Cocteau Lounge, Ego, Edinburgh. Sun 11 May


Meet at end of London Road, around the corner from Planet Out, Edinburgh, 7pm, Sat 17 May

It‘s been a year since club Lush decided to take a break, leaving a gaping hole in the clubbing weekend. Thankfully. DJs Dale Wilkinson and Craig have decided to return with a funkier version called Bootylushous (said in your best Beyoncé accent, of course).

Sunday night is set to provide your weekly dose of R&B, soul and funk, which according to Wilkinson has been lacking on the gay scene. They are aiming for an intimate, party vibe where your mates come with you, then their mates arrive along with a few more mates and you all have a funky old time. The classic oldies such as Aretha Franklin and Jocelyn Brown will be blasting out as will modern Bootylushous babes in the shapely forms of

Destiny’s Child and J‘Lo.

Meanwhile, the clubbing institution that is Mingin’ is bringing back the annual Mingin’ Ahoy sailing extravaganza. On board the Maid of the Forth, setting sail from South Queensferry at 8pm, there will be the usual Mingin’ suspects, a thumping sound system, a bar and plenty of space to dance or just enjoy the views. Last year there were a few seals spotted out to sea and this year there will be a relationship blessing on board. All this and a bus that takes you back into Edinburgh and drops you at the door of Studio 24 ready for a full on night of Mingin’ clubbing. (Jane Hamilton)

Events are listed by city, date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to glasgow©, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Glasgow Thursdays


DogGod ()hur. ihc (‘orinthtuir I‘ll lngrum Sirct't. 552 Hill. |0.30pni 3uni. £2. \Vcckl}, Nun gin/miwd night proiiiixing muryhing lrom K} llL' to houw und t'lt't'lro‘rot'lt.


Giggles Mcrcur} l.oungt'. I42 Built lunc. 2-18 I777. 9pm 3um iShoxx sturtx ui 0.30pmi, £-l i£2i. “rt-Ll}. Somc ol tht‘ ht-xt \tund-up on the circuit.


Queer as 18th Century Folk ('hunnt'l -1. 'l'hu S .\lu). 0pm. 'l‘hc



Candle Bar 20 (’utidlcriggx. 5(1-1 I285. 0pm. l‘rcc. Lin-l) hur.

Court Bar (1‘) lltilchcxon Sim-i. 352 2403. (1.30 l0piii. l‘i‘t‘t‘. l’optilut' tiudiiionul hui‘.

Delmonica’s its Virgtniu Slt'ct‘l. 5. 4803. 0pm. l‘rcc. |).l\, qtti/ und kut'uokc.

LGBT Centre ll l)i\on Strcci. 22l 7203. l lutii tnidnighi. l‘rcc. (‘ulC/hur. Mercury Lounge H2 Built l.unt'. 2-18 I777. Bur UPC” l'rom 5pm. l‘rcc. Polo Lounge 34 \\‘il\nn Stt‘ccl. 533 I221. 10pm lum. lircc. lintcriuinmcnt lrotn Mon to 'l‘hu und u liwl} hur ui

\\ L‘Ckk‘lltl\.

Revolver (xi John Sin-ct. 553 245i». 8.30pm. lircc. \Vcckl). l’opulur hur. Sadie Frost: 3 ll) \th (it‘ttt'gt‘ Sircct. 332 S005. Noon midnight. lit-c. l)J\. kuruokc und gut/Aw.

Waterloo \Vuicrloo Sircct. 22‘) 58‘”. Noon midnight. Well l\llU\\ll gu} hur.

Clubs Bennets ‘lll (iluxsl'ord Sti‘ct‘l. 5.52 576]. llpm 3.30uin. £3 £6 i£2 £5i.

(ii'urgiim I Iii/i'riin/lil \t'uxitti t'ottt‘lttdcx \\ iih llll\ look .it London'x goldcn crotit~


Glasgow Fridays Clubs Lick It \lt't't‘ur) loungc. I12 Buth l.unt'. 2-l.\’ l"? l0pm 3um. l'lCL' ht'lorc ll..ill|)llll [-1 illlL'l'. \Vcckl}. \ltxt‘litt'niux luugh\ uiid crotit~ mult‘ pt‘t'loi‘tnt'rx.

Glasgow Saturdays


Lifeboy \lt'i't‘ut') l,(lllll:_'L‘. H2 Buih l.unc. 248 I77". I0.30pm 3um. l-rct' hcl'orc I l.30pm; £5 ul'tcr. \Vcckl). Night ol cutting cdgc dunt‘c mum:

Burly Light-Brief Encounter .\lcrcur} Loungc. H2 Built lunc. 2-15 1777. I‘m l'.‘ .\lu}. |0pm 3uiti. £3 lll‘CL' mcmht‘i‘xhipi. Moiithl}. The light \crxion ol tht' Cl'lll\_\ iiiglii gotw llllllllllitlhl “llll ti \li'lt‘ll} L‘tllttl't‘ctl 'liimh'li‘tltitlt‘t‘u viii" tlt't‘\\t‘itilt‘ til-«lilt'lx ()K i.

l'.\L'L‘llL'lll ilunt‘c ilL‘llUll \Vcd to Sun und u \tudcni night on 'l'hu,

Cube .i-i ()tit‘cn Sum-i. 22h won.

I 1.30pm 3um. £3 i£2 \\llll ll_\L‘l l. (illk'LN) Clittl‘l gu} lilglilx Ull .\l0li ll);I\\ltilllllll) l und 'l‘ttc il-fll l. Mercury Lounge H2 Built l.uttt'. 2-18 I777. Bur opcn irom 5pm; ('luh lilpm 3um. l‘rcc. ()pcn luic 'l'uc Sun

\\ ith l)J\. drug ut‘h. ot‘t‘uuonul iht'inc nightx und u “Ct-kl} t'omcd} cluh i'l‘hu l. Polo Lounge SJ \Vllxittl Sum. 35.3 l22l. lllpm 3uni, £5. l‘lL'Sll. l.u\h .iiid ('urr) on l’olo. l‘ri to Sun.


Clone Zone 45 \irginiu Strct't. 553 2000. Mon Sui llum ()pm; Sun

Noon ‘lpm. (‘loihing. \ ltlL‘t\\. iiiugx. lo_\\. Joys-4-Us |.(il$'|~ ('t-nirc l| l)i\oti Strcct. 22l "203, Noon Spin Nut It‘xhiun run \liop.


LGBT Centre ll l)i\on Sircct. 22l “203. .\luin gu) ccntrc hoxting lic_\ond Burrici'x ichullcnging homophohiut. Stow Rctxon gu} mcn'x wwul ltt'ullli uducc i'l'htt 5.30 S30pnit. llolixtic llculiiig (iroup i.\lon "'30 l0pmi.

Glasgow Sundays

CitibS Audioporn \lt'itui} loungt'. l~12 liuth lunc. 245 l'" l0 30pm ‘Nllll £tht‘

“ct-kl} lhit} tt-t'hno .ind ltiiik) clt't‘iio

Glasgow Tuesdays


Pink Pound \lt'it‘ui} lounth l-12 Huth l .inc. 2~1.\ 1"" 10pm 3.iin lit-c l‘L'lt‘lC ll 30pm. £1 .iltt't \\t't'kl} |)_l \llullt‘llt' t‘ll lllt' llk'kl\\

Glasgow Wednesdays


Allure 'l llL' 'lunnt'l. N1 \litt'hcll Slit-cl. 20.1 [000 ll 30pm. £ 3, “ally .Nt'u g.i_\ cluh piomixing li.ipp_\. t‘ht'cx) pop Fourplay l'.ll\_\. 2h (lunhiidgc Strcci. 332 31 3". llptn 3.iin £-1 i£2 “llll il}t'i I. \\ccl\l_\. chx gu} t‘luh


OOT 'l'lit' Slulitl. iii \Viiittllittith Ritutl. 0S"0(illil(1055, \\'t-tl l.l .\l.l_\. llpm, {h i£5i .\lonthl_\. (‘i'uig llill intodut‘m .lo l'.lll'lglll .uid llll\ llurkcr \thilt‘ .llll l’t'ut'ot‘lx o\ t'i'xt't‘x llit‘ (inn/nu link \‘itliipt‘llllitll.


Write ‘l-llt‘ .-\l't‘llt‘\. 253 .'\l‘g} lt‘ Sli‘t't‘l. Will H22 0300. \Vt-tl t4 Mu}. 7pm. l‘rcc. Moiiilil). .\lonthl§ \kl'llt‘l'S \xorkxhopx lL'tl h} .lohn llinnit'. l’iiri oi (i/ihflih .200}.

Edinburgh Saturdays


Eye Candy .\lu\\u. in W Murkci Strut-t. 22(1-122-1. llpm 3uin. £l0 i£Si. \Vcckl}. (iluin hoth purl}.

Men Only (‘lurcmonL I33 I35 liuxi (‘lurcmont Strcct. 55h 5(i(i2. Sui I7 .\l;i_\. Spin. l‘rcc. l-ortnighil). Wild drum L'tltlL‘. Mingin’ Studio 24 itlp\lttlt'\l. ('ultoii Roud. 553 3253. Sui l7 .\lu_\.

10.30pm 3um. £5 hclort‘ midnight: U) ultci'. l~'ortmghtl_\. (iu) -lriciidl} cluhhing. Joy lago. l’icui'd) Pluto-173 7—131 Sui l0 Mu}. llpm 3um. £|0i£Si Monthl). \luggic uitd .'\lun. 'l'rcnd} \Vcnd} und Still} l'.

Mingin’ Ahoy \lcct ut cnd ol London Roud incur l’lunct (hit 1. lidinhurgh. 46" 255l. Sui I" Mu}. £l5. Scc punt-l.

Edinburgh Sundays


Taste lht‘ Liquid Room. ‘lt‘ Victortu Slit‘ci. 225 250-1. llpm 3uin. £5 hcloi't‘ l 1,30pm; £3 i£h mcmht-rxi ulit'r; £10

l’ci'lorniunt't- (iroup i.\lon 7.30pm 1. ()l.( i.'\ \ot‘tul group loi' oldct‘ lt‘xhtutix iinonthl} i. lcchrcukcrx lor thosc ncu to thc \L'L'llL' iiuonthl}. ulxo ui Sudit' l'i'oxi‘xi. ll: (ilthgim imonthl) l. ('riml}n\ (iroup imonthl) l. Out on Sundu} inlormul group l'or ull l.(il1'l'\ imonthl} l. l.l(‘ lt'\l‘l;tll \(lL'lill group imonthl} l und Spcukmx} poct und

\\ l'llL‘l'\ group ltiiittillil} l.



Blue Moon Cafe l Huron} Sin-ct. 557' (NI l. .\lon l‘Tl llum ll.30pm; Sui Sun ()pm l2,30utn. l‘rcc.(iu} cult". CC Blooms 23 24 (il'L‘CllSltlL‘ l’lucc. 55(1933l. 10.30pm 3um ihur from (’l‘tiil. l'il'L'L'. SL‘C (.ltilk tititl ttlxii ll()\l\ lcchrcukcrx imonthl) l for llioxt‘ ncu. io lllL' \L'L‘IIL‘,

Habana (it'L‘L’thlth l’lut‘c. 555 l2?” Noon lum. l‘rcc. |)J\ nor} l‘ri und Sut uiid qui/olu' on Thu.

Flashback t) llopc Slt‘ccl. 22h 0‘)0|. 4pm lum (‘hcco dixco und pop Mon to Sttii.

Frenchies RUSL‘ Sircci. 225 761. lpm lum. l-rcc. l’opulur.

Death Disco 6 ms:

K< ,' \ ,.. ML)“ \ Q‘ 1(‘ ,9, \o.,\ "x t \ltt \‘9'3 \ ‘41 5. \l.‘.

:tqigo .. One Night of Queen lvixiio

'iitit‘i to the

Zine teti‘ t‘tll‘il"‘.t?fltl limit .'.<if\ l min: Mm. Soo

‘./.I.\v\ In. I .4\\_ i ‘h’! -a(‘,

Horse in.» drum; «nipsz Widths. Sou 1' My 5:;ri".<,l:;. two .16 Erasure ()iii‘ip :‘liuosx pop.

Soo fusii‘ listings. {iiigif- «‘6

Death in Venice Dirk languido stats (18 {ill agent.) (iilllilh’him who Succumbs i0 obsessinfl 8w / 1/17) listings. page 1%".

Pot Luck l lat-sharing comedy set in l-Kurtleonu. 800 / i/m listings. page I) f.

Ludwig Feature ()Xl)l()l'lllg lllt: trOubled life of King ludwig ll of Bavaria. 800 Mm listings. page 2/.

llUll-lllt‘llll‘t‘l'N on gut-xi l).l night» \Vcckl), lltllINt' .ind gurugt‘ \\ itli gut'xt l).| .\lurk Moore on Stiii IS Mu). Bootylushous ('nt-it-uu loungt'. Iago. l’tt‘ut‘d} Pluto-173 713-1. llpm 3uiii £2 \Vcckl}. 'l'hix llt‘\\ night lrom tht- ho.“ hchind l.u\h lilllllk'llt‘\ on Sun I | \lu} \Hlll ('i'uig und l)ulc \pinning .i lll.‘l\lt'lllll hlcnd oi Rik”. \otil unil iunk

Edinburgh Tuesdays


Vibe lago. l’tt'urd} Plant: 173 7-131 llpm 3utii. £2 \Vt‘t'kl) .lumt-x l.oiig\\orih prm ltlL'\ lllL' purl} \oundx


001' on Tuesday 'l'ht- Siunil. i) York l’lttL‘t‘. SSH 7272. lttt' l‘Nlti}, 7. 30pm. £6 i£5i, Monthly Scc (iluxgim “ml.

The Laughing Duck 24 llimt- Slrt‘t'l. 220 237(1 Mon 'l‘hu llum llpm. l‘ri & Sui lluin lum. Sun ll 30um llpm St)li\h. mini} hur

New Town Bar Dublin Slt't't'l. Six 7""5 Mon ’l‘hu Noon lum. l‘ri Sut Noon 2utti; Sun l2.30pm lum. (iu) t'ruiw hur und undcrground cluh.

Planet Out (it‘t‘t‘thltlt‘ l’ltit't'. 52-1 llllhl .\lon l‘ri ~1pm Ium; Sui Stiii 2pm lum. l‘rcc. chulur lun cwntx. prc-cluh. l)J\ including 'l‘rcnd} \Vcnd) i.\loni. t]lll//L‘\ und hingo.

Sala n0 Broughion Strcci. 478 mm. 'l‘uc Sun I luin l lpm. live. The l.(il1 ('cnlrc'x cult‘.


AD (‘ontugt 5564019. For lCShlitllx mcr 40. Nlccix monthl} to plun \ouul cxcntx. (‘ull lot‘ more tlL'lilIlS.

[.63 Centre ()0 Broughion Strcci. 45W 706‘). Important gu} ccntrc hinting thc \Vonicn'x (iroup l)rop-ln i'lhu i. (in) l)ud\ Scotlund illittllllll} 1 2l\ \icll it\ lli-lidinhurgh thc \tK‘Iitl/Nllppiin group lor htxcxtiulx und llittxt’ qucmoning their \cxuulit} Imonlhl} I. Scottish TV/TS Group 'l‘hc Phoenix ('cllur Bur. 4h Broughton Sircct. 557 023-1. Monthly

$154? ’.‘«:. ./ THE LIST 71