Food 8- Drink

t/«ttt‘iti ’I': tjtJtNKttt/z I) MAGNIFICENT MENU

Choice phrases for choice food

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The artistr‘, of restati'a'xt mini-wit; .f;

menus. Salad greens, art: 'if,.'. ‘tur't' artri H‘air‘ «viredieiits 'nestle next to the Supporting; cast. (frussm‘qs {it(: '(irlxxied' .'."ill(: potatoes (:czivxe ‘(;rus;lie(l‘ rather their ii‘uixtlar'.t.~. "‘ast‘wt H(:’(?f1l‘.tt‘.(fflgttt lsan inventory of evotxitivtal, Harriet: 'tislies semen at restaurants lli(23ll(§(?(t in

our annual Eating 8. Drinking Guide.


We’re not a nation of complainers, but diners have rights as consumers. Words: Ruth Hedges

The number one rule of thumb for all problems - from a fly in the , SOup to corked wine is to speak up straight away. Usually you will be allowed to exchange the offending dish or drink for something else. Alternatively. the price can be deducted from the final bill. If matters can't be resolved you are entitled to pursue the case through legal avenues. although it may be more cost and effort than it's worth. Try to negotiate a settlement there and then. Bookings are a two-way street. When making a reservation you enter into a binding contract. If yOu arrive to find the tables full, you are entitled to claim any expenses such as travel costs. Likewise. if you book and don't show up. the restaurant can make a claim for the expense of keeping a table unoccupied. Most good l restaurants will try to work things out with the offer of a complimentary drink for any delay. But eQLially always remember to cancel a table or let them know if you are running late. l Any automatic additions to a bill such as service or cover I charges and VAT should be displayed clearly on the menu. If they're not and you are confronted with hidden costs at the end of a meal. you're within yOur rights to refuse to pay them. Optional service charges added to a bill are just that: optional. If you were disappointed you shOuld score out and pay less or nothing. Conversely. you can leave more. I For more information contact the Trading Standards Agency (www. tradingstandardsgov. uk), the Office of Fair Trading (0845 722 44 99) or your local Citizens Advice Bureau. Thanks to all these organisations for their help with this article.

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1 12 THE LIST 3-1 Apr *8 Ma» .7003

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