Films screening this iortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brie! review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

The AC‘OI‘S I IS! I( ~IittIIt‘ \lcl’ltctxoll. Ireland. ZINHI \lichael (lune. l)}laii \IoraII. \lichacl (Iainhou .\Iin thc I’re\ie\\ xcreening ol llle crime coined) directed h} play “right \lc‘l’lier‘xon and co»\\rltten “Illl Iellou. IrIthIIan Neil Jordan The filie caxt alxo includex Miranda Richardxon and Iena Ilcatle} I'(i( I R: Ilflr II Strut. (ilrneuli. Adaptation I IS! 0.. ISpIkc have 1.5. ZINI‘H .\lcoIax ('agc. \Iel‘)l Sltcep. (‘Ilrlx (.(Hlpk'l'. I IJltlltl 'I-Ilc‘ c'U-L'lt‘llltirx Iil Ill-me .ln/m ,lIII/km II II. “riter' (‘harlie Kaufman and director Jon/e. \Iould haxe tIx IK'IIL'H' lIlIx Slot} Itl Kittllttltlll'x cllot‘lx III adapt Stixari ()rlean’x popular non-fiction hunk liltr' ()I’I [In] If!!!" [U I‘L‘ Il'llL'. ()I courxe. It‘x an elahoratc prank. the IIii\ of fact and fiction. real life and reel lile IIIakex lot a comoluted conundrum. llul cle\er'- c|e\er ax Kaulman‘x xcr'Ipt Ix. It lackx the pla_\lulnexx that made the InInd»hending .llrrlIuI-II l1 xuch a |o_\. And IIrIcoIn eiItiorIaI ax the plot ix. It quickl} hecomex [)I'L‘tllc'lilhlt‘. lroriicall) enough for a film xo ohxexxed \Iilh plot. the xtandout cleriient Ix a perloirnancc. a remarkahle one h} the gi‘eatl) undermlued ('ooper~ ax the enigmatic rare Ilouer collector. (if I; (ilmeuu .' ('unu'n. lit/IIII’III'L’II.

Amores Perms (Love’s a Bitch)

I IIS'I .0... IAlelandro (IoII/ale/ lrrrtu. .\le\Ico. ZIKII I liiIIIIIo lichexarria. (iacl (Iaicia Bernal. (Io)a 'l’oledo. 153mm. Inar‘ritu'x dehtit feature ix hilled ax 'lhe .\Ie\Ican l’uI/i I'i'I‘rrmr'. a dexcriplion “IllCIi xellx It xhort. ’l‘hc 'Iarantino coIIIparIonI Ix a tixelul xtarling point: the film tellx three

ox erlapping xtoriex a teenager dra“ II Into the world of illegal dog-fighting. the infidelit) of a IIIIddlc-aged media e\ecuti\e arid aiI eldcr'l} homelexx man h} tIxirIg xhilting tIrIIe—fraiiiex. tangentiall} linked characterx and jagged \crhal l'lt}lltlllx. lr'ierce humanit} underpinx IIIarritu'x heautiful. grain} \ ixualx arid (itllllL't'tlto Arrraga Jordan'x multI-la) cred xcr'Ipt. The hext film of the year xo far. arid unlikel} to he xttt'ptlxxetl. ('( ‘xl. (iluiemi.

Anita and Me I l2.-\I I.\Ietin lluxe)In. l'K. 3002i ('lIaIIdeep l'ppal. Anna Brenxter. Kath) Burke. 96min. lt'x NH and l2-)c‘;ir-IIIII .\Ieena Il‘ppali ll\ ex III a .\lidlaridx mining \Illage “llll her xtruggling Indian parentx \\ hen the hlonde. In} xterioux .-\nila Ilireu xter'I enterx her life \xith her deepl) d} xfunctiorial fainil). .\Ieena hecornex hexotted \\ Ith thix .-\r_\ an \ Ixion. hut It Ix a friendxhip that Ix to text her faIIIIl) along \\ itlt Iter xenxe of cultural heritage. .\leer'a Syd hax done a great job of adapting her hotel for the xcreen. managing to prexer\e the tone of long xummerx and dixplaced loyilt} that perIIIeatex the hook. More prohlernatic. Ito“ ex er. Ix Iluxe)in u ho handlex thix tender coming-of-age drama

\\ itli all the xtihtlet) of a leatherhead cricket ground graxx roller. ()Ileun lli'xli'r Hut/n. I'.tlllll’lll'L'/l.

Ararat I ISI 0. I.-\tom Iigo) an. ('anada. ZIKISI ('hrixtopher I’lurniner. (‘har‘lex .-\/na\our. .-\ernee Khanuan.

l lhmin. .-\n :\rltlL‘Ill;tlt filmmaker I.-\/na\ouri Ix making a mm Ie about the I‘IIS geltocltle of Itlx people ttl the littlttlx ol' the 'l‘urkixh iIIIIIlar}. lII\o|\ ed Ix Raffi. a runner \\ ho takex It upon himxelf to fl} to 'l‘urke) to xhoot locatiott footage in the land of IIIx ancexlorx. I'pon returning to Canada. Raffi Ix held up h} ctixtomx official Dax Id Il’lumrneri. to whom he tellx the xtor_\ of the film and the hixtor} of hix people.

ligo} an unxpoolx the xtor) of genocIde through IIIx film \chiii a film. I’rohlem Ix. It'x not clear whether the film \\ Ithin a film Ix xuppoxed to he good or had. And xo .-lrumr ernergex ax a \\Ui1ll_\ hut confuxed arid ultimatel) pretentioux piece of filrttmaking. (il‘T. (ilmeou: ('(}(‘. Edinburgh.

Behind the Sun I 12.0... I\\alrer Sallcx. lira/II. IINIII Rodrigo Santoro. Joxe I)IIIIIoIIt. I'I;t\l;l \Iarco -\IItorIIo IIIFIIIIII III a remote northcaxtern proxince III lira/ll circa I‘ll“. a deadl) lcud Ix heing \\ aged hemeen tuo iIeIglIhotIrIng tainihcx 'lonho ISarIloroI. the middle xon of an

Impm erixlIed xugar-cane tanner II)urIIonl I. Ix axked h) IIIx lather to a\ enge the killing ot IIix elder hrother. :\ terrlficd 'I'oriho tultilx IIIx filial dill). hut the c}cle ot \ Iolence chunch. (‘om Incingl} acted and irIIpI'exxi\eI_\ xllol. If. III/III r/II Slur incorporatex x_\rnholic eIerIIentx \\ IlhIn the traineuork ol an cinolionall} engaging xtor}|iiIe. lt ma) drau on an .tl't‘a_\ ot xotircex. not leaxl (Ireek traged} and the .-\IIIcrIc.IrI \Vexter'n. and )et III a uorld xcarred h} ata\ Ixtic coritlictx. the fiIIn'x conteinpoiar} rexonance Ix conxiderahle. ('unrt'u. I'.Ilrnlmre/r.

Bellissima I ISI II.uclIirIo Vixconti. Ital). I‘l5l I Anna \lagnani. \Valter (‘hiar'L 'I'Ina .-\picella. l limin. Intenxc drama III “IllL‘Il a IIIother‘. “Itoxe life-long dreamx of making It III the film \HH’III tailed. triex to ptixh thexc axpiratiorix onto her daughter “hen a lairioux director conIex to to\\n. Part of the Italian l‘ilin I'extnal. I’ll/rrlrurm’. [CI/Inhru‘elr. Beyond lie-Animator 1 1M I Brian Yti/na. Spain. BIN”) .\1In the. 'l‘hix the xecond xeqtiel to the original film Iooxel} haxed on the III’ l.o\ ecraft tale Ix ahout mad doctor llerhert \Vext IJCIII'C} ('ornhx reprixing the role he \\;I\ horn to pla) I locked tip III Arkham Stale l’enitentiar} for bringing the dead hack to life. When a )oung doctor _|IIIIIx Arkham'x xtaff \\ ith the idea of uxing “'cxt'x knou ledge for good. lhIngx. of courxe. go hadl) \xrong Ilexcelttllltg Into a hlIIotl-xplttller lexl. I‘r/m/ruuw. l'.t/llll)lll'_L'/l.

Blue Crush I IZAI O. IJohII Stock“ ell. IS. 3002) Kate Boxuorlh. .\lalthe\\ I)a\ix. Michelle Rodriguel. Ill-1min. The big xurfirIg coranetItion Ix nearing hut xurfer Anne Marie Illoxuorthi fallx in loxe \Hlll Matt ll)tt\’l\l. a \Ixiting Nl’l. quarterhack. Will xhe I)lt\\lll chooxe hoard or heefcake’.’ Directed h_\ the man hehind (‘I‘Ir:I'/Ilmurr/ul and Rock Star. \\ e ha\ e no right to expect another l’umr Break. 'I‘hIx doex hat e a feu coinpenxationx: l)a\ Id lIerIiIingx' cinematograph} of the xurt Ix xuperh and the female characterx are llltIL‘pClltIL‘lll In a nu) you rarel) xec III the beach hlanket genre. |.Ikeahle enough. if )ou'\ e hraIn-daIIIaged _\ourxelf on the reef “hile tIIhIng the big one. dude. (irm'rul I'I’II'IIH'.

Bubba Ho-Tep I lIx’I tl)ott ('oxcarelll. t'S. 2002i Bruce ('amphell. ()xxie l)a\iex. .\lin the. The ‘true' xtor) of u. hat reall} hecame III lil\lx. “1' find the aged King. gre} \llllL'\. canceroux cock and all. in a Iiurxing home on ’l‘exax. There an Iig)ptian mummy xtalkx the corridorx at night xucking the xoqu of the nearl) departed. 'lhux It fallx to lilI ix Ipla)ed to perfection h) The [ii I! Ih’ml‘x ('amphelli and another elderl) rexIdeIIt

1“ ho thinkx he'x JI‘K. except he'x black) to do hattle \\lIIl the dex II III dixguixe. l’l/Ht/iullu‘. l-frlrrllmrelr.


Mon 28th Apr Magdalene Sisters (15)

8t Q&A with Peter Mullan 7 30pm

Thurs Isl May City of God (18)

Wed 7m May Catd'I Me If You Can (12A)

7 30pm

7 30pm

Tickets and further Information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

Bulletproot Monk I I: \I 0

Il’aul Hunter. I S. It“?! (‘hou Yuri-lat. Seann \\ Illram Scott. Karel Roden IIIFIIIIII I'terrr.ill_\ )oung hut decidedl_\ tool} Itl‘t‘ldtt IIIonk \‘unlat Ix learned \xtth cock). chIxelr taued Ne“ \‘ork thret Scott logethcr the} IIqut recoer the Scroll ot the l‘ItIIIIate. “Inch conterx ahxolute p0“ er on \thoe\ er r'cadx It. from ageing \a/I \iIIaIrI Karel Rodcn '\Ided h} lloIIg Kong fight choreographerx. excornruercialx director llunter xlagex thc IiIIIId-numhing kickaxx action with euthuxtaxin. htit It'x |uxt another craxx. hall-arxed attempt to ttlxe modern .'\ltlt‘t‘lc'.tlt hudd) -hudd} humour “Illl ancient Izaxlern m} xtIchIII See Ie\ Iexx

(inn IIr/ l'tfl'lIH

Catch me If you Can I ISA» oooo ISte\eII Spielberg. I'S. SWIM |.eoriardo I)I('aprio. 'l'IiII IlaiIkx. ('hrixlophcr \\alkeII I-IIIIIIII. lnxpiied h} the lite ol Irank \V .-\hagnalc Jr. the film tollqu »\hagiIale'x e\traordinar'_\ e\ploitx circa l‘lh-l 0". beginning “tilt IIIIII running .I\\.t_\ from a hroken home aged I" and ending \\ Ith IIIx arrexl h} the l'lll. III helueeii. \hagnale got h) paxxing himer off ax a teacher. aIrIIne pilot. doctor and |;i\\}cr. all the \\IllIC caxhiiIg IIIIIlionx of dollarx north of fraudulent chequex. (‘axlIrIg charrxmatic |)I('aprIo ax .-\hagna|e Ix IIprIrcd the _\ouIIg outla“ got aua} \Iith xo much lor xo long prIiIIaril} hecatixe ot hix Innate charixma, (‘axting lIaiIkx ax Ahagnale'x nemexix. the dogged. humourlcxx I-lll agent (‘ar'l Ilanratt). ix equall) inxpir'ed. :\II enorIIIouxl} entertaining comic adxenlure B) Iar Spielherg'x hext filin III )earx,

hie/u In] I‘I'Ir'uu'.

Chicago I I3.-\t .0. IRoh Marxhall. I'S. ZINIZI Renne /.ell\\ eger‘. (‘athei'Inc Zeta- Jonex. Richard (iere. l I ‘srnin. .\larxhall'x IorIg-anaited xcreerI adaptation of the celebrated muxical e\plodex on to the xIl\er xcreen. loIlImlng the e\ploltx ol t\\o iIIurIleroux Ia/I hahlex RUUC Ilar't IZellxtcgerI and Velma Kell) I/cla-Jonexi

Index Film

and then detence Loner. IIIII) I'I)lltl

I(ierei \lo\ilIg hctucen the realIt_\ ot I’rohIhItIoII-cra Chicago and the Interior tantax) norld ot Rome llart. \\ here each character hecouIex an all xrnging. all dancing [\I'\\L‘llll‘ll\c‘. \laIxhalI xkrltuII) xucceedx in a potentlall} prohlcrtiatic xtage to xcreen adaptation l ackIng enough xaxx and xe\IIaI innuendo. (XI/um I thIx ain‘t. hut (fut Itei' ltotlelltc‘lt'“ IIIK‘x lllxllc‘t‘ IU IllC xtagc IIIIIxIcal and the daI/Iing \Italit} ot the huxrnexx kIonuI ax xhoxt \I-lrI II I! in lane Confessions of a Dangerous Mind I l5! 0... Itieorgc ('loone). IS. 3”“ Sam Rockncll. Ilreu Barrymore. (ieorgc (‘loone_\ I l inIIII (iorgeoux (ieolgc’x directing dchut lurrIx otit to he a real treat llaxed on the autohiographx ol the creator of xuch IIIIIIIIX‘IIIIIMII -\IiIerIcan game xho\\x ax I’III‘ Iltrrrne (iImII- which xpauned our t\\\ll Illunl IlIrtI'I. (WI/I urinrx tellx the xtor) ot ('hnck llarrix. a man \\ ho iIIxIxtx he \xax .leo a ('l.-\ hitnIan \\ ho pertormed ii axxaxxinatronx for the IS goIerIIIIIent

('lex crl}. (‘loone_\ and hix xcriptmItei (‘har‘IIe Kautman take Ilarr'ix‘ \iord “till .i pinch of xalt. pla}iIIg the \\ hole film ax an ollheat. hlack coltictl) Rock“ elI'x IIIIperxorIatIon of Harm Ix IIIIIX'ccahIe. \xhlle (‘loone) gi\ex hIIIIerI a plum cameo .h .t (.I:\ opetalne .VI‘II'I II‘I/ I'I'lr'Ilu' The Core I l3x\i 0.. IJoII :\ltllt‘I. l'S/I‘K. IINISI -\aroiI lackhart. llIlar) Swank. Stanle} 'I'ucci l ‘Smm :\x the I'‘lIl Ix xuhlecled to iIIcre.ixIIigI_\ dextructoe electromagnetic xtoimx. It hecomex clear to a group of xcienlixtx that the pIaIIct'x molten cor'e hax xtopped rotating 'I‘Iqu. a group of 'terr‘anautx‘ lead h) lickhar'l and Suaiik. humm to the centre of the Izarth to get the planet‘x heart xpiniiIrIg again. xa\ Ing xi\ hIIIIoII II\ex None of thIx entertaining toxh Ix to he taken xer‘Iouxl). htil It‘d he great to appl) a little leminixt theor) to [he (‘Imz \HIII Itx uptlglil men in nuclear phalqu hlaxtIIIg their \\.i} to the \Iomh of Mother liltrllt l0 xttu‘ lIte IIIII gtrl. Se/I'I In! II'II'uu’

dazed & confused - film at the month

LUKAS mooovssou


SeleCtIOn OlfICIal Selecmn


sunday telegrap t :'; I I 'w' ‘L’ w. .' r I : I, ' . ' I "ft": ' . "W V _: S :1. ‘1 l-‘f’I‘ 'l ' I I i i ' ' ‘, I I. “.15 ' 'xK‘I thetist “SI UNNING” “AS I ONISHING” uncut empire .I ' ~ 1L: 7 i: a; ' ' 't " E

=~ I: . pm? '3: F." ‘r\:3‘,}lifig AL” 0»- red



tat OPENS MAY 23


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