If you like your beats Brazilian and totally infectious. Bébado is the place for you. Residents Branco. Chief and Dog guide us through what‘s causing the dancefloor

rumpus. £5,“ ,- u' r ' 7‘1} ,.~ . . i.

) a .

k . DA P0 : 3c)» '7’: L ,


a) T " Bob Azzam: ‘Batucada Por Favor‘

(Mr Bongo Records) ll: :3 f. a cam/L

:saniha track, .‘.’|lll a tiratlaai (meant,- ,"

tempo, t;lin‘axiii<_; ill t;atiii.a 'l‘éiill‘: :35) This; is; what Bf:l>£t(l()1f;£l‘i {ll/{MT


Serge Marnes: ‘Maracatu (Traditionnel)’ (Playasound Records) Taken from tht: alouiv‘. Percus‘SIons Bl'f,‘f§l/lt3llllt?f; (Sal, {)f; 'o Samh'. Fusing a traditional African influenced Maracatu track how. tiit: north-east of Brazil Wllll Calypso stoo: (lruni styles. this track shouldn't real», work, but it does; and ‘Nlléll a beautiful result. If this; doesn't away your hips, you must he (loati‘,

lrian Jaya: ‘Chilli Con Carne’ A nip hop influenced inash of Latin heats; and pieces.

lrian Jaya: ‘Bébado de Nova’ Meaning 'Drunk Again'. a Sure-fire roof raiser and the theme-tune of the club. I Many of the ol the tracAs play (it: a: Bebado are custom made. remixed or edited by res‘ident DJs producers lrtar Jaya (Dog and Chief); downloads available at mm: behado. Ct). uA. Next date Sat 72 Apr. Rive/Side Club. Glasgow. check listings for details.

70 THE LIST 10—2-1 Apt I‘lli‘li


I Funk Room .ll iht- \lcllt'S

llpni ‘ani LllIILSi lS \pi \lonthl} lhc liiiiigaliiit lll\c\ll:_'.tliil\ [‘la} lllt'll xixticx xt}lc li\c tunlx to tlic dixtinguixht-d tioxxd ol tlic l-unk Rooni loch \cxxian iockcix unit a xplcnditl tollcction ot ~15x. thc} atc \ci‘} \kiillll} gut-xtx

I Gavin Pearson and Adrian Coll at .\lcdia llpin iain Llht \M-cld} lhc t\xo DJx ‘aho adorn thc top ol thix lixtingg. in axxotiation \kllll ('l_\dc l. at thix iicul} icxanipcd \cnuc l’uinpin' tuncx and all drinkx lot 13 \ot had

I Global Groove at lhc lunncl

llpin iaiu Uhc \Ncclxl} ()n lxaxtci l'll. thc} dcplo} anothci niaxxixc gucxt in lhc loini ol Junior Sancth along \kllll Doincnic .\laitin lhcn. a \xcclx latci. thc) go and do it all iljJJHl \iith nonc otlici than Ra} Roc. llankcd h} Jon Mancini. onc ol out lincxt

I The Good Friday Massacre at .-\d lih l lpiu -laiu :5 IS .\pi \lonthl} Doxxnloun lluxtlcix Si \ltiira} and (‘hrix .\Iari lioni ('aihon in\itc thc llong: Kong: .\liciox ol l'i\cllllzaxl iccoitlx onto thcn inanor lot" a xouiidclaxli ol houxc. hicakx and hootlcgg} action. laxpccl thc unupcclcd and )ou nught hc picpaicd l’l'tipCl"

I Haptic at thc Vault. \cxt datc thc

I Kinky Afro at lhc Suh (‘luh

llpin .iain. t". ll Apr \loiitlil} l'iixt Kink} rcxidcntx' night xiiicc thc i'copciiing. can _\ou hclicw it” It'x long: int-r duc. xo .\latthc\\ atid Rohin \\lll hc roclxin‘ it DI}: tinic. along “llll lhc iiiitnitahlc Diciiihc druniining lioupc and A} a“ am.

I Hustle and Bustle al Hahn/a. (ipni 3am iDJx lroin llpnii. l'icc hclorc llpni‘. £5 attcr. \Vcckl}. l’aul 'l’ra'uior. Skud and llill} Joncx rip ll up \xilh xoinc highl} chargcd Rtkll and hip hop niixcd with lunlx} atid lunkicr trackx.

I LiveVEvil al (ilaxgou School ol :\i‘l. llpni .iain. LES lb“). 1 I Apr. l‘oi‘tnightl). l.cg_'cndar_\ druni tk haxx night at thc \L‘lltiiil, l'l'tlxll'ulc lllUSC l‘ctllx huh}.

I Latin Fever at lla\ana. 9pm 2am. l‘l'cc. \Vcckl}. DJ Kcith l) xpiiix up xonic (‘olunihiair (‘uhaiL .\'c\\ York and .'\ll'l(illl xalxa. adding: a l\\l\l ol l.alin chart. Rtle and global hcatx to lhc rh)thiiiica| xtcu. 'l'axt}.

I Life at lhc (‘orinthian lllpni .iillll. L‘o \Vcckl}. Kcnn .\lcl'arlanc tllcat tum p|a_\x thc liiicxt in xoul. lunk. Rtle houxc and oltl-xcltotil cl;i\\lcx.

I Medicine Wheel at lhc Stih (‘Iuh llpni 3am. £3. 18 Apr. Monthl}. ’l’hc old ‘\\hcc| do thc uxual and la} otit thc lincxt cutting cdgc tcchno. clcctro and clcctronica lxnou n to man or hcaxt. Iriditc Rccordx xpccial. \kllli :Jllt‘SlS.

I ill lllL' (ilil\:_‘()\\ School Hi All \cxt dait- lhc.

I Moda at .\loda. ‘lpin 3am. l'i‘cc. \Vcckl}. Barr} (icnuncl caxcx liix \xa)

through thc night \Kllli thc lincxt in houxc.

garagc and Rtkli.

I Monox at thc Soundliaux. l Ipni 5am.

Ul) tL'lx’i. lS’ Apr. .\lonth|_\. .\lono\

\\ clconicx a pionccr ol' thc l’SA’x acid tcchno and l';l\ c xccnc. DJ liSl’ aka Wood) McBridc. for a l‘lx' c\c|uxi\c appcarancc. lti addition to running lhc ‘l-‘urthcr' lllltl\\Cxl l';l\L'x ialong \\llll l'l'dlllxlt‘ Boncx among othcrxi hc alxo unlcaxhcd xoinc ol' thc all tiinc claxxic acid tcchno trax xuch ax thc Ii’mlu'l/ml/ llt'r‘m'i lil’ on liix o\\n (‘oiuniuniquc rccordx. .-\ll iii all. thix ix a xpccial gucxt at a xpccial cluh Sn- [U't’l It'll.

I National Pop League al the \Voodxidc Social. 8.45pm 3am. £3 it‘ll 25 Apr. Motillil). l’oxt punk. ('30 and indic pop pla} cd h} thc paxxionatc National l’op l.ca:_'uc. Join thc part} or rixk not hcaring all thix grcat niuxic.

I Nocturnal at .-\d l.ih. l 1.30pm 3am. £5. IS Apr. Monthly Si .\lurra) and ('hi‘ix .\larr arc thc rcxidcntx at thix rathcr grcat cluh \\ ith a houxc cniphaxix. liclccticixni ix thc inain conccpt. though. xo ll it gctx )ou dancing. it “Ill hc pla}cd

I The N00 Groove at .-\d lib. chi dalc 33 Ma).

I Pressure at thc :\ichcx l lpiii 3am tlh 35 .\pi \lonthl} :\ll girl xpccial \l\l\\ll at Sonia tout-ix thix nionth. ax DJ llcathci. l ottic. \lonika Kin/c. Michcllc llaxut-ll and lii'cnda Ruxxcl la} doun thc tiackx that _\ou nccd in _\out lilc

I Public Spirit at Butlda. l lpni iani t“ it5i \\cckl_\ Jon Da Sil\a ix onc ol thoxt- D_lx who \kill. for lhc I‘cxl ol hlx tl.i_\\. llllil lltt' \\iittl\ ‘lllt' lL‘gCllLl.ll'.\‘ laclxt'tl till ll‘ lllL' \lttll til lll\ nainc. llL' and thc .-\doi‘philiacx .uc ha\ in; thcir \xcckl) pail} at thix might} \cnuc. xo hc lllL‘lL'

I Radar at llic (ilaxgou School ol .-\rt Ill illpin “.illl t" it5'fii. lSApr l'cchno and clcctio \\llll a ll\ c xct lioiii xpccial gucxt Hoh lli'oun il'i'aincuork Rccordxi. I Red and Gold Room at .-\t'ta. lllpni iani, l'icc hclorc I lpni; t" altci'. \Vcckl} DJ .\lichacl (l'Sht-a popx up to xpiii onl} thc lincxt xalxa and l.atiii tuncx lit a \ct} \\ t'll llcclt‘tl .'\l'l;t cl'im tl.

I Relentless at thc Rnci‘xidc Social. Midnight iillll, t” lUil. II .-\pr. .\lonthl_\, ()pcning night loi' thix ncxx lull on lcclino night Scott lroni RaDaR and Scucll} lroni l:('.\l at'c lhc rcxidcntx. and on tliix dalc thc) Kc di‘allcd in Mark ll;l\\l\lll\ ol l'gl) l'unlx lor liix lii‘xt xct in (ilaxgou lor txxo _\cai‘x

I Rockit at lianihoo. 5pm iani. £7 ((5 i. \Vcckl}. \th club and hat \cnlui‘c that hringx xoinc ol tlic iiioxt worth} i‘cxidcntx in (ilaxgoxx togclhcr lor lunk} hottxc and Rtkll xcxxlonx. (icnll .\loiitlortl takcx carc ol lhc lornicr. \xhilc l’aul l'o\ tlcalx \xilh lhc lallct‘. giltltllllllllll.

I Salsa Seduction at ('cnti‘al llotcl. NL'H tltllc llk‘.


Melting Pot at Riverside Social, Sun 20 Apr

I Fridays at Trash al lraxh

lllpni iani {5 iUi “ct-kl) \\.ill-to-\\ all drunk pcoplc uahcf l,ixa l llllk'\\t\\‘\l and Scott \lacka) pla} uplront houxc to a packcd dancc lloor. \\ itli part} tuncx in thc ltiii room

I Tidy at thc Shack lll illl‘lll .‘i “lain 15 it}! \Vcckl}. lct that inlcctioux l-ri lccling takc hold ot )iiii \\llllt‘ DJ lain llaiiloii lakcx control ol lhc tlaiicc llooi‘

I Lick It at lhc \lcicur} l oungc

lupin in”). H. \Vcckl) DJ .\lichcllc il’optaxtic. \Vigglci pt‘tn idcx chart and part} xoundx to a ini\cd cioxx d

I Tronicsole and Tracktion Sessions at .\l.-\S Ilpiii iain 9;" lift \Vcckl) Surc lo allracl a hcll) ctoxul ol rcwllcrx iti thc cit} cciitrc (‘hrix llarrix. \lartxn Jcngahcad. Milton Jackxon and (iordon I.og_'an arc )our niuxical hoxtx. playng otit thc lincxt tripp). lunk} xoundx I Under the Counter at lllC liquid loungc. llpin idlll. to. \Vccld) Marc .\lc('ahc hringx thc claxx gucxtx in to thix hcautilul \cnuc. l’hil Saliadori ol l’apa JUC.\ ix in on ll :\pl. and on IS :\pr thcrc’x (ilaxgoxx l'ndcrground’x chin McKay

I Urban at lhc 'l‘uiincl. llpni iain. £5 liil. \Vcckl}. An Rtkll xcxxion courlcx) ol l’aul \‘Jic at thix ncul} rclaunchcd. claxxic (ilaxgtm \cnuc.

I Urban Groove at ('luh liudda.

l lpin Kain. £4 tUi, \Vcckl} l’caturing thc lalcnlx ol Donicnic Martin. \\ ho xcanilcxxh incrgcx l'S houxc and garagc. dccp houxc. dixco. xoul. funk and Jan. \xliilc adding: lhc odd daxh ol' Latin and Alto grooxcx

I Vacuum at Riwrxitlc ('luh

Midning 3am. {Ill tLS'i. l8 Apr. Launch ol thc llL‘“ night from lhc folk hchuid Alwrdccn'x clcclriilunkdixcolcquc Kiti-

Tony Rossano's biography is an example of how you can bring together Promethean overreaching and amazing diversity and still have a great time. Roadie, actor, Phuture Trax employee, record producer, DJ, global-house aficionado and general man about town you could never accuse Tony of

slacking off.

Sharing company with Francois K and Danny Krivit, Rossano has moulded his DJing skills into the mainline to unadulterated, soulful, eclectic house genius. Like any good party man, he resists the British tendency to categorise every last thing: ‘Especially in the UK, people like to put everything in boxes,’ he says. ‘You just don’t get that in the States, France or Russia. The music I play is just good music of generally black


Displaying mad love for what he calls 21 st century soul, Rossano likes his music to sit in that delightful niche where jazz, soul, funk and techno all combine to make good house music. Brilliant house-and-disco club Melting Pot recognises the spinning skills of this renaissance man, and will be bringing him to the Riverside Social on Easter Sunday for what is shaping up as one of the nights of the year. Simple and gorgeous, this is where the depth of a club’s musical scope accommodates a guest of no

mean calibre. (Johnny Regan)