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0131 555 1891 .’ publicity distribution nationwide


In aid of Friends of Paintings in Hospitals Scotland

Working to support original art in hospitals and healthcare premises

throughout Scotland Scottish Charity SCOW

Thursday 1 May 2003 at 7.30pm Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 688

Viewing: Wednesday 30 April i0.00am - 7.00pm and Thursday 1 May 10.00am - 4.00pm Auction conducted by Thomson Roddick St Medcalf

Catalogue on sale at the door, price £3.00 or £4.00 by post. Advance purchases of Catalogue from, and other enquiries to, Thomson Roddlcls 8 Medcall Tel 013i 454 9090 Fax 013i 454 9191 email

“THE LIST :xI' :- L14. .‘

aosrou MARRIAGE . ., Paisley Arts Centre. Sat 3 May. then ._ , .,

t i ou g . . . l o I. w. O a , ‘K I s v "' I

THIS WAY UP Tron Theatre. Glasgow. Tue 29 Apr—Sat 10 May

‘.'.?tl‘ .ts ."...'T\l'll‘.{_l attitude t<~.'.'art1s lli'.‘. .'.':>'k. The smut" I ()"(Ii)" venue ISAC it; at “We é(>r~:,-'r:)ht a? same hf the IYI’)E%'. przw'iaslhtg (;rhehts in British theatre. I'::al>lels. rack :>ta<le’1uate frhartera. {l'tfl arlrrwustratwe supper: "mixes !l harrl fer imitate freshest mung; tarer‘tt; t<> he were ‘.'.’1(l(:l‘, see'}, Il‘ere 1:; hope Shearheartert l>. ISM; artrstrr; (tweeter I<>rr1lv1<>msasmall

(i()' s:> tmm (2‘ UK ‘.(?.'ttl(3f; has serguerl Arts (:()tllt(i!| I agrlarirl funding; te Iauaql a Slillllt} tear. IIIISS Wa; Up spotlights 2):" BAR I)l()(I;l(IlI()Ilf; r." Il‘.'(: (littereht mratuehs Ire.“ or: a li)I£lIlli'§; schedule.

Thumbnail sketches :ll'.l[l’Ii'l’; iitxu’yv‘x.

Performed 'r‘ total darkness. 8mm} and I x; ‘, 3 [he Llafa-r l’a'f :1‘ _"m Anni Hi) 30- uses surreuhh shawl. muslr: and im: aetert, f'; Marni, the depths a creepy tale lr‘. Patter vlvtay‘. 1%. a due at the sar'ie har're 'A‘te' a r;':arr:uh:;|.

skewed. alrsarrtlst leak at the world (A waging

irlter’s .‘ asfe' Mat (i A3 uses (halegue anti £t’.tlI‘:I, r; meme/i t;r rt, laruzluazy: to (IItélll a lone mangle hett'reer‘ a ,aurig; summary a sehsrfm: inn! amt a se'tsati'w seeker Ihe strapped (IUWH l)l()(lu‘<lll()l‘ Is (L()IT?;|‘;I‘_:."III‘_. ple‘.er and the ‘;i'.‘-'rll hertenners. including; three musmahs. are \.'.<:h:tert:.'|l, ehaarrrru;

Gecko's agile Quartet <>f aeters an." their teeth .'.’()II‘\III(_; gull: I :hrtsa, Keen. itll’l

Steven Be'kett Juiced I); II‘.(7 ne'eussler‘. thew lawn/'5; [)t/rW'Ves Ma, '"> "J. ehmhlvies a (lelmausl', \.'.'arpe<t Irrlariu'tatm“ .‘.’l7.?1;xi.(LA?;)I1,f.l’:£aA/Izlllll(; II".H?£1I‘:

m‘ahtrlrsrr: (lumen ll‘. nightmarish nostalgia. [)rirral'l ltntera


Edinburgh Festival Theatre. Tue 29 Apr .000

/\|£ilgt(:l)l:,<:i\' at |(:(:f;.‘.’lll(;3;l)(}li(ltlI1A'lt

nae he" al)<:.e: the late axrathr. Amelia I ar'ia". Maxi; ‘<:a’."‘.ert; ‘rvr't her tneas’. lxxxet; party. peppers are strewn. .'.’ri(l|, h, (I'Ll'3kiff‘, re'.'el'ers, i':l (if) ()H. hut so plenum? are the rmages In

Beth (lassa'rr’s MA, Home As Melt/W}.

Revenge of the Impossible Things

|'<l seer: an: out at space. Ihe (:0 mane! of this ,ear's Peter Darrell C"(i-'(A‘U'El'ahhrr; Agn'arrl. C; ssarn has (:reaterl a wort That anus/3 SLUTIITJ‘ [)auae Iheatre tr: shine We never hetere SH: Elltfl eherfg, haw,- a|\.'.'a.‘, (mare/t freely; irrm. SDI '5) [)u'ittee studies but HUI. (:harar,terrsatmrr arr} (:V'lliétlll. haxe er-tere't the rar'we. thanks to Cassanr's almit', to ramp s,r_;amlef,s1, frc'r: e'uar'nw; slapstralr t0 ."(:£‘-".I)l'€3£ll\‘l‘.§,‘ pathos

lelms. a.'.'ar't .‘.’1l1'l£3' Vieter OUIIIIUU ma, '2'). reach the same 'trx/wv; heights .'./rt‘11'tls:55e" Dimes/{rave amour Jungleflrer‘." but the .‘xer‘r ‘,flI|'li117I",llllil’i'lTiz', z: i:h'>r(;-();;r£:{>t‘.e' tr, .‘.'at’_;l‘. The LA hertz h'ea‘r'mrvertxanf lse’1t;aliet :;f>r‘ter'1::':'a". arm hrs (me urnrzue strimtrtarw: sine create a erb that r', at turns Hostile arvt te'mer. Nes. Art Glut, rourms aft the night .urth fie/ewe oft/1e /":;;:>ssl.'; e Frags. a humorous .‘.".>rl< .'.’ll|()li. EtIIII’JLIfll‘ rermrnseent ’At a starleht rez'se. acts asz perfect (:fxirtter-balance In the xxevtgr‘trer piece-c ths erueatz',

f'll;|€:-I)1I| 'K‘efl". AIKEN