Art listings

Edinburgh Galleries continued


35 \laithmnnt (‘rexcenL .73" .‘Wii

\lnn l'tl ‘latii 5 ittpm. Sat lttani 7pm Mixed Exhibition -\ phntngiaphn gallery and training wnikxhnp teatiiriiig a range ot trained innuiited imagex with xpate tni local photographeix tn xhow their Work


l’alate nl lltll)ttititllttill\t'. 55“ 5W” l).tll\ ‘) itiain (ipm

Faberge l'ntil Sun II Oct M it.” Hi. lamrl} titkel L I”. under 5x tree the newli opened ()ueen'x (ialleri prexeritx an e\liitiitinii nl n\ei‘ ttiti piecex drawn tinm the Roial (‘nllectinn nt wnrkx b) (arl l'abeige. the grealext Ruxxian ieweller and goldxriiith til the late I‘lth and fttth centiirt laherge to wed traditional techniquex ol enaiiielling. iiiulticolniired gold decoration and the iixe nl caned xeiiii precinux liardxtnnex. bringing them together in liix own unique xt_\le


-l(i |)undax Street. 550 3333 'l'liii t\' l'l'l ll itiarii 5pm; Sat || itiam 4pm. David Sinclair RSW t‘nid Wed to Apr ()il paintingx

Anitra Rushbnook l‘nul Wed in ,-\pt' l’aiiitiiigx

Ugo Baracco l'ntil \Veil it) .»\pr .\i|ualiiitx,


15 Rutland Square. 33‘) 75-15. \lnn l-ri ‘)am 5pm; Sat Itiam 4pm

South Bridge Design Ideas Competition and Edinburgh World Heritage Trust Old Town Fine Exhibit l'ntil liri it) Ma}. .-\ chance to \ iew the ideax ol the winnerx ot thix dexign competition tor potential iixex ot' the area dextroied in the (‘owgate lire together witli a dipra} on the hixtor} ol' the area

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN liiieileith llouxe. lmerleitli Row. 553 717] Wed Mon lttain 5.30pm.

0 Andy Warhol: Private Drawings from the 19508 l'ntil Sun 35 Ma}. tree The lirxt xhowing ol' tliix group ol' |)ll\.ttc draw iiigx b) the American pop ai‘tixt And) Warhol Produced tor liix own plcaxuie. the workx reflect the artixt'x lite and interextx and are portraitx of unknown niale ligurex lrnm partiex Warhol attended. John Hutton Balfour’s Botanical Teaching Diagrams (1840-1879) t iitil Sun 25 Ma). Free. Special dixpla) ot' xoine euraorilinar} Nth centur) botanical leaching diagrainx from the Rli(ili'x

an lll\L'\. Part of the Edinburgh lll/t’l'lltllll’lltll Si‘ierii'e I'iwlri'ul.

Myths, Magic and Medicine Sat 3 \la) Sun 15 Jun tlixhibition llall: dail) Ittaiii 5piiii li\hibition ot‘ beautiful wood engiaiingx b) June ('hapinan with the chance to join in a workxhop for all the laiiitli.


The link (ialler). .\torningxide 'l‘errace. 32‘) 555.

The Big Rock Candy Mountain l'ntil Mon 30 Jun. The rexultx nl‘ (iraeine Roger'x project baxed on the xearch tor an earthI) paradixe.


The Pelican (ialler). l l.aurixton Place. 32‘) ‘555.

Voluntary Commemoration t’nitt Sat it May. An exhibition celebrating the \nluttteerx in the Royal lntirniar).

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landingx Gallery. 100 Princex Street. 23.5 lfitit. .\1on~ Fri 10am «6pm.

What If . . ? l'ntil Fri 9 Ma}. Winner ot. the R()Sl. Annual Art li\hibition ('atalogue Dexign Competition. Mookx Hanitiah from Singapore. prexentx and exhibition ot~ t}pographic interpretationx on xubiectx

94 THE LIST 24 Apr-8 Mm 2003

allt'r‘tttt: l!!l\ ltte ranging 'rorri .1 xhnt‘t'hnlit \ route planner and lite

ilet ixiniix tor \liixlirii women totla_\


I’i llnwe Street. ‘35 .Tltltt \lnn Sat Warn 5 “Will. Sun b) ippniiitiiieiit Antique and Contemporary Eastern Carpets t dintmigti‘x new ext l'axterri HI: and carpet gallery xet up by lillall \lacltnnald teatiiiex a line xelectinii ot tnntempnrari rug aii tioiii the inn! ,ix well .ix antique rugx and tribal bagx


In l)tllltl.l\ Street. 55% l‘iiti \toii l'tl lttam lipm. Sat lltattt ~1pni

Sir William Gillies l'util \Ved ‘xti \[tl l’airitingx. watercolourx and draw iiigx nl Scottixh landxcapex

Storylines l'ritil \Ved lti \pi 'l'hree applied ai‘tixtx. Stephen Hint it'eraiiiicxi. ltniiiiiiit l'nntle iglaxxi and \inanda (ill/l it.ipextr_\ i e\ploie naiiatne iii their own wa)

Rings l'iitil \‘xed iti \pi Regular and united niakerx are prexented in thix group xhnw tnetixing nii ilexignx lnr' ringx including woi'kx by Jane \ilam. \ieki Amber} Smith. Bettina l)ittlmanii. Wendi Ranixhaw and K.i_\o Saito

Damian Callan, Jonathan Meuli and Polly Harvey t'nid Wed in ,-\pr ()ilx and draw iiigx b} Damian ('allan. mountain paintirigx bi .lnnatliaii \leuli and new woikx tinni l’nl|_\'\t‘_\

Earl Haig Sat i “at .‘.S \la_\. -\ xelliiig xhnw ol recent nilx and paiiitingx b) liail llaig,

Anna Gordon Sat t Wed 7.x Max. A new range ol work ht ioiing icweller -\nna (iordnn

Frances Priest Sat t Wed 38 \la). .»\ xnlo xhnw ol wni‘k b} ceramieixt l'i‘ancex l’i‘iext teatiii‘ing xpatial cniiipnxitinnx made in porcelain and xtnneware.


5 (‘riehion‘x (’loxe. ('anongate. 557 ZS7o. Mon l'i‘i lttam (ipm; Sat noon 4pm. Colours lit 25 Apr Sat 3-1 \la_\. .\ poetr} ~inxpired e\hibition b} Scottixli ttl‘llSl. RU} \Vtiiitl.


Reiacli and Hall .'\l\‘ltllt‘t'l\. (i Darnawa) Street. 235 844-1. \lnn lit 3 5pm. Sean Shanahan: Rarae Aves Mon ZS Apr Hi 13 Jun. New work b) the l)lll\llttAhtil‘lt artixt Sean Shanahari. Nl SHOW


5S Ratclit'le ’l'errace. (i(i7 l‘)(i(i. \lnn l'it'l 9am (ipni; Sat lttarn 5pm.

Mixed Show l'titil Sat il Ma). ()riginal artworkx b_\ \arioux artixtx.


3| l.t\ttiiit'e (’rexceiit. (ill) 33-1-1. \Vetl l'il‘t h} appointment oiin

The Gruppe Show t'nul lit 25 .-\pi'. .~\rtixtx from the Tag Team group ha\ e been rm ited to Slit)“ a piece ol‘ work altittgxtile the Work nl l)a\e Beech. the laxt artixt to initiate liix own xhow. ’l‘he rexult ix a grand arra) ol' objech and xtateitienix. [AST CHANCF TO SH—

TALBOT RICE GALLERY t'nixerxit) ot‘ lidiiiburgh. South Bridge. 050 22“). Tue Sal lttain 5pm.

Jo Ganter - Cardinal Glimpses l'nlil Sat 3 Ma), (ilaxgow-baxcd ai‘tixt Jo (ianter xhow x a new xeriex ot~ paintingx. light workx and a xiiite ot‘ printx that e\plore interinrx and ambient xpace. See

Zoe Fothergill - Fluid Repose l'ntil Sat 3 .\la_\ tround roomi. lidinbiirgh ('ollege ot' .-\rt graduate Zoe l-"othergill createx an inxtallation ot‘ wm en wire \exxelx tor the round room. See rexiew.


3o Duridax Street. 556 6360. Mon Fri [lam—(ime Sat lti._‘stiaiii 4pm. Spring Exhibition t'niil Sat 3 Ma}. Spring e\hibitinn featuring paintingx.

ieweller\ and xt iilpttiie lw around tilt ai'tixtx including regular e\hibitnix


l-or a detailed itiiieiari call “I it 5:" Ulit)‘ itiS:

The Park l'ritil l'll iti\1a} lhc lia\e|lirig Halter} 'x latext exhibition dneuinentx through xketchex. planx. nindelx and trim the work nt xe\en international artixtx wlin were comiiiixxiniied to create workx tot Scotlaiid'x tiixt national park. lioiixed m the new (iatewa_\ ('eritie iii Hallnch \rtixtx include \ong l’haophanit. Donald l itpiliait. \1.n_\ Redmond and (Hal \icolai


('ate Hat. ltH‘aiiibiitlge Street. DIS

S is;

Searching her Reflection t not Sat I“ \l.i_\ l'igiiiatne paintingx b_\ \iixtialian .irtixt Ilelen \liller


lli South l‘tit‘l Street. «17S “Slit \ltitt Sat llaiii llxl5pni; Siin II. it! || ~15pm Premonitions l'nid Sat in Apr. l’airitiiigx. xeiilptiii'e. xketchex and i'epindiictionx b) \latt Rtixx. Ambience Sun I \pi' Sat it \la) :\n e\hibitinn ol photograph} b) l)a\id \loriixon. Ni 8i it )‘.“,’

WESTERN GENERAL HOSPITAL 'l'lie (ialler). tl ink (‘nrridni' between ;\niie l"erguxon and :\le\;ttttlet Donald

litiildiiigxi. ('rcwe Road South. 32‘)

Look, for your Information t'nul \lnn it) Jim. :\rtixt iii rexideiice .lane l'opping createx work with the geneticx lab at the Wellenine 'li‘uxt (‘linical Rexearcli litctltl}.


4 l)unilax Street. 553 9544/5. .\lnn l'l‘l ltiam (ipltl‘. Sat Ilam 4pm.

Mixed Show :\n ongoing tltxpltt} ot' xpnrtmg and natural lllxltil'} paintiiigx.

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh Life, page 99.


43 High Street. 52‘) “42. Mon Sat Itiam 5pm.

The Golden Ages of Toys t‘nul Sat 7 Jun. Share the magic nt' \leccaiio. llornb} train xetx. tedd} bearx and the woriderlul arra} ol toix that came to Irle between ISUtiand I‘Hti.


l-ll (‘annngate. 53‘) 4143. Mon Sat Ittaiii 5pm. Packed with hixtoric artetactx. thix rextored l(ith centur} iiianxion tellx the xtnr) ol' lidiiibui‘gh‘x paxt and itx people and houxex important collectionx ot' lidinburgh \ll\el' and glaxx. Scottixh potter) and xlinp \tgnx. Unmarked Lives t‘nut Sat 3 Ma). ,-\ touring e\hibition ot' tapextriex. textilex arid paperworkx b) Joanne Soroka liticuxittg tilt the lt\ex other Sctittlxh. Japanexe and eaxterii liuropeaii


Newhmeri Harbour. 55l 4|(i5. Hail} noon 4.45pm.

A Tribute to Fishermen t'nitl Wed 3| l)ec. An exhibition lnciixiiig on the working ll\ ex ot‘ tixheriiiari. leaturing ceramic and te\tile tlexlgttx created l1} xtudeiitx from Victoria l’rirnar} School and lidinburgh'x ’l‘elt‘ord ('ollege.


2 (’hamherx Street. 2-17 ~12 It). Mon Sat ltiam 5pm t'l'iie .S‘pmi; Sun noon 5pm. Free.

Millennium Clock .\ chance to new Riixxiaii mechanical xculptoi l‘duaid Heixudxk) ‘x millennium clock. a kinetic xciilptuie_ riieaxuiing "Ill high

William Speirs Bruce - The First Polar Hero l'ntil Sun I .ltllt \n e\hibiiion celebrating the litctiiiie acliiexeiiicntx ot \\ illiaiii Speiix Bruce. .1 viii.” \clcltllxl and leader t‘l tlte \ttiltlxlt \atinrial \iitaictic l-\pedition in l‘ttt.‘ -t William Speirs Bruce Guided Tours ll! .‘5 \pr. “ed it) \pi. l-ii.‘ \la) .\ “ed ' \la} .‘piii (iiiitled tnuix ot tliix centenai) exhibition celebrating the litetime acliie\eiiient ot polar xciciitixt

\\ illiaiii Speiix ltiuce

Textile Art from Southern Appalachia - The Quiet Work of Women liitil Stilt .‘5 \la) le\ti|e woikx b} women hung in the Southern \ppalacliia. a region that iricludex “eSlcttt \Ht‘tlt ('atiilltta. l'..l\l l‘clltlcxxcc and Soutliw ext \ iiginia

Mao: Arts for the Masses Hm I \la_\ \lnn l \lai ItNH llie toiination ot (‘niniiiuiiixt (‘liina ix brought to lite through a prnate collection ot iiiaxteipiecex made between l‘t5lt l‘t‘ti. acquired during and iiniiietliateli alter the (‘ultiiial Reiolutioii


lad) Stairx llouxe. l ad) Staii'x (low. 5.“) 40m \lnn Sat lltani 5pm

In the Heart of the Wilderness l'iitil Sat 3“ Sep \ii e\liibition e\p|oiing the ltlc .iiid work nt .Iohii .\liiii. the letter writer. pnet. xtnr}teller and xcientixt and lonkx at the intlucnce ot writerx like ltiiiiix .iiid Sir “alter Scott on liix Work


l'nixeixit) ol Dundee. | i l’erth Road. til LS2 i451“) .\tnn l‘t’l ‘laiii Sittpiii. Sat lttaiii «littpm

Aspects of Identity t'nid Sal t Ma} tl.ow er in) er (taller) i. :\n e\hibition bringing together the work iii a number nl 3nd and it'd _\eai xtudcntx e\ploi'ing the theme til Itleltltt}.

Jordan Baseman t‘nid In 3% \la} «('oopei (taller) i. \iden woi‘kx h) Joidaii liaxeiiiaii on loan ll'tilll the Saaclii (‘nllectinii and the .'\rtx ('nuncil ot linglaiid l-ncuxing on the 'abiect' in xociet}. lie editx tlticlllllelllttl} tootage into ilixtui‘hiiig iiariatncx leaxiiig the

\ iew er tiiixiire nl where to nioiall) poxitinn theiiixehex.

Sonology of a Mute Spectacle l‘iitil 'l‘hii | Ma}. ()hiectx ti‘nni the .\liixeuiiix ('ntlection are incorporated in audio woi'kx created h} .\lark Vernon.


t5: Nethergate. til is: WNW)”.

the Wed. Sat & Sun lithium 5.tttpin; 'l‘hu & l't't lt),3tiam Spin. Christopher Wool l'nnl Sun S Jun 'l‘he lil'xl maior l'K \tilii xhnw lit!" the inl'luential :\tltL‘l‘lCttll artixt. ('hrixtopher Wool. known tnr hix hold and ntteii multi-laiered paintiiigx w hich cniiibiiie xcreenprinting and xpra) paint with painter!) briixhwork. Born in (‘hicago in l‘)55 and now baxed in New York. he liax iiiade photograph) an important part in liix work and the exhibition tcaturex lwn groupon photographx each oi oi. er ItXt irnagex ax well ax large-xcale pttlllllllgx. Gallery Talks Sat 26 Apr. 2pm. t)(‘..\ curator Katrina Brow n gixex a xhort introduction to the work nt American tirtlxt ('hrixtopher \Nool.

Gallery Talk Sat 3 Ma}. 2pm. Artixt lari l)a\enport otlerx liix \iew ol ('hrlxltipher \Vtitil‘x approach to painting. Craft Focus l'ntil Sun 25 Ma}. Decoratiie )et functional jeweller) b} Anne l-‘inlax and ximple ceramic tnrinx b) Sam llall.

Alistair Clark l'ntil Sun 25 Ma), l’rintx haxed on xatellite iiiiagex \iewed on radar and coriipiiter xcreenx h} Alixtair ('lark‘.