In our regular column, a team of mystery artists give their thoughts on the current art scene.


When Glasgow's Gallery of Modern Art opened its doors it was largely regarded as a missed opportunity for creating an exerting contemporary art display for the city. Criticism deemed it as a blatantly sell-indulgent collection fuelled by one man's severely bad lack of taste. Of course the culprit in question was Julian Spalding. a man who bought Beryl Cook over Joseph Beuys and Peter Howson over Douglas Gordon. Many thought he would have done well to take note from Edinburgh's eduivalent space where pivotal artists from the last century are exhibited next to their contemporary counterparts.

The current exhibition at GOMA, Sanctuary, is an ambitious protect which aims to address some of these problems and identity GOMA as a relevant. contemporary exhibition space. As the title suggests. the work selected explores the relationship between contemporary art and human rights. Many of the artists involved are directly affected by the issues raised. The exhibition also hopes to offer a poignant reminder of the plight of asylum seekers and the need for acceptance and integration within communities such as Glasgow. These intentions are admirable and valid; however, it is the lack of cohesion and truly memorable work on offer that lets Sanctuary down.

There is a lack of freshness about the work on otter thus creating an exhibition lacking in real Vitality and excitement. There are. however, moving pieces. most notably by Leon Golub and Saad Hirri, with the most exciting piece being a typically banal drawing by David Shrigley. But frustratingly. still there seems a need to exhibit certain painting stalwarts over their more interesting cutting-edge contemporaries. As a result Sanctuary doesn’t succeed in creating an artistic retreat but it certainly seems a step in the right direction.


Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to artOlichomk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


7 Bowtnonl (iardens. 339-13M. (ll-H 33‘) 4334.

Gide Vivant l'ntil I'TI 3 Ma} Ari L'\Illhllltlll looking at the lite and work of Andre (iide l lts'b9 l95l l lealuring extracts from his run els. letters and photographs from the period.


353 .-\rg_\le Street. (not ()3: mix). Eltono and Nuria l'ntil Sat 31 Ma). .-\ collalxiratixe show from Madrid based artists lil Tono and .\'uria. l'sing mixed media. the} produce a series of signature works inspired b} site and contest.


l9 Parnie Street. 553 7779. Mon Sat noon .5pm.

Spring Portfolio l'iiril Mon 28 Apr. A large mised show of paintings b} galler) artists including Peter .\'ardini. Jamie ()'l)ea. Ian liliot. Mona (iraham. Judith Bridgland. Mar) Batclielor and ('her) lenc D) er.

The Macroberts Open in 2 Tue 27 Ma). Annual open eshibrtion featuring around I50 pieces b} established and new exhibitors. each measuring l3iii \ 13in or smaller and all priced under £350. NE W SHOW.


I39 Bath Street. ()77ti3 333333.

Suite Art l'ntil Thu l Max. A series of w eekl) exhibitions each showng the work of a different student currentl} attending (ilasgow School of Art. Witlt an opening e\er) l‘rida) from .5pm. ('lielsea Knight shows work until 34 Apr follow ed b} the ('omic Book. a colleclite of 3.5 artists (3.5 Apr l Ma} ) and Lorna Htitcheon (3 3 Ma) r.


lb'5a Bath Street. 333 3830. Tue Sal ltlam 5.30pm.

Ronald Bryan l'nril Hi 30 Ma). l‘igurathe and landscape paintings b} Edinburgh-based artist Ronald Br)an.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART I34 I3I)'lIl\WtK)d Street. 333 4037. Mon I'Tl 9.30am 5.30pm; Sat ltlam lprii. Gordon K Mitchell: Ways of Seeing l‘ri 35 Apr Sat l7 Ma}. New paintings. NEW SHOW.

Crooks: New Directions l-‘ri 25 Apr Sat l7 Ma}. Bold new glass designs. Snapshot Munich Fri 25 Apr Sat l7 Ma}. New contemrmrar) jewellery designs from (ierman).

THE BLYTHSWOOD GALLERY Suite 5-13 t5th l'loorl. Baltic ('hambers. 50 Wellington Street. 348 l99l. Mon l’ri ltlam .5pm; Sat ltlam lprii.

The Spring Exhibition Tue 2‘)

Apr- Sat 7 Jun. A spring selection of paintings b) contemrmrar). l9th and 30th centur) artists including works by Elizabeth Blackadder. DY Cameron. John Knox. ('harles Stenhouse. William Mc'l‘aggan and many more.


ll) King Street. 5.53 ()733. Tue Sat

l l.3l)am—l lpnt.

Pushkin: Puppets and Folktales L'ntil Fri 33 May. A colourful exhibition celebrating Russia‘s best-loved writer. featuring material relating to Russian puppet theatre and folklore. as well as

puppets made b) John Bluiidcll. who w ill be running workshops to accompan} the exhibition.


3.50 Sauchrchall Street. 3.53 4900

Still Wed llam bpm. l'hu Sat

llam Split.

0 New Facade: Toby Paterson l'ntil Sun 3.5 Ma) :\ first solo show tor Beck's l'utuies 3003 winner Tob} Paterson. looking at a \arict) of responses to btiilt ens ironiiients including the Silesian Park of ('ullure and Recreation iii (borrow. the l'eslnal of Britain site in |.oiidon and the work ot (ilasgow based architects (iillcspic. Kid and ('oIa. Paterson has created a large modular wall. a series of new paintings on perspes and a wall painting. pltis a [wi'iiiaitent scrics ol wall paintings lor the ('('-\.

Toby Paterson Talk Sat 30 .'\pl 3pm. Tob) Paterson talks about his Hl‘sl solo show, .Vt'ii l'rtrilr/r'.

Arts in the City Wed 3t) Apr Inc I 3 Ma}. New photographic and \ ideo work b) )Ulltlf.‘ people who took part in .-\rts m the ('it). a programme ol art actn ities loi )otlng people with a care background.


l‘nhersit} ol Strathchdc. 33 Ricltiitond Street. 543 3558. Mon liri lllam 5pm; Sat noon 4pm.

Ceramic Contemporaries 4 t‘nril Sat 3 Ma). The onl} Scottish showing ol this L'\Illhlllt)ll of ceramics b} out 50 recent graduates from throughout the [K in an attempt to challenge preconceptions as to what makes a pot. a pot or what makes cciaiiiics art. lASl (El lANCt ll.) St l


I73 \Vest Regent Street. 33l 637”

Mon Sat lllam 5.30pm.

Scottish Landscapes t'nril Wed 30 .-\pr. An exhibition of landscapes b} selected gallcr) conteiitporar) artists including James Morrison. l)a\ id Martin. Andrew Walker. Philip Braham. Jonathan Shearer and man} others.

Mixed Show l'nlil Wed 7 Ma}. .-\ mixed show of paintings including works b) Helen Wilson. Nae! Hanna. |.eimo\ Dunbar. Peter 'l'lioiiisoii. James ’l‘weedic. Will Maclean and man} others.

Nugh Gillan: Familiar Territory Tliti 8 Ma) Tue 3 Jun. .-\ solo show ol work b) Hugh (iillan. NE W SHOW


3() West (ieorge Street. .333 5.5.5 I.

Mon Sat lllam 5.30pm.

Land and Sea l'ntll Sat 3 Ma). A mixed show of paintings b} artists who specialise in land and seascapes including works b) Hamish Macdonald. Barbara Brodie. lain (’art'}. Scott .\'aismitli and prints b) Rolf Harris.


3l (‘hisholm Street. (entrance through salon). .553 7l()(). Mon Wed. Fri & Sal 10.30am 5.3llpni;'l'liu lll.3t)am 7pm.

I Can’t Get No Place Like Home l’ntil Sat 3 Ma}. Kate Robertson and Barbara Wilson explore themes of popular culture and personal e\perience through photograph). \ideo. test and installation.


Saltoun Lane. 34 Ruthxen Street. 357 I999. Mon I'Tl & Sun l3.3l) 5.30pm; Sat llam 5.30pm.

Beach Party Sun 37 Apr Wed 3| Ma}. Paintings b} Laura A lltmter. Ketin Hunter. John In ine. ('onnie Simmers. Nanc} Smillie and Kirstan Simpson.


Queen Street. 339 I996. Mon Thu 6’; Sat ltlam~5pm; Fri. Sun I lam .5pm. Sanctuary l‘ntil Mon 39 Sep. Tackling issues of human rights and their abUse. this major exhibition brings together the work of mer 3t) contemporar) anists. l)e\eloped in partnership with Amnest} International and the Scottish Refugee Council. the

listings Art


Salla Tykka: Cave the text part or the t‘r.trc.tll\ .lt‘t‘ltlll'lt‘il .i't'xf": lllit)t]‘. ol :‘Jio't lillr‘s, tine recently. its prer'iiere at iltll'i'ful‘. .ie'f l f" a series of new tttit‘tv. graphs produced in pantire‘ See prepare. lrariin (Elasacit. l far. b? Jun

Franziska Furter Arte' at Sleeper a t‘otitiie ol wan; track

l urter returns to l diribtinil‘ \.'.illl a solo exhibition of new till!" :ttrt‘it‘itii‘ drawrngs inspired by the >;t'tit:ttire and architecture of a gram: space (loggertxsher. l tlrrrlitr'grr, lrr .‘ ’5»

Apr Sat (i’l Mai

Relaunch lhe relaunch exhibition of artist run Market (Barlow featuring works by Heiirii la tiuitli. Shauna Mthillaii_ llana l lalpertn. lucy (itini‘int; and Stiatl l illli Market, (i/(lfitfl‘L't, Sat :‘ti‘ Apr Sat . 1: May.

New Facade: Toby Paterson last year's Beck's l tituies Winner loby Paterson gets his first solo show at the (XZA. l ookirit; at a variety of responses to built envrronriieiits. the exhibitions features new paintings; and a permanent series of wall ptlllllllltlii (XI/l. Glasgow. until Sun Pf) May

Lucienne Day: Silk Mosaics and Early Textiles l roiii classic 50:; designs to recent silk tYltlfitl/L', of the 80s and 90s. a l(?ll(}.‘itil3(.ll‘.".r ol the work ol l ucrenne llajV ‘.-..'i:, along Willi her husband Robin pioneered the introduction r,‘ conteriiporary design. See review Glasgow School of Art. (Elgrsuon; until Sat 70 May.

Andy Warhol: Private Drawings from the 19503 A great chance to see the early impresSions of Warhol before he became a household name in this; exhibition of siriiple line drairriiigs; of unknown males. lnver/erth House. Royal Botanic Garden. [dinning/r. until Sun 2:3 May.

Mario Testino: Portraits Over 100 celebrity portraits including Kate MOSS. Madonna and late Princess Diana by one of fashions r'iost soughtatter snappers. Mario Testino. Dean Gallery [dinhurgh until Sun 15 Jun.

exhibition explores subjects such as forced migration. displacement. tonure. oppression. identity and concepts ot home. Artists include Anthon} (iorrll|e_\. Bill Viola. Mark Wallinger. l.oUise Bourgeois. Shirin Neshat. Ross Sinclair and Kenn) Hunter.

w. A” a M:1‘,’2lX)T3THE LIST as