I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. ltlpm 3am. £5. Weekl). l-‘iinked up \‘ocal hoth and dance clttxxicx from Stevie (i and (‘allum Murra}.

I Perversity at the Venue.

9.30pm 3am. £8 t£h memherxl. IX Apr. l'nderground house and trance its residents Allan Ro) and Barr} l-‘air join forces with John Bo} and Rohhie Murdoch for a journe) through t'unk fuelled house to tough. uplitting trance. I Planet Earth at (‘itrux (’Iuh. l().3()pm 3am. £5. \Veekl}. Music from l‘)7(i through to 198‘) or. in other words. a health) doxe of punk. new wave. new romantic and electro pop.

I Pogo Vogue at Bongo (‘luh ltlpm 3am. £7. lh’ .-\pr. Monthl). Experimental electronica skirting all the various fornix of nursic machinex make. Rexideritx Brian d'Sou/a. l)r .-\ir. l)J Krux and Dirt} mi\ up a \torm on dcx and FX also welcoming Richard 'l‘hair of Red Snapper fame for a DJ set. For this date only '.-l-l.r.\!'i'itnl lie/den gel [3 wilt/nor prrt'i' all night. See Word ('p/m- it chance to u in Rt't/ Snapper ( Us.

I Radio Babylon at ligo.

10.30pm 3am. £5 tthcl. 25 .-\pr. Radio Bahylon strikex hack. After a hriel~ hiatus the Merr} l’t‘tltlkxlt‘t‘x. Brainstorm and _\our hoxtexx the di\ ine Miss Penin l’ornstar guide _\ou through an eclectic mix ot‘ groin) dance llllhlc. I RAW at the Venue. 7.30pm late. £0. 1 | Apr only. Rock Against War again gathers the great and good from the local scene for another \hindig to raixe money for the Stop the War Coalition. The main room l‘eatur‘ex |i\ e action from the Big Hand (skal. l’arka tindiel. Hush and the Magic Hand trockl l‘ollow ed h_\ the 1)] talent\ of liixher and Price (Taste) with reggae from [)1 Mem'in. Downstairx is a touch more chilled with an open mic/acouxtic jam as well ax sessions from the Barr} Vista. Pa PreVenta and Random Strangers.

I Roadblock at l’o .\'a Na.

lllpm 3am. l-i'ee het'ore llpm; £4 £5 alter. \Veekl}. .\'icci l" \top\ the traffic in had muxic when \he digx up the hext in l'unk. dixco. llUth‘ and hlock rockin' hcttlx.

I Rudy’s at (’aharct Voltaire.

llpm .iain. £(i i£5l. l.\' .v\pr. Rudyx \lL‘p\ forward in Ztllli with itx new inonthl} reggae \how caxe l'roin l)i\ie|and to dancehall. troin \ka to duh. ll‘ttltt jungle to root\ hip hop ax local soundx} \lL‘llh ltch_\ Soul lli-l‘i and ’l‘ongue'n‘(ir'om e loin lorccx. l’rercliih xexxion from 'I'rouhle in the Air NPm lam. Cogent and a li\e techno lliL‘t‘l\ _ia// \et from Stephen Brown i'l‘i'anxinat l. I Salsa . . . Salsita! at [51 Barrio. lllpm 3am. l-'ree. \Veekl}. Hot and tier} salsa action from the lil Barrio I)J team on rotation.

I Sativae Recordings Night at ligo. lllpm 3am. £‘) (£7 in ad\ancel. ix .-\pr. 'l‘he might) Satixae Rccot‘ding\ thome to (‘hrixtian \‘ogel. DJ Hell. .\'eil Landxtrumm. .-\dam X. Jamie l.idel| and more) retiirnx to the capital. |)etai|\ to he confirmed ipleaxe call while to check l. I Suburbia at Studio 3-1. Monthl}. NC“ date 9 Mil}.

I Switch-Up! at the llone} comh. lll..‘~(tpm 3am. £9 (£7 .\langa memherxi. l l .-\pr. The ht'eak-xlcp night from the Manga lamil} re-Iaunchex with a DJ \ct from the l-‘recxn lerx. 5w [’I't’l'lt'lt.

I The Time Tunnel at .\la\\a tl'orinerl) (‘Iuh Mercadol. lllpin 3am. £5 i£-l with then. \\'eekl_\. 'l‘rend}


Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh

See page 77 for details

DJ Assault guests at Digital, Fri 18 Apr

\Vend}. Showhi/ Jase and llett} l’ord dixrupt the \paceltimc continuum with tune\ from the ()()\. 7()\ and fit)» Or ina)he it'x _lll\l the alcohol.

I Tokyoblu at ligo. llpiii 3am. £3.

I l .-\pr. Monthl}. l'p-and»coining douhle act pl} ing their trademark hlend ill~ ltltlk} llothc tllttl L‘lttxxlc groin L‘\.

I UTI presents: Fool at Studio 2-1. llHllpiii 3am. £8 i5 memherx; £3 ol'l helore midnight). l I .>\pr. Monthly l'ndeiground techno night featuring rcxidcnt l).l\ Semai. Johnn} ()h' and 'ltil‘lliotl .\lot‘.

I Velvet at ligo. llptn .iain. £0 i£5r 35 .'\pr. .\ new women'\ night for ga} gir'liex and their \peciall) im ited ho} liiendx (then can gain tltlllll\\tt)tl onl} it accompanied h} a lad} l. lltt\lt‘tl h} NllL‘llL‘llc tJit}. Wiggle).

I The Weekend Starts Here at 'lexiot Row l‘nion. 0pm 3am. l‘i'ee. \Veekl). the mother ol all \tudent nightx. eight harx. ti\e cluhx and two \L‘llllC\. So )ou're hound to find \omethrng that t'loatx _\our hoat he it \alxa. hip hop. houxc. karaoke ot' chccxe.

Chart & Party

I The BIG One! at Mood.

0pm 3am. l'rcc hctore l lpm; £3 thee to lllL‘ltllk‘l‘H alter. \Veekl}. A lantaxtic xtart to the weekend ax )ou ca\ort to all thme pop cltt\\lt'\ from the laxt ti\c decadcx.

I Boogie Juice at l.‘:\llachc. ltHltpm .iarn. £3 het'ore l lpm: £5 alter. \Vcckl). l’la}itig out the hext in Rtkll. chart and funk} la\ourite\.

I The Dog’s Balearics at RL‘HtlllllUll. Illillpm 3am. £5 before midnight; £(» i£3 £-1iatter. \Veekl}. 'l‘he hext lhi/a and chart dance numherx from throughout the summer.

I Office Affair at Suhwa} \Vext land. me 3am. l’ree het'or'e 9pm; £5 i£4i alter. \Vcekl). ('hart tunex. hullet and cheap tlrtllk\. \Vhat el\e do )ou need to make a tool of )ottrxcll in front of )0“

colleagtie\ .'

» l I. .‘f -. .

l 1. 60-60 Break out the party poppers 'cause its third birthday

tir'ie .'/|ill ll‘.’(} action from the Wililerheests and the Hootialoo Investigators, I go. In I/Apr.

Al’s All Night Jokeshop Is it live music, comedy ()l cluh'? Who cares? \Just enjoy the talent on show. such as Green Juice. Nuns'n‘Moses. Dolphin Boy.

l rosty \J and your effervescent host ("tarth (Zruickshank. lhe Bongo ()lul), lire 1!) Apr.

Digital lhe ; ss'n'titties inan, DJ Digital. returns for another furious mash up of techno and hip hop stylings. l lot. hard and slutty ghetto tech at its hest. The Venue, In 78 Apr:

Audio Deluxe lhey've heen spoiling us with free parties for the last few months, but now it's time to crack open those wallets. But it's well worth it as Phil Asher (pictured) guests. and he knows a thing or two about the world of Ja/z. soul. house and disco. [he Honeycomb, Sat If) Apr.

Ourhouse Derrick May and Keyin Saunderson in the same room at the same time. What more is there to say? The Venue, Sat 19AM.

Foozle. Who said big heat was dead? FreO Nasty and Bentley Rhythin Ace help launch this new night of breaks, hip hop and techno. lhe Venue, Sun 90 Apr.

Taste 8: Luvely Easter Eggstraveganza Excuse the dodgy puns but it's Still two of your faVOurite housey Clubs in one bliQ-Sl/Cd sewing. The Liar/id Room, Sun 20 Apr.

Snatch Third birthday for the lilthiest and funniest night in town. The Lo Fidelity All Stars drop by for a DJ set to help mark the occasmn. The L/qurd Room, Thu 24 Apr.

At} ’/’,’,’1 THE LIST 75