Edinburgh Clubs continued

Edinburgh Fridays

Club I Adrenaline .tl ‘tm iol lh‘l‘alltt; Hall. I”. illpiii iaiii L i tLI lllL‘tlllK'l\l. 3 Ma} Moiilhl} \L'“ night ol ioglx. ltlL'lal. punk and altcinatixc lllltL‘\ li'oiii I Bash at “cc Rcd H.” lltpni iltltl. L i. 35 .'\pl. .\ tltl\llt;.' ol gciiicx ax l)alc l'alloii. lllc (ilt't'tl liiolhci'x. ShortcutL M(‘ Mt'iiau' and Mnk lltt\l thc di'uiii «K ha“ iooni \thicax ll]\\l;tll\ \xc haw aii acouxln' i'ooiii Makcx a changc. ch’ I Big Beat at ('ahatcl \‘ollatt't'. Ill. iltpiii *aiii. UH. ‘) Ma}. Monthly St'i'ioux danu'llooi ltiiik. will and tall utth lC\ltlL‘lll\ Siiiion llodgc. Stuart liciinctt and DJ 'l'iiiku. Hi3: iiaiiic gucxt llll\ iiioiith ax \u'll ax (illlt'\ l’L'lL'l'Mtll (Acid Ja/l. Radio I t di‘opx h) loi' thL‘ hut in no“ agc |a// and lunk. I Bubble Breaks at \lt’llitl l'.(l\\;ll'tl\. ll). iltpiii .iilllli [2. \Vcckl). Bod} Mm in' l’i'odugtionx I‘lg‘u'llh Huhlilc lh‘cakx. dioppiii hoinhx ol Rat“. hicalxx and hip hop \\llll l).l\ Mi' lichcw (aka (ille S“ itch l'p. Hallixtici and Mike} Magic lllllllhllt'l I CC Blooms al (‘(‘ Bloom» Illiltpiii iatn l'i'cc. \Vu‘kl}. D] All} tlUC\ lhc du‘lw dtll} .‘tl llll\ ya} tltghl \silh hci‘ iiiiiiiitahlc \clu'tion ol hiin camp and dixco t‘laxxiu. mm in; on to ptiiiipcdtip hoth and dancc a\ tlic cwning pi‘ogi'cxwx. I Digital at thc \L'nuc. Monthl} llL‘\l dalc lo Ma}. I Djinniditto at lago‘ lltpni .iaiit to (ISL 2 Ma}. Moitlhl}. :\ \houcaw lot' lll'll\l\ “oiling in not} lllL'tlllllll \\llll a lllll\lL’;tl polic} to match. hut lociixin; on lhc clcuti'o. nu “aw. rock'n‘i'oll \idc ol thingx. Join _\oui‘ hoxtx I)J ('hoxt. Intact. thc l)aiiic l)itto and thc .Mthlct ol (l't'L'ItlttttlLN lot‘ thc lk‘\l Ill CL‘lL‘L'llL‘u. “illll it ll\C \lttm lt‘itltt Motoi'iiiai'k thix inoiith.

Dogma at Studio Z-l‘ ll).3()piii 3am. l'i'cc. 2 Ma}. Month|_\. llai'd ax nailx and ax undct‘gi'ound ax mnlcx lL‘chtto Ul lllC lttgltLNl ot‘dCt' ;t\ “031nm[)I'L‘\L‘lll\llll\ li'cc lcchiio \L‘\\lUll Ill\l to \a) chcct'x to all lhc pltlllL‘l'\. I El Segundo at Bongo (‘luh Ilt.3()pni 3am. £4 hcl'oi'c midnight; to al'tci‘. ‘) May Monthl}. local hip hop C\ti'a\ag.:an/a lcaturing l.i\c Scicnucx lttlL'llldltig l‘t‘;lll\tt\ \ltu\\ L‘axt‘ lt‘titti l’\)lcnt Vt [)llh hit-ala'i'x l‘;|lltlttlll .-\xpckt\ and nioi'c. I Escape from New York with the Bays and Talvin Singh at ('ahai'ct Vollaii'c. I lpiii .iaiii. (N. 25 .-\pi' onl_\. Mcrctii'} Mtixic l’i'i/c “lllliL‘l' 'l‘ahin Sinin along \\Illl hix Indian tahla di‘tini _|Ulll\ l’oiuw \\ ith clccti‘iiiiica/la/x/ttiiik hand thc Bap lot a Inc llllpl‘tt\l\Ctl wt. Support ll'Ulll I)J\ Div“. II and Mn at llll\ ti'ip'l'} ch \pu'ial. I Evol at th‘ liquid Rooiii. [0.30pm Kain. £5. \Vcckl). lidiiihui'gh'x ltlllgL‘\l running: indic night coming up l'oi' II\ t\\ cllth hii'thda} lllt\ Aug. \Vith lhc lt\ll;ll llll\ ol' thc licxt curi'cnt and claxxic altcrnatiw. t‘l'n\\ti\ L'l' lllllt‘\. lt'x an institution ali'cad) and “llll thc l‘L‘L‘L'lll addition ol tho hack i‘ooiii. p|a_\iiig_' llttxl to MI' and .\ll'\ Mognai. tho ltitui'c looks likc a happ} placc lUI' all thingx li\ol. I Finisternis at lhc l’lL‘dVlllL‘C (‘ahai‘ct Bat. ‘tpiii laiii. £2 tL‘l incnihcrxt. 35 :\pi‘. Monthl}. 'l'hc lightcr \tdc ol’ goth tit \uch a thing ll‘lll} L‘\l\l\l “fill a iiii\ ol dark aiiihicnl. iito»cl;t~\ic;il and clhct‘cal ll“.lL‘l\\ l'roin l’cut Scai'ahcc. Dcccptioii Bo} and (illtixl Danna". I Foozle at thc \L‘iiuc. Monthl) nut datc 33 Ma}. I Friscodisco at licrlin Bicrhaux. l lpiii 3am. l‘i‘cc hcl'oi‘c l lpiii; £5 al'tcr. 2 Ma). Moiithl). Roidcntx

82 THE LIST. oi ft; ' :'~ \‘4. .

Mai'tiii \alciittiic .llltl \tcu' \\atilc\\ tctuin to llk'lt old \toiiipiii;~ stouml \xith thc timal mix ot hot hoax; \L‘lk'xlltlih l llt.i_'_'too\c\ ( iait‘llt 5Ullllllt'i\tlt\‘I\Hi;l1uittlli \pat t.,‘ llk' pat‘l}

I .ll l’il\t‘l i‘llllx ll

lltpiii ‘aiii L; “ct-kl} lino} thc \pcciahxt \ouiitk ol lti.llli\ll\'.tlil lx’t\li gloou'x \tltinllll lk'ah .ltltl let \\'tlllll_‘. llaxa/

I Funk de la Tech .a lllt' \cnut- llt iltpiii iaiii Li ‘l Ma} \loiilhl} NC“ \hougaw ol thc tunkicxt \l'lltl\l\ around in thc icaliih ol tuliiio. clutio. l‘lL'.tl\\ and littlht‘ l’agan l\ on gum! tlllllt'\ “fill a ltlllt' hclp lioiii ll|\ ll'lL'lltl\ Rout. ll.tt1llll.l_\. \\olt|a// .iiid (iitlllla Ilt'llll}.

I Go-Go at ('ottcau l.l‘llll:._'\' ltltt\\tl\l.tlt\ at lagot Monthlji nc\t datc |(i Ma)

I Kombi .it Bongo ( ~luh lltpiii ‘aiii L7 t£5 \Hlll l|_\ci oi ll.t\\.lll.ttt \ltllll 35 x\|‘l', \lttllllll} \‘t'lt'l‘laltitll itl \llll t'tiltuic \\ ith lixc dcliyhlx and ltlx to In- L'ttllllllllt'tl hut he mic that“ h- xoullul |.i//. luiik and \uitiii' \l\ll.tl\ in thy l‘.l\‘lxlititltl

I Medina al Malina. lltpiii iaiii L.‘ \Vcckl}. l).l lxla pla_\\ thc hot in Rtkli. hip hop and i‘llk‘l \ laxxn‘x l’hoiic in admncc to lt'\L'l\\' _\oui pinatc Imolh I Mocha Rocka! at liciliii litci'hatix. lltpiii iaiii. L5 35 ,\pi Montlil), l\\o ot ltdiiiliuigh'x hcxl collcctncx loin loiyu'x Spat c l .iu' I't'\ltlctll\ Sltttlt't .Illtl lltC lilittttlt' l‘l.t\lt l‘llllf.‘ the Rtkli. hip hop. llll|l\. (hull and nioic \xhilc loMo lilu [ala- caiv ol the houxu \\ ith \pct'ial gticxt. and loyal lL'gL'lttl. (it‘otgt' l.

I Modern Lovers .Il Iago

Ilpiii iaiii L5 licloic midnight; to

London Elektricity plays live at Manga, Thu 1 May

atici :\l.t} \lotitht} lp twat il‘it\ or tittztltt'm will. .tt‘cp tank ll.ttiitl.t‘tl\l t.:.', sit! it'tit~ \i‘litl\llitl\\ wind up h} '\I'ill hoxh (in; laiiiicwii .llltl \zithcxx l), mu ll),\iiit'. l tiilih lx’ooitw .loiiictl lfl\ L'll\‘\l \i‘ol) \i‘lx‘l l\\‘\\ i‘l

lhc ltt\l tct‘. hulk; t‘ttiitctx to [Hill up Will It'u'in' .l

\tx't Iiil

l\‘~ l\l\'\l \\'i .-\' i\‘\ l ‘l\l\

“'l E “I \itil}\ latt‘xt iiii\( I). Harv.

llh": (LI-\(t \l. f'u. '.. O No Strings Attached .tl thi- \k'itllk' I” ‘lti‘ttl zail. LIH :\l.l_\ \o \tiii1;\ \ll.l\ll\'\l hit lllk'll \t\llt \k'llllC Ill tight you. “I” thc \ luh \\ ith the ll\lll\'\l tu't III lllk'l l\ tiiial|_\ \Clllt' tlouii at ll\ ll\'\\ \Cllllk' hoiiic' l’tt'xciitiii}; (il.t\_‘_'it\\ ltt.t\l\‘t\ aiitl iait'

l \lllll‘lll},‘ll \l\llwl\ \laiii

I Nuklear Puppy .tl I

Ill illiitn lllk'llll‘k'l“ U

Ma) \loiithl} ||.iitl houxc iiijglt lcattiiiiij.‘ IL‘\|\lk'lll\ .l.t\ittl( oitt‘/ .llltl l’hil \oik

I Obscene .a lllx' \t-mic

llt thiii iatii L i lwtoic Itlltlllljfltl‘ L1 altt'i :\l.l_\ lhc lllltlx't},‘lt‘llll\l tlllllll .\ haw tiijnht lt'llllll\ lot a in“ iiioiithl} \lol .it lllk' \ctiuc lllL' lk'\|\lk'|ll\ .llk' ioiiinl l\_\ \loiph} lot .1 Inc \k'l .llltl l_\ll\.ll iii.i\tci \l(’ l’iotixt'c tioiii thc Motlaiitl \aid pit-v.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal l otiiig't' lltpiii iaiti U \M'ckl} Iunl‘cd up \otal lll’ll\k' and tl.lll\\' plaxxitx lioiii Stcx t\' (i and ( .illuiii \luiia}

I Perversity .ll lht' \cnut-

‘1 thiii \iiii LN tUi iiiciiihcixi N

{am L\ It

Ma) l iidcigtouiid lll‘ll\\' and ll.lll\t' a\ l\'\ltl\'lll\ \Ilaii Ro} and Rail} laii loin loiu'x \\llll ('l )l and l clt lland liaxlaitl

loi a iouiiit'} thioujsh liiiik lucllcd houxc

to tough. upliltiiigs tiaiiu' I Planet Earth at ('itiux (‘Itih

IH thiii iaiii '5 “ct-kl} \llhh lioiii


"Vi tltiougli to I"\" oi t" \‘lllCl \\\‘t\l\ .: licaltln tlox' ot puzik rit'xx \\.l\\'. iit‘u ior'.1.t;itn and. (In tin pop

I P090 Vogue .zl li\itt-_'i‘( hm \l«\t;tlil\ tt\'\l tlatc I“ \l.:\

I Radio Babylon .a l

.‘* \p: \loiithlx l\'.i\lto Halo loii \tiikcx tut k \ttt't .i l‘ltt'l ltt.1ltt\ thc \lctu l't.ttik\t.‘:\ Iiiaitixtoitii .1ll\l\l‘lll lioxtcwthcthxizic\liwl‘t‘ttm

lt' iltptit ham 1‘

.Lll \.\ l\-\ ll\

l'i'ttt\l.tl guilty _\ou tliiou-_‘h inn ot gtooxx tlaiiu‘ mum I RoadeOCk .tl l’t‘ \.i \.: lt'piit :Jlll licc lk‘tott' llpzi .iltct \M't‘kl} \ittil \topx tlic tiattn ttt had lltll\|\ \xhcit \hc \ll1'\ up thy hut in Itiiik. \ll\\l‘. hon .llltl Not li tot kni' l‘t'alx I Salsa . . . Salsita! .tl t liaitto lttptii ;.tllt ltcc \\t't'kl\ llot .lllil ll\'|\ \tht .ltlli‘ll tioiii thc | Haitio ltl tt'aiii I Sonica at l ;'o \loiithl\ iit'\t tlatt' lti \l.i_\ I Soul Biscuits .a ( .itmm \oltaitt‘ ll'piii :.lltt i '1‘: .‘ \l.l\ \li‘tllltl\ \.I\l_\ l’i | \ti.i. ( Illlt" l\1iiio .lllil ho\l \lt l’toliwcc pio\ HlC thc hip hop lllttlx and l\'llll\'lll l‘lk..ll\\ lli'\lll|:' \ct .llltllllt'l \ll hattlc ill M‘ll \\.tltl to :u't ltt‘ l'l\\'\l L'lll.lll \illlll‘|\\ llll\“‘ §.iliiii~ \ o 1le L .l\ .ll\\.t\\ 'l ltlUllJlttlttt'tll \\llll liitcx'iit'f I Suburbia .a \ttttlio ,‘1 l“ illl‘ltl iaiii f.‘ it \tuilcntx and Iain \ «hymn ‘t \l.i\ \ lllf.'lll ot tun .llltl llt\itlt'lt\ Mix llll\ and ltiiiki thxto llllllll‘t'l\ I Switch-Up! at lllk' llttltt‘\\ltllll‘ Ilpiii {aiii Ll I it" \l.tttt'.t lllt'llll‘t‘l\| " lllt' l‘lt‘Jlx \lk'l‘ llli'ltl lll‘llt lllt‘ \lanya latitil} lt'llltlh \Kllll \pt't i.i| put-xi I).l /|lI\ ‘llllk' |’l.i}.i/t |ottiiii:' /n| lil.t\ and .lot' |\’.iiiwiii I The Time Tunnel .Il \tma tloiiiicil} (‘hihMt'ionlot lltpiii i.iiit L§t11\\llllll_\t'll llt‘lltl\ “with. \lio\\hi/ law .llltl llt'th Ioiil tll\llll‘l lllk' \patt' tiiin' \illllllllllllll \kllll lllttt'\ tioiii thv ott\_ "m .tlltl \m ()i iii.i}l\t' it'x |ll\l lllt' altohol I Tokyoblu at l _~.,'o Ilpiii {.tiii H 0 \la} \loiithl} l p and \Hlllllli' «lonhlc .itt p|_\in;,' thcii ll.ltlt'l|l.lll\ l‘lk'lltl ol tiiiik} ltitll\\' .tlltl (l.t\\I\ g'liNIMN I 201' at ('oiiiiiiplm llilllllt’ll} ( hih lam: ‘lpiii .‘aiii Ht 3* \pi iiotig'ht l ycdtht ' \li\ ot haid lll‘ll\t' .llltl ll.lll\\' II'I I/lI\ t/tl/l t'H/K ll //\."it u'lt/ lll'll/l l\ '41]: to! / ill/ll tI// HIV/ti O Ultragroove .tl llttllt'fitltltllt lltpiii iatii LI: 3* \pi loit'iijxhtl} l ltiajgioow louiig't' It'\ltlt'lll\ \pu t.lll\\' in lk'.ll dual houw .n tioii tioiii ( iaicth \otiit'nillt‘. (‘oliti ('ook and \liko\ \llllittt “If: \H'Clu'lltl ll'l l llt.Ij,'tini\t' .t\ thc} hmt tuo tiiplyth [‘.lll|t'\ \I. llll ( llt\.tj_‘tt llHll\L' lt'j.‘\'tttl l)t‘tl|\ l\ (atllt‘l lttl thc llttllt'}\Hllll‘. 3* \pi t .llltl llt'k'li houxt‘ lioiii l’hiladt'lphia ll.lll\t' klll;' lliitt ‘llll' ('.th. 30 \pii I UTI presents: Melter .tl \imtm _‘~l llt thiii iaiii L‘Itto lllt'llllit'l\t (I \la_\ \lonthl} l iidt'ipionnil tt'thno iiijght lk'.llllllll_‘_' lt'\|tl\'lll l)|\ \t'lllal. .lohiiii} ()h' and ltllllltttl \loi \\ith \t'l_\ \pt't ial gum! \t'\\ \Hllx.\ Danton \\ lltl pit-\idciit ol tuliiio l.ll‘k'l o! \ hoitc \_\iit'\xa\t' and lllk' iiiaii ht'hiiitl lllk' t lawn 'Haiif: thc \tid~ and 'l'til/ai‘. oii llllt't' dulx l’|u\ \lcltci \t\lt.tl\ tioiii lllk' l ll light \hou I Velvet at l‘_‘._'H I lpni iatii to 4U» 3‘ \pi \loiillih \ llt'“ \toiiit-iik iii-.‘ht ton-1a} _L'ltltL'\ and thcii \ptxiall} lll\llL'tl ho} lllt'lltl\ lltlt'll (an oiil} pain .ttlllll\\lHlt ll .iuoiiipaiiit'tl h} a lad} t. lll'\lk'll l\_\ \llLllt‘llt' tiliiy “11'?le In! l/ll\ (It/{l tilt/2 ll /I\II( t/Il/ /I"/l/l/\ g’t.’ 1/ or! 4 m; t. [1/] lug/II I Warp Records at lllL' \k'llllk' lltpiii ‘aiii Ll.‘ ;H 3* \pi'oiilj. \ \cltxtioii ot lllL’ _‘._'lt'.ll and lllk' sot n1 lioiii \\.iip\ Illlplt'\\l\t'l_\ \lxk'U-k'll l1l\lt'l ‘.'.llll hw \ctx tioiii l’laid. ('hiix (lid. and Hcaiix .tliltthHtlL‘ a llll\t'tl ha: o! ML


tioiii mvtyuwk lk'kl‘lll laht'l ot thong I The Weekend Starts Here .tl lt'\lt|l Ron I iiion ‘tpiii *aiii l'lt'L‘ \\k'k'l\l_\ lht' lllHlllL'l ol all \tudvnt tiijghtx.