Art listings

Edinburgh Galleries continued


l itt/l 3c l)llll(l£l\ Strccl. 55“ SSW),

Mon Sat IlIain (rpm.

George Donald and Peter Wray l‘nttl \Vcd it) Apr A tnopcrxon \llll“ lcaturtrig nork\ h) (icorgc Donald RSA. RS“ and l’clcr‘ \Vr'a} Rl'..

Prentice Smy and Catriona Wallbutton l’ntil \Vcd ‘stI Apr. .\li\cd mcdra painting»

Andrew Brown that \Vt-d to Apr Sculpturc.

Frances Law Mon 5 ch 2| Ala}. A \olo SIN)“ oI llt'“ work.

Jean Master Mon 5 \Vt-tl 2| Ma). Sc“ paintrngx.

Leon Winter Mon 5 Ma} \Vt-tI I I Jurt. Sculpturc.


2 Markcl Strccl. 52‘) .W‘H. Mon Sat 10am 5pm.

Royal Scottish Academy Annual Exhibition Sat 30 Apr \Vcd II Jttn. £2 til I; Scaxon Iickcl H. 'l'hc Ro}al ScolItSh Acatlcni} '\ annual \htm Iach ttp rcxidcnc) at tlic Cit) Art Ccntrc Icaturtng a \\ idc rangc oI parntirig. \ctilpturc. printing and archrtccturc h} RSA tncrnhcrx and \clcctcd norkS h) rioti— mt'mhci‘x. NI W SI IOW.


22 28 Cockhurn Strccl. 220 l2(i().

\Vctl Strn noort 5pm.

The Haunted Swing l‘nttl Sun I I .\la_\. Ncil Mulholland curatcx thix group \hou lcaturing \xork h) Alcx l’ollard. Ronnic llccp\. l)a\itl Shrrglc}. Craig Mulhollantl. l)a\it| .VltISgl‘uH‘. Kcith l-';rrquhar and Rym l)oolan. 'l'hc Slit)“ haxcd on Blackpool‘x llauntcd Suing I W54). a “wig likc Structurc Scaling about 20 pcoplc at a Iiiiic. Scc rc\ icu. Billy McCall l'rttil Sttn l 1 Ma). V'itlco and photographic work h) Bill} McCall nhich c\arninc\ tlic nalurc oI' Ihc r'clationxhip hctn ccn CUIISUIIIL‘I‘S and thcir chmcn ohicctx of cultural plcaxur'c.


4| l)tilttl;tS Strccl. 557 450‘). Mon liri lt).3t)am 5.30pm; Sat |(I.3(Iam 5pm. James Harrigan, Paul Webster and Tony Gillespie l'nttl Wctt 7 Ma). Nc“ paintings by Jamcx llarrigan. l’atrl \VchSIcr and 'l'on) (iillcxpic including landxcapcx and \caxcapcx.


3 I)ounc 'l‘crracc. 225 7|IS"). Mon Fri l()am 5pm.

Places, Patterns and Perspectives Hi 25 Apr Hi 23 Ma). l’ainungx h) Artcttc llarhoc l-‘lcnxhurg I‘ocnxirtg on IIIL' \pacc hctnccn tlic \cr} concrclc arid lhc \trggcxtn c. Nl-W SI IOW.

THE DAVID YOUNG GALLERY at Maric Citric llousc. 2‘) Alhatt) Strccl. 47S 7050. Mon Sat 10am 5pm.

Eric Cruikshank: Paintings for Green Walls ‘I‘Itu S Sat 34 Ma}. lzdiiihtrrgh-ha\cd anlSl lzrrc ('rurkxhank prcxcntx a SIM!“ oI tic-n patntirtgx rnxptrcd h} Iarrn \Iructurtw Itorn lilS liotnc in thc llighlandx NE W SHU‘J.’


licllord Rtttttl. (i2-I (i2llll IIL'c'ttItlctl inIorinaIton 332 230m. Mon “at ck

l'rr Sun IIIarn 5pm; 'l'hu Illam "pin.

0 Mario Testino: Portraits t‘nrtI Sun 15 Jun. £5 IU5III. untlcr l2x Ircc. 'l‘hc onl_\ Scotthh \htmriig oI thrx inaior touring c\hrhttton oI photographx h} onc oI lashron'x llItISl Soughtaltcr Snappch Mario 'l'cxtrno. \Vorktng c\tcn\r\cl) Ior IiiL'lll’ and crcatriig adxcrtrxtng campaignx lor‘ high prolilc Cllk‘lllS Such ax (iucci and \crxacc. Ilic l’criix tan. London-hawd pliologt'aphci hax Snappcd a hth ol t't'lL'l‘l'lllL'S including Katc Mo“. Madonna. (i\\_\ncth l’allr‘on. Rohhrc \VllltuIIIS and tlic Iatc l’rtnccsx Diana lor hcr lamotix lit/rm I-urr co\cr in NW. l'irxt \ll(l\\ll at tlic National Portrait (iallcr‘) in London. Ihc c\hthitron t\ thc Iilth m a \crtcx oI Shoux dcwlcd Io photographctx \[X‘t'lttlhlng in portrailtrrc and Iaxhron.

The Jorg Schellmann Collection of Joseph Beuys Multiples l'ntil Snmmcr’. .A Sclcctton ol Ihc National (ittllt‘rIL'S. rcccntl) actilnrcd collcclion ol lit-tnx' multtplcs.

From Picasso to Gilbert and George l'ntil Sun (i Jul thillcr l,ihrar) I. A tIlSplil) Ul lllL‘ gallcr} \ .Spt‘cutl IIUUkS Collccuon. Iocusing on hookx madc hcmccn I930 and NS”.

DOGGERFISHER l I (ia) licld Stiuarc. 55S 7| It). \Vcd Sat llain (rpm.

Franziska Furter l‘i‘i 25 Apr Sal 3| Ma). A SUIU SIN)“ of rich nork h) l‘ran/ixka l‘uncr \iliicli hrtng\ Iogcthcr a Scricx ol' dra“ ings crcatcd \pccilicall) tor lhc gallcr) and not pr'cx ItilISI} sccn III thc l'K. NE'W SHOW,


S .'\tl\tK‘;llL“S (‘loSc. 225 927 l. l);lll}

l l.3()am 5.30pm lcloxcd chi.

The New Wave of Primitivism l)om is an art\ projcct cxtahlixhcd irt 1990 h} a group of intcrnational artistx working in Scotland. With a conxtantl) changing cxhihition ol' artnorkx. thc gallcr) houch \ctrlpturc. \taincd glasx and painting\ h) artixts n ho practixc primiti\ c art.


l 2 \cht l’rcxlott Strccl. ()62 ‘)(il7. Drill} llam 9pm.

Group Show Sat 26 Apr Sat 3 Ma). An indcpcndcntl} organixcd group Show I‘cattir‘ing \\or‘k in a \arict} of mcha and SL‘I'L'c‘ttIiigS ol' Sltorl lillitS ilt Iltc “cc Rt‘tl Room.

EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART l.;tlll'l\lUIl l’lacc. 221 (i000. Mon 'l'hu l()ani 8pm; l-‘ri Sun 10am 5pm.


An cxhihition by \arious artists~ BEACH PARTY Prmic“ of inhibition on our

website from 25th April is“

Salttiun Lane

24 Ruthwn Street Glasgow (EIZ

'l‘cl tll4l 357 I999

info a nancy \ltm——Fn' lL‘lipnk—SJOpm Sat Ham— Sun l2.30pm— —5.30pm

92 THE LIST 1’4 Apr—8 May 2003

The Artist Book Project l'ntrl Hm I Ma} Sttrdcntx Irorn thc \chool oI dramng and painting ptISlI thc houndarrcS oI hookhmdmg tn Ihrx hroad rangc oI conccph and \lHCISL' nithodx oI thc art Iorni

My Mouth is Quiet But my Mind is Noisy l‘ntrl l'hu S .\la_\ \n c\hihttron and accompan) tng calalogtrc cornrncrnotating thc “ork oI thc latc rcrtouncd rlluxttator. John \Vatxon l‘hc “orkx lia\ c hccn \clcctcd Irorn a collcctton oI mm 50”“ llL'lllS including Skctclihookx. t'artoorix. draIt \crtptx and poctr} .AST CHAN IE "3 SEE

Edinburgh-Boston Portfolio l‘ttttt Stiti IS .\la_\. An c\hihitton ol prrnIS h} \tudcntx and \IaII ol thc printmaking tlcpartriicritx oI latlrnliirrgli Collcgc oI Art and thc School oI Iltc Mtixctnn oI l'mc AI'IS. lioxltiil.


2Ua l)lIIItl;I\ Strccl. 557 5002. .\lon l'rr Hiain 5pm; Sat IIIam Iprn. Josephine Graham Sat In .-\pt lllt‘ l3 Ma) A \olo SIIU“ oI patnltngx NI SHUV';


23 l'nrori Strccl. 557 247‘) Inc Sat

Illailt (ipiil.

Interactions l'nttl 'I‘hu :9 Ma). .-\ portI'olro oI' lithograle h) 12 artrxtx puhlixhcd and cr‘catcd at lidmhtirgh l’rrntrnakcrx. 'l'hc artrxtx “ho triclttdc Annc lit-\an. lioh Cr‘o/rcr. Katc l)ti\\llIL'. llcndrtk JonaS. Brcnt .\lillar. l)a\rd Shcarcr and Jill I) Son. ha\ c alxo \tihmittcd a prccc oI uor‘k ll‘UIll thcrr trxual praclrcc. hc ll \ctilpttirc or painting.


Cor‘xtorphinc Road. 334 ()l7 1. Dad)

9am 5pm.

The Antipodes l'nttl Sun 37 Apr. An c\hrhition oI painltngx h} l’attl Bat‘tlctt oI n ildlilc cncountcn in Atrxlralia and .\'c\\ [caland


I'it'llL'S (ittllcl‘). litISI l't'llt‘S .>\\ cnuc. 332 22Sl. Mon Sat 9am 7pm.

It’s not my Pidgeon Sat 3t» Apr Thu 22 Ma); Scer artixtx working “lllllll a rangc ol' dixciplincx prcxcnt a group photograph) \lion \xhich c\plorcS lhcrr \harcd intcrcxt in thc lISc oI' photograph)

n ithiti artixtic practicc. Artixtx incltidc Matt A}|ing. Jo Ball. Ruth Bcalc. Malcolm Bcn/ic. Andrca l‘it/patrick. Rohtn l‘ox and (iill) Ruxxcll. NLW SI 10W


88 l.othtan Road. 228 3033, l)ail_\

l()atn IIIpm.

From Blue Stockings to Blue Jeans: Scientific Women in History l'nttl l‘rt 25 Apr. An c\hrhrtrori looking at Ihc nomcn “ho lta\ c corttrihutcd It) SL'IL'IIL‘L'. tcchnolog). math and mcdictnc.

GV4 Strn 27 Apr Hi 30 Ma}, An c\hihrtion ol' crat'tmirkx h) Janct Ahrncd. Chrix Cohh. Catriona llcphurn and Stixtc Young. Iotrr artixtx liorn thc (iarxald Ccntrc “Inch ollcrx crcatn c opportunitrcS to adultx “Illl Icar‘ning tlISAIlIIlllIL'S.


I) \cht l’ort. 22| (I237. |)ail) noon 7pm. Fiona Scroggie l'nttI \Vctt .7 Ma). Work h} lidinhurgh-lxtxcd artist/dcxigncr I’cattrrtng harroning )ct hcautttul glioxl-ltkc tact-S \\ ith stupicroux glanccx and htddcn


I24 Morningsidc Road. 4-17 738]. 'l'trc Sat 9.30am 5.30pm.

Jonathon Shaw l'ttltl Sat 26 Apr. An cxhihition of original painting\ and limich cdition printx.


Vic“ itig on Wed ck Sat h} appotnlmcnl call 556 1053. l‘or morc into:

n \\ ntrictiongallcr).corn or crnarl

rnl'ota I'ricttongallcr}.corn

Michael Craik l ntrl Sat I" \la) \cxt pamtrng~ and C t_\pc photogtaphtc prrntx h) ldrnl‘trrgh artrxt \lrthacl Ctatk Sotrtccd Irorrt Ihc tltk'lllllk‘llldllt‘ll oI Ihc lIll‘.Ill landnapc. Craik \clcctx atchrtct Itrral L'lk'lllc‘lllS to prodncc ahxtract paritltitgx


45 \Jarkct Strccl. 225 2‘5: \lon Sat

Haiti 5 Wprtt. Sim noon 5pm

lnka Essenhigh l IIlIl Sat I: \la) Cartoon t'Stlllt' Iigtrratnc painttngx h) \t'\\ \ork liaxctl .IlllSl liika l \Scnhrgh rnIlircntcd h) Italian charxxancc rcottograph). JaparIcSc l'kr)o c printx and tonlctnporar_\ rintliologrcx l \Scnhrgh San oI licr \\oik ‘\l_\ paintingx haw \lI.Ilj_‘lIllUI\\.IItl I.I\\ cncrg) III thcrn. and that'\ “hat \l‘lllk'\ acron ax hcrng cartoon} and not Imc .rrtx l'hoxc .lI‘\lltitl titialtlrcx arc tn thcrc. but without prcIcnxron Scc rc\ic\\

FMG Collection: American Artists 1 till! Sat 2-1 .\la_\ ‘\ \lIIall drxplai oI \tork~ tlraun Irorii Ihc l'rtirtrnarkct (iallcu '\ arI collcclton Icattrrrng \xorkx h} \tncrrcart arIISIS or artrxt haxcd in llic l S \ lhotrta\ JtISlllla Coopcr. Sol l cunt, Sliitrn \t‘SlIal and \oko ( )no


Ina Rachtrrn l’lacc. i|5 2N” \lon Sat Warn 5 Wprn

Spring/Summer Collection I rilrl Sat il \la) A llt'“ \pttngxxurnrncr collcctton oI icucllcr} h) lirttixh and rnicrnational dcxrgncrx

Chinese Style l'nIrl Sat II .\Ia_\ ltadrlronal Chincxc Itrtrnttrrc and lilltltllLIS


(iallcr) and Shop. 77 l)trnda\ Strccl. 55o 3l5‘) .\lon l‘ll llIatn oprn. Sat

IIIam 5pm.

A Brighter View l’ritrl I II 3% .\1a\ .-\ mr\cd Slit)“ oI \llll liIt' and Iandxcapc paintingx h} \ttl'ItIlIS ar'ttxtx including norkx h} Dchorah RawU. \larron [horner and Sarah Bradtord.

HANOVER FINE ARTS 22a l)untla\ Strccl. 55o 2|.S'I llam “pm. Sat HI. Warn 5pm John Bathgate l'ntil Sal i Ma} Working III a \arict} ol rncdia. \cht lltghland laridxcapcx and liaxl l.ollttan coaxial \ccncx h} John liathgatc,

Spring Mixed Exhibition (Part I) l'ntil Sat i .\la_\. A \clcclion oI tit-n nork\ h} gallcr'} artrxlx Irorri Scotland and abroad.

.\lon l‘rr


(i Carlton 'l‘ct‘racc. 55o ~l-l-1l llIarn 5pm.

Garry Fabian Miller l'nttI Sat 2t» .\pl (Barr) l‘ahran .\1rllcr'\ opticall) mcxrncrrxrng photographic \xorkx arc cr‘calctl \Hlllttlll lhc llSt‘ M a cariicta or Iilrn In llI\ \ccontl c\hrhitron at Ilic gallcr}. .\lil|cr' \ltouS lnx moxt rcccnl crcatronx Including (itt/tlt’lr Slur/m aritl Hit/mug I/‘tSI CHANCE If I St E

White \Vcd 7 \la) Sat 7 Jun. An c\lirhilion ol nhitc tlclicatc. ahxtract paintrngx h) Jarncx lltigonrn. ('alltitn llIllL‘S. \Vrnxton Rocth. Rohcrt Rynan and :\ll\tiII \Vatt. NE W SI IUV.’

Edmund de Waal \Vt-tI 7 Ma) Sat 7 Jun. A \crrcx oI largc \xhrtc gla/ctl porcclatn \cxxclx It) l',(lllllllltl dc “rial uhoxc nork IS tricltidcd in lirrtrxli Council. thc CraI'tx Council and lhc Victoria and Aller Mtrxcuni collcctronx. NE Sit/13.

ltic Sat

INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE l3 Randolph ('rcxccnl. 225 5 wt, Mon l'rr 9.30am (Lillpm; Sat lllarn 1.30pm

Au Coeur des lmaginaires du Monde l'ntrl WM 3” Apr. l’hotographcr MarIc-Nocllc Rohcrt tlUClllIlClllS indrgcnouS pcrtorming artx Irorn all mcr thc world in thix cxhihrtion oI 2H plttilograpltx.


()(i Curnhcrland Strccl. 55K 9872. Mon l‘rr IIIarn (rpm; Sat IIIarn 4pm.

Robyn Denny l'ntrl Sat In Ma}, Sclcctcd \crccnprmtx h} Roh_\n Hum),