MllltlU-lLllL'tl hut“ urn IiIi- .llumi RI him/I II III \la} and Ill!‘ VIII/II Rtll\lll(1”l \nxcnihcr Beginning \Hlll .I \Irtual xaInuraI xxxnrd light-cunt-xtrIpIcaxc. Um'n IIIMCx qulIl} nn In IIIIrnducc the plot nl Rt‘ll'tlt/t'd. 'l‘ht- t'nIIIpuIcr gcncratcd aIIIIIiaIInn th‘c Ix xupcrh. \xnrking hcautilull} ax a lL'axL'r/laxlcr lnr “hat Inc aclmll Ix to come I'lIHIIlL' Ill \II/i/mrl Hf Drum“ (Ht III'i; nII t'l'lu‘ru/ I'I’li‘uu'

From the Edge of the City I Is) .0” «('nIIxIaIIIInnx (iIaIInarIx. (ircccc. I‘N‘h SIthIx l’apatlnrmulnx. l)InIIIrIx l’anIIIIIlIx. (‘anax ('ntxianidix. 90mm. The LII} Ix Alhcnx ()n the edge nl IhIx \axl

xprau. lIIIg (ll) III the (lL'prC\\Cd xuhurh nl \lt'IIIIlI. a gang nl )nung RIIxxIaII IIIIIIIIgI‘anIx IlrcaIII h} Ila) III a butter lIlc \thlc at night llIL‘) Ilch‘CIIIl lnln lht' (ll) In le'al. \L'nrc Ilrugx. pimp and turn IrIckx Suiwrlitiall) thIx Ix annlhcr drug-build} "unit. but (iIaIInarIx'x lilIII Ix IlIxIIIIgIIIxht-d h) IIx ka‘In-pnlitical IlIIIIt-Iixinnx and Ihc Ixmcrlul Ix-rlannanccx ll'Ulll IIx .Iclnrx. man} nl lllt'lll IInII- pI'nlexInIIalx. l-Ilmhnuu'. Iii/IIII’IUL‘II.

The Girt on the Bridge I l5) 0.. ll’itlllL'C Lucnnlc. l'rancc. 2001)) Daniel Amt-ml. VanL'xxa Paratlix. UUIIIIHI (iahnr l:\lllt'lll. a IIIItldlc-agcd kIIIlc-IhrnuL-I'. H‘\L'llt'\ a qucIdal young woman .v‘ulclc Il’aratlIxI lrnni tlrnuning and \xliixkx hcr oil In the South nl l'rancc. xxhcrc xhc prm ex a “filing target In hix xtagc act. AI laxt. gnnd Innunc .Ippcarx In he knowing the prnlagnnixlx. but can th‘lT rclaIInIIthp rcnIaIII nII .I purcl} hU\lllC\\ l'nnIIug .’ An Cllj())ithl_\ pla)lul llltKlL‘rll laII‘)Ialc. “lilL‘h Cnaixlx alnng nn Ihc xtrcngth nl IIx [\H) lcaIl Iwrt'nrnianccx xnnic \x'IIt) dialogue. and the \cnc nl' l.ccnnlc'x dll'L'L‘lltill. (‘( Pl.


Half Past Dead I IS) IDnn Mlcliacl l’aul. l'S. ZIXHI Slcwn Scagal. Morrix (’thnuI. Ja Rule. 98mm. llaung xur\I\cd a xhnnt nut “Hit the l'Bl mhich lcl‘t him hraindcad tor a it“ IIIIIIIIICxI. Scagal'x Saxha Ix xcrxlng time In the .Inuit “lich a Death RU“ cnn

\xanIx In lain“ \xhaI'x II lIkc In he ilcatl

\\ hIlc Saxha and lhc xnnII In he \lk'ddllldll chat about the allcrlilc. a hunch nt crnnkx hrcak Into Ihc prIxnn lnnking InI Ihc \iCdd man who happcnx In ha\ c \ZIN) IIiIllInIi xIaxhcd ima} xnmcxxhcrc Rap xIar Ja Rulc .Ittcmplx In lcnd crctl In the agcmg. bulging SCilgiil. SCC lL'\ l0“ he I"('( It (j H [I (In Happy Day IccrI Ihci Il’antclix \nulgarix. (ircccc. 197m lIJSIIIIII lle IhIIIl)- degUIxcd allcgnr) nn (ircccc'x l‘in“ “4 IIIIlItur) Junta Ix ahnuI lhc pnlIIIcal prixnncrx III a concentration camp nII .I xcni'chctl leand preparing a l'caxt lnr the ar'rnal nl the "great mnlhcr'. film/mum lat/Inlmrgii Hard Goodbyes: my Father lL'L‘l'l Ith IPunn) l’anayntnpi)lnu. (ircccc. 2002) ll3InIn. Scl III Athcnx III the Luv Mix. a _\nung ho) cagcrl} lnnkx lnrxxartl In much the Apnlln Innnn landing nII 'l‘\‘ \thn hIx l‘alhcr Ix killed in a car accident the \arInux IIIcInhcrx oi the lillllll} begin In gricxc; the ho). mcarmhilc. xIcaIllaxIl) hclIcwx hIx t'alhcr IIIcrcl} In he aua} nn a humexx trip I'I/m/muw. Edinburgh,

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PU) C... I('hI'Ix (‘nlunihux. [IS/['K. 2003) Danicl Radclill'c. Kcnncth Branagh. Rnhhic (‘nltranc I(iI)Inin. lI'x the hnywuartl'x xccnnd )‘car at ilngwartx Schnnl nt’ Witchcraft and Wizardry \x'hcrc C\ll lnrch have released a \ icinux xcrpcnt into the cnrridnrx. Whn'x In hlamc'.’ lx II llarry'x rival pupil Draco Mall'ny. Ihc Imcahlc giant Hagrid (Rnhhic (‘nltrancl or a myxtcrinux TUTHICT pupil \xhn communicates through the pang nl‘ a magical diary? Whoever Il Ix. they're [wtril‘ying thc pupilx and xctting lnnxc an army of xcurr} Ing xpidcrx. Once again t’aithl'ul In the original nm'cl. Ihix l'IlnI Ix darker than the tint and gctx more quickly into the meat ol‘ the xtnr}; And \\ ith the xamc l'antaxtic caxt nl' Britixh charactcr actnrx. iI'.x another xurc-lirc hit. Sm ('I'nlury. Edinburgh.

Hatred of a Minute l\~ Niki- Kallin_l8.2!“)II\1IIIIII lII IhIx liIIItc

1;: I/ [hm] ('ampl‘cll-prntlucctl hnIInI IIIn\Ic. Kallin xIaIx ax a man haunch l\\ hIx cliiltlhnntl dk'lllilll\ l’hc \lk'dlll nl hIx lllUlht'i hIIIng ahnuI a Icuninn \inh lIIx extrangcd laIlit'I Iplaxctl bx (iIIIIIIaI llanxcn l.t'.ItlICIl.Iu‘ IInIn [in II 1.2x ('IIIIIII Sim llama u ll.Illlll.Ill\ ax IlIaI Ix. Ihc IIIaII'x xaIIIt} hcgmx In lllll.l\L‘| under the Inllucnt‘c nl Ihc .Iulnpx) lapr ht- lI‘anxcthCx tor a lI\ IIIg lIlIII/Irwin. lat/Inhuruh

Heartlands l::\) 0.. I|)aIIIIcII ()'l)nIInc|l. l'K. ZlNl‘w \lIt'hat-l Shut-II. .laIIc Rnhhmx. JIIII ('aI‘IcI ‘Nlmin ()'l)nIIIIt'll'x lnllnu up In the hugcl} \llc'ck'\\lllll,t1\ll\ In“! Ix Ihc xtnI‘_\ nl xiniplctnn ('nlIII «Slim-III \xhn \IIIh mic Sandra IRnthIIxI nmix .I ankxhirc Iimx xagcnl \\ llt‘ll hix u Ilc ahxcnntlx In Blackpnnl \\ IIh Ilic IIaxI) (it-nil I('.Irtcri. (‘nlIII cnIhaIkx nII .In cpit’ lllUPCIl “(it In Ihc cnaxt In \x In lIcI hack \\ IIIIt-II h} l’aul l'laxcr I()iIII I [win II lllllt III {in .llIIIlIIm/x). IhIx Innllcnxiw quIIk} Illllt' lIlIII unrkx ht‘\l ax .I xIIIIplc t‘lIaIat'II‘I xIIIIl} ()'l)nnncll IIxcx Ihc \nI'Ih-nl l Iigland pxcutlnwautlmIllc \wrking (laxx hackgrnuntl ax an cu‘uxc In PCHX'I lllt' \thInx} and get xnIIIc git-at pcrlnIIIIaIIt‘t'x nut nl .I grnup nl laIIIaxIIt' lllltltllt‘ .Igcil character actnrx, Scc rcx IL‘“. .XI'II I II J r('/('U,\('.

The Heart of Me I l5) .0

I'l‘haddcux ()‘Sullnan. l K. SIMS) ()lI\Ia Williamx. llclcna BnnhaIII-('aI‘tCI. l’aul Bclldll}. 95mm, SIxIcI'x Madcluic l\\ IllIaIIIxI and Dinah IBnIIhaIII-(‘artcrI hnlh lnw Rickic IBcIIan) ) 'l‘rnuhlc Ix Rickie Ix married In Madclinc. hut Ix h.I\ Ing an allaII “llh Dinah lI'x an uIIInprIIIIg. unnIIgInal lnxc trIanglc xcl In l‘)3()x l.nnanI IhaI‘x xaxcd from being a cnmplclc \xaxtc nl lllllL‘ h} a high-caliber caxt and xnIIIc IIIIcICxung character pnrtraIIx that rcxnlxc aI'nuIIIl family xquahblcx. ('(i('R¢'iI/rm Sim I. (iluigmr; ('(i('. Iz'IIIn/mrgh.

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L’Homme Du Train (The Man on the Train) I: \v .000 liar...-

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lcaII lx'ut'lit'li-II

i‘lil\il‘.tl.ll \llltt‘ llit' lntal lInIcI Ix \ lnxt'il llk' attt't‘lx ll‘it‘ t‘llk'l HI .I lI'I‘lll III IlIt‘ \IUllClk'tllll.1ll\l|‘ll\‘l It'IIIctl x. linnllt'at lIcI \lanquuici 'JCJll l\‘I‘\ll\'l\'ll’ IlIaI xxt't‘kcntl \lIlan planx In Inl‘ Ilic intal hank. nII IlI; \CI) Ila} llIal IlIt‘ lnIIcl\ \ldllt‘nllllt‘l \\Ill IIIItchgn .I IIIplc lIt'aII l\_\ I‘axx nix-Ialinn \ \\l\llllll_\ Inn\ III_~.'_ IlIt-aIII lIkt- Iahlt- .Il‘I‘lll Icht'lIIIIg Ihc InaIl nnI Ialmrl er'wri .ia IIII‘Hl Ix xI_\lleil_\ nItlchIIaInl lIx Ilit- (\t-I \L'l\.llllk' l CLUlllC l’t"’:l":it": liii."i"“.i’\"-.' How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days Ill-MO. Illnuald l’t'lIII~ l\ _‘III);» Kale l1ll\i\\‘ll. \laIIlIcu \ltt I‘ll.Itlj.'llt‘\ llnIIIIII l1.l\t'\lt'lllll\’|_\ nII a mutual Ilt'u‘plinli ltchxccn lll.l;'.l/lll\‘ lt'.lllllt‘\ I.\IIII‘I '\ll\llC \InchxnII 'llll\l\\‘|l' .IIIIl luaxli .IilwIIIxIIIg \'\C\Ull\\' “(lllallllll liaIix I.\lt'('nnauglic_\ I, mix lI‘lll.lllll\ \I‘lll\'\l\ Ix all xn \t'I} \lllll}' aIIIl It‘IlInIIx Hm: [an i. (r!l\ III Ill/hit nl tildllldlk IcIIxInII \xlIcIc IlIcIc Ix llI‘llI‘ .IIIIl th' [we nl llnll_\\\nnil \llhlli‘ tut llllx‘ IlIaI Ix

\ Ix a lIlIII IlIaI .Illqu .III .III

(hlllllk'ti nul like xn llllltll l.le lnml II max lnnk lllt‘ paIl. l‘lll Il lath aII_\ It‘al lla\nIII nI \lll‘\l.tll\ C (it III III/ II ft (in Ignorant Fairies (Ie fate ignoranti) IINI C. Ich/aII (i/pclt'k.

Ital) 'l‘IaIIu‘. .‘lNll I \I.Il}'llk‘lll.l liIIj. \It'laIIn “Dunn

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Acct)le \ \xnIIIaIIx llllxl‘.Ill\l IlIt'x lcllcl lInIII lIIx lii\\'l III .I llllllll‘t‘l nl Manx \MIIIIlt-IIIIg \\llU IlIIx III_\xIcIInIIx lail\ IIII;'lII ht". xht' III\I'xII;,'ach .illil ll|l\l\ IInI .I \I.nIII.III but a man .llltl. h} t'xlcannII. .I ;.'.I_\ llllllt‘ll III “hlL'h xhc hunincx Hlk It'axIIII'l} lll\IIl\t'Il -|.llL'l’k"\ IInllIIIIj: Icall} \xInIIy \\ IllI ()lpctck'x lIlIII. but It lu'lx likt~ .I unik nl [ht-rap). .III t‘lllHllIIllall} llt'.ll .illil IIle \llltl\ Ul lllC\\_\ ll\t'\ Sm" II'\I\'\\ lIlIII/Irwin I'a/III/mruh

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