I The Edge at the lidge ('oatbridge.

l lpiti 3am. £5. Weekly. Residents Aley Kay and Scott (iraiiger bring you the best of hotise and cltib classics.

I Electric Circus at .-\d Lib.

l lpiii 3am £5. 25 Apr. Monthly. Turn tip. tune iii and get down as his Loosejomts and Barbarossa take you on a psychedelic trip through ()tl\ rock. reggae. p-ltmk and all things weird atid funky. l,i\e action from (ilasgow 's psych-heroes the People is another highlight,

I Fnuk at Big Joint. .\'c\t date the.

I FI‘OSH at the Polo Lounge. l lpiilntaili. £5. Weekly. Michelle and Andy take charge of ilie musical duties Ill iliis delicious Merchant ('ity mixed club. Whether you're in the Trophy Room or on the dancetloor. the tunes Will fuel your happiness.

I Fridays in Bed at Blanket tformerly Bed). llpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Naeeiti takes you on art Rodi and hip hop trip eycry week while Billy Milligaii brings the


t.l.t'i lltllfl

-. ,i;;; til it}: 3 T‘Iitli‘hfi

ftiti to the front bedroom.

I Friday Street at Blackt’riars. car: Craig, Jerry Dawmen’ Hi} , ,.. , , ., V

Xpni lam. £4 (£3). 25 Apr. Monthly. '3" o anen and s'dewmderA _ "t t' t ttt‘ ‘t‘ t" t“

('lassic soul atid mod sounds. northern and line-up of breathtaking scope. This IS

Motown from regulars Mikey (‘ollins. l’aul What mpTych does so we” _ bnngmg

Mlolloy aiid‘l)a\y ()lllllll.'(ld\llt from together the mam movers from a . r d, - . I H immmili U ml,“ a." ( .tledonia Soul is the great guest with the _ _ “Mm, M UH.“ Wide selection of musical worlds. ' illilli \lTLIiJlI. ltll'll’i .‘i'll’ I Fuel at iiucl tiiishophnggsi. G/asgow School of Art. Fri 25 Apr.

lt).3tlpni 2am. £4, Weekly. New cltib subcunure lee It up once '

\eniure from the (il group. which is '.

attempting to expand the ayerage 398'“ tor the b'9 man _ Deka L!" H

(ilaswegian's idea of “bat weekending Carter reVISIts the Club that has given a t '

(“04"”- t’mlt RC“ PW} s'tllt‘s‘timlCM RMt- him heavy love for a number of : 3' i” i —i " i H' : Mil/dill '\'t|li/;|lll- 'l'll'lii .‘i'ti t.“"t‘ “0" “ft-“I‘d.” “'tt‘ 14.“.“9‘ . years. The crowds go wild when the . '

Stitlthsidc and \tirtlisldt' it s starting to j I 1 3i i, y i, .a ', , ‘u . .(.

get like London in here. A wee hit. man enters the bOOth- thanks to ' .. l tittl 1’ {it [ill «"7: i lL) I ll\ l" J

I Full On at l’riyilege. lt).3()pm- 3am. £9 tripTyCh and the Sub. Sub C/L/b, Sat g. f tit“: U '

(£7). Weekly. Tull] Wilson. (it‘kkohoy. 26 Apr. t: 1 “it, :' ' I g

Slew art (ireen. William l)aniel. (iay - ,t y it” . fill? I‘] I;

Houston. Stu Him and (iio lierri are your B'amang AhOther thetOpe' ._ ., r . I” - '1‘? " ', “tit ' "

hosts at this weekly dance iiighl down on pushing night as UK hip hop pioneer w r],- y" 1 ’4“ '~ lt'tlili'lltll‘i lililili '5 llt' .

“0P6 SU'CN- Blaktwang (plCtUred) pays a VlSIt. , ;‘ . . s ' . i z pituitary; | ligm' ’illl'lJ, ‘."i'/

I Funhouse atBarlly. llpni 3am. £4 Heis been m the Charts. he's been on 1 x '_ 1‘ j V 1‘ . I t£3l. Weekly. A night of wised tip punk _ J; i .f mail“: ..¢‘.1il:[l|lt ll] NH IIII'H ‘.‘l: I f.'/ I ‘.’(. trash and cathartic nonsense pop. designed the deCkS and how hes Oh the m'C- t .A "j , in , . , 5

to clear all of tile sliil ottt ol'your ears. G/asgow Schoo/o/Art. Frl 2 May. it t 4‘ '. ~ Vt If}; it .' I l’ll'ltllt l ttltli‘lil lltl'lii t'l'l' first“;lcmit'fl'xf'fi 3" Glasshouse Transmission ;",,13Lj:_i::ili.f.§-; sill: lilill: i‘il' J, t"|(.

I Funk Room at the Arches. Monthly The m'hd'boggt'hgty 'hhovat've Warp V til 1‘ ll ".3 l l t r- I V a

next date to May. brings its wares to the classy t " '5”. "y t; '

I 33?" new?" :1“ 3°" envrrons of the Henry Wood Hall. ' i" ‘v 5" t t 1 l .i‘fif ' J '5 3

at . et ta. pitt .am. i c. ee' y. ie vi; . z t... i

lyyo I)Js \\ ho adorn the top of this listing. M'ra callx and Chns Clark are t mm“ “Mt”. .lltt'tlt tit" t"

in association with (‘lyde l. at this newly plat/mg I'Ve sets VOU khOW that 't ’3 i 2’ . . U ,.

r1e\amped yenue. l’umpin' tunes and all makes sense to get the hell down to aim] is ngm “it” raga; iii

t rinks for £_. .\'ot bad. ' .' t

0 G'asshouse Transmission wm' this one. Henry Wood Hall, Fri 2 May. y g Y I

Warp at Henry Wood llall. Qpni—Zam. £7. cube c'ass Ct‘be DUNS OUt 3” gill” x'tjml {Hit} VI 3' I"

2 May only. The first leg of the Warp tour the stops and brings in the fantastic .y I ' . I with ('liris (‘lark and Mira ('alix takes to DJ Dlesel for a nlgm of hardass funk - V : t/ztiktil l W” l/zllil lltl'li'i ‘3 l7 tie stage in the fantastic ens-irons of the

Henry Wood llall. Both will be playing liye and house mesa IS one Of the big e I ll r, i‘ ~‘ i',' it; pi I 't' I l' its

sets. and Jim lltitchison of Sonia and Fake names that '5 Worth h'S salt 30 ' t t't ‘H't " “it t t‘ ' t ttt "'

\\ il‘lilIiegpi'nnGing on the night. See preview; check it out. Cube. Sat 3 May. t y ' ' . T ,'

I o a move at the Tunnel. '

I lpni--3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. Ray Roc is A" as one Bank Honda, v - til I iil'lii '5.-

in session on 25 Apr with base M iii speda' H"Karate- AerOdyham'COv

roont 2. and theti on 2 May there's a batik Streetlife and Mish Mash all donate a b, .,,, ,. ., .. ., ,J , . . .

holiday special with [)omenic and Jon DJ to this night of SOUndCIash “\"tt‘lt "-"tli’ ' "It t“ " i“

Mancini with guest Steye ‘Smooth' d Th . _ Ill!tlll"tlll1|!lyl:ll l .- '-. Sutherland. How good are the line-ups ma ness' IS 'Slgomg to ensure t t t t t t' ' around here these day s‘.’ that the bank hOI'daY '3 one Of the ; lilk‘l; Hllii til'ii', ‘.'t:

I Goodtoot at the Riyerside Social. funkiest ever. Liquid Launge, Sun 4 . . . , .. Midnight—3am. £5. 2 May. Monthly. Mutt May l U: H" 'w i 1“

night of northern soul and basic funk '

frenly with regular [)Js Barry and Scott. UVGVEV“ Yes- Yes- ahOther

and special guest Fraser Dunn. impressive night from this forward-

. the 63°“. "may Ma’“°'° “t thinking drum 8 bass Club.

Ad Lib. {\est date the. L ;i| 3,,i;lii|y;i mi” v.7,

I Haptlc at the Vault. Next date the. agenda”! prOducerS Opt'cal and

I Joeskt tit MAS. llpm—3am. £8 (£6). Fierce are in the place f0r a session ~ iiitliii |;ll[ll.',f: ',' \Iill’l.) ij'

2 May only. House God Joeski pays a that will have yOU reaching to the

long overdue yisit to the might MAS. skies for relief. Glasgow School of

He'll he flanked on either funky side by

the yery capable Andy t'nger and Shae-l). Art F” 9 May


“m ‘" ‘h‘ 5"“ '“h' M“ i FOR FULL LISTINGS SEE IRIPTYCH BROCHUREURVISIT IRIPTYCHOJLOM I Hustle and Bustle at Babaza. I Heads Up with King Britt at Sub t Tilt} ti." '~ - 11“”

bpm—3am tl).ls from llpml. Free before Club. llpm—3am. £10. 25 Apr only. ' t A"

l lpm: £5 after. Weekly. Paul Traynor. Welcome the legendary King Britt to the , t g , \y.

Billy Jones. Ross McMillan and (‘amniy perfect surroundings of the Sub. Paul . i: at T— 11?: Craig rip it up with some highly charged Cawley is the eyer-capable king of the ones ..1; .. i - - .. t“‘1' W; R&B and hip hop mixed with funky and and twos and your cordial host. God bless : " '7 39”“ 1: H t” "" I «4 funkier tracks. tripTychf

24 Apr—8 May 2003 'I'HE LIST 77