Events are listed by date then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to edinburgh®, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.

Eiburgh life

Thursday 10

Book events

David Henry Sterry I iiiiliuaila'l (i.|llt'l}. lg \l.lll\t‘l \llt't'l. 55; hirin lir'r' l).l\|tl llt'tll} \tcii} talks almut lll\ iicu hook ( lllr A: ll. \‘ulllkll it'll\ lllL‘ slur} nl \tcrr} \ \lt‘\\k'lll into the lllt' ol lt't'll.l}‘k' [llll\llllllli|ll in [It’ll-\U‘llt'tl

Christopher Duffy and James Robertson ()iiakaik. V (it-urge Slit-ct. 3251-195 (r illitin. l icc \ \r\irl amount oi the 'untnlrl' \toi} ol the .lat'ohitt- Rt'l‘t‘llltlll It} ('hiixtophci Hull}. \xlio'x ll‘lllt'll h} lll\lilll\'.tl llH\L‘l|\l .lamm Ruhr-thou lni \xhat\ \lllt' lrI l‘r‘ it pliniu‘allu‘ ill\\‘ll\\litll


After Hours \aliuilal (Lilli-r} ui Scotland. the .\loiiiirl.li3-1(i2tltl

5, illitm lir'c llic (iallcr) '\ tllllll\ \ta_\ npcn lll\l tliai lllllt‘ hit latci‘ tor a

pingiarniiic «ll tall» iiiiixrt. lt'.lillll.'\. antl


Fashion on Display l: Gainsborough \alll‘tlal (Lilia: u: \otlaiiil. tlit' \llltlilil. of 1 ICU” If 25px licc \ ltll‘lla \lll.l\l|‘l llHlli l illlll‘lilL'li ('ollt'jx wt \rt itit'xciih llll\ \\l1



Everything Stops for Tea t amnion ()ixtlc. :a ('iaiiioiirl Rnail \«Itllll. 1‘" .‘lWl lllaili ;pin 1" \tlllll \‘.itll\\lli\l‘ iii iciarnu \lk'xllldlll‘ll lt'il h\ \laijxarct l iiiillajr

Other events

Flowers by Night Raul llrtlatllt (ianlr'u. liixcilcitli Rim. 55., ‘1 ’l

\ ill ltlpm Nit-1| \\l\.lll\\' hwquiiz' icriiiin'il \ iiiajgital tour llllI'llt'll lllt' gioimilx and f_'l.t\\lli‘lt\t‘\ nl lllt' llotariu (i.ll\lL'll\

Penonnance Storytelling Step-by-Step \cthci'him .v\it\('cntic. 1‘ ~15 llrz'h

on auuHéAo’s FILTHIEST snow on EARTH

Traverse Theatre. Edinburgh. Sun 20 Apr

God I wish I was a school kid in Scotland right now. if only so I could sit through one of Dr Bunhead‘s lectures on kamikaze cowpats or giant bogeys. He's got a head like a bun and his educational shows are more fun than a million burning strips of magnesium sulphate.

His name is actually Tom Pringle and he‘s a trained and respected scientific researcher, but it‘s for his fantastic work as a ‘science communicator‘ that he is adored. And. now, courtesy of the Edinburgh International Science Festival. us adults can get a look in too. The excitable and loquacious Doctor takes up the story: ‘I actually did an ‘adults only' show before called The Chemistry of Love and Lust which was about what happens to our bodies when we fall in love. but this one is about that filthy substance. oil. I start off by looking at this dirty black pot of oil and then I question how we turn this revolting substance into aspirins. pharmaceuticals. condoms and knicker elastic. which takes me into the area of contraception and the physics of penis enlargers.

‘We've got a fake penis made out of marshmallows,‘ he continues, warming to his theme, ‘which we stick in a penis enlarger. where it gets stuck in a vacuum and expands enormously, but it ruptures the structure of the marshmallow in the same way it would to the tissue of the male member. When air is put back in, the whole thing shrinks back to half its original size. so it‘s a sort of salutary warning there in a very comic way.‘

Forget about School Disco. get yourself back down to the school lab. boy.

And don't run! (Paul Dale)


\Hcca §§(,«;§“\i g L‘qirrn 1‘ “Nix. liitci.:\ti‘.; ililliltltltlil‘l‘r to Htal Unixtclliztg \Ltlll\\i‘Illll\1‘\-\ltll;‘lk‘\l\l\‘

he \l‘llllllllt'tl

Robin Hood: Greenwood Hero \cthcrhnv. \ll\( «hire. 1‘ ~15 llrch \trt-ci, 55" “5"” .‘pin 11 i111 llic \‘Clllk'll‘lWK critt'itaiirx \\llll l.llt‘\ nl \l.illll;‘ \ll‘ til the \kllil \xmul Dancetale \r'tht'il‘nu \ll\ ('ciititx

1‘ 15 High \tir'r't. 55" “55" 5 zllpin th :1 ll \tilllhll ltt-landit \lllllx'ilfjlal‘llt‘l \tt-iiixnr l'alan l‘llllf._‘\ to lilt- ll.i\lllli‘ talcx .lllkl l‘.lll.lkl\ \\llllt' \M'iitl} \M'lxh pim l\l\'\ tht' iiaiiatiw


Antiques l tun .lllil luriihull. N lliniijghtnii l’latt'. 55" \.\ 11 l l.llll llk'k' \ \llk'tl.lll\l \alc ol .iiitiiiucx

Other events

Free Taster Day at Dance Base llantc Haw. ll lh ( il.l\\lll.lll\\'l. .‘35 <53; l).lll\k' llau‘ i'l‘L'll\ ll\ \ll‘l‘l\ lHt .t \la} ill llt'k' \ l.l\\t'\ lil u‘lt‘l‘lalt' lllr‘ l.ll|ll\ll ol ll\ ncu \[lllllL‘ iiiuyiaiiiiiic \r't' phnin \aptioii

Grand Clothes Sale \i ,luliii‘» l’imu‘x Sti‘ct't. 'lfl" ll" ll \onii rllllll 5ltp l cil up \kitli )nui \‘..irrliol\c' lhcii PM R up .i \k‘t'i‘lltl haml or \ llll.l_L‘C l‘.llf_‘.llll .it thr' \ \\(~ \ eiaiiil \ lothr'x \alr' l’iot'cr'ilx gr» ll‘\\.lltl\ \t'iiiliiif: \ \l(‘ \ \oluiitr'cix to the \\i~rlil \ \\ (' \ \niin}: \\nincii\ ('oiilcicntc m lliixhaiic

la ks

Voices Beyond Conflict l‘.tlllll‘lll_‘_'ll ('it_\ (‘hamhcix lliggli Strcr't. 2 5pm. li'ct- 'llux lll\[‘ll't‘tl tilll\L'l\.lllUIl tla} r'ricoui'agcx mutual lllltlL'l'\l.tlltllll_‘_‘ and rr'xpm hr‘hwcu people li‘oin rlillciciil cultural aiirl laitli hackgi'ouuilx \xlio haw owrt'omc \ccmirigl} Illlpll\\ll\lt‘ \llll.tllilll\ to lllltl lllt'll nun \oiu‘. lo

hook a plan" (all l,illll\.l (iupta on “I ll ‘\() “\NH

Tuesday 15


Sarah-Jane Fifield and John Sikorski ()uakcr \lcctiiig: llouw. 5 Victoria'lL'i‘iau'. 3351335 ". illitin ti rill l'lll.tll\l iii llll\ )t‘ai'x llllf Radio Scullaiirl‘x )r'IIIlL' llill/I’Iilllii/ l/iix/r IiIlI liriilrl. l'lllt'ltl l\ lillllt'tl h} \tcpilaiit'cr .lohu \tikoiski loi .iii cwiiiii}; ol mum. rlaiit‘c aiirl L‘llll\L'l'\illlUll.

Wednesday 1 6

Book events

Andrew O’Hagan ()llalkal'x 4‘ (it-urge Street. 335 »1~1‘l5 (i, illpm l'icc 'l he UllL‘ll outxpokcu .llltl L'itllllint‘hlal St'ith .llllllill' lall\\ .ll‘l‘lll lll\ llllltl l‘tlillx. l’i I\illlil/ll\. about a gii'l'x flu“ to tame aiirl lit-r \‘Hlllllllldl pciwiial haitlc \xitli llk'l l‘rlil}.


Decorative Arts l.)oii and 'lui'iihull. 3i Ilioiightori l’lat'c. 55" KhJ-l llam. l'i‘cc. :\ sale Hi rlccor'atnc arts including; it l..lllt|llL‘ \‘lL‘dt’. ll'iHlL‘il and blue \lltlllL‘tl

Gallery Event ‘l'ultmr Rut-c (mitt-r}. l'mwixit} ol lzrliiihui'gli. South llrrrlgc. 05” Ill“ lpm. l'i'cr'. /oc l‘lllllL't'glll L'\Pllll'L‘\ lici ltlt';l\ and iicu lll\l.lll.lllilll Sec :\l'l ll\llllf_'\ lni‘ lull mluhrtinii tlt'ltlllx


Big Word Birthday Special (‘rn (.gllt". l‘) Blair Sti‘cct. 555 3797. ‘l llpin. £3 it: t. l’L'l'ltll‘lllilllL‘L' poetr) group Big \Vnrtl marl“ its illllll\L'l‘\tll') \\ ill] a sewn- ;it‘t pocli') L'\lr.i\;ig;iii/;i. (lllL'\[\ mcludc lallltlilll pocl Slew 'luxriiic. .v\u~lr;ili;i\ Rowriiai‘} llarrix (llthgtfik '\ \'i\ (icc. Pllh lilxpcth .\lui‘r;i_\. thc l’r‘crichcr' and Richard \lL‘tlrlllglnn.

Edinburgh life


tlolcanics, botanics and baiiter‘fies

Dynamic Earth With yotranoes erupting beneath your feet. a tropical rainstorm pouring down and earthquakes and tidal waves at every turn. the history of the earth has never been mori- interesting. this Visitor attraction uses stunning new developments in interactive technology to piece together the history of the planet. creating a thoroughly modern way to step back in time. Holy/cod Hoar]. 550 7800. Daily lOarii~6prri £8.45 (534.95».

it Royal Botanic Garden Spring has sprung so get yourself out into the great outdoors and enjoy it. Home to a wealth of flora lrom around the globe. the gardens boast a rock garden and ten glasshouses Willi plants from all over the world. the site also has a year round programme of events and exhibitions lover/elm How, 5:52 {l/l, Dar/y 70am 7pm. free.

i1." Butterfly and Insect World Bask til the Wonderful world of all things butterfly as they fly. sip nectar. court. egg lay or simply show off their beautilul colours. Marvel at the industrious teal cutting ants. handle weird and wonderlul ininibeasts and Witness deadly scorpions as you wander through this realm of exotic rainforests. tropical plants and streaming waterfalls. [)ODDIGS Garden World. Lasswade. 663 4932. lOarn—Spm. £4.35 (£3.35). Palace of Holyroodhouse Starting life as a 13th century abbey. the palace has evolved into a Sumptuous regal residence crammed full of paintings and artefacts dating back primarily to the 17th century the tower apartments housed a sad and lonely Mary. Queen of Scots for a time. but wrth a spectacular vrew of Arthur's Seat. and magnificent gardens to look at. it's hard to feel too sorry for her. Look out for their new exhibition kicking off on 11 Apr. Royal Mile, 556 1096. Daily 9. 30am-6pm. £6. 50

(E 3. 30-1’: 5); family ticket E 16. 50.

70—3.: Apr 20037.15 “81' 97