


GLASGOW (continued)

I Double room in w‘ca lind llat. l’rolcxsional pcrson rcquircd lo \ltarc lowl) Hat with 2 othcr ga) gu'u. Doublc room. bcautiltill} lurnixhcd with all mod cons. £300 pcm including ('l‘ + \harc 0i. blllx + rL‘l'cran‘cx lcli 0l4l 357 I290 or 07980 003 47 I. I Available now. Sunny room in (icorgian Kordanhill hoth l‘or lid). l‘ricndl}. hoth traincd prol'cvional. Woodcn lloorx. (l(‘ll & \illilll gardcn. £225 pun + ("l2 + dcpoxit ol 0 w'ccks rcnt. 'lcl: 0l4l 954 40l8. I Flatmate wanted for conll‘ortablc Annicxland llat. sharing with 2 othcrs & cat. (lost it) illllL'lllllC\. would \ttil young. prtilt‘xxltmtll l’cntalc with ($80”. n/s onl). £250 pcm including ("[1 'l‘cl: 07976 244 059.

I Double room available for l'ricndl} & houxc-traincd li/\ studan to \harc with 2 otltcrs in beautiful Wcstcnd llal. w alking distancc to Bycrx Road. £230 pcm +l1lll5..'\\illlllhlc itiid May. Tc]: ()7on 842 2l l.

I Young professional, looking for a fun. sociable llatmatc. l-‘urnishcd doublc room with own bathroom in lhc West lind. £270 pcm + ("l' + bills. 'l‘cl: 078l5 750 468. IWest End. Double room in bright. rcccntl} dcconttcd 4X taxlcl'ully l'umishcd flat. 5 minutes from BBC «ll Bych Road. \Vottld suit n/s prolcssional. lo sltarc with I lcmalc. £500 pcm + bill\ + rcl'crcnccs. 'l‘cl: 0l4l 940 8 l 8 l.

I Metro, library location, doublc room tor I l'cmalc. n/\. to \harc w itlt l othcr l‘cmalc. lull) lllfllhllt‘tl. .-\\ai|ablc lxt Ma}. £325 pcm including ("l‘. TN: 07742 072 889 allcr opm. I Dennistoun fiat share, I othcr pcrxon \ought to \harc with 23 _\car old lcmalc. l’ull} l'urnixhcd doublc room. in \pacious \unn} llal. (i('ll. all inod com & grcat for public tranxport. £200 pcm + billx. 'l'cl: 0|4l 550 (i829.

I No rooms in largc. bright l)cnnixtoun llat. xharcd linng room. (}(’ll & all inod conx. cloxc lo Strathchdc l'ni. £275 d; £205 pcm + dcpmil ol £250. 'l'cl: 077|9 574 RH.

I Comfortable double room in \unn). ga} l'ricndl} flat in Woodlands liu‘cllcnt transport link» Would \uit ll/\ prolcxxional to \harc an

cax} going atmoxphcrc. Dining. kitchcn & \pacioux loungc. £290 pcm including ("I'. 'l‘cl: 0779(i Roll 507 cxcningx.

I Fully furnished room in

l‘ricndl} llll\L‘tl flat in thxllandx.

lciitalc prclcrrcd. cloxc to cit) ccntrc. undcrground. \hops & anlcniticx. £230 pan 'l‘cl : 0|4l 504 l94b' or 077l2 75l 368.

I One room in Westch flat. £250 pcm + bills. Sharcd kitchen. loungc. bathroom (‘6: gtlcxl room. All mod cons. Stttdcntx & \llltlkch w clcontc. ('all Jatncx on: 0141 574 (1224. I Double room in 3 bedroom houxc. \harc with l othcr. ga} l‘ricndl). £300 pcm incltixixc. 'l'cl: 07931 375 505.

I Queens Park. Gorgeous, comlonablc \harcd llat. grcal location cloxc to all aincniticx largc liltctl kitchcn. all mod com. (‘n( ‘l l. inodcrn bathroom. hugc Ioungc. \Vould \llll ll/x pl’tllL‘\\ltlll;il lcinalc/maturc \ludcnl. £230 pcm including ('l'. 'l‘cl: 0|4l 423 3377

I Double room in \paciottx ncw Southsidc llat. ncar thc rail \latton. amplc parking. Would \llll il/\ prolcxxional. £270 pcm + lclcpltonc + dcpoxit. ‘l‘cl: 0|41 423 0371 at’tci‘ 7pm,

I Queens Park. Large bcdrooin lot. I [X‘holt in \inai‘t llal. \haring with 3 othcrx. would \tlll prolcxxional. l‘ull} cqtiippcd & l'urnixhcd. largc loungc A: kitchcn. nut to train \talion & llll\t'\.:\\;lll;ll1lt' lxt Juno. £208 pcm including ("1". 'lt‘l: 07890 848 730.

I No rooms in \ttldctlt llat in l’olltwkshicldx \ltaring with 2 olltcrx. Ncu to local amcnilicx (K C\L‘t‘llt‘lli £lL'L'C\\ in town. £250 pcm + tclcphonc. 'l‘cl: 0l4l 423 3752.

I Large double room in \ptlcltllh. traditional. Southxidc llal. sharing with l olhcr. All ntod conx including DW. CXL'L'llcnl accuxx to public tranxport. Would \uil cax} going. ga) l'ricndl}. £250 pcm including billx + ("l‘ + phonc. Tel: 07950 322 I51.

I Mount Florida. Room axailablc for n/\ lbmalc in bright. \pacious. w cll cquippcd flat. l0 lllllllIlL‘\ by train to ('it)‘ (‘cntru £240 pcm. 'l‘cl: 0l4l 580 0803.

I Mount Florida, double room in \upcriol'. \paciotix llal. \ltaring with I othcr. all mod con\. 50 ininutcw tront cit} ccnti‘c. would \llll ltrolcxxional. £250 pan including ("l‘ + l‘lll\. 'l‘ct: out 539 ISW.

I Room in Pollokshields llat. 2 ininulcx lroin \lillltlll N 9 nunulcx to ccntral. \tti'i'oundcd h} parkx. thl Iikc tltc \cht land btit w ith parking. £l75 pcin + ("l' + l‘lll\. 'l‘cl: 07830 700 999 I Sunny, spacious room lll largc 2 lloor llat in Southxidc. (iorgcoux loungc. hardwood llooring. ll'lL‘lltll} l.abrador. proatc parking. ('low to local tranxport. £300 pcm including billx. 'l'cl: 0l41 M7 2374.

I Langside. Suit professional. Smart bcdrooin Ill bcdroont t’lal. (Kill. \llillt‘ll kitchcn ck bathroom. (iood bus tk train lllllxx. £237 pcm including ("II 'l‘cl: 07890 848 730.

I Beautiful double room in \ptlclttth Southxidc lcnctncnt to \harc with ga) l’ricndl) malc. 2 minutcx to tubc. no USS/couplc» £250 pcm + ("[1 'l‘cl: 0l4l 427 2785. IFu'nished dodale room, malc or l'cntalc to \ham with l othcr malc. lllhn t'mm untk‘lgnnind. 10 minutcx \chl lind. £175 pcm. ’l‘cl: 07734 769 I09.

I Large double room in ncw bttild hoth in Mar) hill. cloxc lo \hopx & public tranxport. Would \uit studcnl or )oung protcxxional. £250 pcm including ("[1 'l‘cl: 07720 44!) 000.

I Female to share gtcat \chl land tlat. qulct llioonthill location. 2 llllll\ to Hindlanll \lation lioublc loom. ('u(‘ll. all mod conx £250 [\‘lll inc ('l. plux \haic ot l‘lll\. lttotlllh th\[‘tl\ll. l’llltllt' llfi‘lwl 402 ill;


I “win room in laigc llal. lltc ccltlic ol old low it. ltllll lllfill\llt‘tl with all inod conx. lxt bcd a\ailablc now £ l00 pct lX'hUll pcin t ("l t billx lcl 078 l 7 00‘) 705

I Double room available in \ct‘} ccntial. modci'n. \pacioth llat. \ IL'\\\ ol caxtlc. all iltod conx. Scckx ga). lilt‘lltll}. n/x [lltllt'\\lt\ll;ll. \haitng with l othcl‘ lttalc. £200 pcm 4 ("I l lllll\ + dcpmit 'l'cl’ 07929 9I9 777.

I Large room in Morningxidc tlat. would \llll prolcxxional/plixtgiadttatc. nw'x £200 Pcnt + l‘lll\. 'l‘cl' 0| ll 44‘ 7492.

I Momingside Road, 2 largc doublc ltltlllh. Studcnh onl}. .'\\;lllilllll‘ li'otn |~l .\la_\. \haring with 2 othci'x. .‘\ll tnod coltx, (i('ll & good llll\t‘\ to cwr) w licrc. £215 pcnt. 'l'cl

0l .ll 447 7705 or 07355 H40 I23.

I Bright double room at qualit) Bruntxlicld llal. lncludcx outstanding \It‘\\\ tk c\ccllcnt llatntatu. Would \llll n/\_ conxidcralc poxtgraduatcx oi pt'ttlc\\lt)llttl\. .-\\ai|ablc itnnicdiatcl}. £250 pcm + ("l' + bills. 'l‘cl: 0| 3| 447 0770.

Flatshare Hotline 09070 201 610

How to place a Flatshare advert

The List Flatshare service is for people offering a room to rent in a shared flat and is a reliable and successful way of finding a new flatmate. It is simple to use and here’s what to do.

When you telephone the Hotline you will be asked for

1. Your name, address, postcode and daytime number, including dialling code 2. Up to 30 words of description about the room, rent and type of person sought 3. A contact number for would-be-flatmates to ring

The List magazine comes out fortnightly on a Thursday and weekly during the festival. Your Flatshare advert will appear in the next available magazine and will be included for one issue only. Subsequent insertions must be telephoned in again. The deadline for flatshare is 12pm on the Thursday before publication.

Each telephone call will be charged at 75p per minute and should last about 3 minutes.

Calls from non-8T and mobile phones may cost more.

If you need help or are concerned about anything, please call our Helpline on 0870-120 1504.

PleasenotethatFlatsharelsonlyforpeopleseekingaflatmate.lfyouwishtoplaceanyotherklndofaccommodationadvert, suchasRoomsWanted,PropertytoLetorPropertyWanted,youshouidusethebookingfonnlndiebackofthismagazlne.

if you are unable to get through please ensure that your phoneline is not barred from Premium Rate numbers. In the event of barring please contact your service provider or telecom company or use another phone.

120 THE LIST 24 Apr—8 Mav 9003

Only those looking for a flatshare should be using this service and as an advertiser you are advised not to give out personal details when recieving enquiries about your flat. Always ensure you have someone with you when showing people your property.