Music Jan listings

Jazz listings continued

Friday 1 6


I The Fusion Experience lht- liqnnl l.ollllf.'c. \\c~t Rcccnl Sttccl.

5 Spin l'rcc Scc In”


I Tony King Collective llt-m} \ .la/l (that. S \loniwn Slit-ct. -i(\- 53”“ \Inlniphl L5 Scc I ll ‘l


I Stuart Brown Quartet Int-I. M ii \xhlon lanc. H: I‘loh i opin l'lcc llllell} pionnxrng _\onnj; tlnarlcl. lcaltninf: 'Ioni \Ithcn. \Iailrn Kt'l\ll.t\\ and \hkc l)lllllllllj._'

I Lorna McLeod lilacklrlalx. Vi ltt-ll Sliccl. 55: 503-1 ‘) illpni l'rcc Ja/l \l.llltl.lltl\ lt'tl ll} \.I\U[‘llnlll\l li‘llld \lt'l.t'lltl


I Green Juice Ilcnr) \ .lal/ (‘cIIaL S \lHll'lxllll Sticcl. In" 53”“ \Inlnighl L5 St't‘ Sal III

I Toto’s Jazz Quartet llarl) \ It”. Randolph l’lacc. ill opni l'rcc Scc Sal III

I Bill Kyle’s Backbeat Band ('aharcl \ollall'c. in ‘5 Blair Slrccl. 33H nl‘h ill Ill ‘Ilpni I'Icc Scc Sal Ill.

0 Frederik Nordstrom Trio “mink .la/I (it'llill. .\ \Iol‘lhon Sllccl. lb" 53””

3 .illpnl Ur \al \ortlxlroin‘x pic\ roux \ I\ll\ lo Scolantl haw tlcmonxlralcd lhal lhc Snctllxh lcnor \;l\tl]llltllll\l l\ a tunic“ nnpro\ Ixcl. Inlcrplclcr .nnl colnpoxcr. llnx \l\ll \\lll \cc llllll \xork \\llll lllc c\ \Y.I()S lll_\llllll lcani ol .\Itlan ()'l)onncll thaxxi and John Iilcaxc ltll’llllhl. holh ol “horn arc ctnrcnll} \\Hl'l\lllj_‘ \\llll ‘I'onnn_\ Snnlh on a rcgulai haxrx ('hcck it out,

Sunday 18


I Graeme Scott Trio BIat-Mnarx. 3r»

Bcll Sllccl. 552 5024. ‘) .illpnr. l'rcc. Young :Jllll;ll’l\l Scott I\ loinctl on ha“ and tlruinx Ior a mu \clcclion,


I Mike Rogers Trio with David Patrick ()loltml. i3 ('axllc Sll'ct'l. ll" 5‘33. | ~lpni. I-rcc. Scc Snn II,

I Toto’s Jazz Trio ‘l‘ht- (ioll 'l‘axt-rn. l)lll.t‘ Sllccl. ltt'llll. Jill -l.5ll|\lll. I'rcc. SCC Sun I I

I Jatala 'I'hc (‘anonx‘ (iail. 3‘3 (‘anonggaltn 55o .i-ISI. 8pm. I'rcc Iztlinhnrgh hame |a//. lnnk and Latin \cucl p|a_\ in; a hot nn\ ol originalx and \lantlat‘tlx

O Frederik Nordstrom Trio llcnn‘x .laI/ (’cllar. .\' .\l0l'l'l\Ull Slrcct. 4o" 53llll. 3.30pm L5 Scc Sal I".

I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet lltnnan Ilc In. I S \chl

(‘iowtatixc‘way Ni: “NI "pin innInicht l lk'k' \t't' l ll "

Monday 19


I 4 Jazz (ia\tll\ \Iill. 1(iaxin'x \IiIi Roatl. \lilnf:a\1c."5h:355 \pm I lcc \c; \lnll I:

Tuesday 20


I Fionna Duncan Jazz Workshop Gala Benefit lhc \lantl. I‘1\\ootllantlx RUM]. ll\-ll (\l I“ (\l I55 UPI“ Lllli1\. \n cxcninc ol nnlxrt pio\ nIctI h} lhc attlannctl lal/ \ingcr


I Live Vocals Iltnnan lic In. I \ \\c~l (iiovcatixcxka). no: NW” ‘lpni l-rcc Shoncaxc ol I;tlinl\tng_'h\ top |.t// \ocalhh .llltl lllll\lcl.lll\

I Chaos Theory Sonlhcrn ('nm ('alc. 03.: (‘ocl‘htnn Sliccl. (C: INC:

‘)pni ninlnighl I'icc Scc lhn .\

Wednesday 21


I Open Mic llcnr} '\ .|a// (‘cIIaL -\ \lr‘l'l'lvtll Sllt't'l. ~10“ 52”“ -\ input :5 .\ clltlllt'c lUl ;l\|\lllllj._' Illtl\lcl.lll\ .llltl \lllgt'h lu pcrlorln \xnh a prolcmonal lll)llllll \cclion I Chaos Theory Sotnhcin (‘rtm (Inc. (\ia (‘wl‘htn’n Sliccl. (C: Noll.

‘Ipin nntlnighl I'rcc Scc \\C\l H

I Fleamarket Funk ('aharcl \ollallc. is Iilan Slrccl. 32” M7». I Ipni .‘xnn l‘lt‘t‘ SCL‘ \Vctl l4


I Clare Teal llcnr) \ Ja// ('cllar, .\ \Iorrixon Sliccl. lb" 531)“. K illpln. L'.\ L"), Jan \ingcr “ho hax hccn canxing: a hit ol .1 \ln' on lhc l.llll\lllll \ccnc niakcx an call} rclnrn lo Ilcnr} "x

I Apache lltnnan Iic In. I .\ \chl (.l‘t\\\c‘;|ll\c\\.l'\. (m3 .\.\(ill, ‘lpln l'l'L'c, Scc lhn .\.

I Out of the Bedroom \Vawrlc) liar. I St .\Iar"\\ Slrccl. 55" lll5ll.

‘Ipin innlinghl. l-rcc, Scc Thu 5.


I Clyde Rhythm Jazz Quartet \cu I)oug_'|a\ l’ark. (‘atI/o“ .'\\Cllllt‘. lll(\l).\' 230ml. 8 I Ipin. I'ircc. Scc 'I'hn .\'.


:3 The Mancini Project 'l'olhooih. lull \\‘_\ntI. “I‘M TJINNI ‘lpin. I)a_\ lickcl {I3 rim; luo tla) pa“ [:2 till); lt‘xtnal pa“ UH itlln. I‘otn' ol Iinropc'x lllU\l lll\L‘|lll\C c\pcrllllcnlal mnxicianx ll’al ‘I‘hoinax. Snnon II It”. lIan Ilcnnink antI Slcxc \ohlcl lakc lhc "‘llh annncrxar} ol Ilcnr) \Iancnn‘x Inrth ax lhc mock \larnng-point Ior lln~ innxical c\cnr\ion. I’art ol l.c “cckcntl. Stirling’x mpcrnncnlal ninxic lt'\ll\.ll,

PERTH FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS 22nd Nlay lst June 2003

Stcvc Ilarlcy and (jockncy Rchcl

Mull Historical Socicty Martin ’l‘aylor. Juan Martin‘

Martin (jarthy & Martin Simpson Scottish National Jazz ()rchcstra & Tommy Smith

Tam \\'hitc & lohn Rac‘s Ian. & Blucs Iixpcricncc

Grim Northcrn Social ° Brcschncr ' 'I‘ippi

’l‘hc l’oo/ics ' Country Road Barry Norman ° lalcoFIamcnco and much morc

- chuck out thc websitc and book on linc wwwpcrthI‘ - hook tickcts & ordcr hrochurc BOX OFFICE l’crth ’l‘hcntrc

56 THE LIST r .. ‘.'.:.

01738 472 7'06

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 8


I Taraf de Haidouks lht- \I\'llk'\. \ig}lc \lrccl. ll‘llll HI: Hill” \I‘lll LI: IL Illi liantl oi Brigantlx. lhc tIo/t-n \lion; Romanian 9px} outlil. \l.ll\ ol Bl“. Radio ik \\orltl \llhlc .manlx and .Iohnn) I)cpp\ law hand rclnin unh inoic licr} litltlhng. hannncrctl tlnlcnnci and accordion .l\\.lllll

I Rab Noakes Iron lhcalic. 'lrongalc. 553~13o~ ‘lpni {5 5” I to 5“! \clcran \lllfJL'l \ongurnci. onc ol Scotlanle Iinc\l. hcrc \olo I’m! or HI: Ills ('ormlrr

I Emily Smith Band lvnt- .11 int- Star. (Krlc Sonrcc. St \iitlrcux lll lhc Sqnalc. St .‘\Iltll\‘\\\ Sqnaic. oll Saliinarkt-t. its (lojo. Spin Ln lLll Young: \ingcr accoi'tlionixl, [H.lllhl. III”: \xinncl ol BBC Radio ScolIantI\ Young: ll'iltlllltllltll \Inxician ol thc \t'dl.

I Electroacoustic Concert RS.I\.\II). chlrcu Strccl. “3 5H5“. ".Nlpm. £51Ul. Inlcicxling progrmnnic ol lhilixh clcclniacothuc lllll\l( mplorrng lllllllL'l'\l\C \ountlxcapcx \urrcal. nnaginctl or ahxlract,


I Martin Simpson l<o_\al (‘onct-n Hall. 3 Sauclllchall Sll'ccl. 3.53 Slllll). Spin. (5, 'I'rathllonal niuxrc Irorn llll\ popular lingcrpitlrng gtnlarixl.

I Kathleen Edwards Iron 'l'hcalrc. 'Irongalc. 552 436". ‘)pm. £8.50 l£(i.5lli. Still in hcr call} lex. and \\ nh onl} onc alhtnn rclcaxctl. thix _\oung_' (’anathan \ongnrilcr l\ hcathng Ior hi1: tnncx. I’url o/ Iii: HI‘J ('oun/n.

I Ceilidh Dance Rnclxnlc (‘Inlx I-'o\ Slrcct. 243 .iI-l-l. H I 1.45pm, to .\lll\lL‘ lrom lhc Iantcx ('onttx Band.


I The Robert Fish Ceilidh Band Iionninglon chonrcc (‘cnlrtz Bonnington Road. |.cnh. MN 30%, Spm [Ill it‘5l. I'nntlraixing cciInIh unh tlnx popular local hand Ill anl ol \Vickcd \Vorltl 'I'ourx campaigning: tor ll'a\ cl prlll'llllllllt‘\ Ior all Ic\c|\ oI pInxlcal ahihl}.

Saturday 1 0


I Ceilidh Dance Rncrxnlc ('lnh. l-'o\ Strcct. 248 3144. S I I445pin. U». l,i\c St'llllhll tlancc hand. Scc l'l'l (I,


I Ceilidhs at the Caley (‘alctlonian Brcucr}. Slalclord Road. 328 5633. "pm Ianr i£5r Inc Scollixh dancc hands,

I Fundraising Ceilidh St Brnlc'x (‘cnlrc. ll) ()mcll 'I‘crracc. Ho I405 ".Rllpni midnight. 9;" it: £5r \Vnh thc Bcllc Star (‘cilitlh Band.


I Suzie Ungerleider 'l‘hc Hui-ll). (lch Slrccl. 'l-lk'hL'l\ (iR(.ll llll\ ()llicc. 353 Sllllll Spin. {5.5” l U\.5lll, Ballatlx ol Imt \onlx Ironi thc (‘anatlran gollnc lolk rockcr. ’m’! of [£12 [£12 ('ounnw.

I Tango and Waltz (ch (‘oxxachok Rll\\l;lll (‘nIlnraI ('cntrc. Klll}! Slrcct. 55“ “-33, 330px]! L5, .’\k\‘l)l‘tlltlll lllglL‘\ll'U (icorglc (ialnc,


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I Dan Bern and the lBJC and Michael Carpenter Sulma). ('ougalc. 335 (Woo 5'. illprn, LN (‘ounli_\ hlncggraxx \l'llllll\

I Tom Fairney “ct- l‘olL (‘lulx Rinal ()ak. Inlirinar} Slit-cl. 55? SUV» Hfillpni. L" Illncx and lolk \lIljJt'l


I Eliza Gilkyson .llltl (alol l..1ula 'l'ron 'I'hcalrc. 'l'rongalc. 55: 42o" Spin. {SSH lLinlll. Sonllnl iicwcotirrli} liorn lhc I..\ \xoinan \kllo appcarcd on thy lioh l)) Ian lrihntc alhtnn Noll Io [fob Support lronr thc purc \Hc‘;ll\ ol (ilaxggou '\ (‘aroI l.aula 11/] or [£12 lira (him/rt


I Andi Neate and 1am la). lHl (’ahaict \‘ollairc. Blair Slrccl. 330 M "o. .‘x'pni LC. .r\cou\llc lelllill'l\I/\lll“.'t'l \ongurncr \calc pIa_\\ lolk rock Iikc a (‘alctlonlan Kll'\l} .\lc(‘oll or Sti/annc \‘cga. 'I’onighl \hc \III:._'\ mlh \IlljJL‘I" \ongu ritcr Janc la} Ior ’urr u! I'J/lII/NII'L'II RIM/I.

Tuesday 13


I Mary Gauthier Iron lllcalrc. 'I'rongalc. .552 4267 3pm. U) it"i. ('onntr} non‘ lrom a \ucccxx \tor} \x ho hax \pcnl tnnc rnxnlc both In inncr ohxcrxauon and ax a gucxl ol lllc IS pnwn \cn icc. Sharp i)l\\L'l'\;lllHll and ur} Innnonr. Part or [flu Iii: ('ounrrx