Music rock & 00p lrstmgs

Rock 8: pop continued


I Mush, Sand, Rococo and LCD The l3th .\'ote (Kile. 5t) 60 King Street. 553 l63h'. ‘)pm. £ 3. Metal lme up.

I The Cobramatics Siutlm ()ne. (irox\enor Hotel. (iroxxenor Terrace toll Byrex Roadi. 3-H 65l6. ‘lpm. l-ree. Rth.

I Acoustic Jam \rce‘n'SIt-a/y. JZI Sauchiehall Street. 333 063“. 3.30pm. Free. With a ltce drink .ix inceutne lor pai'ticlpaittx


I Tommy Beavitt Bongo ('Iuh. It New Street. 55S 1(ill-l, Spm. £5. Holding \Valet' and Boalxlted Recoi‘dx lattttelt part} tcheck w w lor more mloi.

I Acoustica ('ahat‘el \ttllall'e. 36 33 Blair Street. 220 6176 Ilpiit. l‘i‘ee Holuntar} contrihutionx on cut l. See Mon l4.

Tuesday 22


I Tom Jones Sl-.(‘(‘. l'tlltllexltm ()ua). 087“ H40 4000, 7'pm. £23.5ll/£2lt.5ll. The leather} ttltl croc

w hoxe popularit} tuxt doex not w attc. regardlexx ol how incieaxmgl} orange he ix turning.

I Joan Armatrading Riwal (‘miceri Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 332 ID”. 8pm. £2ll/£IS. Mellow pop/rock xinger/xongwriter. i'exponxihle lor xuch hitx ax 'Lo\ e and Allection' attd 'Dt'OP the HTML. who opened the door lot the likex ol' Trac) (‘hapman.

I The Movielite, Vendetta Red and Piebald The (iarage. 4‘)” Sauchiehall Street. 332 I l2tl. 7.30pm. £7.50. ()\er- l4x xhow Triple hill ol' emo- tinged punk pop pla}ed h} enthuxiaxtic )oimg men \\ ith xptlx) hair and piercingx. There'x a lot ol' it ahout at the moment. You know the xcripl.

I The Coalfield, Jarcrew, Million Dead and Murder of King Tut'x \Vali Walt llut. 2"2a St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). .S’pm. £6. ()\er-l4x xhow. Thix hardcore quintet l'rom l’apenhurg. (iermam make their Scottixh dehut. pla_\ mg with notable emo grow lerx Jai'crtw and the moxt e\cellent Million Dead. who dexpite the trul} tacky name do xome muxcular poxt hardcore a la (ilaxxiaw and Fuga/i.

I Kreeper, Danish Love Dog, Drawn and Headtrip The l3lh .‘x'uie (are. 5() 60 King Street. 553 I638. 0pm. £3. Hero} rock.

I Dreampowder and Nibushi Shanghong Nice'it'Sleiil). 42! Saiichiehall Street. 333 0637. 0pm. Dreampowder are a keen mi\ ol' diih. rock and hip hop with twin \ocalixtx

I Care Carioka Tchai ()\ na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. .S'pm. .-\couxtic Bra/ilian xoundx.

I The Optimistics Beanxcene. It) SkirVing Street. 632 8090. 8pm. Free.

I Phil’s Session l'ixge Bealha. 233 \Vtmdlattdx Road. .564 I596. 9pm. Free.


I Katie Eyre-Mounsell and Halm Kite, Chop, the Leroys and Liquid Sounds (‘aharet Voltaire.

36 38 Blair Street. 220 6l76. llptn. £5. .-\ night of l'imk. hip hop and ex en acouxtic xoul ax part ol‘ cluh nigltt lndi\idual. with DJ Merlin taking _\ou through to 3am.

Wednesday 23


0 The Gotan Project The .-\rche.x. 253 .-\rg)le Street. (NO! U22 0300. 8pm. £ 1 2. See pre\ iew

I Goldblade, the Cherrykicks and The Red Eyes King ’l'ut'x Walt Walt Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221

52 THE LIST 30-323 At"


Cathouse. Glasgow, Fri 18 Apr, Venue. Edinburgh, Sat 19 Apr

It’s no overstatement that Tennessee imbues its inhabitants with a very real sense of the power of music, and a consideration at the circumstances leading to the band’s formation might give an idea of the sound they're making. Singer Annette Strean is the daughter of a Iumberjack. Making her singing debut in church at the age of nine, she played her first independent gig in a branch of Starbucks. Tony Miracle. whose first band was called Pyrex Fantasy (I kid you not), met bandmate Kip Kubin at college, bought him an Erasure record (again. I kid you not) and thus gave him the musical

direction he was searching for.

The rich musical history of their part of the world manifests itself in Venus Hum‘s passion for melody and in their understanding of one band's capacity to redefine music from a certain part of the world. Tony Miracle’s plaintive statement says much about the prominence of the groove in the lives of these new musical ambassadors: ‘l’ve been in a band since I was nine. This has been my mode of operating from since I can remember.’ (Johnny Regan)

527‘). S.3()pm. £6.50. (ioldhlade \\ ere doing the ramalama rock'n'roll thing long hel'ore the Datxunx rolled into town. combining it with xome \ igoroux xoiil inllueiicex and the admirahle wearing of hrothel creeperx.

I The Handsome Family The Ferr}. (‘l_\'de Place. 42‘) l()l(). 7.30pm. U l. .\lordant wit from the Addamx lamil} ol countr} rock. Rennie writex the l}l'lL‘\ aholtl killing xmall mammalx and huxhand Brett deli\erx them in hix dr) haritone.

I The Voladoras, the Face and Catcher Barn). 26(l (‘lxtle Street. 0870 ‘)()7 0909. 8pm. £4. ()\‘et'- l4x xhow. I Sam’s Hot Car Lot, Sluts of Trust aitd Stigma Stereo it'ormerl) \Vexl l3lhl. l2 l4 Kehinhattgh Street. 576 5018. .S'pm. £2. ‘llot lierce muxic' l'rom the Tarantinii-rel‘erencing SH('L and pow erl'ul duo Slutx ol' TrtIxt.

I The 44s, Contra and The Skarsoles Niec'rt'Sleiil}. 42! Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 0pm.

I The Devatones, Nothingforsecond and John D The 13th .\'ote Cure. 5() 6() King Street. 553 I638. 9pm. £3. Trio of punk rock handx.

I Cosmos, the Few, Touchtone and Fudge The (‘illlltlllSLH l5 Lniotl Street. 248 6606. 7.30pm. £4. ()xer-l-lx xhow. lndie rock line-up.

I Serve Chilled and The Bold Young Bones Mob The (‘ellar Bar. Ramada Jan ix tlngramt Hotel. 100 Miller Street. Info: 553 2515. 8.30Pm. Free.

I Kain Brel. .»\xhton Lane. 342 4\)66. 8.30pm. Local rock'n'roll outlit.


0 Laura Cantrell ()ueen'x llall. ('lerk Street. 668 201‘). 8pm. £13 t£l l ). .\'a.xh\'ille-horn xinger xongwriter Laura ('antrell tourx her latext album When the Roses B/mmt A win. See preview.

I Minus and Senator ('aharet Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 220 6176. 7.30pm. £5 £6. Slinux are a Scandinavian hardcore ()llllll who had their laxt xlah ol' acerbic growl produced h} Stexe Alhini. Local kindred xpiritx provide .xuppoit

I Lee Paterson and The Ruffness Whixtlehinkiex. 4 6 South Bridge. 557 51 I4. 9pm. The Rul‘l'nexx prmide a xet of funky heatx. drum & haxx and reggae \‘ihex.

I Last Days of Jesus Thee l'nderworld. Bannerman’x. .\'iddr_\ Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. (‘roatian goth metal.

I Nucleotides aitd The Rains Bongo (lab. 14 New Street. 558 7604. 9pm. £3. lidinhurgh—haxed xurf hand. with another xupport the.

I Fleamarket Funk (‘ziharei Voltaire. 36- 38 Blair Street. 220 6176.

l lpm 3am. Free. See Wed I6.

I The Ruffness \Vhixtlehittkiex. 4 6 South Bridge. 557 5] l4. 12.30am. Free. See Sat 1‘).

Thursday 24


0 The Sisters of Mercy and Oceansize Barrow-land. 244

(iallow gate. 552 46()l. 7.30pm. £2(). (iothic prince of darknexx Andrew lildriteh rumhlex through xome of thoxe

catch} doom rock numherx trom the Sllx. like an .ilternarock Johnn) ('axh Support trom mmdtuck prog teenx ()ceanxi/e w ho do .i mean \erx e meetx Janex Addiction thmg

I The Dead Kennedys The (image. 4"” Satichiehall Street. 3 32 ll2tl. ('.-\\(‘lil 1 Fl)

I The Grim Northern Social King Tut‘x \\.ih \Vah Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). .\‘, ltlpm. £6 He) ixlil\. tll'L‘dlllS tll‘ come true The (irrm Northern Social \\ ere xigned xhortl} alter hemg xpotted pla} mg the T Break Tent at laxt )t‘.ii"x T in the Park and now adumce xlightl} tip the hill. It worked tor Trax ix

I In Decades Decline and Divide The l3lh Note (Kile. 5” oil King Street. 553 1635. 0pm. £3. Hea\ioxit_\ li'om lidmhurgh.

I Minus, Fighting Red Adair, Nixie Kye, Barll}. 2N) (‘l_\\lt‘ Sheet. 0370 00" (NW). Split. £4. See “ed 2.3 I Viva Stereo, The Chymes and Onthefly Stereo. l2 l4 Kelunhaugh Street. 576 5tllS. .S‘pm. £3. launch night lor \'i\a Stet'eo'x third lil’ entitled Rmnmm'i'. dtie l'or releaxe on Monda) 2S April and aunlahle lrom moxt independent record xlot‘ex

I On the Fly, the Chymes and Viva Stereo Stereo tlttl‘lllel‘l} \Vt'Sl l3thl. l2 l4 Kelnnhaugh Street. 570 5018. 3pm. £3. l'L‘llL‘e Revolt“ xhowcaxe night.

I The Autumn .\'ice'n'Slea/_\. 42l Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 0pm. Local indie rock.

I Tergazzi, the Hands, Tonic and Zeus Forte Straw herr} Fieldx. .50 ()\\\ald Street. 084.5 “.53 923‘). 7.30pm. £4. ()xer- 14x xhow. Rock and indie.

I Regular Slinky and High Roller The ('ellar Bar. Ramada Jar\ ix tlngraml Hotel. ltlll Miller Street. litl'o: 553 25l5. 8.30pm. Free.

I The Nimmo Brothers Siutllo ()ne. (iroxvenor Hotel. (irox\enor Terrace loll l3}t‘ex Roadl. 34] ()5 l(). 9pm. Free.

I The Optimistics Beanxcene. 5 (‘rexxwell Lane. 334 6776. 8pm. Free. I Open Mic Tchai ()\ na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 3pm. Free.

I The Vagabonds The Scotia. ll2 ll4 Stockwell Street. 552 Shh’l. 9pm. Free. l’opular cmei'x.

I Jam Session Samuel l)ow'x, (l7-—7l Nithxdale Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. Free.

I Live Music MacSorle} 'x. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 X58]. Spill. Free. Three unxigned local handx.


I Jase, Sneak Attack Tigers and The Hustlers \k'hixtlehinkiex. 4 6 South Bridge. 557 5l l4. ()pm. ('overx from Jaxe l'ollow ed h} a douhle hill ol' indie-rockmg.

I Open Mic Night The (‘annnx‘ (Bait. 232 (’anongate. 556 44?“. 7.30pm. Free. donationx welcome. See Thu H). I Stigma ('itrux (Tub. 4t) 42 (irindlay Street. 622 7086. 8pm. £3. Three-piece from File and (ilaxgow xpecialixing in ‘heaxy rock/punk/pop/xltip'.

I Calvin Thee l'nderwoi'ld. Bannerman‘x. Niddr) Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. More local indie action. with xupportx xtill to he announced. Keep and eye otit for their new The Inter/tutimtu/ Sp) ('lub lil’. out damn

I Singleskin and The Goldenhour Heriot-Watt l'nixerxit} l'nion. Riecarton. 451 5333. ()pm. Free. [)ouhle hill of indie action. for xtudentx and their guextx onl).

I Out of the Bedroom Waxerle} Bar. I St Mary'x Street. 557 1050. 9pm~midnighr Free. See Thu It).

I Flyer l’otterrow Student l'nion. Brion Square. 650 2656. 7.30pm. £3~~£4. liax) going night of rock and indie l'rom up-and-coming hand Flyer.