Theatre listings

- Edinburgh is the most erotic city in the world.

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A new play by Peter Arnott Directed by Kenny Ireland Designed by Calum Colvin

25 April 17 May Student tickets HALF PRICE

Scottish Arts Council

A 3mm mum

.5 ‘u: .


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Scottish Arts Council

Vial: ,{LA 5 'i'

Sunday Show: 11 May 2.30pm Student tickets £2

~I .r eff.“ ., n WIT}...


.{oyal yccum Theatre ( ()mpany

'l'hu l

Outlying Islands, Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh


IX 23 (irccnxulc l’llic‘c‘. “Nail (\Wi “3-3. Ill. \\’(’. \VAI

Carmen inc 2‘) Apr Sat 3 Ma} inoi l‘i'l 3 ,\la_\ i. [1-150 [32.50. lillcn Kcnl and ()pcia lnlcrnalional prcwcnlx iii/cl'x claxxic opcraiic lalc. in \kllic'li [\w mcn arc hcu iichcd and tlL'\lrU_\ L'tl h} a llaiigcroiixl} \cnxual 31H“) \wman. La Boheme Tim I & hi 2 Ma}. 7.30pm. U450 £3350. ()nc oi l’uccini'x moxl l;lill()ll\ opcrax icaluring c‘ulUUi‘l‘ul \li‘L‘L'l cnlcrlaincrx. 1.1”“) danccrx and a uhilc \lallion pcrlormcd hcrc h) lillcn Kcnl & ()pcra Inlcrnalional

".31 lpm.


(ill 'l‘hc l’lcaxancc. (fill Iii-1‘).

Once Upon a Mattress Wed 30 Apr Sal 3 .\la_\. 7.30pm. £4.50 U». Humour and lanlax) arc in Ihc air ax lhc lidinhurgh l'nixcrxil} Sam} (iroup laktw to thc \lagc \xilh this i’un. liliiill} \ho“. which hoaxtx a \wmlcriul \cnrc h} Mar) Rodgcn and l)l‘ic\ h} Marxhall liarcr.


('lcrk Sirccl. hhb’ .‘lll‘l ll’. ll. \\('. \\ \l Marion and Maud’s Cocktails at the Queens in 2 .\l.l_\ spin L‘s Ru it‘flli .loin Marion and “and loi .ui cwningx oi cocklailx al ()uccu'x. icplclc “llll Big: Band and lull \uppoiimgg \‘.l\l

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (irmdla) SH"ch 3-18-1348. ll’. H. H. m ‘. \\'.-\ 1

O The Breathing House 8.” 3h .-\pr Sal I7 Ma} «not Sun 3" Mon .‘_.\' Apr. Sun .1 Mon 5 .\1a_\I. Flipm. Sal i Ma} & \Vctl " Ma} ma! 3 illpm. t" {lb Kcun} Ircland hidx a loml iarcxxcll .l\ artNic thrcclor oi lhc l._\t‘t‘llill \\ ilh llll\ nc“ \xork lroin (ilaxglm [‘l;l)\\ll_‘.‘lll l’clcr :\rnoll. Scc pm Ic“


ll) ()rucll 'lcri'acc. i-lh 1-105. |\V( ‘. \Vx\l Abandonment l'nnl 51.1 lb Apr 7.45pm. £7.50 Katc Atkinxon‘x lirxl lull lcnglh pla} ol comcd}. chaox and ghoxlx ix hrougghl lo hic h} Arklc 'l'hcalrc ('ompan}.



Citizens Main

' Thursday 24

Citizens Circle Citizens Stalls CilmorehillG12


Mitchell Theatre Paisley Arts

Theatre Royal

Tramway Tron

()n our \\.r\ lol ixhon

Smart} Pants

Salliilla) \i;'hl lc\ci

Scc ('lasxical

Muir) Mickyhn

Theatre Guide

Friday 25

()n our \\.1} iol nhon

Smarty Pants

Saiunla} \iyhl i'c\ cl

\CC Rock .\‘ l’up

Mow Mickyho

' Saturday 26


(in our \Va) lol i\l\nn

Smart) l’anls

Salunla) \iyhl i‘cx ci

Sec ('laxsical

SCC Rock t\' l’iii‘

Sunday 27 Monday 28

Sec Rock &' Pop Sec Jail

mesday 29

Scc (‘11) |.iic

Wednesday 30

Dance liumagan/a Dance l'.\l.'t\ugillllll

(‘ainillc (‘ainillc

Sound & l‘ur} Sound a: lair)

Brunton Church Hill

King’s Netherbow Playhouse

St Bride’s Traverse 1 Traverse 2

Festival Theatre

Royal Lyceum

68 THE LIST Aw :4 Mr.

\‘ocal \‘anauom Summci llolula)

'lhc llluc Room

()uil} my l‘l.lll\l\

Mihxclhurgxh \‘ocal Vttl'lllllulh Sumincr llolida}

'llic Blur: Room

(hill) in; l\l.tlhl\


\luxxclhurcl; \iummci llulilla}

'lhc llrcaihing llouw

A handonmcm

(hit!) my Nanth

\cc Rock .\ l’up

()Ull)lllj_' [\l.llltl\

Janc (ioulihng

The “0} friend The Bu} lncnd

(‘anncn ('armcn lhc “it‘.:lliili‘.' llouxc

Ihc lircalhmj.‘ “Illht'

()ull} my l~lan.l~ Hull} lll‘.‘ [\ld'l\1\