Edinburgh Fridays continued

I Office Party .II ('.I\I'IIIlI\h l)II.I JpIn inn l'II'I' \\Uk'l\l_\ \I'II IleJlIl III ulII'I‘-IIIIIlI \llllllL‘\\ gInIl IlII-I'xI IIIII llIII'kIng l‘lllllk'll\. _‘.';IlllL'\ .InIl IIIIIII' III ht'k'P IIII' ~IIIII-Il lll.l\\k'\ I-IIII-II.IIIII-Il llIIIII-I lIIl' pI‘I'rlIIIIIkI'Il [Mlllg'x I.» III-ll .l\ .I lIIIx pII'lI up \k'l\l\k'l

I The Party Continues . . . .Il l’I'ppI'InIInI l,IIIIn;_'I- IleIn KIIII U \VI‘I'lIl} lhI- I’I'ppI-IIIIIIII l.IIIIIIj_'I- .Ill \lill\ l‘llllj: lllI' \\ L'Cht'lltl lI'\L‘llI'I\ lllI‘ l‘L'\l lllll\lI' \I'II'I‘IIIIII lll IIIIIII, SII'III- (i. JI'II'IIII 'l hIInh .IIIIl lIIlI} SgllIIInxlull IlIIIp RIkll .IIIIl I'l;I\\II'\ ;I|IIII_~_'\II|I' IIII IIpIIIInI IIII\ III I'lnIII lnlx.

I The Subway .Il SIIIIIIII “pIn inn fl. \\t'L'l\l_\ SL'C lllllv

I Why Not? III “III \III' IIIpIII Run 3 III-IIII'I' IIpIII; t5 ("5” .IIII'I \\Ck'l\l_\ ('h;II'I. IlgIIII‘I' ;IIIIl hIIIm' IIII IhI- \II'I-lII'nIl

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Ascension Goth Club ;II In NH RIIII l'InIIn. .\lIIIIIhl), .\I'\I ILIII' ‘XluI I Asylum III SIIIIhII 2-1. llpIn inn. £5 I‘) .-\pI'. l-Iu‘InlghllI lhI' .\lIvIIIn‘x IlIIIIn :IIIIl IlII'II hI‘IIIhI-I \pI-I'mhxlng In IIII‘lI. llll IIII'IuI ;IIIIl UlllL‘l lIIII’IlIIIII' \HllllIl\,

0 Audio Deluxe .II IlII- llIInI‘II‘IIInlI. llpln .illlll. l'II'I' IL'S lIII l’hIl .\th-I Il;III'I. \Vt't'hly SIIIIIIIIlI. \Ulllllll llUl|\k‘ ;Il llll\ \hIIIIlIg hIleI'Il lI_I I'I'xIIlI'nI ('I'gng SIIIIIII Illnxh Iluth :IIIII IIII llll\ lauxlI'I' I’;II'I_I I I‘) .'\|Il‘l IhI'_I II I-lI'IIInI' IhI' lgIlI'Illx III l’hIl Axhcr IIlIII'll III lhI‘ lIIII III :I l. mum}: up _|;I//. l.;IlIII. u lIII III Ith'II illlIl IIIIIk.

I The Bug ill “10 \I‘IIIII'.

llHllpIn 3am. I'I'I‘It II .\pI: l(‘ and l);III- llI‘IIIIII pl;I_\Ing_' lt'CllllU illltl ghI'IIII huxx In lllL' IIIIIlIllI- I'IIIIIn IIhIII- Illl\\ll\l;lll\ lhI' RIIIIIlIIIIIx plu) llUll\L'. and hop :IIIIl gcncrul \IIIIIIlg} IIIIII'» .\'II ll'lll\. nII llthL‘lht‘. lll\l ;I II'I-I' purl}.

I CC Blooms :Il ('(' lllIIIInn

IIIRIIpnI 3am. l'I'I'c. WITH}. l)J :\ll_I l\ hack aIgIIIII II Ilh IIIIII'I' III III'I' II‘;IIlI‘III;II'k lIIglI-I‘IIIIIp»III»hIIII\I- III-I‘anI'ul L‘\|lL‘l'll\L' ill llll\ ill\\;l_\\ hIIuI‘IIIIIg gu} \L‘llllL‘.

I Colours Live! :Il Ihc I.II|IIIIl RIIIIIII. lllpm SIIIII. l‘) .\pI~ .\lIInIhII. .\lIII'I- hi“: llUll\L' ilt‘llUll ;l\ ('IIIIIIIIx \\L'lL'UlllC\ hIII IIIIIIIg lIIII'lIx JillllL‘\ /.;IlIII-|;I. l’hIl 'XlIIIIIIIIII'I“ ‘l'hIIIIIpxIIn :IIIIl (‘II‘I‘IIlulIIIn lll\L'lI .'\l\U purl III IhI- \VIII'IIl l).l l'IInIl IIIIIIuIIIc III IIIIxI- IIIIIIII'} IIII' .\III'IIIIII RIIlIlIIIIx .\llhlk' 'l’III-I'up}.

I Conception ;II In In! RIIII l'InIIII. lllpIII 3am [I III lllt‘llll‘L‘Hl. l‘l .\pI: .\lIInIhl). (iIIIh Inghl \pI'I‘IuIIxIIIg: Ill I'III‘k. IIIIluxII‘IuI ;IIIIl InI‘IIIl L‘\llllt'\\.

I Cushy Ill \II‘IIIII liIlIIIII'le.

llpIII 3am. [I ll .-\pI: l‘III'IIIIghIl}. l),l liIIuII .luInI-x Il-IIIIII'I‘ \IIIIIllI'. (‘II_\ (lIlI-I p|;I_I\ kII‘kIn' llUlht' Inung III gIll \;II'II‘III'\, ()I‘I‘INIIIIIII \IIppIIrI II'IInI :\|I-\ .'\\Cl'_\ and l.L‘L' .\hII'I'III.

I Disco Inferno All Iigu

lllfillpm .‘IgIIII. LN IUI III IIIIII') Ill'k‘\\l. l‘) .-\pI‘. .\IIIIIIhII. .'\ InghI III (“\L'U L‘l't‘illll IIII IIIII IlIIIII‘x. (ililllllllL‘Il up and III IIIIII‘ lilt‘k' (“\CU :II‘IIIIII llIIlll I).l l.III I‘. NII‘k SIIII‘I'. .\l(‘ ()Iix. l‘IIIIkIIquII‘I l'l}L‘l' and DJ ('IIsznIII :I.

I The Egg III \Vcc RI‘Il Bur.

llpm 3mm. {-1.50 IHI. Wally SIIII Ihc hexl IIII\ III IIIIlIc. (Ill\ gumgc. IIIII'IlII‘I‘II \Ulll. \ku. 7llx punk and MC“ II;I\I‘ IIIII'I'I' likcl) III \Iuggcr acrmx. .-\ \Icll lIII I-Il IINIIIIIIIIII IhuI I'cI'IIxcx III I‘hnngc.

I Eye Candy :Il .\l;l\\;l IIIII‘IIII‘I'l) ('lIIlI .\lcrI'IIIlIII. llpIII 34”". [Ill IN m [h II ‘IIIIII‘IIchIIleI IlI‘I'xxI‘Il' I. \VccklI. RL‘\ltlL‘lll\ Ihc liII' (‘;IIIIl_\ 'l'II Ill\ and Nelul BIIrIIIn llU\l IhI'II' IIIIiIIIIIIIIx glam uIIIl IIIIIIINI‘I‘uIn hIIIIw purl} III Ihc NC“ |_\ rcIIIrhith‘Il \L‘llllC. RI'IIII‘IIIIII‘I‘ III ‘IlI'I-~\ glam III' \crum‘.

I Fiesta Latina ;II 'l'cIIIII RIIII hilltllll 9.30pm 2am. £4.50 IUSIII. III .-\pr. .\lIInlhl}. Still going \II‘IIng ;IIII‘I‘ II'II _\C;ll\ III ~upplI In; the but III \;ll\;l. Incrcngnc. mnInhII :IIIIl IIIhI‘I' l.;IIIII l'll_\ lllllh I‘IIIII’II-x} III [)1 Pancho II IIh ;I luv Iluncc Ila“ I‘rIInI lhc Sulm .-\ngI‘l\ ;Il ‘HIIpIn‘

76 THE LIST I\:"

I Fiesta Tequila! .ll I I ILImu

lleIn Run l'IcI' \\I'I‘lIII lIII‘ lllll\l\ .IllIl IIIII IIIIh .I Ih~IInIIlI |.IIIn \IIII'III.III .IIIIl .\[Mllhll \l.llll IIIIIn Ill llI'IlIII

I FUNUt] .Il I’IIII' (‘IIIIIII II alIn ;.Illl If “CI-HI \I'I" l'll

I The Funk Train .II l’I‘llI'lIII\\ \IIIIlI'III l IIIIIII IIIpIII inn L1 1‘ .‘II \pI \lIIIIIhlI \ll‘\\' III IIIIIk.Il.InI'I-I1IIIII I.I// .IIIIl IIIhI'I [Illk' _‘_'lIIII\I'\

I Funkysensual .ll III \.I \.l

‘IpIn §.IIII l'II'I' lII'IIIII' llpIII.L-1 1*.IIII'I “Ix-kl} llIII IIII\ III ~I'\I IIIIIlII lll‘ll‘k' IIIINI II'IIIII l)_| III-III'hI .IIIIl RIIIlIlI \le I Get-Together .Il (IIIMII'I \IIlI.IIII' llpIn inn U) ILAI l‘l \pI l'IlIIIlIIIIgh I.I\IIIIIIII' .IIIIl IIII I.I// lll\lIlll III.I\II'I .l(‘\t'[‘ll .\l.IlIk I( ~IIIIIIIIMI \k'l\ IIp lll\ llL‘“ IINIIII'III'}. \IIlIIII \\I'.l\lllf._' I.I//. l .IIIII. |lI.I/III.III .IIIIl IlIIIIn I\ In“ lll_\llllll\ \lI l'IIIlIl .InIl ('h.IIlII‘ [Mk .III- IIII h.IIIIl III lIIII'lI up lhI‘ lk'\|(lL'lll\ I!" l/III I/Im I‘ll/\ I.I\l~l (I’ll [IN/(ll I\ 'JI'I 3 IHI /IIIII\

III III/I Inn/mull!

I Give it Some! .II llIIIIgII (‘lIIlI .\lIIIIIhl}. .\I'\l IIIIII‘ INIIII.

I Greazed Up .II SpIIlI'I‘x \\I'lI (‘I'IIJI Ilul .\pnI Lnn {II III (\Pl 'lIIp(il;I\3_'IIII IIII'lIulIIllI \UllllIl\ IIIIIn lllllllIlk‘l RII.IIl [Illh l).l\ lIIIII and Small Paul

I Headspin .II Bongo (‘lIIlI

IIHIIpIII inn. ‘4". l‘I.\pI .\lIInIhlI l'hI' l‘L'\l III hIp lIIIp. lunk. \Ulll. hIIIm' .IIIIl lII'I‘uklII'dI IIIIIII lllL' II'xIIlI'nI l).l IlI\pl;I_I II-um II';IIIIIIII;: .\llllll. IlII' RC\U|l.lll\\' II);I\;I illlIl (‘IIIIII .\lllldl'l .IIIIl SII'II- 8pm. I Ignition ;II (‘IIIIIIIIplm IIIIIIIII'I‘II ('lIIlI .l;l\;ll. ‘IRIIpIII lam. LII. II .\pI. \I'II Inghl III II';IIII‘I‘ .IIIII II'I'hnII ;l\ IhI' ('IIIIIIIIplI‘\ \II'p\ up le I‘lIIlIlInIg: .II‘III Illk'\ IIIII'I- .IgIIIn. Iw/ IIIII (III/F u/I/I il IIII' IIIII/ IIII/III'H L'l'l 1: NH (111“! [’I'II I‘ (IN IIIL'III.

I Jet! III IhI' \I'IIIII'. lll,3()pm Run. II .\pl'. \I‘II \I'IIIIII'I' IIIIIII Ihc pI'IIpII' IIhII lII'IIIIgghI IIIII :\lllllllk' Huh}. “I _\IIII anIII IIIII'I'c III \IIII- hunle SlIIuI‘I l)llll\‘;lll gInIl .\lII'thI'I KIIIIII' I'I'IIII'II III lltl\l IhI' L'\Clll

' I

l‘lll .III' lllI‘\ III; III II IIIIIII' I'\pI'IIIIII'III.Il \lllk‘xllI‘ll Ih.In III-IIIII' \nIhIInI l’.IpII Illl~ IhI' gncxl \IIII IlkllllllJl‘l) Ilnx IIIIIIIIh

I Joy .II lngI llpIII Run L III I L.\ lllk‘llll‘L‘l\l l.‘ \pI \lIIIIlhl} l p IIIIIII. IhII_\ hIIIIw :_'l\‘\‘\k'\ IIII lhI' lll‘llll IlIIIII IIIIIII \l.In .IIIIl \l.I;_'g:II' .IIII .IIIIl llII‘II KIII; III IIIka _\IIII up IIIIII .I ldlllk'l IIII IhI‘ III.IIII IlImI l’lIIx III-IIIII \\I‘IIIl_\ and \Ill} l'\ I'hI‘I'kI IIII\ III \Ulll. IIIIIk .IIIIl I'h.III III IhI' Il‘\\\ll\l.lll\ \llllI‘ \IIII‘ Ih.II .lII} l\ .I I'llll‘ ll‘l I‘k'l‘l‘lk' .IllIl lllI‘ll ll'lI‘llIl\.

I Luvely .II IhI‘ l IIIIIIIl lx‘IIIIIn \lIIIIIhl} \I-\I Il.III‘ I Ha}

I Majestica .II IhI- \I-IIIII' \lIIIIIhlI \I'\I Il.III‘ I XIII \\llll \I'II \pI-(LII :Jllk'\l\ l-IIIIIII-thII‘k IIII III-\ .InIl l'\

I Medina .II \lI'IlIn.I lleIn ‘~.IIII {I \M‘I'MI l).l l).I\I- II|.II\ .IIIIIhIIIg Illhl I'II‘IIIhIIIg. l’lI'nII III IlIInk pIIIInm .Ill lIllell .IIIII IlIIII'I IIIIgI'I III phIIIII‘ III .IIl\.InI'I‘ III lk'\k'l\k' IIIIII pIII.III' lIIIIIIh I Messenger Sound System .Il llIIngII (’IIIlI llpIII \IIII I" l.‘ .\pI l-III‘IIIlghIII ll.I\\ III lImII'l \hIIIIIIg pIIIpIII‘IIIInx .I\ IhI' IIIIghII .\II‘\\I'II;.'I‘I SIIIIIIIl SI \lL‘lll l‘l.l\l\ IIIII IhI‘ III-\I III IIghII'IIIIx [Ulll\ .IIIIl IIIIlI II'ggnI‘

I Mingin’ III SlIIIlIII 3-1

ll)..‘IleIII Sam. [5 lII'IIIII- llllIlllllell. UI .lllk‘l. I‘l .-\pI l'III'IIIIghIlI Rk'\l\l\'lll\ HIInII l)I'nIp\II-I Jllkl .\l;nI .lII_I llll\l IhI' ll\ll;ll .\lIngIn' IIIglIlIII'\\. llllll) hIIIm‘ .IIIIl III I\lC(l II‘;IIII‘I' IIII .'I ll'l\l\_\ .InIl PIL‘IlUllllll.lllll_\ gm} I‘IIIIIII. RI‘IIII-InlII‘I III‘kI'Ix IIII‘ IhI' \lIngIn‘ .\hIII lIII.II II'Ip I l“ MA} I .II‘I‘ IIII \ulI' nIIII pI'II'I'Il III ;I IIIIIIlI'\l I l 5.

I Mission Jnr ;II SIIIIIIII III. " alIII.

(5. WITH}. (iIIIh. IIII‘k. punk and III I‘IIIII‘xI' ;I|l III;II llll lllt'ldl \lllll Ih;II IIII' kIle I'I';I\I' \U nIIII‘h. SII II IIIII I'II‘I‘ IIIIIIIII'I‘I'Il IIIII‘I'I' ;I|l lllU\\' hlnI‘k I‘IIIIl IIIIIIlIx II'IIIII lllL' IIIp III (‘III‘HIIII‘II SII‘I'I'I \\L‘lll :ullI'I' IlgII'lI lUUl\ IIII lIII'IhI'I'. IhI' lII'xI and original IIIIIII‘I‘ IX\ IIII'IuI gulhI-I‘Ing

.WW-‘it‘fiffll'rs: Nu;



I Mission .II \IIIIlIII 2-1 llpm ‘xnII £5 I111 IIII‘IIIlII‘IxI l.‘ \pI l'IIIIInghIlI \IghI III IIII‘I.Il IIIIIhI'In. gIIIh IIII‘k .IIIIl IIIIIII‘ llI‘lll IhI' Il.IIk \IIlI' II lCIll l-Ihnl‘IIIgh IINIIIIIIIIII Ih.Il lk'lll\k'\ III III‘ IlIIII II Illlkl IhI‘

I Nu Groove Noir .II I‘Iun l'\I‘hIIn§_'I' I\pIn L" ll \pI IInl) ,-\ InghI III IIIIII IhI' l‘k'\l III (Illx Jllkl "(Ix \I‘lll. .l\ the (iIII\\I'IIIII SIIIII ('lIIlI I‘hIIngI‘x ll.IlllL‘ Illhl \I‘IIIII' l’I'II‘I ll.n;_'h. XII-Io Illlkl \l.In \\.Ill\ and l CHM} and .\l.n'k pIIIIIIlI‘ IhI' gIIIwI .II‘IIIIII IIII llll\ II‘I.IIIIII‘h InghI

I Opal Lounge .Il ()p.Il l IIIIIIgI‘ lllpIn ‘~.IIII L5 \\I'I‘klI l).l\t‘ .\‘huhlcn \\llll lle llll\ III Ith‘II .InIl IIIIIkI llI‘ll\C ll.l\'l\\

O Ourhouse .II lllC \cnuI-

III .illl‘lll ‘IIIII £14. I” ;\pI. \I‘II Inghl IIIIIn IhI‘ IIIllI IIhII lIIIIIIghl ll\ llIII Rll_\llllll .IIIIl llII llle llII l‘h.II J\ll\l II'\ .I kIllI'I IIpI'III'I \IIIII Drunk \l.I_\ IIIIh .I IhII-c hIIIII \Cl IIIIIII-Il lII II'IIIIII III'IIIIII II'I‘hnII lll.l\lk‘l KI'I III S.IIIIIIlI‘I\IIII IIn l'illl.ll Sk‘lIllL‘ll XI'I [’H lII'lI

I Progression .II IhI‘ l IIIIIIIl RIIIIIII IIHIIpnI inn. (II III II .\pI .\lIIIIIhlI. Duck \luIIIII. (i;l\ (ildlll .IIIIl :\l;lll l)IIlI\IIn JI'C IIIIIII'Il lII \pcI’ml gIII'xl I);IIIII_I llU\\L'll\ IIII IIII I‘\I'lII\III' IIII' hIIIII \I'I III Ihxh IIIII IhI‘ lII‘\I III lIIlI.Il I‘hIIhInx, I’I'I‘ I‘lIIlI \I‘\\IIIII .II IhI' (‘III (';III‘ II'IIIII 8pm.

I Rewind ;II UN 1 IIIIIIIl RIIIIIII. IIIIRIIpIn 3am. [5 III. 20 .\pI. .\lIIIIIhlI lhI' l'II'I- lxluIIIl l)J\ IIIll lII' IIII II;IIIIl lIII \UlllL‘ Inmp llI .\RU .II'IIIIII III IhI' lI;II‘kI'IIIIIII IIhIlI‘ IIlIl \kIIIIl (ll\L'U IUL'lx\ .\lII‘lI (Ind and ShIIggI llcur Lll\ll IIIII IhI' lII‘xl III 7llx and .\'(I\ pIIpquIII‘ lllllt‘\ In Ihc InunII'IIIIIn.

I Space Face ‘.ll IIII- \‘I-nuc. IIHIIpIII 3am. £3. 13.-\pI1 MIIIIIhl). Scull l'I‘lglhIIII ulkl lllC SPIIL'L' l'III‘L' I‘I'L‘“ :II‘I‘ back In I'IIII'I‘IuIII In “NH IhI'II‘ IIIIIIIIIIIlIlI' IIII\ III hip hop. llUth‘. IIIIIlI :IIIIl Ill\L'UI

Phil Perry joins Taste, Sun 13 Apr