2% ll) \llil \\\1 ll \lltl “)lili lllllll\'ll.ll l‘xlnlt' ll: ibiiljillh, Inc \un

'lllllu it)".

To the Care of the British Empire . . . l lllll \un ll \ln} l-Iu' \tnllixl .1l|l\l\ cmnum' my mum ll|\lIlllL.l! pnl'lnnl .uul ;.:cnt'r.nmn.i. nllm-mw l\'Il\'\lL'(l l|l\i)l|lt'l11|)iil.ll\ .ilt‘nlil'. il. .l \ll\L'l\t' l.lll1‘t il .llllxl'\ Invlmnr 1. ludm: ll'xll'll\.ll‘1)‘llll.lll Luann; lllk'l‘ 'll\l.lll.lll\lll .nnl E.‘lll|lll.lll\l xtlllllllllk‘ \.l'\l\ 'll\lll\lt Inml lllnxx. Rudy uk limlmnnn il.ll1.i .~ lklgt'll. '\l.t‘l‘.n'l l ullvr'un .md lnl.) \Hluvl ."fill l ' 5:


\llk'll Sigmun- HI {Rf 10lle \lun \.il Ill illnm iInn. \m. l) ill lpin. lllll

l‘l illmn 'pm

The Scottish Photographic Federation The First Hundred Years l lllll \nn l\l.i} '\.l k'\llllllllllil ~t'lk'lll.tllll_‘,‘ lllll n‘..l\ Hl \ llll‘ ,lllulnjglnpll} haunting: unnm-x. mun» \llllt'\ .unl t'.llll\'l.l\ on I‘m” lmnl n:.u|_\ ul lln ll)“ u w vlnhx “ll” Inn :n.nlc up lllt' ll klt'lJlll'I.

Print and Slide Shows/Av Presentations x.” In \pi .\~ 5.” i \lgi} iplll ’\ \t'Yu'\ Hl \l'tlt‘ \lm\\\ in

.l tmnpnn) lln‘ Sunlth l’hnlmn :plm l-mlcmlmn mlnlnlmn

British Art l’nlil \"nn ‘.‘ llll‘. \ \umll mlnhumn lmnning umkx h) “Lilli-i \"xrkml, John \nxlv .unl Slnnlc) \‘pvnym The Beatles in Dundee 1 Hill \Inn ill .lnn .\ ."nllct'uun ol plmlnul.ipll\ llHlll Illc l)(~ l'hmnwn .n't'lnu'x .unl llllll llH‘llL't‘ In mark lln' -llllll .llllllH'lxill') ul lln lil'.lllt'\ pl.i)|l1g lll l)lllltll't‘,

Outside the Cities



(Killvnilni l’;ul\. lll ill illl7h") \lnn \nl lllzun 5pm; Sun 3 Rpm.

Elements l'nlll Sun 37 Apr .'\l‘\ll'.l(l unnucx l3} Sunllxll :ll'll\l l.k'll.l (Zulan. Shoe l'nlll Sun l.\‘ MA). A llllll'lllL‘ mhihnmn \xlnt‘h munnnm lln- mlc ol lln- \llm' ill L‘nnImnpmnr} lll'lMll (ulun'c through mlnlnh lmin (unit-Inpmur} 'll‘\l.L'llk'l'\. Innkt'i'x .nnl \lemI .ll'll\l\. The Game of Life ‘l'm- PM Apr Sun 35 \l.|) lunllml ('(lllllm lnho pl'llllx .ind \ilkxt'rm'nx In llk‘ ink-rnullmmll} .M'lnnnml ill‘llxl \lm'lwn/n' 'l horpc NiW Hl ll )VV



l'llnlmnk ’\\t'lllll'. lllfih.‘ ‘54 {-13,

Non 'l‘nt' «\ 'llnl l'rI llluln h’pnl. \Vcd (\ SJ! Illnn! *pln

Exhibition 2003 l'nlil Sui ll) .\i;|_\ .-\nnu.|l xvlmulx mhilnlion li‘ulurlng \un'k \‘l't'illt‘tl during \unnncr \t‘lluulx Ill 3002 Pasts and Presents l'nnl Sui i \1u} ('onlclnpurgu') L‘l'.lll \wrkx Inxpn'ul h} whit-(Ix Ill lln' Inuxcum'x tullcclmn.


HOWDEN PARK CENTRE Illl\\(lt'll. 01500-133wa Mun l'rl

Illuzn 4pm; \‘ul Ilium lpm. Alternative Jewellery in E inc 27 \l;i_\. Anne Md 'nrtl (ll\[)lil)\ ("null-Inpmur} 1c“ t‘llcr).

Livingston Art Association Annual Exhibition in 2 'l'uc Zn \lu) Annual awhilmmn h} llnx local :m group

From Negative to Fine Print l'nul Thu 2‘) Ma) A ll) tll\plil) of “mi. h} phulogmphcr and lecturer Rodd) Snnpwn.

Fleeting Arcadias l‘nnl Sun 27 Apr. -\ \‘i'lchrgumn ml 30 )t'urx ol' Brinxh lundxmpc Photograph} lculuring u lxmcrl'ul cullvcuon nl~ «lll imagm.

Mid Calder Camera Club “id in Apr 7.30pm. {3 (Ni :\\\ilfll-\\llllllllf_‘ plmlogruphcr llculhcr Anch gl\C\ .m llhlghl Into the \lurlcx hclnnd hcr piclnrc»

Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0" 31 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.

Acllvmes and C .' Eggstravaganza

i 1<Hu11,“ .xt. '.lll‘.l;.l\~‘ lln' lull \l‘!;\ .n \lHl‘. In“ thul. .

Iun .ll‘lhllkl Iln' (llt'nlct' “nil l.l\\ mu; l! .L

mus \u;. '- \l.

lllltlll'i lll'i Ill \; 'n llnl‘mu. w' 5 ‘l \ll'l 1. null \\“l'I\\llUl‘\. i::.l_:|\ \lzmxx .ll.\l '2:

l: "le

GOMA Aft Cart ll“ .3; .\ l \l‘. ll.un lpnl lh'. l: llt':\ Il \ll k. \. '. ‘Juccu \llccl. .T‘” “NM ll..'.r .. ll :l‘nh

le‘ ll.lllll\.ll.\ln‘lll1'l Ill-llk'lIJl‘ an \l'm wan lhc (il )\l \ \vl (Ian

Ladybird Book Club 'ml \m

\n:. lilh‘ll lnn law. \tullm‘t' \Izc " \\'l‘*“ll \lllxfi‘lf'l, \ln~ ".1 "l l .l! '. 32‘ \nllmul \n: -1 ‘.\" viiuu Hm m J” .zllvirlcmn ml may” Him; .nnl pnppvl MAM”; lumyn; 'll\|‘ll.lllwi ‘mml ul}lnr«l lluuk'x l.-i'_\ Z'l ~.'l.‘ Origami Workshop llm ‘J \p:

l ipnl l-n'c l’mpvi l’.:l.:.'c .‘lltl \\ :zn ’l (Link-n. (ilmulm lirm'n. “J H“: '\\ PM oi lln‘ Rvnn'mlmm: llnmlnnn .unl Vacuum t-wnlx lun'n my .111 ml pupa lnlilin}:

Puzzle Trail l‘nnl l n W \pl. 8:21 l‘hu lll.un ipm. l'l'l ll.nn 5pm l'rm- llllil'fll ('ullct'lmn. ‘lllrll l’nllnkxlmux Rn ul ‘\" ‘5‘” \gtw i l‘ l’n‘l up .111 l" “l0! l"! 'l. ‘l' lo hvlp uplim‘ lln‘ Hum-ll (kill: 1"‘ll St Mungo Art Cart Thu ‘4 .\- in ‘< \pr. ll.un lpm l-l'm' \‘l \lnnuv \lll‘z'l'lll ul vaignnn l,ll(' .unl -\rl. l 'Lixllv \ln'vl “i ‘5‘“ \um i ll llmp lll .unl 1r} mm ll.llltl .u .n'lx .unl t'rullx li'um my mum: :l\ nn nllt-I' on SI \lungu'x .n'l mrl

Stained Glass Windows Thu ‘4 .\- HI .‘5 \pr. Hm: I‘ illpm .\~ I lllpnl l'l'cc llnm'll ('nllcrunn. ‘llhll l’nllokxhnu Raul. ‘8" ’5‘” ('i'mlc \mn nun \l.nnnl gluxx \\llllli‘\\ lll llnx lm' lulecr crull \pct‘ml Booking l'\\\‘llll.ll

Streetsongs Workshop Thu ‘-l \p!‘ ll:un lpm A‘ .‘ Jpn: li'cv \lnwum ll 'l‘mnxpm'l. Kclnn Hall. I llurnlmnw Ru :~l 7.37 373‘) .'\‘_‘t‘\ 5 II I mm \mnv l‘ltl (iluxgmx \nm'l \UllL'\ lll llh‘ nnm'nm \ .mn l't‘uilhll'llt‘lt‘il l‘lilk \ll‘t‘t'l lll lllk‘\t' l"l\lt‘! tlmp In \l'\\ll‘ll\

Beautiful Butterflies H: 3 \pl'. ll;un (k 3pm, U l’ullnk lluuw. l’ullok ('nunlr) l’nrk. Illhll l’UllUl\ll;l\\\ Rmd. (\lh Mlll '\_L'l‘\ i 7. Make wnn' lw untl'nl llullcrin; hullvrllu'x um lll lunc lln‘ \nnnncrlnm' Booking: vxxvnlml

Pottery Workshops \‘m M \pi' (K’ 1 .\lu_\. noun (\pm 1“. l‘n'mwrkx K'nulm. iii l).illmu\:c Sim-I. ii.” WW (‘lnlilrcnk \\Hrk\lmp\ lur .igvx «l-plux l’uun pols or haw .I go on lln' pollt'rK “in-cl

Kids at CCA \‘nn 7'7 -\pr & 4 Mi) (‘(..'\. “ll §.lll\‘lllt‘ll;lll ‘ll‘i‘t‘l. i4? 4””) l’un \l\ll.ll .n‘t \mrkxhupx. \lurucllm: nnl lllm and prugmmnn' «lixt’nxxmnx lot i l ‘- _\c.u' lllll\

Holiday Weekend \‘ni i Man i \l:l\. Ill.un (1pm in RI) (H ill) (il;l\gi\\\ St‘lcnu‘ (‘t'nma ill l’m‘il'n' Qua}. 47” 501)“. lnlcrucmc \\i\rk\ll\\|\\. Inc wit-nu- thu and dcnninxlrnunnx. :u'ln lllt'\ lnr knlx .iml mlullx. plu~ llll.l\ 'l'hmlrc. Swunh l’mu‘l' Spm‘c 'l'hvulrc. Virtual \k‘lcnu' 'l‘hmlrc. lulu .md Furl} l cumin: ('cnlrc

Scottish Open Championships Sun 4 Sun I I \lu}. t7. llunmrx l'rcci ('rmglm‘klmn 'l‘cnmx (‘cnlru I77 ('nlmlnn Road. 4-1-1 No”. The highling ul' Scnllumfl lt‘lllll\ mlcndnr (’unllrmcil cnlrunh mcludv mp Scottish plan-n Km'n Pulcrwn and I )lltlfil} lel} The qurnunn‘nl .Ilw tannin-x .m Inlcrnutmml Junior mulch helm-en \‘t‘ullund nml lrcluml 1831! ll) A‘ Sun ll Mu} l and a textual nl' lcnmx l'ur xt‘hmlt'lnldrcn Tue 6 I'll ‘l Mu) on lhc indoor courts.

'm‘r- 1 in Chris Miller’s Stars ano rIghus Ill l.i \.. \l l.‘ l' l. ‘Ilull “h M. '\ Matthew Bourne's Nutcracker I i \z \I. -. \ \ ..| \ ~li1 ,- I: \'.‘ u .nn; leI'Ml I. -:. .i \|,llll.. \\ “it... \ "Mp l.' I‘ llt". -lll\l I. .uh .A. Alice v.“ \ ' ~ xi.._~. '.~-. .v x ‘i l {I'lln N - illl‘ill Q "l ‘I 1"“.4 ‘ll l.w.- Ill .nl \ .. .l “_ l l‘ \L~ ~ \ inn 0- ‘vii- -.. n lm l. \.n:~ lumlam a. . l I .m I. ii. -:.I\ \ li'l lli‘l ll .\ H ’. I a: u l..\l if ’I " A ll. .\.ll lll\ II \lhllln Il‘i -‘n .u n; ‘-l n;.n’nl.~ 1 lllzq :l .m l "‘,_. .‘ .:'\ 1“ <1:‘\. l\ H: .\ l.

l in” ltl \II 'h M will

Utter Nonsense \1; \n . ms. ”‘ ill vi \. nllle‘. \l l llu' l‘num l..i".l.l .'.ll.\‘ 3 Ill“ li'...7\ 'l' '.‘lli\l lt' in) (45" lll'n‘lllfi. 'l‘l il'i li'.lll':‘\ ‘.\!lll 'lmn lnnl \u ‘l‘.!ltl in- llnm lun‘. l'mn link-1 ml 1 -I ~ \I Dough lln- Ilium-row “ml llm llunllwun' Vlug 4114\an \ll‘u. \'- t.- Slum “uh lhcu uxnul uln.‘ 'nnr ll puplwl‘. .lllllllJllUll. mum llln nu

»'. ‘llli'llle

Stars beneath the Sea \‘ -d " .\:n H) \l.) “put lb ‘1‘ "f L‘ H ....\\..I “' ‘.ll\.-i'l |)1'1\t'.(lX-l* 13h \‘l'l


Doing it lA'I'lf"?%("‘ Drew 9w 00/. O”.

Melvin Burgess has had one big public telling off for this one Children‘s laureate Anne Fine published a lengthy condemnation of Doing It, out this May. for its content and the decision to print it as a children's novel. She was outraged: 'God help the publishers and their grubby little lives if they think this tosh is realistic.’

Strong stuff indeed. But in that car— crash kind of way, you know you've got to look. 80 The List asked one male and one female. not so far from their own teenage years. to slip between its filthy covers and see for themselves . . .

Ruth Hedges: Well, yes. it’s dirty. Erections. tits and minge throb their


Hm .. 1...; ul- I\ \ m ‘\ .n' .-‘n~ Ml. 51 Melanie 9 ~. w-

ll Ill a‘ n ..i‘~; \\ ‘l L'll.;.-. {1 v.‘ . mi. N .i “I! ‘I \i, ' v..l\ \

Darius”- n. .m- ~m

I l l \‘

* Ill Microcosmus ~. . n

Vi ‘lml- .t .. :;-\\ x-I; 'Ill‘ ..- *- .: \3 ~ l-l

Illlx '\k ll .. .E- .\ 'llll lli .lll- -\'-‘u ‘l'. ‘I -\ \kk' ‘lu |I'Il Human Body v’- Everest Dolphins m. into the Deep ' 'll'in . "\ 'h; lll " \' fHI h. um; I. V, w ‘\. \ -n.n.- nI.-.-.;'- \\ Q'. .i. \ll “unlit Ju... i HM"

l- Xl‘llfllh v

Pushkin: Puppets and Folktales. nH \l.) m-

l ‘~~;ik‘llHl |.IlI\ll l'\'.._*_ \llm‘n ‘5‘ (Vii \ um illl‘llv ~\iulmilw \t‘lchl‘dllll‘. Rnxxm k \l mwu Mum. lt‘.llll|l|l:_ ll.ll\‘ll.l k'lnllll‘. l Rmunn puppcl :ln.nn tlul mlhun numnh mum l\_‘ m. \ ‘LIJ: \ mun” puppi- nznuv «iii: lllnmlcll. “In \lll M mm: .1. .\-~lr\~nup« A \Inliilim‘.

|\ .\ .|\

.ltt \‘'~ 'lh


way in heady abundance from opening to closing sentences. Shagging is the thing on everyone's minds and, if they’re lucky. on their after-school agenda too. But the three main lads in the book are all very different. all have their own problems. Burgess threads these aspects around the unifying, ovemhelming, gagging urge for sex. And for that it reads to me. very realistically. The language will be familiar to most children today, but to replicate the chat of corridors and youth clubs around the country is not enough. Doing It works by showing the confusions of teenage emotion behind the bravado. giving you scenes such as when ‘Mr Knobby' suddenly loses his va-va-voom through fear at the final moment. It is honest. and although it will be read for the dirty bits. there will be a lot of readers who will secretly find reassurance within its


Leroy Harris: After the first chapter I had to put this book down, laughing to myself for a minute as I remembered the ‘either or' game - ‘would you shag [ugly girl at school] or [equivalently bad teacher or other] - which forms the opening of this interesting and realistic story about typical 17-year-old antics. True to life, the main thing on the agenda is sex, and the story follows three different versions of the first forays into sexual experience. Burgess takes an honest look at the way we chat and the things we do when we're that age. It's nothing to be embarrassed about ~ I found the whole thing quite nostalgic. Although you can see the reasons behind Anne Fine taking offence, it seems like it’s more the state of British youth that is scaring some prudish critics,

rather than poor Burgess.

3-1 A;;'- P, 3.4.1, .4/23 THE LIST 95