
GOTAN PROJECT Usher Hall, Edinburgh. Tue 22 Apr; the Arches. Glasgow. Wed 23 Apr

Tango is the vertical expression of horizontal desire, an unbelievably sexy dance with the fast footwork of a knife fight. At least it was until Gotan Project (tan-Go geddit?) fused tango riffs with dub reggae and house, transforming this sleazy dance of the Argentine brothels into louche electronic club grooves that insinuate themselves into your body so you don't need months of classes to be able to move to it.

In a Paris studio which was (suitably) once an underwear factory, DJ clubbers Christophe Muller. and Philippe Cohen Solal have given Last Tango in Paris, Zappa's Chunga’s Revenge and Piazzolla‘s Vue/vo al Sur the Gotan treatment.

‘The Paris tango scene is a very old. Tango came here at the beginning of the 20th century becoming far more glamorous that it was in Buenos Aires. There has been a love story between Buenos Aires and Paris for a 100 years now. so there are a lot of Argentine musicians living in Paris who collaborate with us‘. Solal tells me.

He was one of the first DJs and producers of French dance music, working on Lars Von Triers' Europa

You know when you’ve been Gotan-ed

doubted anyone under the age of 50 would be interested in tango; now it's the soundscape of every club in Europe.

Contemporary politics comes with ‘Queremos Paz‘ (‘We Want Peace'). With Nini Flores playing the bandoneon. the special Argentine accordion which gives tango its soul, singer Christina Villalonga and 80-year-old Gustavo Beytelmann, Piazzolla’s veteran pianist, their tantalising show comes from behind a see-through curtain. Go-tan, go. (Jan Fairley)

and Yolande Zauberman‘s existential clubbing movie Clubbed to Death, before forming the DJ duo Boys from Brazil in the 19905 with Swiss producer Muller, playing alongside a group of samba musicians. They then met Argentine guitarist Eduardo Makaroff which is when the tango idea presented itself. ‘Rather than sampling and re-cycling elements, we‘re recreating tango as electronic dance music for today‘s people.‘

They went on to produce ‘Tango‘s Revenge‘ in answer to sceptics who

RADIO 4 Venue, Edinburgh. Thu 17 Apr; King Tut‘s. Glasgow, Fri 18 Apr

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44 THE LIST ' .-'- IX: '



Yeah boy—eel

I It still takes a nation of millions to hold them back 5‘ - 2: .

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