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Z.E9'.Ll..'tlrr95.’irl8 um... TabletforTV r>’""°"‘*«t’l’,rr'Wr’t.‘-"

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'I‘ ‘IrII ‘. .,‘ Ir, [:1 I I II Wr'T’fl/"l'r'y-rr“ .r: g",r't‘:rr

tar/rise, or r.- M‘ °.".r,-" “wry;

’r7t’I a' 't out, ‘tx

I',/;h' ,1", f"6- r,r";:"r’:t flirt}

‘0 'he 57‘ .‘t':,

‘Thrs rs ll‘,’

,alshouw- Ite 't maoat

Ille ‘r«,r"_ tr! arrested by a Lumen rot/t" «fruit; rled I'MI ..rr|.ke f$.'.ar‘r'rr-, f"rl" Inrr'rurerff'rizr Ihespeakrhg “tor; .htrerlarees hrs 'nulk, rrtate a'vl' asks r‘ the brg dog littll ‘lrelt; till" out'. to .‘rhreh the “AHII‘ :t'y; t:X(II£tllt‘.‘; en a .‘Srets a<;<,ehtr' ‘\'.’hrte’,? You need a tablet ‘mr thatl‘

Irreper sac. rt agarn. and (:an only rrr‘artrne rt '.‘.'as prlled strarght a‘.'.a\,. IIo.'.' about son‘e rn.estrgatr‘.(;-tournalrsnt " )H‘ [he 1 rs.‘ to lotttlttlt thrs wasn't a grout: halluernatron It wasn't alone at the Illl‘(:r. Maybe other I 's.‘ readers shared thrs experrenee'? lhere's a story rn thrs. I'm sure, Late-Nite Bob.

ma erhar/

GIGGLE NIGGLE Re: Joking aside (465) daote tron‘ your remedy serttron; ‘(Zt>ngratulatrons to all at the Stand and those «meted rn the trrst (Elasgow International Corbett”, Iestr‘.ar,‘

It should be noted that the Stand '.'.as only one ot the wganrsers of sard testryal and rt was the (Efiasgoa'. International (Ion‘edy I estrxal "ot the Sfa"d Internatbnal (Iornedy Testrxal

\‘t’hrle send t‘e the trrst to trtlr'Nt that the Stand has rr‘ade a huge and rnxalualtle r‘ontrrputror‘. to the Sltottrsh Comedy sr‘ene. I do also feel that \our publrl‘atron eont‘entrates on rt son‘etrntes to the (retrzntent of ether t‘oh‘ezh cltrbs. haxe on wavy otxasrons been grxen open slots t“. the Stand ‘.'.Itt(‘tt lam ‘.er\ gratetul tor. as they hate allowed n‘e to deyelop as a

pertor met.

2 THE LIST ill" -4 .‘.'q:. .‘


React, The List,

14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE

React, The List,

at the CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow 62 3JD


It! i r;'r‘r. ' I gt.

be The brggest «v.1, rr. but It s Ir. no heard, The orzr, Ullt: at‘rl feel '."it'. [Wm hould do .'"ore re‘Le't that Jonathan Robert Muirhead

yra erhau’

/t the other (:o/rrerr'. "ad orgarrrsed a sueeesst'u/ to ,-:,;'r'. a. wnd have thanked {lent A}, r.’ lorr‘r'rt' Sheppar’r of f’Ir- Sta/rd as the 'r‘arr her rrrd :'.’.‘/_‘, ()Ht,’ {1/7”JAE/"(int 'Il / {UNI/{At}.

for r;<)rrgrr'rtur'atrrrg hrrrr.


Re: Hot water

In response to Carradran San‘ Srrnrnons‘ letter Nib/1r. Hot Hot Heat are not from Vancouver but rather Vretorra. BC. Canada. Ariel Sharratt

'/ra err rar/


Re: letters (465)

Just read your letters page. What rs happenrng to The Lrst's readership? The trrst letter rs some preaehy (:rap about drugs. the second an even worse preee of moral outrage about srnokrng tags. Then you go and grye a (:rate of beer to someone moanrng abOut the eaneellatron of the overrated. taux hrppy. porntless testryal that rs Beltane.

Sorry. but daubrng your genrtals 'n woad. pranerng about rn a tre»dyed blouse prarsrng Ra the sun god and \.'.'ashrng your face rn the prsh- soaked dew are not my rdea of fun.

Can we please return to the srrnple pleasures Of boozrng. sntokrno. dr'ug-takrng and talkrng shrte that made thrs (:ountny great? Thank you raetually. dont smoke. but I applaud those that dor.

Doug Johnstone


Re: Eggs factor (465) You‘re not wrong when you say: ‘Easter eggs are best left

:' z "r ' r'll " 'f-r . w l . ;".' l ' '_"r-' v .r .l r :. r. v:;,'rl 3. " ‘> ""d" t '. f t- ' . t tl’;tl..ll'; .‘ a mat: Pat Saunders .aste' egg grtt a'tt-“iatm-‘V ..:

SUBWAY SECT Re: The Waco Brothers (464) \.".’hat If} gorng er: 7‘. I 'Irrltxtrrlth’s ..-': "‘usr scene As" 2 rrrost ot the ".alt ’I‘:(,‘:r’lI penues l". the (Lo.'.:tate .'.as"t : xrl enough has. It seeh‘s t't‘e bad old rl'a.s {,I tLuI', lr .l' r" are tar/k

lh‘ reterrnzg to an herden'. at the Subrary. .'.’lli:lt: Tttt- Brothers had the plug pulled on then‘ bet/re tzr'w: l. a raw heaxyhanded (I()()lll‘.(:ll atter Itlti, afterr‘t22e'l tn t an audrenee n‘ernber. Granted, sarr: lrtrnter .‘ras from: that: a 'rffuu Ups, and was (Ianerng lrke a too}. but he wasrrt <:al.srh:r ah. harm to anyone and was wore an art‘usernent than {til/,I'W'ltli‘

an extra added tloorshoxr to a brrllrant r‘rlt‘ttl of :rntagr-

eowpunk. At most. a trrendly .‘.'or(l In hrs ear asking hrn‘ It: "a "z

hrn: down auras all that was regurred.

When protests '.'rer'e made both from the stage and the audrehee at what had beeorr‘e a very puhlrr; speetaele. one at the bouneers stood centre stage and, rrr a hurhrlratr'rg atter'trt to save face. barked that rt we drdn't stop boorng. the war; would be pulled and we (:ould all go heme. A few ll‘lltllt‘:‘s :ater. the female srnger of the band. who looked I|'\(f she'd bee." tryrng to negotrate wrth the bouncers. got up and sarrr rt best that they called rt durts.

that such an abuse of power on the bouncers part should be allowed to sport what. up untrl then. had been a tautastr, and \‘rarrnhearted nrght rs a drsgrarx; Aren‘t there rules about who (:lub owners can and cant ett‘p'o‘y on the door these days? God knows there are tex‘x-enough deeent l>.e ueuue‘; :n town. ls rt any wonder bands and pronw>ters we put off usrhg the spaces there are? Bear rn rr‘rnd that thrs was the Subway as well. hardly a den of sobrrety' and order.

On top of thrs. someone sard later that the band had etteetryely been run out of town after the bouncers threatened to smash up then egurpment. Talk about .‘.’rltt west? That a. flux kreked off after the Waco Brothers drrt a {;r,.'e' of the (L'asl"s ‘l Fought the Law' should be funny: Except the bouncers .‘.e"e"". the law - they jtlSI acted lrke rt.

A disgruntled music fan Name and address supprred

You have suffered. o/r drsgrurrtr'ed one, But be drsgrurrt ed no rrror'e. Have a crate of Sol on us to HBIT‘O’T‘. ,our‘ err/um), :, Just don't go dr‘rrrk'rrrg rt near an); burr. Inert rr l/-frttrrrg *rrr‘rre'







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