Glasgow Saturdays continued

I Rapture .II \leIlIII llpnI Run

Llhe “Ix-kl} “le .lllIl Hllx I lIIxxII x lInIII .lIInIex RIIxxell. .liiIl _L'llt'\l I),lx I"-Cl_\ Iun \keekx InIIlII' mix .I Inn lll_‘_'lll nIII

I Red and Gold Room .II \II.I lllpnI iIIIII l'lt't' helnIe llpIII. £S .IlIeI \\eelxl} Hill} .\lIlleQIIII III.Inx Ihe Ileelxx lnI .l line IIII'hI nl l IIIIII hnnxe 'l hIx \IIIl erInnxl} prIe up Milli lIle. ll IhIII‘x \IhIII'x IeIpIIII'Il

I Rub Down .II \Il lIh llpnI iIIIn. LS «£1 SUI I‘l \pI .\lnnlhl} leIIIIIIIIIg Ihe I'uxInnI hnIll ’IIIIIIInI/(Inun xnIInIl x} xIenI. l).lx llnuli and 'l IIIII liIIenn Ilinp Ihe hnnIlIx nn )Iilll heIIIl lInIII Ihe nnex .InIl Iunx

I Saturdays in Bed III IIIIIIIkI-I IlnInIeI|_\ Hall I“ WpIII iIInI. £7 I£5I 'l he llllllxlt‘\l RIkli III the en} Inekx Ihe hi}: lIIII'k heIhnnIII nn .I SIIIIIIIl.I} III lieIl \\llll Ihe leg'enILII} RIIIIIInIIIl \VIIIIle Inn IlII lit-xl .InIl hIx nIIIxII'IIl .IIIIII‘x keep Inn .I\\IIl\e III Ihe lInIII heIlInnnI IIIIIIxIng IhIx neu SIII III;'hI nne nl the IIIan panIlIII III Ihe I II}

I Seismic .Il .\Il l.ll\ \k'\l IlIIlI‘ ll‘t' I The Shack .II lllt‘ SIII-k

ll) illpni i. “LIIII £~ I£5I \\eel\l_\, l.eI )nIII lIIIII Illl\\ll IlllIl Inen Ihlnpx up nn llit‘ IlIlllek'llIIIII In lliL' xIIIIIlle (\l IIll )HIII SlIIIelx lIIxnIIIIIex

I The Ill llit‘ Sllt'tl.

Hi illpIII ZIIIII £(I \\eel\l_\ |)eIII.IIIIl Ix in;le lnI IlIIx nIIe. xn gel IheIe mil}. lInIeIIee Ilepln}eIl h} [H R4} nInnIl l)II\Ien III Ihe lll.llll lIIIll. RIkll .IlIeInIIIIIln (’hIIx llexkelh Ill Ihe l.nlI

I Sidewinder .II .'\Il l,ll\ \e\l ILIII- % XIII).

I Slam Presents .II Ihe (‘Iu'hne .'\\'.ltlt‘lll_\. (ilIIS‘L‘IRV ‘) illpnI Run £1". l.‘ -\pI nnl}, Sn} II xIIIInInIn‘ helln In IhIx neu (Il.Ix;.:n\\ \enue. lhe hne up Ix \xnIIh} nl Ihe exenl. \\llll (‘IInneIIz Ihe hiIllIIIIII ll l'UllllIlIlllUll IInI-I. '\Il;llll l'lL'L'lIIIIIl .IIIII Ihe nughl} lhenu'ne, |.eI'x gel IhIx pIuI) xIIuIeIl. .\I'I' [llt'lli‘lL

I Soulsa .II .\l;\S. leIII {IInI £5. \VeekI) ’\llIl_\ IInIl ShIIe 1) me III ehIn‘ge III Ihe elnh III RII_\III l:\e|I.In;_'e SIIIIIII‘I'. .-\ gI'eIII xnIIllul lInuxe xexxInII nn lhIx “ell IlL‘\L‘l'\ I‘Il pull}.

I Streetlife III l.II|uIIl

|.nung_'e lllpin .iIIIII. £IS' I£5II I‘) .\pI: .\lnIIIhl} llil\ eelehI'IIIInII nl IIquie Ix IIquIll} pneked nIII. xn nIIIke II up eIII‘l} In eIIxIIIe Ihe pIu'I) gnex In plIIn. llnuxe. hip hnp. Ieehnn. eleen‘n. lII‘I'IIkx. IIIIIl IIII_\IhIn;: elxe IhIII xnuIIle lllllell) line ix IhI'n\\II InIn Ihe llll\. l-nr l/ll\ I/Illl' with 'I\ IIII‘I Im/ lil'li/I'l'\ eel Liv/11H II/l Hie/II.

I Subculture III Ihe Suh ('luh.

llpnI iIIIII. I‘ll). \Veekl}. Suheullure IIIkI'x lune nnl lInIII IIII\ inf.- Ihe liIIexI guexlx III'nIIIIIl In xInIpl} he Ihe liIIexI nighl III‘nunIl. lI’x II hIII‘Il hle. huI xnnIehnIl} ‘x gnI In lixIeII In all Ihix \InIIIlerlIII hnuxe Inuxie.

I Superfly Ill Ihe \VIIIIleIIlC SIICIIIl. lllpIII ZIIIn. £5. I‘) Apr. linI‘IIIIghII). 'l‘he px) eheIlelie eIIhIIreI enIIIIIIIIex III Ihe \Vnntlxitle \\ iIh Ihix. Ihe xeennIl pIIrI nl Ihix IIInIIIh‘x Ilnnhle helping: nl \lu'“ eIl IlIIIIeeIeriII IuIIl inleIIII} xilnnking elnhhing IIeIinn.

I Syntax III SnuIIIlhIqu, .\'e\I IlIIIe Ihe. I Traxx III SullllklllilllS, .\'e\I IIIe Ihe. I Nisted and Brainfire III Ihe \'IIII|I. 0pm .iéllil. £lI), ll) Apr nnl). llIII'Ilenre Ieehnn IIIIII gIIthI III Ihix

legeIIIlIIril} hlixlering eluh. There are I'III'.

lIIr Inn IIIIIII} l).l\ In IneIIIinII. xn xIIlliee In .\II) Ihe} IIll rnelx and will keep Ihe ernutl \\ iI‘eIl.

I Vegas III Ihe Renl'reu l‘err}.

0.30pm ZIIIII. £8 (£6 lnr lune} Ilrexxi. 1‘) Apr. .\lnIIIhl). SIill nne nl Ihe lk‘xl eluh Inglle IIrnIIIIIl- \xilh l-"runkie SunIIIIrII. Bugx) Seagull IIIIIl l)inn .\lIIrIiIIi. l.nlII l.IIx \egIIx. Venux (iIIIIIhiIIn. the Vegas Shnugirlx IIIIII Ihe i"IIhII|IIIIx SenII BrnIherx enIIIpleIe Ihe hill. BrilliIInI.

I The Winchester Club III the Wnndxide SneiIIl. 9pm ZIIIII. £3. ll Apr. .\lnnlhly l’IIIIIlII KanIIIIlII IrII\el l'rnIII 72 THE LIST ‘_



I I McBride. His caustic beats have been tearhg dowri 1N2, originally as DJ ESP and then under

his own name. He went on to win a prestigious Minnesota Music Award in 2000, names such as Prince. His laid-back laconic drawl belieetheferociousnessofhisoumutand DJ style. ‘lt’staking my Influences of metal and psychedella and towns it with my subconscious recollections ofyou' ancientancestors-Teutonic andtribal - and relnterpreting it,’ he says. “Artists are just part of a continuum of the origin ofmusic.Werete|lthestorythebestwecan.’

He’s unlike so many of these superstar DJs, all and glam with no

substance. All 12 minutes of his rolling, squeal ‘Ratllesnake’ sound as vital today as they did I, I-leswitcheseasllyfrom discussingthestate 1‘


baa : a few:

“but in America it is still thought of a a

I '- respectto Monox and firm really excited to return to the homeland of my

_: dic masterpiece first released in 1995. erica to the state of ,... ' rest of the world,’ he ' remely exotic, marginalised

is Scottish origins, this should

anoesto . I Scots roots so I plan to really turn it out. The


,’ (Henry Northmore)

liellIIxI In plII} lnI' ux Ihix IIInIIIh \\ Ilh xIIPPnI'I lI'nnI (ilIIfoIm \ nun lleelni‘ ('nlleeInI'x. 'l'hen. Ihe \\'iIIelIexleI' ('luh I)Jx “ill he plII}ing_' Ihen' IIquIl llll\ nl' iIIIlie. pnp. xnul. hip hnp IInIl IIII}IhiII3_' elxe Ihe} lane) l'nI' )nIII' IlIIIIeIIIg [llL‘ihlll'L‘I

I Wired III Ax} IIIIII. (’IIleIlnIIIIIII l'IIiIeI'in} l'IIinII. Illpni .iIInI. £3 \Veelxl}. ('IlIngnIx 'x lnIIgexI I'IIIIIIIIIg IIIIerIIIIIne indie nighl \inII Ilrinkx prnmnx IlplL'lil}.

I Seduce III x\l'L‘llIlIi\_ 1 1pm ,iIIIII. £8 I£(n. \Veekl}. (hurl) dance and RIkB. IInI In IIIeIIIinII IIII llllliL‘ullli) xIIIIIIIerIIIg nl' eheexe nn IlIIx huge SIII IIIghIeI:

Glasgow Sundays


I Audioporn III .\lereur) l.nnnge.

l IpIII .‘Kllil. £Ihe. \Veekl}. .-\ IIIghI lnr Ihnxe \xhn xIIll IIInIII‘II Ihe pIIxinIg nl' .'\l&l\l\;l. 'lihix nighl hIIx II lilIh) Ieehnn and limb eleen'n henl. IIIIIl IIII npeII Ilnnr pnliey ()n Ill .-\pl'. lliL‘ L'lllli L‘L‘lL‘lil‘IIiLN Ihe liIIxIer Bunk llnlIIlII} \IIIh II IIIghI \kllll ('nrtlurn} Jack and Thin nn Ihe Ileekx. ()III} Ihe Ileepexi IlirI} hnuxe IIIIIl Ieehnn “ill dn.

I Bennet’s III Bennei‘x.

l l..‘~()pIII .‘IIIIII. £3. \Veekl}, lII \Ihieh \Ie IIre ennl'rnIIIeIl h} II xIrIInge pIIriI}. 'l'nnI plII}x Iunex Inxed h) ll-_\eIIr-nlIl girlx. plux xnme hIIIIgin' hIIIIIlhIIg. In quIIIIl) IIppreeiIIIi\ e gII} Inen. lInIII} nld “mid.

and of the UK is really dialled in, so I have some special surprises for

I Bite III Ihe ('IIIhnnxe. Illillpm .iIun. l'I'ee hean I lRUpIII; £3 I£l.51li IIlIeI‘. \Veekl), .\ InIlIleI' llll\ nl IIIIlIe IIIIIl rnek IhIIII )IIII'll linIl III Ihe en) 'x pI'eIIIIeI' I‘nek \enue nn l'l'l nI' SIII.

I Club Tropicana III Ihe (iill'ilfJL' I.-\IIIeI. llpIII RIIIII £3 I£3I_ \Veekl}. Indie. hnIh elIIxxIe IIIIIl enIIIeIIIpnI‘III'}.

\\ IIh II heIIlIh} Ilnxe nl Brupnp.

I Colours III Ihe .-\I'ehex 1 1pm .‘IIIII £l‘). II) Apr. .\inIIIhly 'l‘hIx lzIIxIeI‘ e\II‘II\IIg_'IIII/II hI'IIng .lnhn l)Ig_'ueeIl. I)IIIIII_\ llnuellx. lleIl KIIIIIlI. lnII .\lIIneiIIi and ('III\ llnIIxInII In the IlL'L‘le l'nr II blinding IIIghI nl hnuxe. SIIII nIIIIlnexx lI‘nnI Ihe lnggexl eluh III Scnllulltl.

I Come to Bed III BIIIIIkeI Il-nI‘IIIeI'l) BedI llpIII .izllllI £4 (£2I. \Veekl). SenIII B IIIIIl .\lIIrk l)nIIel|} III'e _\nur hanx III Ihix neu lxéil'illilsc IIIghI. repleIe \IiIh I‘eIIl hele IIIIIl IIIIernphnnex. Indulgence |li\l I‘eIIeheIl neu heIghIx nn SIIuehIehIIII SII'eeI.


Your pass to great club nIghts In Glasgow 8 Edinburm

See page 77 for details

I Cut the Crap .II \l \\ l lpIII :Illll 1‘ \\eel\l_\ (‘III the (Inp lIIllllt hex Ihe III-II l\\l\lL'\l hnnxe .lllIl eleIIInItII .I lllzflll III IhIx xnI.III \enne i

I Definition v Audio III li.llll\

llpIII Run “Ix-kl} \\h.II l‘llll‘.‘\ llelIIIIIInII Illl\l \IIIhn IneelheI Ix .-. xII.III'Il enIhIIxI.IxIII lnI Nanny lllll\l\ Ih.II Inukex inn \\.Illl In ILIIIIe xn IIIIIIlI Ih.II \I‘li Iltnp II Ihexx xI/e_ unhnul Ihe ll‘llli.llll_\ nl ll.I\lll_L' In IlIexx .I IeII.IIII \\.I} \n IIeI‘II In xI.InIl nn IeIenInn} heIe \\ IIh .: xnIInIlIIIIeIx In )I‘lll Sun hke IhIx. InIg'I'I \lnn IIInIIInig. .InIl \I‘lllt' \lI‘\\ll In li.IIll\ lnI Ihe peIIeII end In Ihe ueekeml

I Disco Badger .II liIIllll‘HH

*IIIII Run 1" It in \\eekl_\ \ III:'hI Ih.II ‘IKIll hIIII_:: liigft‘lllt'l Ifliexlx lInIII .Ili I»\,-I lllt' (ilII\:,‘I\\\ I'llll‘ lIIllIlMIIl‘I' \“l\., lllI‘ IIn\\ Iletmerl \nh.IIIn .IIIIl .I plelhnm nI nIheI I'luhx \\lll he IliHLllllljfi prIIIIeIx III Ihe InnIIII; Innnlhx

I Dream III \IIIIuheII} lIelle

lll lHpIn Run 11‘ \\eekl_\ lIlIeeII IIIIIIl In eel III ' \nn'Ie '.I\ III' .I laugh. .IIII'I \.I' HIII \I.III Ihe l‘Ill Ix ennIpleIeh lIeI' .Ill IIIg'lII. xn xlnp IIIn.IIIIn;.r .IIIIl eel Ihnnk

I Freakmoves .II IIII~ (II.Ix;;.III x’IIIIIIII nl \II lInIII (IIIlleI) llpnI Run 1le “ct-kl} l)eIn.I Illltl \It‘e nl l'Ie.Il\IIII-Iinn\eix p|.I} nul hIp hnp I'II'IIIn .lllIl \Ih.IIe\eI elxe Ih.II xnnnle z'nnil .II IlIIx lInIII InnIII \Hlll .I lnI nl win

I Kinky .II lIIIxh llpIn KIIII 1‘ It '\I \\eel\l\ l’.IIIl Vile pIInx ll.llIl lnnk} xnIIl .IIIIl lIIp hnp. \xhile Sleue llinun plII_\ x nIII Ihe pIIII} Iunex elxeuheie nII Ihe pIeInIxex Rnh it .len pIn\ IIlI-x Ihe xnnIIIlIIuelx In _\nIu lI.Ixh_\ lllf.‘lll nIII

I Life’s a Drag .II lllL‘ \lm lll) lnunpe Spin \IIII l‘Iee “II-kl} \ IIII'III nl IIIIIxII' lInIII l)J (‘nIIII l).I\e_\ plux lt'}_‘lll.ll IlIIIg peIlnIIIIIIIIeex

I Liquid .II Ihe lIIInIIl l nun-3e

I illpin iIInI. \\eeIxI_\ :\ll IIII} lnnneinj.‘ \Kllll III'nIIxIII‘ xexxInnx .lllIl l),| xelx lInIII l)e\ I.\lIxh .\l.Ith .IIIIl |.ee \\.IIxnn pl.I}IIIg: lIIp hnp. win and III/A hnIIxI' \ll Ila} lIIIpp) lInIII Inn IInIIe Inn xh.Ith

I Liquid Cool .II HIIhII/u ‘IpnI KIIII £5 “eelh .-\J. KI‘Ix Keeyun .IIIIl l.III ‘l'hnnIpxnn plII} Inp IInIeh \neIIl gr.II.I;'e .IIIII hnnxe In .I eluh puekeIl xx Ilh ll}l‘t'l lIeIlnIIIxIIe [\Kt'lll)\lilllt‘llilllf1 lI'H‘llL'lS, .Ill nl uhnnI xeeIII In hIIxe lnIggnIIeII Ih.II Ihe} hIIIe unik III Ihe lllIHlllllj.‘ |l IIII.IIII} IIIIII-x IIIIIl glIinInInnx IIIIIIex .ue _\Ulll h.Ij.'. Sun .II llIIhII/II Ix IIIIIIIIxxIIhle.

O Melting Pot Easter Special .II Rnei'xIIle (‘luh IlpnI Run £lli Ill .\pI nnl}. 'lnnI RnxxIIIIn nl SIIIII Reennlx p|.I_\x IIlnng “llll rexIIleIII liIll} \\nnle .II Ilux l2IIxIeI' SpeeIIII lilleIl |n\Inj_'l} \\llli hnuxe :Jlllltlllk'\\, l'ur l/m I/IIII‘ HII/\ ll I.I\I'IIIII/ IIII/I/I‘H 1W! 1: UN I/UHI‘ [H‘II (' I’t'lI‘II' IInI/Inz/IL .\I'I' [III'I [HI

I Million Dollar Disco Album Launch .II .\l.-\S. leIn xlIInI, U) 3“ .\pr. laIIxIeI' xpeeIIIl .Ix :\l KeIII III\nex _\nII In eelehrIIIe Ihe IIIIIIIeh nl Ihe Ilehul .\lIllinII I)n|lIIr l)Ixen IlehuI IIlhunI 'l he lirxl lIlI) pIIIIIerx Ihrnugh Ihe Ilnnr \Rlll I‘L'L‘L‘IH‘ II ll'ee enp} nl \IIlIl (-l).

I MiSO Ill lllt' (';lpl;llli'\ RC“. \CU IlIIlt' lliL‘.

I One Sunday III the lllllllt'l

llpIII .iIInI £4 I£l l. \Veekl). 'l he RIkll enIIIIIIuex “llll Ihe 'l'unnel ere“ nII IhIx xIIIlul SIIthIIh eelehrIIIInII \‘I'eIII‘ IIII'e elnIhex lnr IIIlInIxxInII. pleIIxI-.

I Optimo (Espacio) III [he th Huh I lpnI .iIInI, £Ihe. \Veelxl}. SIIIl Ihe lilijJL'xl and Inan IIIIpanIIIII SIIII lillellL‘r III III“ II. lI‘x IInI IIle IIhnIII IIIIIxxex nl lllll\ll\. xIrIInge pL'Uple IInIl xlllell} IIllL'rpIIrllex. nli IIn. Il'x IIhnuI xn Inueh Innre IhIIII IhIII. ()II I i Apr Ihere IIre \er} xpeeIIIl lelL'\l\ III Ihe lanII nl Khan and Kid (‘nIIggn l’nuerx. guIIIIr IerranxIx and generally [he eIInlI-xl peane III Next ank 'l‘hen. IIx ll IhIII \IIIxII‘I ennugh. Ihe exIreIIIel} Inlenxe \Vlnlehnnxe enme h) In plII). xnnie pInnl- peeling Inuxie In IIIke _\nur IIIIIIIl nll Ihe \IIIr nn Ihe Iell),

0 Solemusic Bank Holiday Special III ('('.-\. IlipnI iIIIII. £10 I£XI 30 Apr nnl). The legeIIIlIIr) llIIrrI. (‘hrIx “arm and .\lIIn}n JeIIgIIheIIIl IIre )nur eanlIIIl hanx .Lll IhIx \HliltlL'rllll eelehrIIlInn