Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803 and for Edinburgh to Henry Horthmore at henry©, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Henry Horthmore and Fiona Shepherd.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from: Tickets Scotland . 1 ' 2. - Tickets Scotland ‘. ' l4 .-

Ripping Records 1‘ ‘; E-‘x 2;.-

Way Ahead ‘.',' .....

Thursday 24


I The Sisters of Mercy .11111 Oceansize 11.1111111111111. 2-H (1111111134111:453111111.7111111111311 (iutlut‘ pnncc 111 1|;11'l1ncxxs\111l1'1'\\ Izltlnlt'h rumbles ll11‘11ugh \111111‘ 111 lllt)\t' 011111) 11111111110111 muulwr'x 11111ull1cxllx |1lw 1111 11l1c1‘11111'nt'k 111111111} (..l\ll, Suppm'lul I») 1.1111'11‘11 |1\}1'l11'1l1'l11' pruggcrx ()t'mnu/c “how no“ lzl’. ()111' Hm I/m11ru/1l.l///u’)111u'\ .1x11ul 1111111111111”).

I The Dead Kennedys ll:.~(i.11.;:.-. JUN \.1lltll!t‘ll.:ll \llt‘t‘l. ll: “3"

(‘\\('l I I H)

I The Grim Northern Social .::~..l Solus K311: [lll-\\\.Zl‘.\\.ill lllll. 3—3.1\l \11111'111 \111'1'1. :3] ‘3‘" \ “lulu 1h llc}. l.11l\.1l11'.1111\ 1111.111111-11111' [ltc (111111 \111ll11'1u\1~.1.1l \|.1'!c\1§;111'1l \llnlll} .:ll.'1 lwulj; ~1111111'1lpl.1_\111;_'1111' l Muzak km .11 l.1\1.\1-.11\ l 111ll11‘l’.11k.1111l111~'.|. .:1l‘..:1‘...' \llgllll} up lllt' lull |lun1kul1~1 l1.1\1\ I Minus, Fighting Red Adair .:!11l Nixie Kye 11.11111. 31111111.!c \111~1-1. 115.11 ‘HV H‘N‘) 5pm L-l \111111\.111'.: \..1111l1!1.1\1.111 punk 111111111 \‘.l‘.1'\1'l.:\l .1ll\qu \\.1\11't1~11l1'1ll\} \lt'w \llmu

I In Decades Decline .11111 Divide lllk' l‘ll1\1111'(‘.111'.<ll 11” K111:

\111-1'1. 5“ lb“ ‘lpul :1 |l1-.:‘.11~\11} 1111111|1l111l\111;_'li

I On the Fly, the Chymes .11111 Viva Stereo \11'11-1». I: ll K1'|\11111.111;_'l1 Sllt1‘l.5"(\511l.\ .\pul Ll l1'ut1'R1x1111lx \1111\\1.1\c111g_'|11.1l \kl111l1(il.1\\\1-;_'1.111 1|u111l1'l\1\.1\lt'u-11l.1u111l1 '|{t'\1\1.1ut'1". l|11'11 1l1111lll’111111pp} g_‘111l.11\ .1111l t'lt't'lltlllltu

I The Autumn, My Legendary Girlfriend .1111l Kamblu \111"11'.\'|1'.1/_\. Jll S.111.lllc|1.1l| \111'1'1. H‘VllV ‘lplu \l} l1'p1'111l.11} (i11l1111'111l 111111111111' Hum 111'“ .1|l\11111 (111111 Hum. 1111 Pun/111 1. [111-\11111.1l\|_\ .111111111‘1 111 1111'11 tullct'umh 111 Incu'lcul 1111l1c \llllllt'\\,

I Hasslehound \l111111. l.‘ K1119 (111111. “if-1111) ‘lplu l'11‘1‘ l 111'.1l.11'1111 \Hlllt‘ \l.1111l111;_' \xl11mpct'1.1|1\1'1111111 11111-1 1'\pc111111'111.1l [1111141111 .111" .11111111 11111-1121“- 111.111-11.1l1111 l'\\ 1x11-1l \1'1\1'.1111‘11111111'111 ll.11l|} |)1.1\\11 H11}

I Tergazzi, the Hands, Tonic .11111 Zeus Forte 811.1“ 111'”) hell. 5“ ()\\\.1l1l 81111111515153WIN). " z11pm Ll ()wr l~l\ \llim, Rnt'k .1111l llltllL'

I Regular Slinky .1111l High Roller 'I'I11‘ ('1'll.11 11.11. R.1111.11l.1 _l.11\1\ (111:1.11111 llHlL'l. lllll \llllt'l Sll’t't‘l llllH 55‘ 3515





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dutch masters of progressive rock

50 THE LIST 511' -- '.'.1.

friday 16 May 8.00pm £14.00 ; 1-

Glasgow indie legends the Pastels play their first live shows in over three years as part of tripTych at Reid Concert Hall. Edinburgh, Sat 26 Apr and the Tron Theatre, Glasgow. Sun 27 Apr

.\ zllpui l'lk't' l11t’.1l |\.1111l \l111\\..1\1'

I Sugarbeat, Scott McDonald, Pogo .1111l Baronfly |1111111.11c. 1111- l 11:12 (it'ulyc \1I11.111' .\ ‘llplu Ll \111-\1'11111;_' 111

I Closer, In Car Stereo .11111 Seven Stone Lighter 81111.1. {<3 \llt'k‘l. \Illll]g‘l\\g'lll lllli‘).\ 3"!) (ill

1\ illpm tz lu1l11'11vtk ('I1m'1 l1.1\1'l\c1~u 11x111_~:111]\11111|1'111|.111'\\11|1ll1t'11 111. lu\11111 1'11 lllt' 1‘\\’1'll1'lll /\'111K Ur \\ U1 ’I'\.'( I\ 1'11111[\1|.1111111|.1\l}1‘.11

I The Nimmo Brothers 51111111-()111‘. (il1\\\t'111\| H1111‘l,(1l11\\t'n1ll lt'll.l\'\' lull H}lt‘\ R11.11l1. HI (15111 ‘lpm llk‘k' (il.1\:_'11\\ ‘\ l‘llltN l‘llllllt'l\

I The Optimistics llt'.111\1‘c111'. i ('11'xxxu'll I .1uc. W1 (1"(1 .\pu1 l'11'1' ;\t'11u~ut' Huger/mug“11ml} .111110

I Open Mic lt’ll.u()\11.1.4301.191 [.1111'. “71531511111 l'it't'

I Jam Session 8.1111111'l |)1m\. (1“ "I .\-1ll1\tl.llt' Rtmtl. v13; lllll" X lllplll l'lk'k'


I Flyer l’nllt'umx Sludvnl [1111111. ll11\111 $1111.11c.(15l13(15h " .‘llpm ti t-l l:.1\_\ 3411111; 111;:l11111 11111.1111l1111|1t'1111111111141111 (111111113; l\.1111l l‘l'wr.

I Out By Degrees .11111 Bladderpatch Sllltlln ll. (llllnll R1! Ml. 55.\’ V53. ". illpm. {-1 t5 H.111! 111111 .11111 inclul 1111111/1‘;1l11u\

I Open Mic Night 'l'l11'(‘;1111111\' (L111. 3‘3 (‘.111n113_'.1lt'. 55(1-1-151 " illpm l'lt‘t' \Vt‘lt'uunu; .1ll \1}l1\111 111u\11‘.1| 1l1'lh1111‘l11'1}.ant-1x.111111111;111.1l 111.111'11.1| I Stigma (‘111‘ux (’lult. ll) ~13 (111111“.1} Slim-1.1133 “11811 8pm U 'l'luu' [111-11‘ 1111111l'111*.1111l(il.1\g11\\ \pu‘l.1|1\111g_' 111 ‘l1c.1\_\ 1'11t‘k/[11111k/‘p11p’xlup'

I Calvin, Gas Giant and GHIJK lhcc l'111l1-1u111'l1l. ll.111111'1‘111.111\. \11l1l1} Slrccl. 551» ‘54 54511111 Ll \luu' I11t.1| .1t‘1111u .1111l .1|11-111;111\c \1111111l\ \111l1 Illc 1cpl11.1l\lc1111'l\ \lllllll\ 111 (‘.1l\111 \x‘ 1011'“ 111 Singlt'x llux l\\llt‘

I Jase, Sneak Attack Tigers .11111 The Hustlers \\'ln\1lt-lunku-\_ J 11 Snulh l11‘11lp1'. 55‘ 5| M 011111 (Rm-1x 1111111 J.1\1' 1111|1mc1l l1} .11l11ul\l1' lull 1111 1111l1c 1111111111:

I Frogpocket, Operator .11111 D/Compute \Vt'c Rul ll.11. li1lu1lw111gl1 (‘ullvgc 111 .\1‘l. l,.11111\l1111 H.111". 33‘) 14-13 “pm. [41131 lzt'lct‘ut'. .1lnl1.1t*1 1'l1‘t'l1111ut'.1 1111111 “11111-111 St‘ulluud'x llllt'\l 1'\p1111c111\ Hl lllC .111. .1” \lgllt'tl [U \ltlllllllllnlll HI chlwt‘uld 1111.1l11}. \‘1111111'p1‘n111lt'x1111- l)J \Iullxm helm-1'11lhclm-wlx

I Singleskin .11111 The Goldenhour “mull-“.111 l’mxcrxu} [1111111. R1tc.11’11111. HI 5‘“ ‘lpm. l-1cc l)1111l\lcl\lll111 1111111- .1t'111111. 1111 \111111'111\.1111l1111-11 gut-xix 1111l_\ ll)pc1‘-1uc|1>1l1t 1111111-pup11'11111(1l.1~;1m\ the (inldcnhuur uhmc 111'“ .1llu1111 Ill-1111111 1111 [1’1 111111/1t't‘.1ll\ lllc ~11111u1c1 \11.1111~111 1111' Lu .11111 111l11‘r (illx-1111l11cnt'c1l mm S111glc~k1n.11‘1‘11111'x111114111111111 1111‘ 1111»

I Out of the Bedroom “111-11c} 11.11.

l \l\1.1l"\.\ 511111.55- 111*”. ‘lpm 11111111131111. l‘l't'L' 0pm 1111. “M11111 1111 \111;_'c1=\1111:_'\\rut-Ix


I Melanie C .11111Lik01 11111111 \1.11lc111\. I ‘l l;'ll1111~11\11.'1'l H‘N" 1"“ 111111111\’11"‘| _‘111111 \h.- \lx_1.l. .1111'1 \1111j.':'l.'\ \\1ll1\1‘l1 111:.1-3.‘ .11111111.' pml \put‘ ( 111lx 1111111'1l11‘.‘.11 .2111l1c1111l 1111111'.1\11111‘11'xl1'1llluxluuc

I The Wildhearts .1111l Amen l1.11111\|.l.1111l. .‘ll (1.1ll11\\;_'.1l1'. “ff 1Hum 11‘ *ll \11111'111 _\1~111 1211 111.111 11111]l.11l\1‘} l1.'11‘ ll11' \\1|1ll11'.111\ l1.1\.' .: \I1;'l11l\ 1111111'1111‘l1l1l11 \1'11\1l\1l11\ \klul." \1111'1111nk (111-\1.1\11'1l l \111.'l.1lln1~l \x1ll1 11~lel1l1‘1.1l1l1' 1111111111l1111‘11l

I The Lou Donaldson Quartet .11111 Matthew Herbert’s Big Band lI.1111\\.1}. .‘* \ll11-11l)11\1-.Il\1* UH “lll .\p111 tll l’11111c1-11111' |.1//1111l.\11l1l.1111l 11w. \1'1‘ l.1//l|11 l 1x1 '..-1.'.»! [1.31.2111

I The Go-Betweens 111.- l .-111_ z.‘ (~l}1l1'l’l.111'.-l.“l llllll 1\ llll‘lll 1, ll ‘Wl (‘ull \ll\ll.lll.lll .11111lm \'.l111 111\l l\.'-_'111|.'1l 1111l11'1‘.11l} .\lI\ \\1ll1 1111-11 \xl11111~1..1l 1111'111.llt'\ \1111;'\\11lu1;'11111111111‘11R11l‘1‘11 l111\l.‘1.1111l(i1.111l\l1l1'1111.11111'1111111'1l.1 l\'\\ }1'.:1~ .1;'11.1111l, 11 .111}ll1111_~.h ll1.'_\ l1.1‘.1‘ Illlpl-nnl \kllll .1;'1' I'll/1111111142111

The Goldenhour .11111 The Kytes K111: I111\\\.1|1\\.1l1ll111,."'.‘.1\1\11111-111 \llk'k'l, ,‘fl ‘3‘“) .\ “111111 Hill \1-1- ll1u 3111111 ll11- (1111111'11l111111

I Franz Ferdinand, the Dirty Sanchez .11111 Uncle John and Whitelock \1.1"11‘\l.'.1/.\. L‘l \‘.111.l111'l1.1ll \111‘1'1, i“ 011‘" 311111 l11‘1' ll1p I1111' 1111111 I111.1l l\.1111l\. 1111|111l111§3 1111- 11111tl11.111.11'1111.1//l1'1l1111l\1u;'1~1 l1.111/ l1'11l111.1111l .11111 l|11' punk} 1'l1-111111111.1111 1111' l)111} \.1111l11'/ I'll/I 1:1 I11/1/11 1'1

I Dean Owens \11111\11. \11.111. l11-11 lll1'.1l11'. [1111124112 {3‘ Nb“ ‘l {llplll !\ \lt'llnu 111111111} \1l11'x11111111l1t'11111' 111111- l1'lx1111x 1111111111111

I Big Vern and the Shootahs ('111111'1 Illmut'. ll}111l|.1111| \111'1'1 l, l Ilium lllullmx \l_\lc\1»ul.1111ll<1\lll1'\111~ 1111111lluxl1111g \1-1\111§:(1|.1\;_'1w.-. l\.1111l

I Pointless Creation, Sneak Attack Tigers ml The Love Machine l1.111l1. .‘11111‘111l1- \11.-.~1. m '11 1)11" 110W) \11111 9.1 \11111‘\|\1111l.} 1111111- 111.11l111'\\

I The People ll11' l l1-1111. ('utux. \11 l ll‘. l ll “UPC \llt't'l. :l\ (111-l; l ll‘lll L< 'l llL' I’1'1vplc 1111\ up (\llx 1311.11'1'. l\1'.1l .11111 pxyhuldu 11111111-11.t‘\ .11 1111~ 111.11 11uk'n'11rll tluh 111;:l11. \‘-llllt' l).l luuwlnullx ~pu1x lll'.’ [\xylmlcllt wuu1l\

[‘11. 25‘


111 1l11' 11.1

I Surface Emp .11111 Dioptre \11-11-11 1111111111!) “ml I‘ll11. I: ll K1'l‘.111l1.1u§;l1 8111'1'l.<"(1<lll.\ \plu llk't' \luulhl} lup hop 111:;l11 llmlml l1} \111'1.111' l 111p

I Kain, Cage .11111 Moses Legg ll11~ \1111111ll1.1u\.~1“ ll}1l1‘ l’.11l. 81111-1. 33] ill“) lllpul Li 111 1111'111lw1-1w \111111l1l} \1111\1t.1~1'111 l11t.1l 1111\1_-_'11.'1l l\.1111l\ 111111 11'111-.11~1~ .11 1111- 8111111111111“ wmplm. 1111'l1111111f:ll11'1.1111.1l.1111.111ltl.‘11'111ll111 K1111 I Aarcana, Starr .11111 The Paperback Throne l 111} \11111} K. ‘Ih