JOVANKA STEELE They say blondes have more fun, but does that apply to comedgfl Jovanka Steele might just agree. This flaxen-haired American lady moved from LA to London last year and is making waves on the circuit by tickling a few funny bones with her sardonic nationalist observations. Steele’s debut Fringe show, But Enough About Me, won plaudits for her honest, mocking style. Exuberant and offbeat, Steele is making hay while the war rumbles on, finding rich- pickings with her biting, yet amiable, material. The land of the free has lost a comedy partisan worth her weight in gold.

I The Stand, Glasgow, Thu 10 & Sun 13 Apr; the Stand, Edinburgh, Fri


Duntocher Comedy Club l)iinug_'lcnn;ni. oh“ Dnmhurion Rouil. Hunlochcl'. lll 38‘) 3033M). ‘lpin. l-rcc, l'.;i\l cnil ol (iluxgoxi lunn} l;iil_\ Juiic) (ioillL‘) lll;ll\t'\ .i lriiiinplmnl honict‘oining. \\llll hailing: lroin nulnc .\'oo Yoikt‘i Sui Jlltl lotin l;iil('l1;ir|ic Riny


0 The Stand ‘nw Slunil. 5 \mi I’lm'c. 558 “TI. “pm. [7 it'oi ;\n\li‘; lnnn) Ind). and incinhcr ol l'lii' Vii-Ii li Slum 1min. Klll} l‘lginuggun i‘cggilcx \\llll hci‘ p.ii.inoiil lull \lill'lt'\. Soc pm in» John l'lllll .ind John (iorilon \lunil-np in \upporl.


O The Long Riders Tour 'l‘olhooih. J;nl “wild. (ll 730 2740i)” Spin, {5' lLSSlll. Scoliixh L‘Ulllt'tl} \hurp \llUUlCl\ l‘ll'llt'c Morton. \llt‘llut‘l Rcihnonil .llltl l’urrol milillc up lor .i [our ol \\ ii. \\ ixiloin .inil iligixici'cluxs coincil}. SL‘L‘ I'L‘\ It“.


Mrs Brown Rides Again l);l\llliill ll‘llk‘dlll'. lll Rt‘llllt‘ltl Sll‘ccl. 3 I: lh’Jli “.Rllpin. {l3 {l5 it'll [Ill Scc 'l‘uc l5.

Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcun. l’(i(' Building. chli'cxi Sll‘cL‘l. Us.” 787 ll7ll7. 8. l 5pm, {ll SCL‘ l‘hu l7.

0 The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. 33.: \Vomllandx Road, ()87l) hill) (i055. 9pm. £3. SL‘C l‘Tl l8.

Madcap Comedy Club Siuic Bur. l—lh' Holland Sirccl. ‘No 9280‘ 0,3(lpni. [5 (Lil. SOC Sui l3.


Phil Kay 'l‘hc lion. ‘) llnnici Sinmu‘. lligh Slit-cl. ll"‘).\o il‘xio .\ illpni.

{5 St‘iill.lllilh\ ll'i'L‘ liil’lll t‘illlli‘il) lll;lt‘\ll'l\ 1.1km )on on .i \lllli‘dl ioui‘nc} inlo lll\ unprcilicluhlc iinuginiilion.

The 'l'llk' Sldllil. 5 \Illl'k l’ltlt'i'. 553 “3‘3. Upni LN. Sm l'l'l l.\‘.


Mrs Bnown Rides Again l’milmn Vl‘lk'illllk‘. l_‘l RL‘llllClll Sli'ccl. “3 lN—lh ".illpni. {l3 {l5 it'll (III. Mr Jim 15 0 Easter Sunday Special 'l‘hc Slunil. 333 \Vooillunih Rodd. “Kg/(l (rill) till.“ ‘lpin. to itSi l-ccl ihc ulinighi} llt‘ullllg ponci' ol llic Rcwrcnil ()hiiiliuli Slcppcimollc and ln~ \lunil up lll\L'lplL'\ \\ ho incluilc John lilinl. l)c\ Mylmn .inil \‘illllpcl'i‘ \llt‘llm‘l Rt‘illlliillil.


Reg's Night at Yo Ho Ho Sushi \‘u' llclo“, (if) Row Sli‘i'cl, llll (ill-ll). ‘llim, l-i‘cc .-\ inun ol mun} ll‘.llllt‘\. Vlililllllll‘ Nlc’lln l\ll lk'dtl‘ lhc t'oinit‘ churgc Support comm l'i'oin CUIJlCll} t‘i'iixgiilcr Bill Down and (imcmc 'l‘lioiniix

Easter Sunday Special 'l‘hc Sunni. 5 York l’lut‘c. 555 “I”: ‘lpni to i£5i Scuxonul lunghx count-x} ol local mint-diam John (lllllx‘lx. ('olin Ruinonc .inil coinpcrc Junc Marlon.

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Lounge llol}rooil 'l‘mcrn. ‘) lliil}roml Rlldtl. 55- 4"": “pm {3, 'lk'ilil) and Simon Dick lukc control at llll\ \wckl} CUIllL‘tl} club

Edinburgh Red Raw Holiday Special 'l‘hc

\l.:nil. \oz'k l’lntc *‘\ M“ f l :glil xmnil .1;‘\I.:ii mih ink; lhcxr llhl lcnlnlnc \lc;\\ oi: thy \oincih ionif untlcr lllk' giiiilnnd' ol ll\‘\l lohi; (ioiilort .inil llk'Jtlllllk'J l)k‘\ \‘.Ll‘.

Tuesday 22


Mrs Brown Rides Again l’.:\1lion lhmiit: ifl lx’cnliclil \llx't‘l. 1‘: i\1o “Wm Ll; Ll‘itll :1?» \ci- lm- i<

\ ll I‘m] L


Geordie Giggle lhc \lnnil. \oik l’l.l\\'. <*\ “I”? \ Wyn: 1":1i \ \.lllk‘l_\ ol \i‘llli‘ill.il1\lli‘llllllt'lllllli‘il \Inic ol (it-orilii'lnnil yuml .ll llll\ noilli oi

l nfglnnil \pu‘ml

Wednesday 23


Mrs Brown Rides Again l’..\ilion

l llL'.llli‘. ljl Ri'lllli'lil \lli‘i‘l. {if lh ll\

7 Winn (I; Hi it'll (Iii \i-c Inc l5,

A Kick Up the Tabloids llic SLinil. “l \\iiiiill.illil\ Rihlil. llhqll lillll Ml“ “pm (5 It'll Sci‘ \M'il lo


The Stand Improv lhc Sinml. 5 York l’lik't‘. 5*.‘4 "2”) “PHI. '5 iL'ii Su' \Vi‘il lb

(350” lhi' (ilohc. \iililiic Sliccl “pm Nov l'oilnighll) (Ulllk'll) clnh \\lll1 linc up \llll lo hc yonliiincil

Thursday 24


Mrs Brown Rides Again l).|\llliill l‘llk'dll't‘. ljl Ri‘lllli'lil Slli't'l. H: lN-ll) “fillpiii, {Ii L' | < it'll {III 8w luv


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcinx. l (i(~ llnililing. chlicu Slit'i'l. llNfill EN“ llfill". hlflpin. to Sinin Rillk‘ll\ iniioilnt‘m (ilnxgou gag: gunrunioi l)c~ Multan). llll|\l\';ll (icoiilic luil (im In \Vchxlcr .inil lulon\ lulixnl yhon‘ho} Junior Simpson

The Stand llk‘ Slnnil. “l \Viioillgillih Rom, ii.\'"ii (illll iiiiii ‘lplll L‘S ritii lnnou‘ni ill\\L‘l\.lllUll\ lioni hauling Ind} Shelagh \lui‘lin. “how \uppoi‘lin; txixl lllk'llltlk'\ loml \‘Ulllk'lllJll .lohn (ll‘ltlllll iinil \oiu' owr maxim Riyl‘} (lillun, Giggles \lcit'nr} loungc. l-l.‘ ll.iih l.;inc. 348 I77". “pm [5 iL-li. (iii) li'icnill} coincil} \\ilh loi‘inm .\'oi'lh \Vi'xl (‘oinciligin ol the _\i'ui Slcw ll;lll'|\. .lt‘kltl} .inil Snniliii Johnxion


The Stand 'l-llt' SlJllil. 5 \llllh l’ldu‘. 558 "3"}. ‘lpin {Sit-1i. lncrpool \ioi‘ilxnnih th'lldl'il .-\||cn lakcx lop hilling. \\llll Marlin l'urh}. J\lltl_\ Rciil unil \‘Ullllit‘l't‘ l)onn;i Kiut‘hun. Snatch Club ‘l'hi' liqunl Room. W Vit'loi'igi Sli'ccl. 325 3504. Illpin Min, 2.3.5” liffilll, Scc 'l'hu Ill.

lSti'ltlb‘ Comedy


Simon Munnery noi-

if'w' ".Ll'h'

.i'iiiir u. ’wlw. .i w :ui l~ lli‘§|:“'»‘.'.'r"‘\""' " will ll illnl‘t. I f .' i' (Rwu’ai' Ii ' ,‘Hll

Scott Capurro wii gin

iliilil fi‘l‘iillli'il .lii. ii law. liii.

(:l)llllkl\.l‘lfilill I'uuil'w Io iiiilii'iiii lll iir‘ ~l ..llli‘l‘.ll itzilligilil, Pin 1 1' .' I". In fl £511? 7.’ Vi."

Kitty Flanagan :1“ in. liitEfl it; our ruin f‘wi- Y'w- .‘llwuni known l( ii iii i'i‘l iiriiiiii liillil'“ m (illil liil.iiioii:; lililllli‘ lwlim- llV gm? lli?l {l f§|llliilli fii‘l‘ inex'iiis. Hio .‘leiliil, (}/.1>;_<;oii.; llii, 7/ Apr, the) Stu/id, li/iiiliimili, in A} Sal lfl/lpi

Long Riders Tour lvl« mm, on down l() your loiul f§i1l()i)ll to lzilw Il‘ lliiiro ol Scottish (fit"i(‘(l,"§ lll'li‘ .‘Li’l‘.i‘ll ‘llliilll / if/i

Slii )( >14 W; Si *i’ M ".‘ii [liiul'ix .‘~"iil/rii1, in {iii/Mn;

Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolfe Ill l w / i M i Slims. mm. ligiw‘ lllll “l8 lilll",i' for tho lll‘li: l)(‘lll(l, fii/ ()ll‘i» worship at tho gillgir oi llli,‘ rovoiod lllllllylllzlll :il iliir; l {lf;li?l f3l)(}(ll£ll, Sinuiiliigiou‘; .‘iiiil illVIllifl hysterical. l/io Sid/ii], (l/i'l.‘§(](ll".”, Si/ri :’() Apr,


' " international . coinech festival

Abigthankyoutoall “sponsorst and whomadeou'flrstfestlval suohastunnlngsuocess.


-, THE LIST 65