Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803 and for Edinburgh to Henry Northmore at henry®|, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Henry Northmore and Fiona Shepherd.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from:

Tickets Scotland :N-jé: Amiga Street. (3|; tutor. ', '~1 ' 21,431“ Tickets Scotland 177 “one St'eef. 1.(1i'11)..i’;" 1'.“ {747-2

Ripping Record i' Suzfil‘. Bridge. 0131 2.76 '

Way Ahead C

V t‘,‘ “(3813

Thursday 8


I SOIid Silver 608 Ro}al ('onccl'l Hall. 2 Saucliicltall .Stl’ccl. 353 8000. 7.30pm. l)a\c l)CL'. HUI}. licttlx}. Mick and 'l‘ich. thc Scarchcrx. \\'a}iic 1-‘ontana and Barry 'liloixc‘ R)an.

I Turbonegro 'l‘hc (iaragc. 490 Satichichall Strcct. 332 l 120. 7.30pm. £3. l'ltra camp Scandina\ ian trad mclallcrx.

I Terra Diablo King ’l‘ul‘x Walt Walt llut. 272a St Vinccnt Strcct. 221 5279. 8pm. £5. l.ocal indic noixcnikx.

I Gold Chains and Dirty Hospital Barll}, 260 ('|)dc .Slrcct. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £7. 'l‘ophcr"ata aka (iold ('hains mixcs up clcctro. l‘unlx and dirt} hip hop. Support from 1i\-Bi\ incn Stcvcn and John. \\ ho hax'cn't hung around in gctting a ncu hand togcthcr.

I Rab Noakes Victorian Bar. 'l‘ron 'l'hcatrc. 'I'rongatc. 552 4267. 9pm. £3.50 (£6.50). \ctcran Scottixh rootxlhlum man. l’url (if/flu [fig ('uimlrr.

I Jan Akkerman 'l‘hc l-cri'}. 42 ('lydc l’lacc. 429 1010. Split. £10. (iuitarixt from 7()\ liuroproggcrs l5ocux. I Atomizer (ilaxgoxt School of Art. 168 cht'rcu Strcct. 35.3 4531. 1 1pm. £4 (£3 \llltlcltl\/£l (iSA/RSAMDL London S)‘lllll duo Johnn)‘ Slut and 1511 Joncx \\ ho run clcctro cluh Nag Nag Nag.

I The Silver Pill, My Legendary Girlfriend and The Autumn The [31h .\'otc ('atc. 50 60 King Strcct. 553 1638. 9pm. £3. 'l'hc 'l’ill arc \'ocitcrou\ indic guitarxlingcrx t'roin lidinhurgh “lillc‘ thc ‘l-‘ricnd arc tonguc-in-chcck clcctropopstcrx uhoxc album ix rcx icucd in Rccords this isxuc.

48 THE LIST 8—22 la, .33ch

I The Kytes, Nibushi Shanghong .mtl Mreil \lcc'n'Slca/y 421 Saticluchall Sliccl. 333 963" 9pin Sunxlunc pop and acccxxihlc liluc\

I Tribute to Nothing and Three Minute Poetry 1 lll\L'l\ll} ot l’alSlt'} Studcnlx' l'nion. Stoiic Sticcl. l’.tl\lL"\. S49 4169 10pm £3 Slttdctlh and gtlcxlx llardcorc punk

I Chain, Solus, Saving Jayne, Escobar 9 and Phantom Riffage 'l'hc (‘athouxcz l5 l‘nion Sticct. 245 6606, “.30pm. £4 ()xcr l4~ \ltim. Rock/pop lmc-up.

I Desecration, Evidence of Trauma, Pathogen .mtl Blob Strauhcrr} l'icldx. 56 ()mald Sticcl. 0345 053 9239 7.30pm. £4 ()xci 14‘ \lttm. 1)L'alll lllclal.

I The Pedestrians 'l‘lu- (‘cllai- liar. Ramada Jan I\ tlngrami llolcl. 100 .\1i|lcr Slrcct. 55.3 2515. .S'.3l)piii. l'rcc

I Foster Boys (it‘and ()lc ()pr). l’aixlc} Road loll. 429 5 396. 30pm. £4 (£3 incmhcrxi. ('ountr}.

I Roy Minhinnet Studio ()nc. (il'uxu‘llot‘ llttlt‘l. (it‘U\\L'llUt' il‘L'l'l'llk'L' lull B}rc\ Roadl. 341 6516. 9pm, 1‘rcc.

I Justin McNichoI and lsla Bcanxccnc. 5 ('rcxm c1| l.anc. 334 6""6. Spin. l‘rcc. .\1cllo\\ mundx.

I Open Mic 'lcli;ii ()\na. 42 ()tago |.anc. 357 4524. 8pm. 151cc. l‘ortnightl). I The Vagabonds ‘l‘hc Scotia.

112 114 Stockucll Strcct. 552 S681. 9pm. 1‘rcc. Popular cox crx.

I Jam Session Samucl l)tt\\ \_ 6’ Ti Nithxdalc Road. 423 0107. S30pm. two I Live Music .\lacSorIc}\. 42 Jamaica Strcct. 248 S581. Spin. l‘rcc. Edinburgh

I Mute Media and 0868 Studio 24. (‘alton Road. 553 3753. 7.30pm. £4 £5. .\1ctal|ic rock and othcr hcayx Stilllltlx.

I Open Mic Night 'l'hc ('anonx' (iait.

232 (‘anongatu 556 4431. 7.30pm. l‘rcc. dontlllonx \\ L'lL‘olttL‘. :\ll \1) JCS.

I Calvin, Clearfall, High Roller and The Rushes Bongo ('luh. 14 .\‘c\\ Strcct. 558 7604. S30pm. £3 £4. ()ualit} indic hill “11h1\\ti(ilil\\\c}lldll andtuo lidinhurgh hand\.

I Apache Human Bc-ln. 2 S \cht ('roxxcatixcua). 662 8860. 9pm. lircc. lnxtrumcntal acid iaH quartct.

I Stealer and Skin on Skin lit-rim- Watt l'nix‘crxit) l'nion. Riccarton. 451 5333. 9pm. l‘rcc. Funk rock l'roni Stcalcr and cmpaxxioncd indic trom SOS. Studcntx and thcir gllc‘Slx.

I Out of the Bedroom \Vmct'lc‘} Bar. 1 St .\lar}\ Strcct. 557 1050.

9pm midnight. 1-'rcc. ()pcn mic \cxxion. I Ugly Duckling and DJ Format ('aharct Voltairc. 36 33 Blair Strcct. 220 6176. 10.30pm. £10 (£9). (‘Iuh night [)1‘ll‘inition rclatlnchcx \tith an alinight} hip hop \ct l'rom l‘gl) Duckling. plth l)J \upport.

Ayr I Eddi Reader (‘rixtal l’alacc. \Vcllington Squarc, 01292 678100. .S’pm.


solo in concert


(off Byres Road, behind Hillhead Underground) tickets £8 from brel or tickets scotland 239 argyle st

credit cards 0870 220 1116 (plus bf)

£1250 lotinci xincci \Kllll 1 .iiigiountl

\llldclli‘ll t‘t'lli‘lllh tlic Mlll‘.‘\ ot l\)«‘l\'ll lininx \klllllllc'l\’~‘}.:l\c\‘111\ll\ttll~‘ll,tl (liclicma .zial \pcclal gucxh including

liddlci John \1c('ii\1\ci. c\'lll\l (‘luixtinc llanmn and guitaiixt (‘olin lx’cld Scc

l‘ttjik' 125 I’m: u' Harm .M: a

Friday 9

Glasgow I The Raveonettes, Stellastarr' and Ursula Minor King lut'x \\ah \\ah llut. 252a St \ inccnt Sticcl. 221 52“) Spm £5 l)ani\li gaiagc tlllt‘ mth a l1‘\L'\‘llilk'l\‘\'l\illiltlll\\‘Ull\l\\‘l \lllcltlt'. tl‘c (lamp and \Ull guitaix Support trotn \cu \'oil\\ rixing Stcllaxlarr'

I Kathleen Edwards lion lltcatlc lo}ci liar. 'lrongatc. 552 426" 9pm £8.50 i£6.50i. lzniotionall) l.t\\ \ongurtlmg lroin t1u\('an.ulian pcrtormcr tippcd toi gicat llllllg‘S h} Rollin: Slum. ’u/I u! lit: “11' (i'llll!!\ 7) Katastrophy Wife, the Kitchen, Kirby and The Cheetaras Barth. 3m (‘lxtlt- Sltccl. nx‘o on" own spin tut st-L- pic-\ic“ [or .-\manda ‘liix' \chtnnonK nc\\ outlit thc Kilchcn. l.;itl}lt-\t \xclcoincx hack thc c\ccllcnt Kataxtroph} \\'ilc. \xho rcturn \xith morc accrluc gtutar action. tronlcd h} lormcr lialicx in 'l’o.\land chicl Kat liiclland, 'l‘hc c\cr trixk} Kll'l‘} cclcluatc a ncu \Ulltllllctl linc up.

I French Kicks and The Caesars 'l'hc (‘athouxca l5 l'nion Strcct. 24S 6606. 7.30pm. ()\cr- l-1\ \hou. Sharp garagc}. poxt-punk \oundx lroiu .\'c\\ York'x l’rcnch Kickx “how alhuni ()m- 'Imu' [fr/Ix IS out unnuncntl) on (‘ooking \'in_\ |. 'l‘hcn' gucxtx arc kc}lumrd~drncn 60x-int'lucnccd popxtcrx trom Sucdcn. I L’Altra, Berg Sans Nipple and Sons and Daughters Sit-mo. I: 14 Kchinhaugh Strcct. 5"6 5018. Split. £6. :\llll(t\pllCl'lC lolk) poxt-rock trom (‘lucago \xitli local \upport.

I Bob Cuba and Geoff Martyn Nicc'n'Slca/_\. 421 Saucluchall Strccl. 333 9637. 9pm. lndic rock lrom Bob ('uha and iinpaxxioncd. acccxxihlc troulmdouric rock \\ ith a hint o1 (‘oxtcllo lthat'x lil\i\. not [our lrom .\1art_\n.

I Feral, the Hucksters and Salt Ashes lltL‘ 1.3111 Nttlc (ittlc‘. .51) (ill King Strcct. 553 16.3S.9pin. £3. Rock. I Lassie Casserole, the Strand and My Electric Love Affair 1'ur) .\lurr_\\, 96 .\1a\\\c|l Strcct. 221 651 1. 9pm. £4. including cntr) to pint-gig cluh. l‘pcoming local indic hand»

I The Underclass, Love Machine and Inner Circle Slrauhcrr} l5icldx. 56 ()\\\;lltl Sti‘ccl. 0845 053 9239. 7.30pm. £4. Rock lull. I Texas Express (irantl ()Ic- ()pt‘). l’ulxlC} Rtitltl lull. 42‘) .5390 "5111101. £4 l£3 nicinhcrxi. ('ountr).

I Halycon Days .\1acSot'lc"\\. 42 Jamaica Strcct. 243 S531. 9. 30pm. l-rcc.


I Gold Chains 'l’lic \cnuc. I" 21 ('alton Road. 557 30"3, "pm. £9.25, Scc Thu 8.

I The Damned 'l‘hc l.ltlllltl Room. 9c Victoria Strcct. 225 2564. 7pm. £10. l.cgcndar} punkx cclclu‘alc thc rL'lL‘axL‘ ol' thcir tirxt \tudio album in 14 )cah \xith ('aptain Scnxihlc and HM c Vanian. I John Hunt 'l‘hc ('anonx‘ (iait. 2 32 ('anongatc. 556 4481. Split. l‘rcc. l’op. I Solid Silver 603 Show 2003 l'xhcr llall. l.othlatl Road. 223 1155. Split. £14 £18. Scc 'I‘hu S.

I Projekt A-ko, Major Major and Goldblum 'liltcc l'ntlct'uoi'ltl. Banncrman'x. .\'iddr_\ Strcct. 556 3254. S45pm. £4. Skcucd and imcntix c pop- rock l'rom l’rojckt .-\-l\o l'caturing thrcc quartch ot' indic t_\ pcx l‘ruxci Yatxura. I The Jackals, the Mile, Frantic Chant and Mojo Filter (‘onunplm lt‘ormcrl} ('luh J;t\;tl. 40 ('omnicrcial Strcct. |.cith. 555 5622. 7.30pm. £5. Storm on thc Shorc night \xith 1)J Sllttllll‘lCS pla_\ing \oull'ul tracks.

Ladyfest lmt‘aiafn‘n'w \.'. lvlfl. mil °."t’l\'.t"li"‘. tl't‘.11"t"‘ll

17‘!" tttitEtf"‘1\".‘.1 11’. f". :1 tl'l'llilli

5 ,,. ,‘ c‘ , _.. [‘,o (1113\4t...’

TBrea N;l"‘z-' Us. ()1‘;.l()lfll.".lilt‘t¥11 mltv" ‘."-~\ 'mi'“ ()1'ltifi'. "lLlf‘iltigl?itlitr'lf’1.>"‘.l‘| m" Scotland ‘.'.:T'T the

.2.“ ititiigttwfhe l l3lt'.l"fi‘§1iillt‘ it‘

in {'10 Park in \Jlll', ix ’Fg} «’.i.":;. 7.71)" Kit“; Wu,

75> fir. .' l :1 R l'

//" 16‘ 3.7m? 797.7;1.

The Cooper Temple Clause Big; hair (it; puiltiaxll statement? lt (:gin l)(3(1l)ll(’£l.".:l these (lzir‘linrii; of Ting-15.017! are bound to 'nake '.'./;t\.'<:§; over the top plot} pop punk potiting. ()l'w'U. (Waggon; lilt.’ 7.5 ill/(1}:

Dirty Three Warren 1 llli; If; much more than Just Nick (Law's \.’l()lllllfil in the Bad S(:(3l1f; ; 11(1 proves this by lJl'lYlglllt hié, inesinerle pent/er trio from Australia for a ‘.’lf$ll. See i)t(,“.’l(,".‘.’. King lute; (i/(’1f;(}()‘.‘.’. In 76‘ l.‘/7t'l‘,'.

The Dandy Warhols Portland. Oregon's; f;‘.'.’£ittt}erlilg sons; land (laughter. plop their skinn,’ asses (10:70 I". \‘Jeegie to Sll()‘.‘.’ off their new trash, put classy long; player. ‘./"*/e/<,‘ome to the filo/me}; / louse. See feature. Carling} /'l(;(1(}'e/ni: ( i/{if;_(}or/. l"/l(lj.’.

Radiohead Virtual", :1 e101, (late for then. Yorke ‘11'(§111t(:(ll and his; (rev: of belligerertt beauties as the; prei'llere tracks; from ll‘(;ll' .‘nlrll‘,’ antmpaterl return to form, Had to the Thief, Corn I /(,zh:mrje. Edinburgh. "-.'/(2(;’ 2 7 l'/7(ij,<

(zigzagosh \(ii/r"


.lllll thei'

\)(1‘.. /,'


I Patti Smith, Eddi Reader, Phil Cunningham and RSNO ('ul/can (ittxllc. 1112‘): 078 1111). (iatcx 6pm; pcrl'ormancc 8pm. £15. l’unk poct godhcad Patti Smith hcadlincx thc Burns an'a' 'l’liat gala.


I Royal Bank Gala Concert (‘ul/can ('astlc and ('ountr} Park. 01292 678100. 8pm. £15. To cclchralc thc Burnx an' a' That l-cxtixal in \t}lc

join thc RS.\'() with \pccial gucxtx

liddi Rcadcr. Phil ('unningham and Al} Bain and thc Sculllxl] l’ou cr 1’ipc Band.