Edinburgh life


Rubbing, antique dolls and woodland walks

I Brass Rubbing Centre Sllrutl'dl .r' Ella: that: “)i (t (.i()ll‘.r(, <,.".ur-',h :ratrru rnrr k to tritr’u. the t,t:ltl't; flutrntm <1 ‘~t:'t:<,il<)ll t)? unnurr masses altrl tllltLEtfl‘i l’rtgtrsh replrms, as not: as dots of (,rayons so ,or. ear“ out ruuurrrgr l ree. hut there rs a charge for rrtakrng a ruhorrrrr. Puma; start at ‘r‘tQt; and do or) toé it; for the more £illll)ltIt/tl:, runners. (Jrrgr/rrrers (HUSH, flour! It’ll/r). r)f‘)()‘ 4364.

/'-,'."().'? fiat 70111:; -J.-'1:')r,rrr.

I Hopetoun House lhrs stater hurne. part of ‘.°.’trr(;h rs strir ll\‘(3(l in try the Mardurses ol l rnlrthgot‘.‘. vms our: ill the 125th century by architet/ts tier erlrarn l‘r'urx: and \I'v/Ilirar'r Adarrr. lt houses ltltrtrsl‘rrttttf) and artwork collected by the tarnrtv over the past 400 ,txt's Other attrar:trons lll(2lll(.l(3 the lieu Deer Park and generous gardens txrss erossed Wlllt \‘xoodlanu ‘=.r'.'alks. Shore fr’ogto'. South ()uee/rsfe/rv. (33] 245) I. [)trr/v Warn ora’Uwrr $33-$51?» (itftftfbf) to house and grounds: £353 for grounds only

I Museum of Childhood

l ounded :n regs. the museum has lrte l,)tll)ll(; galleries Wlllt all manner ol artetattts relating to (:hrldhood through the ages. from antrtrue dolls to a 80s BMX lrrcvrgle. there's plenty here to send you off on a trrp tlt)\'.‘l‘r :nerrxory lane Untrl June you pan \‘rsrt [th} (lo/den Age of lots lxtlrlhllt/l} :n Gallery 2? \‘JlliCll snoxaasts \/l_):)t,til(; lots front the ltmus limos, but: Art listings for 'rttirUI r. lily") Siltflfl.

Sat Ida/n spur

\)(l\\’ 'f' I‘trl I’M/r.


I Palace of Holyroodhouse Siartrng rrte as a 10th century abuev the innate has evolved rnto a sumptuous regal resrdenee erarnrrred rull of parrrtrngs and artetaets tldltttg oan prrrnarrtt to the t’r'th century. lhe tower apartrrrents housed a sad and lonely Mar t. Queer: ol Seots for a trrne. but mm a speutaeular vrew ot Arthur's Seat and rnagnrfreent gardens to look at. as hard to feel too serrv for her. Rota/ Mr/e. 556 1096. Daily 9.50am» (ion; Has? dd/nrssror; o. loom, 9.0.30 a;‘d.dU—L:)r: rarrrr/v ticket L‘ 76.30.

98 THE LIST ‘- .. .

City, Date, Event

Kin Presents Krush (amt-r \«rllatlt'. "\ liltzll \llt't‘l. 2:" hlql‘

()l‘rt' I'll

tolk lr word cxtraxagan/a It'aturrng \totlarrd \ lrtt‘rar} lt'gt'nd \l.r\d.:rr (ha) and our. \lal \llllt'l)l”l\'\.1ll.\lll‘llll‘lk'll tor tht' l hang; l’rr/t‘ 3”“; lot hrst howl. Italian-r. Ila plru harnrorrn \lll‘lllllt' hour the l’t‘gg} \t'\l.r\ /’..It’ 1" It‘l'.":/lll’\';l lx’ax/r

Thursday 15

lalks After Hours \altoltal l’otllatl (iallt'l). | (‘lllk't'll Strut-l. 63-163Hll 5 ill "pin l‘lL't' \t't' lllll \

Free Whatever Works ('almrt-r \ollarrt'. ;6 W lilarr Strct'l. 33H til-6 o lllpnr l'rcc \lt'drahaxc hmt tht'w rnnmatrxc short talks about thc \tork ol /.nrr \alnrr and \ rntt'nt lluntt'r l‘ulluulllg‘ tht'n .r\\.rtd \xrnrnng Inaugural \ltoll />'..-rrr'.rrru_ \alnn and lllllllt‘l “cut on to \ltoul thrt't' no hudgt't \hort tilrnx hark to hatk lll 3HH| .\ )car latcr tht'} product-d ( m'r/ l ruin or Hm. \xhrt'h l.llL'l went on to ho rrorrnnatt'd tor .r \c\\ 'lalcnt .-\\\.rld

H \l‘l.\ lht' l'rlrrr l-cstnal'x th‘hard liakt'r lt'.l\l\ thc rntcnrcu ’urr or lu’rIr/rruglr /\'rr\/I The European Dream: Is it Geographical or Political? lrtxtrtut |~r.rrrt_ar\ d‘lzt‘mw. l i Randolph (‘rt'xt'an 335 5 " \lpnr. l'rt-c \\ hat .rrt' lllL' k'.l\l\‘lll Irrrrrtx ol .r lauropt' \xrlh 25 \lalt‘x' l‘rnd out \xrth l'rcrrt‘h geopolrtrt’ran and .tlllltlrrpolnghl ,lcan ('hrrxtophc \rt‘tor.

\ «ll 1] Quit“, LJTLI.

Other events

Christian Aid Book Sale Sr

\ndrcu \ and St (icorgc'x (lunch. l.‘ (icorgc Strt't't. 335 ‘84". Want hpnr. l'rcc. St‘t' Sal Ill

Big Word Performance Poetry All Scotland Special lhc l'ron. ‘) lluntcr Squaw. High Street. 555 2“)". ‘) llprn. ti lt3l. 'l'hc l‘L'\l pcrlornrant'c poclx t'omt'rgt' on lxdrnhurgh tor a pcrlor‘rnant‘c pot-tr} xpt'cral l’t-rlorrncrx rnt‘ludc rnultrplc \lanr \\ rnnt'r 'l'rrn 'l'urnhull. ()tnc'x (ilh J\l‘l‘lll. plux \ornc uallh} “ordx lronr 'l‘rac} l).llll\l\ .rnd poclrt' hopxt‘ott'h tronr \lrchacl \lt‘( irll. .\rnta (iman and JL'lll Rollx t'ornpcrt' 11/1 or lztlrrr/rrrr'g/r KIM/r Edinburgh College of Art’s 2003 Fashion Show lzdrlrhurgh (‘ollcgt- ol ‘\rt. latlttxlon Plate. 221 (MM ,ipnr. "prrr & ‘lplll [.5 {25 SL'C\\5L'tl l-l

Ta ks

Buddhist Lectures: Inner Peace Leads to World Peace Rota! llorarnt' (iardcn. lrrwrlcrth Rim. 'prn. l-rcc hut donatrorh \tclt‘onru 'l'rhctarr liuddhrxl Icat'hrngx t'ourlcx} ol angu lulku anpot’hc

Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art ludrnhurgh /oo. ('orxlorphlnc Road. 334 ‘II ‘I Want hprnr l'rcc. .'\n mhrhrtron ol parntrngx and dt.r\\ rngx h} a group ol St’olland\ lllttxl crrnncnt \xrldlrlc .tl'lhlx. Christian Aid Book Sale Sr \ndrcu \ and St (icorgc'x (lunch. l3 (icorgc Strcct. 335 iN-V. lllarn 3.30pm l'lt‘t‘ St't' ~\ul lll.

Ceilidh with Robert Fish Band St lirrdc'x (‘crrtrtz Ill ( )rucll lcrracc. 3-16 I'lll5 " ill Ilillprrr. ‘2" H43 t-lr. (’ornc along and prt'parc tor a good old knccx-up t'ourto} ol thc Rohcrt l-rxh Band. rn \Uppoll ot the ladrnhurgh \t-cth Intorrrratron l’ornt and lzdrrrhurgh Srttcrs. Edinburgh College of Art’s 2003 Fashion Show lzdrnhrngh ('ollcgc ol .\rt. laurrxton l’lat‘c. 33| hllllll, 'prrr.

L5 {2.5. SCL‘ “Cd H.

Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art lzdrnhurgh /.oo. ('orxtorplnrrc Road. 334 ‘ll'l. ‘larn 6pm. l‘rcct Sec in lo.

rmwensmc THE W BOUNDARIES n the late 705 the Scottish theatre scene played I / host to Michael Wilcox’s controversial play. Rent. dramatising the harsh realities of the lives of rent boys in Edinburgh. The performance generated widespread socio- political debate. At this 40th anniversary reading, Wilcox talks about his own theatrical experiences as he reminisces about the impact of the piece. I y


CA.) l/ mu! 0.11... ..

Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show Ro}a| llrghland ('cntr'c. lnglrxton. 3‘5 o2lNl ‘titlanr. £5 1L3 r. (‘harrrpronxlnp \hrm lcaturrng thc counlr} '\ linul hrcd dogx PBFA Book Fair .~\\\cnrhl) Rtmllh. 54 (icorgc Sll'ct‘l. 22” -l ‘4‘). llltlltt 5pm U rlrccr lir‘ouxc and hu} tronr lhc rnan} \ccond-hand and antrquarran hooks on ollt‘t'.

Edinburgh Castle Extravaganza l2dtnhut‘gh (‘axtltn Ro}al Mlle. 225 9846 Noun Jaillplli {3.5” (232 {625). SCL‘ prcx rcu page ()7.

Silencio (‘aharct Voltatrc. 36 38 Blair Sll'ct‘l. 22H 6l-76 530 lllpltll [i l£3lt Surreal ol'lcringx ax alua_\\ Courtcx} ot thrx lnnoxatrw prccc. 'rrm month's l‘cr'torrnancc. cntitlcd 'l’crchancc to l)rcarnS' ix a candlclrt caharct ol' \krllx and pcarlx. xrnokc and nnrror‘x. champagne and ahxinthc. poctr) and rnuxrc. Irght and rh)thrn. lillll and rum cmcnt and main} and S drcanung. l’rrr! o] Iztlrnlrru'g/r RIM/l.

Sunday 18


Sunday Sessions at Protoacademy l’rotoacadcrn). Room 238. lidinhurgh (‘ollcgc ol Art. 7‘) the (iraxxrnarkct. 22] 62M. 2 ~lprn. l‘rco ('onturnporar} art haxcd rcxcarch unit Protmrcadcrn} prcxcntx a prcxcnlation ot nc“ “ork h) Scott Shcrr) lollotx cd h} an accorrrparning discussion group.

Other events

Beauty Show Ro}al Highland (‘cntrta lnglNon. 33.5 62W), Want. {the Slallx talks and thlllUlhll‘ullttlh dcugncd to haw )0“ looking )our best at this onc-da}

Diversity of Wildlife in Art lidinhurgh Zoo. ('orxtorplnrn- Road. 334 ‘)|7l. ()arn ()plll. l'rcc. Scc Hi It». Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show Royrl llrghland ('cntrc. lrtglixton. 335 (CW). ‘).3llant £51132), Sec Sat 17. Edinburgh Castle Extravaganza lidinhurgh (’astlc. Ro} a1 Milt. 225 9346. Noon 4.30pm. {3.501932 £6.25l SL‘C Sal l7.

Monday 19


Cult of Celebrity ll: Testino I)can (iallcr). 75 Bell-0rd Road. 62-1 620“. l2-l5pm. l‘rcc. (il}rr l)a\r\ t‘rorn lidinhurgh ('ollcgc of Art lookx at thc “ork ol nhcr t'axlnon-phottrgraphcr. Mario ‘l'LNlInU.

Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art lidinhurgh Zoo. ('orxtorplnnc Road. 33-1 ‘)lTl. 9am 6pm. l‘rcc. Sec Fri 16.

Tuesday 20

Book events Mia Dolan \Vatcrxtonc‘s. l2‘4 Princes Street. 226 2666. 6pm. Free. One of

Brrtarn's grt-atcxt p\_\\‘lll\'\ rt-adx tronr lrcr .urlohrograplt}. “It (irrr lirr .\r.:r\ nun: Uri/mun llonrrar'x I t.’r.rurt1'rrrrrr\ l’orur


40th Anniversary Reading: Rents lrawrw lht'atrt‘. (ernhrrdgt' Sun-1.33 I-tot toprn 25 rt t Roi St't' photo t‘aptron .rhow

Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art l'itlllll‘lllflll 71m, (-tll'\lt\l'lllllllt' Rrrml‘ {H ‘H‘l. ‘larn (rprn. l'rt't' five in lo

Wednesday 21

Book events

McFarlan \\;llt‘l\lt!llt‘-\. I25 l’r'rnccx Strcct. 336 2666. hprn l'lt'l' lllL' ‘I'V prcwntcr and hcad ot lirrtarrh lcadrng rrrcdra (Ulhlllltlllu) hr'oadtaxtrrrg hthlltt‘xx tl|\Cll\\t'\ 3/ .\I('/’\ [u ('urrrnrurrrt rrlrurr Ilurr ur


Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art lidrnhurgh /.oo. (‘orxtorphrnt‘ Road. iii ‘)l7|. 0am (rprrr l'rt't'. Soc in lo. Beating Retreat latlrnlmrgh (‘axrltx Rina! .\lilc. 325 ‘lH-lh h'prrr {N 4L3 UH. l’rprng. drurrnrrrng and llrghlarrd dancing pcr'lorrncd h) St‘otlrxh St‘llrmh' (‘onrhrncd (‘adct l'ort‘c.

Book events

Dorothy Rowe \Villt‘l'fltlllt'lN I25 l’rtnu-x Strt'ct. 226 3666, 6pm. l'rct' hour the hrant‘h. lhu author rcadx trorn ln-r ltcxt—xcllrng hook I’r'l’l'r’ulrrll.‘ llnr nm on! u] \orrr' I’r'rmrr.


AL Kennedy North ladrrrhurgh .v\rt\ ('cnlrc. l5a l’t'nn) \wll (‘our‘t. il5 2l5l 7.30pm. U50. l.r\tcd rn tht' lop 3t) ol lllL' hcxt )oung lil'lllxll nowlrxtx. .'\l. KL'llllL‘tl}. “lltht' l‘L'L'Clll llllt‘\ lllt‘llltlt' IIrr/r'lrlr/t’ .lt !\ and l;\¢'r‘\!/rrrru \rrll .Vr't't/ _lttlll\ lllL‘llllk‘l‘s ol North lzdrnlnrrgh'x ('rcalrw \Vrrtcrx (iroup lor' thrx \Kt)fl\\llllpt

Other events

Diversity of Wildlife in Art ladlnhurgh Zoo. (‘orxtorphrrn- Road. “4 ‘)l7l. ()arn (rprn‘ l-rt'c. Scc in In

Globalise Resistance Tour What does the antr-globalrsatron movement stand for? Is rt agarnst globalrsation rtself or is it for radrcally refOrming capitalrsm? Find out as Alex Callinicos seeks to answer these questions with hrs antr- capitalist manifesto.

I Sun 71 May. Borders Books, 283 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, 222 7700, 4pm; Word Power Bookshop. West Nico/son Street, Ed/nburgh, 662 97 72, 7.30pm.