()iiiglm [k'llHlllh an ilHlll lung concur! nl iiiihn h} Hu-lhmcn and l,l\/l

Thursday 15


I Competition R\-\.\Il). qu chlrcu Sin-cl. 333 305". l0ani. l‘i'cc. ll llr' (itl\k'lll‘l\. Rccilal l’ll/k' ('ninpcliliun lHl plan“.

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Royal (‘nincrl Hall. 3 Salklilr'liall SllL'k'l. 353 Xlllll), _ 3UP”), \Villi lln'ir liighl} acclaiiiiul (’liicl (‘nmliiclnr llan \irlkm. lllL' lilt(‘ SSH [\L’llHllll a \liinning prograiiiiiic ml Slimiakmn'h'x lllllllL'th'l) pmwrlul It’ll/ll Slurp/mm. llic .llmu u/um Hum/mm Surly l3} ltarlnk and Rawl'x ia/I inlliicncul l’iunu ("um r'I'Iu [I] (i. \\ ilh .lcan Pliillipc ('ullarrl.

I Scottish Flute Trio Si Mar} \ (Killicdial. 300 (iri'al \Vuwlcrn Road. 337 3303. 3pm. £3 IUH. SL'C \Vr‘il l-i.


I Masterclass RSAMI). Inn chlrcxx Slrccl. 333 5057. l lain. l'rcc. (iiil‘ilnll \lt'i’lk'l\llll. llcad Ul ('ninpmiiinn at llic RS.«\.\ll). «lircclx lill\ lll;l\lk‘l\‘l;l\\ in “high incinhcrx nl Scullanil'x Hlll\l;lll(llll:_! conlcniporar} ninxn' group. llchrnlcx lanwnihlc. rclicarxc a \llHl'l piccc l3) \llltlcnl cunipuwi ('Iairc (irillin.

I Midday Concert RSAMI). Inn chlrcu Slrccl. 333 5057. 1pm. £5 (£3). 'l'lk' ilk'ltl’ltltN lillxclllhlc. outstanding in lL‘L’lllllqllL'. inlcrprclalimi and iniixicalil}. pcrl'ui'in Qumi I/Hr/Iu'lln It) au‘lainicd coiilciiiimrar} Rll\\lilll cumpnwr Snlia (iubaiilulina. Slim lll\l\_\ '\ Srplr'r. and llic nc“ \xnrk h} RSAMI) cninpmcr (‘lairc (il‘llllll uliicli lhc} rclicarxc in llic inaxlcrclaxx lwlnrclianil.

I Scottish Opera - The Magic Flute llicalic l<u_\al. 383 Hope Sli'ccl. 333 0000. 7.15pm. £3.50 £53.50. Sunlixli ()pcra'x nu“ prmlucliun (it Thu .i/(lL‘It I‘llllr'. .\lu/arl'\ npcralic lin'a) llllH llic undcrunrld ()l niawnn~ \}iiil\u|i\iii. ('nnrluclcrl h} Vinccni dc Kort and rlircclcil h} .lunalhan Mimic. I Scottish Flute Trio Si .\lar_\ ‘\ (‘uilk-rlml. t00 ( ircal \chlcrn Road. 33” 3303. 3pm. £8 (£0). Sec \Vcd 14.


I Edinburgh University Music Society Symphony Orchestra (icnrgc Squarc 'l‘hcalrc. liniwrxil) ol' lidinhurgli. (icnrgc Squarc. 050 9195. 7.30pm. £0 (£4 i. \Villiain Minna} (Ulltlllclx an ainhiliuux pl'ngl'ulllllk‘. \lrclching lll\ lalcnlul \lmlcnl— lll\ll'lllllt‘lll;lli\l\ in .lanim .\lac.\lillan\ 'I‘n \I. l\c\' \ill'lrlllulh un .'\I)I(’I'l(‘(l. .X'c'n'm/m' fur Ii’nm; llurn um/ Sir/rim h) Brillcn and (icrxlm in\ An .rlmr'rir‘un Ill I’urn,


I Mo’s Company (iallcr) ur Modcrn .'\l‘l. QllL‘cn Sll'L‘L‘l. 33‘) I‘Nh.

.3 ~lpm. lircc. Violinist llcclnr Sam and clarincliixl Shinnhu .\liki mnlinuc lhcir \L‘l'iL‘\ Ul inlurnial illlL‘l‘llUUll L‘UIICL‘I‘h. lilling llic gallcr} mlli lhc \Ulllkl\ of mnicnipurar} Scottish mmpuwrx.

I Junior Academy Choral Concert RSAMI). 100 chl'rcu Slrccl. 333 .3057. 4pm. l‘rcc but lickclcd. (icorgina Maria \Vilxun L'Ulklllk'l\ lhc .-\cadcrn_\ '\ junior L‘llnih in a \aricd prugrammc that includm a Pcrl'ormancc of Malihcu Brmxn'x (i/nriu.

I Glasgow Youth Choir Spring Concert RSAMI). I00 chl'rcw Slrccl. 333 505". 7.30pm. £0. .-\gnc\ lluc} conducts (ilaxgim '\ lalcnlcd wrung \ingcrs ranging from ang (I -l-l in a concert of ll]ll\iL‘. \aricd in wow from classical In l‘ulk in inmlcrn.


I Edinburgh Academy Summer Concert ()iiccn'x Hall. (‘lcrlx Slrccl. 00% 30l‘). “pin. £5 “£3 .310. \allul pi'ugrainiiic ul llllhk lur \ClllUl and llllllUl oiclicxlrax. conga-rt bands. xiiing urchL-xlrax. dancc hand and \ haiiibcr choir \\ llll cunccrlu pcrlniinanu'x llHlll llll;li-}L'.ll pupils.


I An Evening with Julian Lloyd Webber ('arncgic Hall. [taxi Purl. 01383 .3l4000 " 30pm. £l3i£l0 £l3n ()nc oi lhc lllH\l crcaliu' inuxicianx nl lll\ gcncralinn norm-“liar mcrxliarlmwd l3} lll\ inurc lalllnlh hrulhci. le inun- inuxical h} a lllliL‘l. (Ciihl Julian l.ln_\«l \Vchbcr [k'lltll‘llh \wrkx h) Bach. Hrnlgc. Brillcn and l'aurc.

Sunday 18


I City of Glasgow Chorus Rnin ('unccrl Hall. 3 Sauchichall Slrccl. 353 3000. 7.30pm. £0.50 H.350. lhc (‘il_\ nl (ilaxgim (‘lmrux join loin-x “llil llk' (ilaxgmi (‘hainhcr ()l‘L‘llC\ll'.’l and tour \ulnixlx tor a \pccial [k‘l'lUl‘lllallL‘L‘ nl licclhm cn'x ('hural S} inphon}.

I Glasgow Youth Choir Spring Concert RSAMI). I00 chiu-u Sim-i. 333 5057. 7.30pm. £0. Scc Sal l7.


I Meadows Chamber Orchestra ()uccn'x llall. ('lcrk 380111.003 30l‘). 7.45pm. £8 i£l £0.50). Scullhh (Ulilpnscl' l’L'lL'r Nelson dircclx lhc \lt'élti(\\\\ (’liamhcr ()rclicxlra in a pcrlurniancc ul ill\ on n I’ulm Him; a no“ l} »rc\ l\L‘(i (Ullllllhwnll lur lhc Mcarlim \ haqu on ;\lrican Ptii}l'll_\l|illl\, ’l’lic )uiing \ irlumn [k’l'L‘thUllhl Juli} Itiii‘gcxx. incriihcr nl lhc acclaiincd linxcmhlc Baxh and unc ol' Brilain niml diwrxc pla} cr\. is llic \uluixl in JaiiiCx .\lac.\lillan'\ L‘L‘lL‘hl‘alL‘il conccrlu l'm' pcrcuxxiun and iii'clicxlra \i'm. ‘i'lll. limmuniwl. Prugrammc concludes \\ illl Schuhcrl'x Sump/mm nu .3 In I).

Monday 19


I Glagow Sintonia Slicrhrmikc Si (iilhcrl'x ('hurch. Nilhxdalc Road. leI]. £0 (£3 £4). (icrard Dulwrl) cnnduclx a pmgrammc lhal includes \Vchcr'x ()IH'I'HII ()l‘r’l'llll‘('. ML‘llklclxxnhn'x ()n'rlurr' In Rm [flux and .UIr/mmmwr Night '\ I)I'(‘(IIII.

Tuesday 20


I The Magic Flute 'l‘hcalrc Royil. 383 llupc Slrccl. 333 9000. 7. ISpm. £3.50 £53.50. Soc l-‘ri lo.

Wednesday 21


I The Paragon Ensemble Ruin ('UllL‘L‘l’l Hall. 3 Sauchichall Sll‘L'L‘l. .353 8000. 8pm. £10 (£m. ('uinplcincnling lhc Rmal ('nnccrl llall‘x lnlcrnatimral \caxun llic Paraan linxcinhlc iakc on lllL‘lllL‘\ cxplurcd in lhc \\ cck‘x pm lUlh lnlcrnaliurml mnccrt: in this caxc. lllL' nmxic ol‘ Jamm (ialua). I)a\c llcalh.

\ irluuw llautixl and compmcr of (ial\\a_\ \ I‘llllr' (‘umrrm prm ltiL'\ an insight into his uniquc iwrccpliun. 'l'un alnimphcric \mrkx l‘ruin lhc alinml oppmilc “wilds of Scandingn ia lSigurhjurnxxun’x Snlxlir‘vi and Japan tNakamuri'x Mir/i load a {cast of 010le pcrl'urmcd h} llcalh and lhc Paragon linwmhlc. «mo of Scotland'\ lurcmoxl nc“ lllll\lL‘ groups.


I The Magic Flute Thcuirc R0)a|. 383 Hopc Slrccl. 333 9000. 7.l5pin. £3.50 £53.50. Scc l5ri lh.

(“a 6;“) if? (“r ([3


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