Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to

' ‘- “' . __3'_L an HR, post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.

Glasgow Thursdays "


I Bed-Sit at Blanket llortttel'l} Bcdi. llptii 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly Bill} .\lil|igan proiidex the xtudent laiotiritex in the back bedroom and Scott 'l-ingerx' .\lc.\li|lan nit\ex up a xtorni in the tront bedrootii.

I Bennet’s at Bentiet'x. I Ipiii 3am. £3 t£2i. \Veekl}. (Ea). mi\ed. xtraiglil \tlio carex',’ Jtixt liaie a blood} good time. people. Shaun lo\ ingl} Ia} x tltl\\ll the croud pleaxei'x iii thix ex Cl'»ptipllltlr Thu night maxh tip. Annie alxo proi idex high- octane ltltteagc.

I Carnival at 'l'raxh. l030pni 3am. £4 t£3t. \Veekl}, A \ieekl} niardi grax at thix claxxic xtudenl \entie. [H Robert mi\ex tip Rik”. \ihile Stexen Broun blaxtx out the cliillin' hotixe arid body grinditi‘ Latino berth. 'l'hei'e'x also a bit til karaoke. ll. lltttl lloatx _\oiir boat.

I Columbian at the .-\x_\ ltiiii Back Room. 8pm lam. l-‘ree to (‘l'Sl' mcinberx; £l otheruixe. Weekl}. l’tit xome breakin‘ lunk iii )ottl' trunk \tith tliix entertaining tiighl ol xttidenl madnexx.

I DogGod at Q Bar. l0.30pm 3am. £2. Weekl). Ne“ tiight ot' eclecticixni at the beautiful club under Corinthian. lt‘x been cloxed t'or agex. and no“ the) 're getting back into the grooi e. Pure claxx.

I The Edge at the lidge. ('oatbridge.

l lpm 3am. £3 tl'reel. Weekl}. Rexidcntx Steie llannan atid Michael ()‘Shea gixe the deckx a lull \iorkoiit “till the \er} bext in club claxxicx 'til 3am.

I Elbow Room at Barn}. l lpiii 3am. £3. Weekl}. Pan) little on thix xttldent night \iith a xelection ot~ lilhou Room xpecial gtiexlx and rexidentx.

I Fire Wire at Bamboo. 5pm 3am. £5 t£3l. Weekl}. (iraham l-‘erguxon mi\cx a “ltlL‘ \ariet) ol miixical \l}lL‘\ with occaxional li\ e bandx in the xame room. Jim Brad} \till pla) alt eclectic mix of lounge grooi ex \thile (iai iti Macleod \till be dropping L‘lil\\lC home and dixco.

I Freakmoves at (tlaxgmt School of Art. I lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekl). l)ema aiid .\lr .\'ice pla_\ tipxtairx in the tiiaiti hall and bring the funk to the people of tile xchool. Axxembl} tiniex \\ ere ne\ er thix funk).

I Homework at Vault. l lpiii 3am. £5 (£4l. \Veekl}. [an arid Ste\ie man the bo\. xo all ilixecuritiex o\ er the tunex are dixpelled. Thix night aimx t‘or xtiident happinexx \\ ithout compromixing the qtlttltl} lL‘\cl.\.

I Hype at Cube. 11.30pm 3am. £3 t£2 l. \Veekl}. Jim l)a Bext teamx up with the H} pe ere“ to pill on a night of liiixted. tiltra-t‘unk) houxe. l’lent) ol~ cheap boo/e makex thi.x a fun night out.

I Madhouse at the Sltack.

10.30pm 3am. £5 t£3t. \Veekl}. (’J atid And} take ion to the brilik of inxanit)

\\ ith xoiiie ot' the moxt outrageotix atid courageous ,xtudenl anthemx.

I Old Skool Reunion at Archaox.

1 [pm 3am. £5 tt‘ree £2,50i. \Vcekl}. ()ld .xchool techno clax'xicx atid dixco xt} Ie tunes for the frenzied xtudentx domt Arcliaox way.

I Grindin’ 101 at Liquid Lounge.

1 lptii 3am. £4 (£3). \Veekl). ()ld xchool enthuxiaxt l)J Snafu digx deep into hix 3000 xtrong record collection to bring _\ou the tinext xelection of old xchool hip hop beatx from the likex ot~ Rakiin. l'ltramagnetic .\l(‘x and [{dan.

78 THE LIST Apt—8 Mai 2333


Glasshouse Transmission at Henry Wood Hall. Glasgow, Fri ¥ May‘

We should cherish Warp. In a music world paralysed by c to forward-thinking electronic and experimental music has 018 and Plaid (ainong others), and now it gives us Mira Calix surroundings of the Henry Wood Hall.

There is much to shout about on this tour.

for its new initiative, l,ogarhythm, a scheme designed to generate Vii - 2

interest in innovative electronica.

They don’t come much more cutting edge than SbuthAMcm born Mira Calix and new Warp Iabelmate Chris Clark. H i .- recently :3. stunned audiences with her debut live pert : r. - a groundbreaking interplay between live bisects . and the nee-classical strains of the London 5' Sinfionetta at the Royal Festival Hall -Gal;i is addicted to the shock of the new. She describes her latest album Skimskitta

as ‘3 soul record, by a singer/songwriter on Warp, electronic music, but not as we know it’. She concludes with the esoteric statement: ‘lts predecessor, OneOnOne, was red, but this is white.’ Turn up and find out what she means. (Johnny Regan)

I Polo for Me at the Polo Lounge. l0pm lam. l‘ree. \\'eekl_\. You. the luck} punter. take the helm tonight. ax requexl carth are aiailable o\ er the bar and in the booth. Notice for the unimaginaliw onex: 'I Am What 1 Ant' ix prohibited by Ian and puiiixhable h} xpanking.

I Push and Pull at the Stib ('lub. ltlpm 3am. £5 t£4l. Weekly A night that aimx to pro\ ide the platform for tie“ talent. \\llli a Varied muxic polic} ol~ dtib. reggae. hip hop. hoiixe and techno.

I Record Player: at (ilaxgott School of Art. l0.30pm 3.30am. £3 t£3t. Weekl}. lli-l-"i Sean tlli-liidelit) l and lluxhpupp} tl)i\ incl perl'orni cheap deck xtickin‘ to dixcean. dumb electro and Stlx plitiiik. The} ad\ ixe )ttll to act tip. drexx doun and pla} eax} to get.

I Shagtag at the Tunnel. 1 lpiii 3am. £5 t£3l. \Veekl). l'h oh. Il'x back. Quite poxxibl} the t‘tinniext cltib idea for )earx. tliix ix a .xpectacle that e\ er)one xhould behold at lcaxt once in their li\ ex. Depraiit}. rtidenexx. xe\. xe\ alid more xe\. \Vhat'x _\otir ntiniber'.’

I Skint at the ('athouxe. l lpiii 3am. £4 l£2t. \Veekl). \er) much a night to reflect \\li‘.il\ going on in (ilaxgou at the moment. Totigh chemical breakx arid bcatx. rock arid indie tor a croud much like the one outxide the (killer) ot‘ Modern Art.

I Soul Shaker at MAS. l lpiii 3am. £4 t£2). \Veekl}. An tindixcoiered gem. We time a mixed bag of electro. techno. houxe aiid funk courtex} oi~ Dirt} Larry. the Junk}ard [)og atid John Mitchell. ()n l Ma}. tliere'x a xpecial appearance from Mr Joiitiie \Vilkex ot' ()ptimo.

I Speakeasy at the l'niVerxal tSaucliiehall Lanei. l0pm 2am. l-‘rec. \Veekl}. For thoxe \iho feel like a re“ drinkx alter the pub. btit don't \\ ant to go cltibbiitg. Speakeax} ix for )ou. The inuxic ixn't coniproinixed. atid the \ ibe ix chilled.

I Theorm at the Vault. Next date lbc.

I 1210 at liaba/a. .S'pm 3am. l"ree belore l lpni; £4 t£3i alter. \Veekl). Literall} underground club houxing xome huge \ocal liouxe and garage Imelinexx deplo_\ed

\\ eekl) b} Ian 'l‘hoinxon and Vance. I’m 34 3‘1” A'- / .llui mili ‘xl-Iiil‘t'tml Ito/lien

It‘t't' (’IIII'V.

Glasgow Fridays


I Abnormals Anonymous at (ilaxgoit School ot' Art. Next date lbc.

I Afterglow Second Anniversary at Ad Lib. Ilpiii 3.30am. £5 t£~li. ‘) .\la_\. Monthly lixxential mod xoundx. Hammond

tall and northern xotil from the l-irida)

Street regularx. (itiext on thix e\tra-xpecial night \iill be the one atid olll} lenn} llarkinx ol' (‘aledonia Soul.

I Archaos at Archaox. l lpm 3am. £5 H.350). \Veekl}. .\lainxtrcani chart dance. xoul and cheexe at one ol the buxicxt l'Tl nighterx in [MN].

I Black Rabbit Whorehouse at tile Sttb (‘ltib. Next date lbc.

0 Blaktwang at (ilaxgott School ol Art. lllpni 3am. U“. 3 Ma} onI}. l'K hip hop king Blaktiiang makex a rare appearance at the xcliool. Amone \\ ith ex en a paxxing interext iii intelligent hip hop xhoiild come up. DJ Dirtxnian ix domi in the bar ax iiell. I Bughouse at Sub (‘Iub | lpiii 3am. £7. 2 Ma). Monthly Tough and tiink} tech- liouxe \iith rexidentx Dan and (’hrix. Still one ot‘ the bext tiighlx ol nitixic around.



See page 83 for details

'iv-‘i- ,- ltgaveusAphex . ,2 We "- !-°‘x‘l or:

Wamtsusmzx’fiii ii «’5

I Burnin’ at (‘aledonian l'nion, \c\t tldlL‘ ll‘L‘.

I Canvas at Arta. l lpiii 3am £lbc Weekl}. l)J Waller plaix a plethora ol ttink. xotil alid Riki! at thix beatilitul iiicichant cit} bar.

0 Carl Craig, Jerry Dammers and Sidewinder at (iltixgoxi School ol Art. llpiii 3am. £l0 25 Apr Hill} What a line-up. 'l‘echno innoialor. xka libertiieixter arid (ilaxgou ia/l king all get together lot it hat iii“ no doubt be one ot the iiiglilx ol trlp'l'} eh. Sec [ma It'll.

I City Sessions at Q (‘lub lllpm 3am £3, 3 Ma). Moritlil}. Join thix underground hotixe baxelnent part) on itx xecolid night. lligli-claxx ttinex aiid a real line ot muxic l'roni the croud mark lliix one out.

I ill Ri\erxitle Social. Next date the I The Cathouse at the ('athotixe. 10.30pm 3am. £l belore llpni; £4 I£3i alter. \Veekl}. Riding high on the nu tiietal “MC. thix ix one ol the buxiexl nightx in ll)\\n. Rock. grunge. unite and a daxli ol breakbeal acroxx three lloorx at (ilaxgoit ’x top \enue tor rockerx and alternateeiix

I Coded at Vault. llpiti 3am, £5 t£4t. \Vt‘t‘kl). The} TC limit it I’L'L‘ltrtl xlore. \H the ttinex are going lobe trexh arid highl} l'unk). aren't the)" A rotating roxler ot |)Jx affiliated to 33rd l’recincl xtippl} hottxeled grooiex at the new club. Steten .\lc('reer) ix the main man. bill the pool ot laletil tlteludex Bill} Kllkie. Bill} Wootlx and Amanda Price.

I Crash at the Shed. l0.3llpiii 2am. £3 t£3 l. Weekl). ('raxh itito the \ieekendx cotirtex) ol' thix hugel} popular liight unit the Soulhxide xet. (iarage l)J (ierr_\ l.}()ltx hoxlx the lnain hall \tilh the ultimate eclectic part) xoundtraek and DJ l)a\e Mulliolland t(‘ubei lakex the helm iii the Lott upxlairx “ith a night oi" claxxic R228, I Death Disco at the Archex. Next date I? Ma}.

I Destiny at Dexlln}. l lpiii 3am. £lbc. \Veekl}. l)extin} 'x relaunch continuex \iilh up-t'or it part} tunex. houxe arid Retll llaiax