“ml. 3.11] I mu \l}lc \ll Inclcd up I‘} lhc l)_l \I.lll\1'l |),I \llolllul. (J Ilcrl .md \lnumxlcx \lll.c, plu\ llkdl I.:lcuI m Ihc lonu ol I :.lcj.. (imo .md I on .uld

I” R cd(\

I Weird Attractors (ul‘dlL‘l \oll.ulc, ‘0 W lIlJlI Sum. 33H “17‘ llpm L5 H51» l.1‘.c pctcuwou .nud clccuoulcn. \chlln: .lll luloucdlm; I‘lcnd ol rI1)lqu\ lIoIn “Id/ll. lndm. \Incd .xud l»c}«md

Friday 1 6


I Don McLean l’.o lllHll IllCdllC. l3l Rt'llllk'lll \llu'l. H3 lNlh Lil- glI

£ ll» 5“ \lclcau \Hllllk'h on H] lhc ldcc ol lhc public nmulmg \xluch lux hmulllul l.l\HlllllL' '\ luccnl' l\ ;_'clung_' .u lhc lmndx ol lllk'llll‘k‘h ol lhc lunu .l« m/HIH cxcu. 0 Dirty Three, Canyon and Animation Kin): 'lul’x “uh \\.nh Ilul. 3-3;: SI \ulccul Slrccl. 33l 535‘)

h. illpm £5 5!) Scc plcxlcu loI l)u'I_\ llu'cc Suppoll IlHlll lhc cplc (lunon.

I Therapy? .md Million Dead 'l'hc (hu'ugc. ~1‘)llS;ulcl1Icll;tll Slrccl. “3 ID“. " illpm. £lll, ()xcr- I-lx \lum, ll‘l\ll poucr lllk'ldl um \xuh \uppol'l lrom quulll} cmo \llUlllL‘l\ lorm Izngldnd.

I Breakestra 'l'hc I'unk Room. (hc .'\l'\'llL'\. .\l'f.j_\ lt' Sll'L‘L'l. (Will “.33 (NIH. llplu. Scc lhu I5.

I Cindy Kalmenson 'l'ron 'l'hcull‘c l'o}cr Hm. 'lrong.’|lc. 553 -l3(\". 8pm. {"50 I£5.5lll. \;|\ll\ lllc—lmwd \Ingcr/xongu l'llL'l' on Ihc I‘lxc. l’url or [£12 [flu (flu/III \.

I Beachbuggy, Mangara and The Haze 'l‘l1c(';uhou\c. l5 l'nion Slrcct. 313 (ihllh, “.5”an U), ()\L‘l'- l»l\ \hou. Slaw} indlc rock'n'roll lrom Ilcuchhugg) \\ ho llkc Io colnlunc numc mlh lhcu‘ loxc ol drag; racing.

I Ricky, Hide and Chase Hun-ll). :(lil (lnlc Slrccl, ()hqll ()ll.‘ (NU‘), 3pm. £1. Rick} hmc luxl hccn \upporung lhc Illucloncx on llk‘ll' muxxnc l'K [our hut \HlllL'llu“ \ull lluxc lllc cncl’g} lo plu} lhcu' o\\ n \llou.

I Mostly Autumn ‘l'hc I’crr). 42 (‘l_\dc l’lucc. 43‘) lllll). 9pm. £lll. lioll‘ rock I‘crr) linourllcx.

I Dead Fly Buchowski Nicc‘n'SIcu/y ~l3| Suucluchull Slrccl. ‘55 UM". ‘lpm. Iilucx} rock.

I Own Worst Enemy Uculhlchcm. lhc lilh \olc(';1lc. 5H ()0 King Slrccl. 553 1638. 0pm, £3. l'xuul mclul nunhcm lrom lhc l>cnll1lchcm cl'cu.

I Three Days Born, the Pulsars and The Lucky N0 98 l'ur} Murry. Uh .\lu\\\c|l Slrccl. 33] (\51 l. 9pm. £4. Including cum} to lel-glg club. Rock. I Mendeed, Broken Oath and Minion Slruuhcrr} I‘lcldx. 5(\()\\\;1ld Surcl. 0845 U53 03%"). “..‘~(lpln. £4. Mulul. I Texas Gun (il'flllkl ()lc ()pl‘), I’uixlc} Road loll. 43‘) 53W». ".Mlpm. £41£3 mcmhcrxl. ('ounu'}.

I Thunder Road .\lc(‘hunllx. Ju Illgll Sll'L‘Cl. 553 3l55. lllplll, i'IL‘C. Rockulull}.

I Big Licks .\l;1cSol‘lc_\\. ~13 lulu;ch Sll‘L‘L‘l. 34H 35Nl. 9.30pm. i'IL'C.

I Rush Hour Sumucl I)o\\\. o" "l NIllhddlL‘ Road. 43.5 (Ill)? 350an i'ICL'. I Daniel B Shenkin (‘ul'c Ilulu. 321 Ilopc Sll'ccl. 553 lhhll. 3pm. I5I'cc. .-\cou\uc rock rcxldcnc}.


I T-Break lhc liqund Room. 0c Victoria Slrccl. 335 350-1. 0.30an £4 £5. Scc Sun II.

I Anti-Product Ihc \cnuc. l“ 2 ('ullon Road. 55" 30",“. "pm. £7. Slmnlmlic punk \\ uh cru/cd Inc \hou lo uccompun} Ihc cacophony

I Sourvein, Pale Horse and In Decades Decline Studio 24. (‘ulton Road. 553 3‘58. "..‘~llpm. £0 £8. Soulhcrn ullcrnum c doqu mclul from Soun cm \\ 11h u I“ m In“ uxxuull lrom lhc lurrou cd bro“ \ ol' I’dlc Ilorw.

I Erasure I’l;|_\hou\c. l.\' 33 (irccnxidc l’lucc. us‘u 6003-13-1. '..‘~l)pm. £30. 'l‘hc camp \lur\ urc buck \\ uh cmcrx l'rom mun- honcxll} ullcd ()Ihcr Prop/c K

\urmx ,xll‘lllll \ol dullc lhc Iolcc illc} oucc \‘.c1c but ml] .153ch [H c mom I FOCUS ()uccuk “All. (‘lcrk \Hccl. NA 3lll‘! \pm £l~1 \cc Hill I5

I 2 Canoes lllcc l nchuoxld, Hdnnctmdn'x \uldz} \uccl. 55" :3 \ -15pm £1 locdl lluc up [cumuluc lllc' \cuu llt‘lHllHll\ \llx .ul 3 (duos


I Blazin’ Squad (‘l_\dc \uduoluuu.

SI ('( '. I uuucxlou ()ud}. HVHH-ill Woo "pm £l\ 5" lcn lk'k'll.l:._'k'l\ IIom Ihc \oxlll lthlHll 'llood \‘.l1II\C f_'dl.:f_'\' Il‘t‘h lld‘w’ Iwcn \oulculml dllulcd Ii} dilulcd. \w Inmn \ulu.d1_\ \‘I.l\ll\.llk'kl 1n Loom ol “'l‘l‘.‘ 2'11} l“'l‘

0 The Dandy Warhols (dilly: \cddcnn. l3l I.~_'luuou \uccl. ‘NH5 “3" UNUHCH “I 31H m "pm Ll-i I udcr 1le lo lw .icconlpdlucd In .111 ,hlllll \cc lc.:l1uc

I Belle and Sebastian, The Delgados .md Mull Historical SOCiety RU}.1I (Allll\\'li Il.lll.3 Saucluclmll Sllccl. ‘5‘ Mlllll £35 LI\ 5” l'lucc ol (ilmgou '\ lop lllllL'\llllll1\ comclgc Ill ;ud ol (‘onccm lol \lncd l)on‘l )ou um Imc u ullcu .1 good cduxc .uld glcdl muuc collldc'

I Hot Water Music mud The Do Nots King; 'l'ul‘x \\.|h\\.1l1llul. 3"3.: SI \lnccnl Sllccl. 33l 533‘) .\ me LN (irull hul mclodlc poxl l1.udco|c \ouudx lrolu llu~ Yank quulcl \\ uh l‘llLNl .1ll‘lllll (lmI/un m uunun; ;l:..';llll\l lhc udc ol corpomlc lllL‘ldI \ludgc around 'I hc |)o \olx Ir) lo uuccl humoul Into lhc uu\ hul l;ul llll\L'l;ll‘l}.

I 2 Many DJS l)L‘.llll l)l\cU. lllL‘ Archcx. 355s\1'g.'.\lcSlrccldl‘ml 033 ll illll. llpm. £l3. Aka llclgmn Indlc lmnd Soulum \puuung lhcu cclccuc Iccol‘d collccuoux on top ol cuch olhclp lllcn .lx Hum/on lx’m/to.\o14/\u11. I’ur! 3 complluuon l\ u hcxl \cllcl' u! I'opp. .l\ lllc} arc lll‘.l\lL'l'\ ol lhc unmhllclml-cclccuc lwoollcg: lhcu' pairing: ol Sull n l’can ‘l’u\l1ll'mlhlthloogcx‘ ‘.\'o l-un' l\ nothing: \horl ol gcmuxScc cluhx.

I Michael Chapman llon I'm-.m- I5o}cr Bur. 'l'rongulc. 553 436'. 8pm. £5.51) t£(».5lll. Yorlwhu'c leucx and loll \clclun ol 3| album» I’m! or [flu Ill: (‘omzm

I Martin Stephenson ’l’hc Hmqu Inn. .\l;un Su‘cct. lloxuxood, HISHS “Ill ll‘). Hfillpm, (icordlc \lngcrwouguIllcl. oncc lmckcd h} lux hand lhc I);unlcc\.

I One Night of Queen I’;l\lllnll 'l'hculrc. l3l Rk‘IlI-lt'ltl Sll‘L‘L‘l. 553 ISM). 8pm, £13. I‘culunng (il;1\go\\\.\mr'\ m I/u'u' liuw \lclor (Eur) \lullcn.

I The Edgar Winter Band 'I In- I-cn'}.43(‘l.\dcPlant-13‘) Illlll. 9pm. U”.

I Antiproduct and David R Black 'l‘hc ('ulhouw. 15 [Mon Slrccl. 345' (\hllh. “..‘\llplu. £5. No ugc I‘cxlncuon on llu\ \hou. l);n_\g_'|o uuxh mclul combo uho hm c \uppoI'ch .loc_\ ‘Sllpknol‘ Jordhon'x \Illl'dL‘l'dollx.

I Tuuli, Gash, the Alpacinos and Vader Ilurll). 3(1ll(’l)dc‘ Sll'ccl. ox‘u 0o ll‘l‘N. Rpm. £3. ()xcr- l4x \hou. (unmle .ill-gu'l quurlcl “ho Inukc u lo} lul mclodlc punk) lthL‘.

I The Squander Pilots |)cp.u'Ilu'c Loungc. lhc l5lll \olc (km. 5“ (ill King; Sirccl. 553 INK. 0pm. £5, \Iolllhl} clul‘. Iomghl \th an unprm mp compculmn. I Sourvein, Pale Horse, Marshan and El Chupacabras Slmulwcrr} I'ilcldx. .56 ()\\\;1l\l Sll'L‘L‘l. UNI; “.55 935‘) "..‘~llpm. £5. Scc In lo.

I Midnight Rebel (imnd ()lc ()pr). l’dhlL‘} Road In“. 43‘) 55‘)“. "Hillpm. £4 «£3 mcmhcrw. ('ounu'}.

I Jamie Barnes and Cochise .\lucSorlc'\\. 43 Jummcu Slrccl. 345 \5.\l (upm. I’rcc. chldcnc) lor Ihc Rckli

I Furz \lucSorIL‘} \. J3 Jam;ch Slrccl. 3-18 8581.9.3llpm. i'hl'L'L‘. RCd Ilol (illlll I’cppcrx mhutc hand.

I Open Stage 'l‘hc Ildll liar. Iho \Voodlundx Rodd. 5h-1 I53“. 4 3pm. I'rcc. \Vcckl) \cmon l'or local muucmnx.

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u *1 missing monorail-gun P IAC'OBI

z. THE LIST 51