ol \Hrl'th arid riiiagcs \‘-llll traditional hand-prrntcd etchings. rcpioductroir

prints on lclt and natural d)c \kttl'h\

inspired h} i’lclhll \lllllt‘\,


Rcrach and Hall \iclirtccts. (i Darnaua} \ricct. 235 K l H. \loir I ll 2 5 mi

Kenneth Dingwall t'iiril ill ix Apr. An installation h} Kcriiicth Dinguall

THE SOUTHSIDE GALLERY SK Ralt‘llllc 'lL'tt'acc. (i(i7 l‘)(i(\

.\lon i'll ‘larir (ipin; Sat Illairi 5pm AIison Auidlo l'iitrl \ioii Isl Apr. Ncu oils and ttc‘l}ilL\.

Mixed Show 'luc l5 \Vcd ill Apr. ()r'rgirral artuorks h} \arious illll\l\.


2i I.l\ill(llL' ('lc‘wt‘ltl. (CH .1344.

Wed l’r‘i h} appointment onl}.

The Gruppe Show that lit 25 Apr. Artists liom tlic lag Icarri group haw hccrr rm itcd to sliou a piccc ol work alongside the “Milk ol l)a\c liccch. thc last artist to rrritiatc his oun slit)“. 'l‘lic rcsult l\ a grand aria} ol objects and \ltllt‘lllL‘llh.

TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'nivcrsrt} ol lidiiihurgh. South Bridge. (r50 letl. 'luc Sat llram 5pm.

Jo Ganter - Cardinal Glimpses l'ntil Sat l.\la_\. (ilasgtm <liascd artist Jo (iatrlt'l' \lltl\\\ a llL‘\\ scrim ol paintings. Iiglrt \uit'ks and a \llllt‘ ol prints that c\plorc interiors and ambient \pacc‘.

Zoe Fotherglll Fluid Response l'rrtil Sat 3 \la} trouird roorni. lidmhurgli ('ollcgc ol Art graduate /oc l’otlrcr‘gill crcatcs an installation ol “oxen \xirc \csscls lor the round room.

Gallery Event \Vctl It» .i\pr'. lpltt. /.oc liotlrci'gill c‘\plorc~ her ideas and ncu installation.

Artist Talk Wed 23 Apr. lprii. Artist Jo (iantci‘ talks about hcr “ork.

TORRANCE GALLERY 36 l)tlttd;t\ SIIL‘L‘I. 556 (3360. \ltitl i'itl llain (rpm; Sat Illillam ~lprn.

Spring Exhibition l'rrtil Sat 3 .\la_\.

Spring c\hihitiorr lcaturirrg paintings. icwcllcr') and sculpture h} around (ii) artists including rcgular c\|iihitor\.


For a dclailcd itilicr‘an call (ll3l 53‘) 3930/3032. '

The Park l'iitil liri it) .\la_\'. The inn clling (iallci'_\ 's latest cwhihitiorr ditclllttcllls llllritlglt \kc‘lt‘ltt‘\. pltlth. ttitidc‘lx arid lllltt tltt‘ “(ilk til \L‘\L'il international illll\l\ \ilro \\ cic commissioned to crcatc \\til‘l\‘\ lor Scotland's tirst national park. Irouscd in the ire“ (ialcua) ('ciitrc in Balloch. Artists irrcludc Yong l’liaophanit. Donald l'iquhart. Mai) Redmond and (Hal Nicolai. 'l he (iallcr} \\ill be stopping oil at \tlllttlh \criucs in and around Stirling luiitil 2| Aprl.


('al'c" liar. Ill (‘arrrhridgc Street. 238 5383.

in Glorious Technicolour t'iiril Sat l‘) .‘\pr. Rcccrrt \xork h} Malcolm Ben/iv. Ncil ('aririnock and ('atlicriiic I)c\lin in ll\\tk‘ltllltllt \xith tlrc lidinhurgh International Science Festival.

Searching her Reflection Sun 20 Apr Sat l7 Ma}. l-iguratixc paintings h} Australian artist llclcri Miller.


to South l’or‘t Strcct. 47X 78“). Mon Sat llarii ll.-15prn; Sun 12.30 ll.~15pm.

Premonitions l'ntil Stir :0 .-\pr. Paintings. sculpture. sketches and reproductions h} :\i;lll Rt\\\.

WESTERN GENERAL HOSPITAL 'l he (iallc‘i). ll.iirk (‘orridor l‘ctxiccri .-\rrnc l'ciguson arid .-\|c\.iridcr' Donald litrildirigsi. (‘icuc Road South. 32‘) ‘5“

Look, for Your Information t'nril .\lon.1lllun x\lll\l-lll-lL‘\ltlL‘llcL' .laiic 'loppiirg crcatcs \kork \\llil thc gcrictrcs lab at tlic \Vcllciirric illl\l ('lirrical Rcscaiclr l'acilrt}


3t) \Vcsthuiri (irmc. \Vcstcr ll.rrlc~.-15h' 3267.

ArtAttack lull] in ll .-\pi :\n c\hihitioii ol unik h} tlic \\ Iialc .»\rt:\ttacl\ group.


4 l)undas Sticct. 5‘" 0544/5. .\lori i‘l'l Illarn (iprii; Sat Ilain Alt‘lll.

Spring Exhibition l’ritil Sat ll) .-\pr. Sclcctcd Victorian oil paintings and \Htlt‘lL'UitllllN.

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh Lite, page 97.

MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD ‘12llighSticct.5204142.\lon Sal lllarn 5pm.

The Golden Ages of Toys l'iiril Sat 7 Jun. Slrarc tlic iriagrc ol \lcccauo. lloriih} liarii scts. tcdd} hcars and thc uorrdcrlul ar'ra) ol to_\\ that cariic to hit“ ht‘t\\ccrt lH‘Nl and I‘Hll

MUSEUM OF EDINBURGH 142(‘anongatc. SSW-Hit .\lori Sat Illarn 5pm. l’ackcd “llii lil\ltil'lL‘ artclacts. this rcstor'cd |(illr ccntur} mansion tclls tlic \ltil) ol lidrrrhurgli's past and its pcoplc arid houscs important L‘tiiiL‘L'llUIIN ol lidiiihurgh silxcr and glass. Scottish pottci) and shop signs.

Unmarked Lives l'rrtrl Sat .1 Ma}. .-\ touring L'\illi\lll(ill ol tapcstrics. tc\tilcs and paperwork by .loaiirrc Soroka locusing on thc lixcs ol licr Scottish. .laparrcsc arid castci’n liuropcan


Nciihaxcii llarhour. 55| JIM. l)arl_\ noon 4.45pm.

A Tribute to Fishermen l'iiril \Vcd 3| Dec. An exhibition locusing on tlrc \iorkirig ll\t‘\ ol lislrcrrnan. lcaturirrg ccrairiic and tc\ti|c dcsigrrs crcatcd h)‘ \ltltlt‘llls lrom Victoria l’rimar} School and lidirihurglr‘s 'lt‘llold ('ollc'gt‘.


3 ('haiiihcrs Str'cct. 2-17 42 l‘). Mon Sal lllarir 5pm l'luc Spirit; Sun noon 5pm. lace.

Millennium Clock A chance to new Russian mechanical sculptor liduard licisrrdsk} 's millcrmiurir clock. a kinetic sculptuic. iircasuririg ninc lliL‘ll'L‘\ high.

William Speirs Bruce - The First Polar Hero l'ritrl Sun I Jun. An c'\hihitiori celebrating the lilctirirc acliicxcirrcrrts ol William Spcirs lirucc. a polar scientist and lcadcr ol the Scottish National Antarctic lixpcdrtion in Will 4.

William Speirs Bruce Guided Tours Hi I l. \Vcd Io. l’ri IX 6: Wed 23 Apr. 2pm. (iurdcd tours ol llil\ ccntcnar) mlrihitroir cclchratiirg thc lil'ctirnc achicwiricrrt ol’ polar \L‘iClill\l William S )L‘lh lirucc.

Textile rt from Southern Appalachia - The Quiet Work of Women l'ntil Sun 35 Ma}. 'lcxtrlc uorkx h} \xomcn |i\irig in thc Southern Appalachia. a region that lltL'illtiL‘\ Western North ('arolrna. liast it‘ltllL‘\\CC and Soutlrxscst Virginia.

listings Art

Edinburgh Visual Arts and Crafts Artists Awards Scheme

Grants to individual artists and makers towards

the costs of creating new work or developing current work. The scheme is aimed at artists and makers resident or working in Edinburgh. Maximum award available is £500.00.

Diverse Futures

Grants to encourage and nurture artistic partnerships between Edinburgh’s black and ethnic minority communities and mainstream cultural providers to celebrate diversity and innovation. Maximum award available is £10,000.

For guidelines, deadlines and an application form contact: Arts Development Section, Cu/ture & Leisure Department, 7st F/oor,

50 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 ZLE.

Te/: 0737 243 7444,

e-ma/I artsdeve/opmen t@eo’/'nburgh. gov. uk


Scottish Arts Council

i National Galleries of Scotland. Now open later on Thursdays.

National Gallery of Scotland

Scottish National Portrait Gallery Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art Dean Gallery

in Edinburgh

Open daily 10am-5pm and lat n , Thursday until 7pm.

The National Galleries of Scotland are no pen late on Thursdays. You can join in some of the regular events we're ho 'ng, or just enjoy our exhibits. But whatever you prefer. now work doesn't veto get in the way of seeing samething a little more spiritually uplifting.

Visit our website www.nationalgalleries.org 0 call 0131 624 6200 to

find out more about scheduled events. \ \

10-24 Apr 2003 THE LIST 89