Music rock 8 pop ilSilleS

Rock 8. pop continued

Thursday 1 7


I Ronan Keating \ltt'. l'IlIIIlt'\lt|Il ()ua}.05‘0010-1000 "pin 13* 50 I lit' lll\ltllttll\ .\li KL'dllle.’ ll;i\ cllctliwl) “1.!th llIL' \III\\U\CI to pop t'ltlt'l \l.llt'\lll;tll at lliL‘ .if_'t' HI :0 Iletlllf; tin -l(il

I Aqualung .tlltl Grand Drive ()uu-ii \laigaict l'iiioii. 22 l'iiiwi'xit} (lilltlt'll\. ‘W‘VNI " ;0pm 1‘) 50 Su‘ \Vt'tl l0

I Funeral for a Friend, Instruction and Halo Friendlies King: 'l'ut'x \Vali \\ali llut. 353a St \iiit'ciit \tit't't. Ill 53"” 5pm, Ur. ()wi- llx \lltm, 'lakiiij: tlic t'iiiotioiial tlII\L' and Illt'llltllt‘ llt'illl ol L'IIIU. my gut tlll\t'll piML‘I ol rock and tilt ctliit' oi liaitlt‘oic. (iootl \tult.

I Check the Rhyme with the Needle Thiefs lildtlsll‘lilh ltlt|\\ll\lilll'\l. Vt “L'll \tl‘t't'l. 55: 592—1

". lllpiii lit-tn l.i\t- hip hop \iitli UL and hicaktlaiit'ci'x.

I For the Sake of Order XIt't'thlt'J/‘M Ill Sdllt'lllt'llilll Sliccl. 5“ I", 0pm (it'llII.tlI l‘.llltl. culoi't‘iti}: national \lk'lt'til}[\'\ with that iiaiiit',

I Drat and The Wow Kate the I Iili Nttlt' (atlt'. 5H (Ill Klltg $0111.55} HHS. ()l‘lll L5. loll \tilllltl\ lt’iim li'cland'x l)i‘;il. \uppoi‘tt-tl h) lotuil outlit lllt‘ \Vou Kalc. I Josephine, Empire Windrush and Free Radicals llai'll}. 3(i0 (lulc Slit-ct. 0350 90" 000‘), XIIIIL 9.11. How cuiotnt- llltllt' ll‘t'lx lioiii llll' L'Ullllllt‘lltlul‘lL‘ .ltht'ltlllllt' .llltl ll'lL‘lItl\

I My Nucleus, Breakpoint and Bad Obsession Stuml‘ct't'} l-icltlx. Sh ()\\\;tltl Sliu‘l. 0845 053 028‘). 7.30pm. LI. (ht-r- l>l\ \lIU“. Rock.

I The Mandrakes, Morales and Rithamutha 'l'lic ('cllai' llai‘. Ramada Jan ix tlngi'anil llotcl. I00 .\Iillci' Slt‘cct. liilo: 553 35l5, 8.30pm, l‘i't'c.

I Rev Doc and the Congregation Siiidio ()nc. (il'tt\\L'lIUI' llotcl. (irmwiior 'l'cri'at‘c toll B)l't'\ Road». 341 (i5lti. ()PIII. l-rcc 'l'i‘ad Rtkll \xitli llitl'lllttlllt'd cuihcllixliiiicnt,

I The Pendulums 'lL-liai ()x na. 42 ()tago lanc. ‘5" 453-1. Spin. l-rcc.

I Red Line 'l'indcrhov IH‘) lt'wcs Road. 3 W .‘illlfi. ‘lpttt. l't‘cc.

I Paul McCormick lscaiixcciic. 5 (‘i'cxmcll lanc. 334 (PTo Spin l-rcc. I The Vagabonds lhc St‘ttllil. I13 ll-lStiiL‘luu'll511111.552 xoxl. Upin l-iu'i Popular cm crx.

I Jam Session Samucl him'x. (W 7| \ithxdalc Road. 433 010". 8.30pm. l-i‘cc.

I Live Music \liiL‘Sot'lt'} \. ~13 .laiuaica Sti'cct. :43 85M. Spin l'i‘cc. 'l‘lii‘cc unxigncd local liaiidx.


0 Radio 4, Out Hud and The Rogers Sisters The \‘cnuc. I7 21 (‘altoii Road. 557 3073. 3pm. £7. Scc [II'L‘\IC\\ lot" \L‘\\ York's Radio 4. Support li'om NY puiik-l'unk pccrx ()ut llud. u ho add a duhh} L‘lt‘lllt'lll to thcir [NHl’Plllll‘ sound. and tlic Rogcrx Sixtci'x trio ulio arc said to \Hlllttl a tad lllu‘ tlic B53 l_|tl\l likc llItML‘ pcxk) Ycali Ycali Ycahx llIL'lII and 'l’alkiiig llcatlx.

I The Magnificents and Operator 'I‘hcc t'mlcrxmi-ltl. Baniicriiian'x. .\'iddr_\ Strccl. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. l’i'c L‘lt‘L'll'UL‘lthlI clcctro l'rom thc \itriolic Magiiil‘icciih.

I Andy McCabe and Alfonzo \\'lii\tlcl1iiikics.4 (I South Bridgc. 557 5| H. 0pm. (‘ontciupoi‘ar'x cox Cl'\ l'i‘om .\lc(';ihc. \\ illl original guitar IIlIlIIlk‘l‘\ l'roiii Alton/o.

I Open Mic Night ‘I'lic ('anonx' (Ball. 333 (’anongatc. 550 4-18]. 7.30pm. lircc. donations u clconic. Scc 'l'liu l0.

The Magnificents play Bannerman‘s, Edinburgh, Thu 17 Apr

I Doolah, Wildtype, Katy Bar the Door and lndica Bongo (‘luh 14 \cu Sti‘ccl. 55.\ 7004. Split. {-1. Thu ('liurt‘li ol \oixc lt'llllll\ “Illl iiioi‘t' rock action

I Out of the Bedroom \th-ilc} Bar. 1 St .\I;ii'}‘\ Slit-ct. 55~ [050.

0pm midnight, l‘lL'L'. Sec Thu [0

Friday 18


I Ronan Keating Sl-;(‘(‘. l-‘innit-xion Qua}. 08700-104000. 7pm. £33.50. SL‘L‘ Thu 17.


0 Radio 4, Out Hud and The Rogers Sisters King; 'l’utk \\.ili \\.ili llul. 353a St \ lllt't‘lll \tit'cl. 3.‘l 5.‘ "I

.\ illpui L“ St't' Hill I”

I Venus Hum, Adam Masterson and Snibglider lllt' ('atliouxt: l5 l'iiioii Sim-i, 343mm top.” in ()\L'l l.t\ \lltm Scc paucl pg: 50

I The Boogaloo Investigators l'lit- l‘unk Room. llIL' :\l't‘llt'\. 25‘ :\lj._‘.\ lt' Slit-ct. 0‘)0l 033 0300 llpiii. Llllitxi ~\‘oul .Illtl Rtkll \toiiiping lroiii llll\ gootlliuic (ilaxgmi hand. making; aiiiitlit'i ul lllt'll rcgulai' appcai'atiu'x at lllL' l'uiik Rimlll

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