EDINBURGH (continued)

I A choice Of 2 roorrix to rent in .\lornrngxide llal, Would xrnt _\oung prolexxional to xhare \\ rtlr 2 otlierx. axarlable immediately. l.arge room £200 pcm. xiriall room £270 pcm + ("I' + billx + (lcpthll. 'l'el: 0| 3| 447 8056. IYour wish has been granted. Inc the .\lorrriirgxide dream u ith the Morningxrde dreairr learn. Spacioux room in lricrrdl}.

eax} going houxehold. xeckx a _\otrng prolcxxional. rrrrd 20x. £250 pcm. including ('l'. lel: 07876 6‘)! 437 or ( 'lll‘lx on 07070 S2l 79‘).

I Double room available in l'rierrdl}. lull} lurnixlred l’olnarllr llat. to xhai‘e \\ illr 2 otherx. :\\ailab|e lxt June. no xttrdeirtx/I)SS. £233 pcm + billx + ("II 'l‘el: 0| 3| 466 069-1.

IA single room ix axailable tor a xhoit temr period until the end olJune. £225 pcm + ('l'. Situated in Slatel'ord Road. Would be xuitable tor a _\onirg prolexxional lcrnale. Tel: 07748 532 3 l 8.

I Large double room for xingle prolexxronal perxon. axailable immediater .-\|| billx & ("I included. £80 pw. 'l‘el: 0l3| 5300444.

INice docble room in relaxed ’l‘ollcroxx llat. 5 ininutex li‘oin l’rineex Street & 'llie Meadow x. Wotrld xuit ea.x)goiiig prolexxional. a\ailable lxl .\la_\. £250 pcm + billx + depoxit. Tel: 07752 514 355.

I Friendly, sociable flatmate narrted l‘or Roxebtirir llat. l0 minutex to (it) ('entre. Single room. nice area. garden «S; good blrxex. No xtudentx. £|80 pcm + ("I' + billx. 'I‘el: 0|3| 337 8|30.

I No rooms available in large Murra) lield llat to xhare with 2 l'einalex. Full) l'trrnixhed. on xtreet parking. garden & balcony. Double £2 l0 pcm. Single £l70 pcm + ("l‘ + billx. 'I‘el: 0|3I 3370458.

I Bright, spacious double room. all riiod coirx & garden. peacel'ul. would xurt a )oung. n/x. ga}. friendly prol‘exxional. to xhare xx ith ximilar. l5 ininutex from city centre. cloxe to excellent amenitiex ck btix route. £300 pcm. including ("II Tel: 0790) 36l 257.

I Morningslde, n/s, professional \HllllL‘tl l'or bright. quiet back room in xpaeiotlx. l‘riendl). xharcd llat. WM. Inlcroutne. l)(i. (i('ll. Tel: 0|3l 53‘) 5205.

I Sunny double room axailable end ol‘ Ma}. lixeellent lacilitiex in modern flat. to xhare with young. litrn-Im ing cotiple. £265 pcm. including ("1‘ + billx. 'l‘el: 0| 3| 466 5l66.

I Female, n/s wanted to draw xirrgle room. in modern dc\eloprnent llat. W ith 2 other l‘eriralex. £|08 pcm + billx. Tel: 07789 8|7 424.

I Sunny double room in large hotrxe iii l’ortobello. xliaring \\ ith 4 otherx. garden. (}(‘H. bath/xho“ er. all mod conx. £200 pcm + ("l‘ + billx. Tel: 070-14 070 22‘).

I One room available lor .xhort-tenn let. in lowly cottage in Duddingxton. Tel: 07900 9| 2 250.

I Double room in bright. happ} llat in New rngtoir area. good xr/e roomx. no naxt} decor. £ 345 pcm including (“l (K I‘lllx It'll III 3| 662 ‘Nil-l HI 07734 034 78".

I Male, 20's, required In xhare huge llat in \c-xxiirgloii area. lull} lurnrxhed Wllll llroadlxind lnterrrel tk Sk} t\. l5 rirrnutex b} btix lrorn (it) ('entre. £250 pcrii including ("I lel: 07773 7H 234.

I Double room, suitable to: xingle or cotrple in liberton area. 20 rnrnutcx bux to toun. £ I 25 xiirgle pcmor £2801x-rcouple + ('I' + billx. lel: 0| 3| 664 8886.

I Double room available in large Roxe Street llat to draw u ith 2 leinale xtuderrtx. n/x Pl'el'erred. :\\ai|able lrorir |7th :\pri|. £275 pcm + billx. lel: 07732 37‘) 35‘).

I Stockbridge. Double room in modern llat merlookrng llre “ater ol l .eith. Share \\ ith | other. £300 + (“I' + billx. 'l'el:

0| 3| 225 8878 or 07052 008 376. I Large, sunny double room in \er) xpaciorrx. beautil'ul. tranquil Ne“ 'l'onn lIat. Would xuit clean. lid). 30+ l‘ernale \\ ixliirrg to xhare u ith xarne. £320 pcm + ("I~ + billx. 'l‘el: 0|3l 557 Ill-7‘).

I Double room in xtrnir}. modern. 2 bedi'ooiii Stockbridge flat. I bathroom. Would xuit 25+ n/x pi'olcxxional. tnailable rnrd Ma}. £260 pcm + ("l‘ + billx + tlepoxil. lel: 078“) 87-1 25l.

I Room available for prol'cxxional in ('anoirinillx l'lat. £2|0 pcm + ("l‘ + billx. 'l'el: 0l3l 556 7382.

I New Town double romn in large xhared llal. xuit }otirig prol'exxional. £250 pcm + billx. Tel: 077 l 2 650 652.

I One box room in irrodei'rr (Q xpacioux llttl. \er'} central location. £180 pcm including ("I'. To xhare \\ ith 2 otherx. Available llre end ol April. Iel: 0| 3| 556 0794. No unernplo) ed pleaxe.

I Room in attractive “ext lind llat. xliaring W ith 3 otlierx. n/.x. £200 + ("I' + billx. l’rol'exxioiral. mature xtudent & long I.ct prel'er‘red. 'l‘el: 0| 3| 467 6577.

I City Centre - Glen Street. l.o\‘el_\ bright double room in llat with l other gu). £250 pcm + ("l' + billx + depoxit. .~\\arlable .\la_\ lxt. 'l‘el: 0l3l 228 I882.

I Funky flatmate required lor xingle room in quirk} ’l‘ollcroxx llat. xharing

u ith | other. “ould xuit n/x )tlllllg pftllt‘\\ltllltll. £|05 pcm + ("l' + billx + depoxit. Tel: 07734 460 462 alter 6pm.

I Meadows. Double room iii neu I} decorated llat xhai'ing With 2 leiiialex. Wooden lloorx. walk in \xardrobe. lounge. kitchen. bathroom. l’rol‘exxional. n/x l’ernale preferred. £266 pcm + ("I~ + billx. 'I‘el: 078|2 I50 023. I No spacious double roomx in central llat. comenient lor theatrex. all mod coirx. 'I'o xhare \\ ith I other. axailable 3rd Jul} -2nd September. £300 pcm per room. including billx. Tel: 0|3| 22‘) 3073.

I Spacious double room in ( lilrnoie l’lace xlrarrng u rrlr l oilrer. n x protexxronal ternale prelerrcd. .t\.i|l.tl\lc' lxl \Id}

L 3 30 pcin lllc hiding ('l 4 billx t dcpnxfl ll-‘UI‘I 3.\5 55‘) or I)! 3| :_‘I 0358

I Comely Bank. Single room .nailable in n’x llar oppoxitc Salena). to xhare \\ ith 2 rnalex £ I‘l5 pcm i ('l t billx lel. 0| 3| 3153248.

I Comely Bank double roorrr. )oting. li'rcndl} llatrirate uanted lor coinloi'table. lull} lurnixhed llat. £200 pcm # billx 'lel. 0|3| 332 5805 or 078|2 070 687.

I Double room in conic-I; Bank a\.iilable lot n/x lcirrale. xlrai'ed ll\ mg room. kitchen ck bathroom. xlrarrng \\ Illl 2 otherx .\'o USS .& xtudeiitx. £220 pcm + ('I r billx. lel. 0703‘) 508 278 in" (WWII) Il3ll ~l2ll or III 3| 332 2760 alter 6.30pm.

I No females looking lor 3rd lIatmate. .\ledium xr/ed double Ilc'tll'tliilll. \llttl‘etl krtclrerr. bathroom .k In rng room. £200 pcm + billx. depoxrl required. l'err) Road (irox e. lel: Ill 3| 34.3 2.5.” (it' 02765 64306”.

I Barnton Area. Study bedroom in larnil} home. Will xurt xludenl/pi'olexxtirnal. n/x lemale. :\ll lactlrliex. £235 pcm including all billx. lel: 0] 3| 33” 6.55.5.

I Double room in beautil'ul. xpacionx 'I'rrmt) llat l'or a n/x prolexxional lerriale to xlrare With 1 other. x\\arlable Ma}. £250 pcm + ("l r billx. lel: 070m 680 763.

I Spacious double room a\ailablc lxt .\la} in l.ertli. to xhare “ith I gu}. Kitchen. ire“ lilled bathroom k a In rng room. (i(‘ll. l)(i & xecurit} entrance. Seekx ga} li‘iendl} 25+ gu}. n/x. £3|0 pcm + billx + one moirtlrx depoxrt. 'l'el. 0| 3| 553 min.

I Double room available in \er} xtltltl} llat in l.cith. xharing \\llll I Italian. ga} lrierrdl} gu}. Would xuil n/x. mature pi'ol'exxronal. Axarlable Ixt Ma). £300 pcm including ("I & billx + depoxit. 'l‘el; 0| 3| 55.3 Tool.

I Leith. Double room a\ai|ab|e. in xpacioux brrglrt llat \xith panoramic \ renx balcon}. All mod corrx ck (i('|I. Would xtrit ga}. ga) lrierrdl) per'xon. :\\ailable late :\prr|. £250 pcm + ("I + billx. lel: 0| 3| 555 2805 or 078|2 I47 285.

I Leith/The Shore. large bright double room to xlrar'c \xith l other. Sociable n/x prelerred. Stiit male. £275 pcin t\' ("l ck billx. “epoxll required 'l‘el own) 211 228.

I Female required for large double room u ith on n \x /c lttc‘lllllLN in 2 perxon llat b} the xhore. £265 pcm + ("l + brllx. 'l‘el: 0l3l 53" I31] da)tirne or 0| 3| 555 520‘) e\eningx.

I Bright double room in l.eith llat to xhare \\ rth l other. Would xuit n/x )(rtiirg prol'exxional. £240 pcm including ("l1 .-\\ailab|e iinrnediatel). 'l‘el: 0| 31 476 260‘).





I Room in Leith llal. to xlratc 1‘. III) 2 \ltl\lelll\, \t'D c lir\c‘ h‘ c !l\ centre .\ all rnarrr btrx routex Room includex double lxnl. burlt lll \xaidrobcx .\ computer dexk £2"0 PL in or £350“ rn loi ctlllplc'\ lel III 3| I‘M lj5lrtrl II-‘fi53 3\\l 33(\ I” Mfut‘tlrlexxronal rn triendlj. llal. to xhaie xx rtlr .‘ otheix £225 ll'lll '\|| mulconx. I‘|l\.|lt't.tl pork. ne\l to xnrx-rrnarker t\ tieqnenr buxex ‘\\ailablc | 3th \la} lel 0| 3| xxx I 3H arm 6 30pm IMWMHM lr'rendh central llat. .rr the topol l eth Walk. 5| | rninutex Ironi l’irncexx Slru‘t.( K 'I l .\ IX i. would xrirt n x. piolexxiorral letnale £250ix'rn billx 3 depvxrt. including ( 'l \\ar|able lxt .\|a_\ lel 01 ii -t“.x'oxn< I Small room in Irrerrdl} Hat. 5 rrriniitex lrorn (‘rtx ('eirtie. a\.iilab|e rrninediateh nirtrl end .lnl} £200 pcm billx r depoxll lel III 3| 5510-532 I Double room in ( 'ential modern llat. l llll} liiinixhed \\ iilr all rnod conx. inc lndrng digital Ix .\ parking Woul‘l xrrit prolexxioiral. n’x lerrrale .'\\ar|able Ixt .\la_\ £350 pcrn including ('l t\' billx lel tr” Kn girl) (Fir. I Double room in third lIoor llat on Izaxter Road. to xlraie \xilli xonng. n/x. pl'trlt‘\\ltl|l.tl male. Broadband .\ (able .narlable Six rrrontlrx rnririrnuin Ieaxe. £260 pcin * (“I + billx lel 07068 50| 8 30. I Quiet n/s professional. wanted tor xuperroi' en xiiile room. in neu .'\I‘l‘t‘}ll|ll llat. xhared lounge. kitchen. all mod conx, £3l0 pcrrr. irrchrdex all billx c\cept phone. depoxil r'equrred. Icl: 07880 48 3818. Large room ' iirrriretliateh in lumixhed llat. in l'rri\er\iI} area. xliarrng \xrtlr 3 otlieix £22me + ( 'l' + billx \her be pr‘olexxional. 'lel‘ 0| 3| 668 l5l l. I No double rooms m xpacioux. lrrendl} \eurngton flat. to xhare \\ rtlr 2 otherx. ()nl} l0 minutex hour the Roxal .\Iile. .‘\\arlablc the end ol \la}. £260 pcm ck £200 pcm +— (’l * billx. lel: 0| 3| 66" 3 304 I Large room available lltllll June It) the end til September. in a xpacroux llai rn .\Iarclrinont. to xhare \x ith 3 other xtudentx. £210 pcm r I‘lllx. lel: Ill 3| I16 H.262, I Fully furnished room Ill large \lar'chmorrt llat. W.\l. (i( ‘ll ck broadband Internet. £225 pcm + ("I + billx. 'lcl: 0| 3| 44" 7l52. I Spacious room available to xhare in llat u rtlr 3 lr'rendl} othei'x, .»\\ailab|e now until 28th :\uguxt. £200 pcm + ("I + billx + £230depoxrt, 'leI: 0l3| 47" I450 I Marchmont. Lovely double room in xpacioux. xrrnrr} llat. large lounge ck kitchen. Would xuit non xtudenl & rr/x. .‘\\ailablc rind Ma}. £250 pcm * ("I + billx. 'l'el: 0| 3| 22‘) 5322 I Lovely small room. u an xk} light WllltltrW in top lloor .\lai'clrrnorrt llat. xharrng \xrth 3 lricndl} lellltlle\ \Itixl be xtudent. .-\\ailab|e mm. ()nl) £ l 50 pcm. Large xhared garden. (i(‘ll & cloxe to all nccexxar} xhoprliel10I3l 466 lll35 or 07786 7ll 6‘”.

I Lovely, bright, spacious dorrbie room rn modern \laiclrinont tlat \xrtlr xniirn garden \ reu x .\ all mod conx t260pcrn lel HI 3| 4“ ‘III3 I Bright, clean, single room in modern \l.ilclllll\‘|ll llat near llrc \leadou x \x ith garden \ re“ .\ all rnod \l‘ll\ \\.iilable lxt lune £230pcnr lell||3l~1" “0'3

I Central. Large double l‘t‘tllimtir \\ llll c‘\c't'llt‘lll \llalt'tl l.|\ rlrtiex \rirt couple £25 p\\ rnc hiding ('l lel 0| 3| 22" 5121.” ir‘x‘ox )0“ .x‘ij

I Professional wanted for xrrrrnx tlal in \laiclrrnoirl. \\ rtlr large \x rrido“ x £2 30 pc ill 4 ('l Icl 013! 2286004 I Single room in beautrlull} kept .\ \\ ell equipped \euington llat. .oarlable nou Senxrble. lid) .\' ga_\ lirendl} rrrale oi leiirale \xanted to xlraie \x ith I other \uit xtudent or prolexxronal

£2 35 pc in l ('l but no billx

It‘l Ilfiwlil INN 5llll

I Room in Causewayside llal. ltrll} lirirrixlred Would xuit _\onng piolexxional. n/x .»\\arlable non £220 pcrn rrrcludrng ('l t\‘ parking lel' 0| 3| 662 “06

I Marchmont, 2 large roonrx in bright. xtlllll}. xlrared xtndent llat. \xould xuit poxlgraduate or linal year xludenl. ii/x pielei'i'ed. rrrrrnedrate entrx £285 pcm including billx 1.4677") 780522

I Central, large double room xharing u ith 2 oilierx & a cat. Strrl t';l\}gil|||f2 pt'olcxxronal"poxl graduate. :\\ar|ab|e non £240 pcm i I billx i tlepirxll. 'l'el: III 3| 2632.

I New Town. Lovely, bright. xnirn} double room in li'rendl). central llat. cloxe to all arnenrticx. xliarirrg Wllll 2 leinalex. Would xurt prolexxronal. axailable end :\pril. £220 pcm + ("l' + billx lel. III 3| 5.56 H5 l .5.

I Edinburgh Haymarket flat, prolexxroiral lor room in 3 bcdr‘ooirr llal. in good xlate ol tleL‘Hl'. 2 toiletx N dining/kitchen £225 pcm + I‘lll\ lel: Ill-ll 556 6743.

I Very friendly, professional ga) lelnale xeekx xainc to xhare modern lirrnrxlred liarnton llat. l'lat includex all mod coirx and ix comerrient to all local arneiiitiex. \ltrxt be HA and lid}, £400 pcrn rrrclndirrg all billx and ("lf'lcl107754488 358

I Available now, in quret 'dcxrgner' New. ’I‘imn garden llat. liriglrt. xpacroux corrrlortable double room. t\.

\ rdeo. phone point etc. l0 inin ualk lrorn (it) centre. Worrch Illier xuit n/x prol l'emale. £325 pcm. me ("I and all billx. xo no extrax. l’leaxc call 077‘)l 790 720 or 0| 3| 556 3522.

I Spacious double room axarlable. Sharing kitchen. 2 batlrrooinx and lounge u ith 2 l'latrnatex. All mod conx inc cable ti and prnate parking. £200 + billx. l’lrone Mike on

0| 3| 554 223-1 or mobile 07952 587 357.

("l ii?

151' '-' ’.‘;r, ’z” 'THE US? 121