Dangerous Mind 1 151 3.20. 8.40.

The Core 1 12.41 8.00.

The Jungle Book 21L‘1 12.511. 2.45. 4.31). (1.15.

Just Married112.-\1 1 15. 11.311 AManApart1181 1511411111311. 850.

The Recrult112..\1 8.311.

Shanghai Knights 1 12.11 11111 3 30. (1.00. 8.211.

CRIDAV IHQQSSAV22 Contesslons ot a Dangerous Mlnd 1 151 Fri—Wed: 8.25.

Also late 11161; Sat: 10.51).

How to Lose a Guy In 10 Days 1 12.11 Sun: 12.51). 3.15. 5.45. 8.31).

Thu: (1.31). 8.45.

Johnny English 1P(i1

01111}: 2.1)(). 4.31). (1.45. ‘).1)1). .’\1\1)1111C 1'11 1& Sat: 11.11).

The Jungle Book 2 1t'1

D1111}: 12.51). 2.45. 4.31).

A Man Apart 1 181

151‘1»~\\'ed: (1.01).

The Pianist 1 151

\Ved: 12.21). 3.115. 5.51), 8.31).

A1811 matinee Tue: 1 1.1)1)am.

The Recruit 1 12.-\1 111. Sat 1ft .‘\11111 Thu: 8.31).

.'\1\()1111C 1‘11 & Sat: 11.1)5.

S Club: Seeing Double 11>(11

Dail}: 12.45. 3.31). (1.15. 8.25.

A1811 late 1"ri & Sat: l 1.01).

Shanghai Knights 1 12.»\1

Fri-Tue (k Thu: 1.01). 3.25. (1.01). 8.21). A1811 late 1"1’1 & Sal: 11155.

FRIDAY ‘8—THURSQAV g4 Prognunme likel} to he 811111111r to the pre\ 1111.18 \xeek. Phone 0871) 50 5000" 11111111118 and times.

Ster Century: Edinburgh

()eean 'l‘erminal. ()eean 1)1'1\ e. 1.e1111. 11131 553 0701). Adult: 15.511111111111- 5pm Mon Fri £4.50). ('111111 1under 151/(‘011eexxio11xz £3. Student: £3.51). 151111111} ticket: £14. Kidx('1uh: £1.

THl 1133.51 )AY ‘” Blue Crush 1 mm 3.111). 5.45. 8.30. Catch me It you Can 1 1241 1111511111. 1.15.

Cats and Dogs 1P(11 1111511111. Chlcago 1 12.41 ‘10. 11,40. Contesslons ot a Dangerous Mlnd 1 151 5.411. 8.15. The Core 1 I2.»\1 9.00. Evelyn1P(;1 (1.40. 9.10.

The Jungle Book 2111 111.011.1111. 11111111. 2.01). 4.01). (1.00. 8.00.

Just Married 1 12A) 11.1)1111111. 1.31). (1.00. 9.15.

The Lite 01 David Cale1151 3.45.

The Little Polar Bear 11'1 1 1.0511111. 1.1)5. 3.115. 5.115.

The Lord of the Rings: the ‘Mo Towers 112A1 111.311.1111. 2.111). Maid In Manhattan 1P(11 12.41). 3.111. 5.40. 8.10. A Man Apart 1 1111 11.20am. 1.51). 4.21). (1.50. 9.20.

National Security 1 12A1 9.50.

12,411, 315 5511

12.41). 3.15.

10.00.1111. 12.30.

12.15. 3.15. (1.15.

11). 11111111.

Share Khan. back again The Jungle-Book 2

"C-E\ Film

TheRecrult112\1 1245. 1511. 11211. .851)

The Rules otAttractlon1181 .115. 1145. 11311

Shanghai Knights 12v\1 111211.1111.

12511. 1211.5 511. 8 311

Treasure Planet11 11 35.1111. 2115. 4 25.

The Wild Thornberrys 11 11) 45.1111

Blue Crush 12 \1 1).111\: 111-11).11n. 1 21). 18.41).

City by the Sea 151 .\1.111111‘L' “1‘11. 11 311.1111 Contesslons ot a Dangerous Mind 151 1.;111‘1'1‘11k Sat 11) 31)

The Core 1 12.-\1

1)a11_\: 12.15. 3111111111101111 Cradle 2 the Grave 1 I51

l).111): 8.111)

.-\1\11 1.111‘ 1'11 1\ 5.11 Evelyn 11’111 H.111}: 1.41). 1141). Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 11’111 \lalmee1'1'1-'111e1\1110' 111 (111.1111 How to Lose a Guy In 10 Days 1 I2-\1 Sun 1k 11111: (1111). 8 45

Johnny English 11’1'11

1.111 11:11.


1).111_\ 111.311.1111. 11.15.1111. 12311. | 31). 2.45. 3.45. 515. (115. " ‘11. 8111 ()45

.'\1\1)1111L' 1'11 1\' S111 1114.5

The Jungle Book2 11'.

1).1II_\‘ 111.111.1111. 1211). 2111.411). (111),

Just Married 1 12.\.

Hall}: 11.511.1111. 211). 441)1\ 2 111111111 81111 1k 111111.

The the of David Gale1151 1.;1te1'1‘11k 8.11: 111.15

The Little Polar Bear11'1

1);111}: 11.115.1111. 1115. 3.115. 5115 Mald In Manhattan 11’( 11

H.111}: 3.111. 5411 8111

AMan Apart1181

111 “ed. ".1111. 9311

Phone Booth 1 151

411111: '21). 9.21)

The Hecrult112..\1

011111; 1.45. 4.15. 1145. 1115

The Rules of Attraction 181

1).111_\: 4.111). ‘).11)

S Club: Seeing Double 111 11

1)a11}. 11115.1111. 1245. 315. 545. 8.15

Shanghai Knights 1 12..\1

1)a11\: 111.211.1111. 12 511. 321). 551). 8.211

Treasure Planet 11‘ 1

1).111}: 11.20.1111.

The Wild Thomberrys11'1

1).111_\' 1115511111. 1255. :3 CF“ ": THVL‘SL/A/ Z11

1’1‘11g1‘a111111e111ml} 111 he 8111111111 111111e pre\ 111118 ueek Phone 0131 5531170111111 11e111118z1111111111e8 Ne“ 111111811111'11111111‘11 on 111 1.8 Apr.

Bulletproof Monk 12.-\1

How to Lose a Guy In Ten Days 1 12.41 Phone Booth 1 151

-. THE LIST 39