The Matrix Reloaded

N1‘I \l,\ |\|' l ()\|)l-I)

Background: 7 rZorrtputet deck liecorrtes kick am; action he”) can: dirirtaé god

Powers: 10 ii, f'w- e'd at t' w ill“)! illll‘ Neo, the ()liff, tia', tier/live ai- tlrlsxet‘u' arid on‘r‘apoteht mthirt t'tv: Matux, and li‘) dreateat tt(;tY‘t;-5;Ir;.

Weaknesses: 9 But in Reloaded Neos great

power pron/(2'; diffia'iit to harness; plus he's; worried

about his lover. innit;

Cool factor: 7 l mu (reek to god. Neo's; cool

factor l‘3 or: the r at: l’lu‘x. recall the immortal litte:‘

krios. ktirirt ti."

Role in Reloaded: 8 lo aaxe the world. of course. ill Reloaded he and the gang have ;ii:;t hours; to do it.


Hugo weaving R l: I t t \ lit" 1)

Background: 8 The Matrix's main weapon, this virtual construct was head of the secret police.

Powers: 9 Almost invinc'hle in the first him, yet by the end Neo was kicking his butt. ln Reloaded. lt()‘r‘J(}‘./()l. he':; learned to c one himself.

Weaknesses: 1O Doesn't really have any. I mean. Morpheus was afraid of the guy.

Cool factor: 10 Apart from the CIA black suit get— up. that t'reird rind-Atlantic (trawl.

Role in Reloaded: 7 Essentially the same as the last film (to kick the asses of N90 and pals). This time around. however. he's operating independently of the Matrix mainframe.

Sci-fi sequel 23 May

N4 \'| \I\ Iil"l()1\lH‘ I)

:\.~'t.‘-2" (,‘LK;

Laurence Fishbume

N1 \ I -‘\l\ Kl-,l.()f\l)l’.l)

Background: 8 Neo's mentor and the leader of

finally salvation in the first film. powers: 8 5-, .2 ‘. _.-_ A ,: , x Powers:7l': ,".‘sl'ts;'ilt,,-. "Witt? {it""v‘. ' z "'l'J-X'Vti’l‘i‘h' t').'l‘{ :i'. Talluti tilt-u. " "J “‘37 l-~ "

""‘ (’ Weaknesses: 7 Paternal towards Neo and likely to martyr himself, the father figure leaves himself

Wide open to the Matrix}; emotionless constructs.

Weaknesses: 7 She ilf-ECOHKES the ‘.’.’r)flt(llt in peril in Reloaded (at least as far as; Neo's conrxernedi.

Cool factor: 8 '\.'."at a“ .z'”: airmen. tut“.

leather and that "it‘.‘.'\.fi’t n w-

Cool factor: 8 Hr r' u- .-."..i'.

Role in Reloaded: 7 learnt; up With hunt; to capture a p-votal figure. the Keymaker.

Role in Reloaded: 7 Joins Morpheus in search of the Keymaker. but must do battle Wlill twrn bodyguards who can dematerialrse at WI”.


2~ ’ge '1’ 1’ is. M“ I “X (-rlCL-c-IJILUL Rl'.l.().'\l)l"l)

KI' |.("\|H' ll

J C" 1-11 Jada Pinkett-Smith

Background: 7 One of a number of new characters. Niobe is a tough-as-nails pilot dedicated to saving Zion, the final outpost of

humankind under attack from the Matrix robots.

Background: 7 Second of a hurriher of new characters. l')r’;rs;r;titione IS a f;(1itt:lltlll(_] temptress who attempts to seduce Neo.

Powers: 6 Doesn't possess the ‘.’ilitl£li fighting skills; of. say. Morpheus f,.' Inuit, ho! ho, can Slit: flatllgéltf} a ship ilttritittlt a iltll'M'lll '.‘.iorl(l overrun by robots.

Powers: 6 Altt‘uuriii ‘ill‘:[1083033053iiiiifrllliitf: .‘xa, of .“it‘. ia; cl," tlat ‘ri‘lil‘; uhr; can’t ii): for exan‘rllr: Peruetit‘m'ie"; ’léitl" lliii,’ hr: the undoing “)i it‘d Cpl/illn'tib.

Weaknesses: 7 Her arrogance may be her

downhn Weaknesses: 7 I‘vtayhr: tier charm out; .vorks on

male. heterosexual foes. Cool factor: 7 UriJ‘f} a 53t;a(,es;'i;i;: what's rvi’. cool about that?

Cool factor: 8 Sta-2 .r/ik'. u,- t/t'niui Helium.

Role in Reloaded: 6 To stop Ne', dea’l llll lust) in

Role in Reloaded: 6 To get the real (not Virtual) W 1W,“

human heroes where they need to go.


What would 'Ilir' Li's/‘x \ummcr lllt)\‘lL‘ prctictt hc \t'ithout Scottish lilmx'.’ l‘it'c‘x U\\l1 cx-punk rockcr Richard lohxon tl'le hi\ hand at tilmmaking \tith ilix \cmi-autohiographicaI .S‘it'rr't'n l'mrx (ll/\lt‘flllfll. 'l‘hc mainland liuropcanx \\ ho brought us thc l)ogmc hack-to- llilltlltttklltg-htl\lc\ dramas ()[H‘II llr’rlI'M and Italian rm- llriur'nnvrs haVc hccn in (ilaxgou filming thc hlack comcd} lti'l/mr lliiim to Kill Ilrmxt'll'. And last but not Icaxt. llcu Scottixh laid on thc block. Din id .\l;ickcrt/ic. adaptx Scotx hcat \xritcr Alcxandcr TrocchiK cult no\ cl. lilting Adam. and sccurcx. tor onl} his \ccond lilm. thc acting talcnt oi iitx an .\lc(‘ircgor. Tilda Stt inton and Pctcr Mullah.

And \t'c haxcn‘t c\cn mcntioncd thc ncu ('ocn

hrothcrs lilm. or hott Stcxcn Sodcrhcrgh got hix ()r'r'rui'x Ii/r'i'r'ti \litl‘ Julia Rohcrts to go I'll/l l-mnlul. or \th} Jim ('arrc} ix plzning (iod. or him Arnold Schu'ar/cncggcr. Angclina .lolic and thc taxt) triumtiratc oi l)rc\t' Barrtmorc. ('amcron him and {tic} l.iti arc cashing in \\ ith \cuuclx. \cqucls. \cqucls.

So. anothcr \llllllllCl‘. anothcr \latc ol ll]()\'lL'\Z bigger but not ncccsxaril)‘ hcttcr; dil'l'crcnt. but in many ways thc \amc. And jtht \(i too don't takc an} of thix too scriotisly tattcr all. it'\ )our bucks _\ou'rc spurringy in cincmax). \tc'\c prcxcntcd thc \tholc \latc of" \that'\ to comc in thc format of _\c\. of cotil‘xc Top Trumps. Lct thc games commcncc. . . >

a“ ’.'r:. Q/C'fit THE LIST 19