homomgh Fridays continued

I 54h“! . . . Salsita! .il l'.l Hat't'iii. l'l'wil 5am l'lk'k' \Vcckl}. Hill and

lit . \ salsa actinn Iinm thc Ipl liarrin 1)]

I Salsa Friday at thc Mci'hn.

vp... (a... £1 In Ma} Mniithl}. l).ls .i.....c st mahc .md Kcith l)mmc lH'IItj.‘ wt. In... hntns nI qualit} stumping

~_- ~(I salsa.

I Soma and Camel Beats Reunited at l~._«_'n. ltlpm 3am. £8 (£(i III .idxancci. In Ma}. 'l'hc (ilasgms and l-.diiihuig_'h institutinns arc hack ltthL'lllL'l again In makc licautiIul music nI tlic linusc and tcchnn \arict}. Rnli l)}l.iii. (iai) Human. \cil Numh. Ma\\ and Stcscii Binxsn (Incl prm idc tlic hcats \u [’Il'tlt'll.

I Suburbia at Studin 24.

ll) {(Ipm iam. £5 (£i stndcnts and Iain) dicssi. 0 Ma). :\ night nI Inn and ltI\Hl(itt\ Slls llll\ and Iunk} discn mnnlicis.

I Switch-Up! at tlic llniic_\cnmh. llpm iam. £11 (£0 Manga incinlicrsi. (I \la) Mnntlil}. 'l hc lii'cak-stcp night Iinm thc \l.tllthl Iainil} i'cturns \uth spccial gucst |)J [inc (‘lruc l’l;I)tI/l ininmj: /,cd Bias and Jnc Ransnm.

I The Time Tunnel at Massa (Inimcil) (‘luh Mci‘cadni. Itlpm 3am. £5 (£4 \\tlll ll}t‘l‘l. \Vcckl}. 'l'i'cnd} \\cnd}. Slims lii/ law and Bclt} l‘ni‘d disrupt thc spacc tinic cnntinuum \silh tuncs Iinm lhc (ills. 70s and 30s. ()i' III.i_\lk' Il.\ ‘|ll\l lllC :IlcUlIiil.

I Tokyoblu at lagn. llpm 3am. £3. 0 Ma}. Mnnthl}. l'p aiid-cnming dnuhlc act pl} mg: thcii' ti'adcmark lilcnd nI Iunk} linusc and classic grnnxcs.

0 UTI presents: Melter at Studin 3-1 III .illpin 3am. £0 (£6 mcmhcrsi. ‘) Ma) .\lHl|llll_\. l'ndcrgrnund lcchnn night Icatui‘ing i'csidcnt l)Js Scmaj. .lnllltll} (Hi? and 'l'nrmnd Mnr. With \ci_\ spccial gucst \css ank‘s l)ainnn \\ ild picsidciit nI' tcchnn lahcl nI' chnicc S} nc\sa\ c and thc man hchind tlic classic "Hang: thc Acid and 'l’ul/ai”. nn thrcc dccks. l’lus Mcltcr

\ l\Il.tl\ Irnm thc l'll light slinxs.

I Velvet at lign. .\'c\t datc 37 Jun.

I The Weekend Starts Here at l'cxini Rn“ l'ninn. 0pm 3am. l‘rcc.

\\ cck|_\. ‘l'hc mnthcr (it all studcnt nights. cight liars. li\c clubs and tun \cnucs. Sn stiti'i‘c‘ hnund tn Iind snincthingg that Ilnats )nur linat lic it salsa. hip hnp. hnnsc. karankc nr

L' llL‘c \L‘

Chart & Party

I The BIG One! at Mnnd.

Upin 3am. l-i'cc liclni'c l lpni: £3 (I'rcc tn mcmlicrsi al'tcr. \Vcckl). .-\ lantastic stait tn thc \scckcnd as _\nu ca\nrt In all llhnc pup L‘l;l\\IL‘\ l'I'UltI lllL‘ lttxl li\L‘ (ls‘c'atlcx

I Boogie Juice at l.':\ttachc.

III .itlpm 3am. 3 hct‘ni'c l lpin: £5 al'tcr. \\cck|_\. l’l.t}lll;_' nut thc licst in R&B. .‘hait and Iunk) l'a\nuritcs.

I The Dog’s Balearics at Rcsnlutinii. lt)..‘~()pm 3am. £5 th‘nrc midnight; £(i (£3 £4» altci‘. \Vcckl}. lhc licst Ilii/a and chart dancc nunihcrs Ii'nm thrnughnut tlic summcr.

I Jam Friday at llcrinl-“alt

l nixci'sit} l'ninn. lllpm 2am. £2. \Vcckl}. .'\ chccs} night (it studcnt classics Ini‘ thc studcnts (in tact studciits and thcii' gucsts nnl) I.

I Office Affair at Sulma) \VCsl l'.Itd. 4pm 3am. l‘rcc lk‘lnrc 9pm; £5 (Hi .ittcr. \Vcckl}. ('hart tuncs. hut'I'ct .tlltl chcap tlt'lltk\1 \\ltttl Clu‘ (l0 )(tll nccd In makc a I'nnl nI~ )nui'scll in I'rnnt nt _\nu cnllcagucs.’

I Office Party at ('a\ cndish/l)i\a. 4pm 3am. l‘i'cc. \Vcckl). .\'c\s night nl attcr-“nrk sillincss and chCCs)‘ tun. Bucking hi'niicns. gamcs and mnrc In ka'cp tlic suitcd masscs cntcitaincd. liullcl Ini pic-linnkcd partics (as \\ cll (3‘ (I l‘US pick up \L'l'\ ICC),

I The Party Continues . . . at

l’cppcimint l.nungc. ltlpin 3am. £3.

82 THE LIST r; 't.‘.‘:.

\Vcckl}. ’l'hc l’cppcrmint l.nung_'c all- stars hi‘ing thc \\ cckcnd rcwllcrs tlic licst music sclcctinn in tnun. Stc\ ic (i. Jci'vm} 'l‘hnms and ‘l‘nli's Saltnnstall drnp Rth and classics alnngsidc an tipl’rniit mi\ nl' chart hits.

I The Subway at Suhxsa}.

7pm 3am. £l. \Vcckl}. Scc 'l'hu.

I Why Not? at \Vh} Niil‘.’

Itipin 3am. £3 lit-Inrc llpm; £7.50 (£5) altcr. \Vcckl}. (hart. dancc and linusc Inr thc \\ cckcnd masscs.

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Ascension Goth Club at In int Ru“ l'ninn. (£3 £4). 3| Ma). Mntithl}. In assncialinn \sith lidinhurgh l'ni\ci'sit) 's (inllt and Rnck Sncict} cnincs this chcci'} mi\ nl up— tn-datc darkncss Icaturing all thc Iatcst gnth. i'nck and iiidtislrial grcats.

I Asylum at Studin 3-1. I lpiii 3am. £5. l7 Ma). l’nrtnighII}. 'l‘hc Missinn's dnxs n and dirt) lirntlicr spccialising in rnck. nu inctal and nthcr hardcnrc snunds.

I Audio Deluxe at thc llnnc)cnnih. l lpni 3am. l‘i'cc licI'nrc midnight; £3 aI'tcr. \Vcckl). Smnnth. snullul linusc at this shindig hnstcd h) rcsidcnt ('raig Smith (llush “min. 17 Ma) I’catiii'Cs gucst actinn I'rnin Jnhn ‘Jclhlican’ Bcnilcl. rcnii\cr and pi'nduccr par L'\L'L'llL‘llL'C and nn a (lL‘lilIIlC .Xudin l)clii\c tip (plcasc nntc £5 cntr} aI'tcr midnight lnr this datc nnl) I.

I Bounce at thc \cnuc.

10.30pm 3am. £4. It) Ma}. .\ rarc chancc tn c\pcricncc a pcrI'cctl} shapcd ass-shaking cwning nI~ purc Miami Bass. hunt} bass and clcctrn liass plcasui‘c. llnsts Hamish and

Sa\ \) pla} a hrnad sclcctinn nI' nriginal suh-snnic part} tuncs I'rnin Snuth l-‘lni'ida.

I CC Blooms at (‘(‘ Btnnms. l().3()pm 3am. l-rcc. \Vcckl). D] All} is back again \\ ith mnrc nI' hcr ti'adcinark high-camp-tn-hnusc

dccknical c\pcrtisc at this ahsa) s hnaching: ga} \cnuc.

I Colours Live! at thc Liquid Rnnm. lllpm 3am. £10. I? Ma}. Mnnthl). Rcsidcnts' part} as Jnn Mancini. (iax llntistnn and Smnkc) and thc Bandit pi'n\ c tlic) 'Vc gnt as much linusc le'UIH c as an} (it thcsc \pccial gticsts. /-ur I/Ii\ (IHH' HII/\ Pl [mu-(ml hull/UN gi'l 1.? till (IIHII' pm 1' all night.

I Conception at In IUl Rn“ t'nInn. lllpm 3am. £2 (£l nicinhcrsi. 3-1 Ma}. (intli night spccialising in rnck. iiidustrial and inctal c\ ilncss.

I cushy at \ichnl lid\\ards.

llpin 3am. £3. It) Ma}. l-'nrtnig:htly l)J liuan Jamcs (l-uturc \nndlc. (‘it_\ ('aI'ci pla'ss kickin‘ linusc iiiusic nI all \ai‘ictics. ()ccasinnal suppnrt lrnin .'\lc\ .-\\ cr} and I.cc Murra}.

I Diggin’ Deeper at Niclinl lidnards. IIUIIpiii 3am. £—1(£3i. 24 Ma}. Launch night \sith thc Diggin' l)ccp .-\l|stai's rnckin' thc part} \\llll thcir cclcctic hrcss nI Iniik. hip hnp. rcggac. licats and innrc.

I Diggity at thc lastalilishmcnt.

I lpm 3am. £7 (£5 mcmhcrsi. \Vcckl}. l)J l‘ahuln/ and Hair) l.(i gct dnssn \sith thcir had sclxcs. pla_\ing_' \sildst) lc RIKB. hip hnp and strch snul. l‘irst hirtlida} cclcliratinns nn l7 Ma} with a li\ c l’.-\ Irnni ’I‘crri \Valkcr. thc ncu snund nl' British snul (plcasc nntc £ll) (£7 mcmhcrsi I'nr this datc nnl} I.

I The Egg at \Vcc Rcd liar.

llpm 3am. £4.50 (Hi. \Vcckl). Still thc licst ini\ nI indic. (ills garagc. nnrthci'n snul. ska. 70s punk and ncxs “In L' )(itla'c Iikcl} lH \lttggct' ilL'HMS. .'\ \\ L'll l()\c‘(l ithllltlllnlt lllttl t'L'lthL's It) changc.

I Eye Candy at Massa (I'nrmcrl} ('luh Mcrcadni. llpm 3am. £ III (£S‘ nr £(i it 'ntiti‘agc‘ntisl} drcsscd' I. \Vcckl}. Rcsidcnts thc li_\ c (and) 'l‘ssins and \cjat Hartnn hnst thcir intamnus glam and mainstrcam liniisc part} in tlic ncnl} rcI’urhishcd \cnuc. chicmhcr tn ‘(lrcss glam nr scraln'.

I Fiesta Latina at 'l‘c\ int Rn“ l'mnn. 9.30pm 3am. £4.50 ‘51” 2-1 Ma}. Still gning \ll‘tillgj altci' tcn wars nI suppl_\ing tlic licst in salsa. lllt'l't'lllelt‘. mamhn and nthcr l.atin l'li}lllltl\ cnurtcs} nl l).l l’anchn with a trcc dancc class lrnin thc Salsa .»\n_L'cls at ‘)..i()piii.

I Fiesta Tequila! at H Harlin. ltipm iam. l'l‘cc. \Vcckl}. l.i\c music and ltm \\llll a distinctl) l.atin :\mcrican and Spanish slant Irnm l)J llcclni'.

I FUNHK] at l’i'ixc ('nnncil.

l()pm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. Scc l't'l.

I Funkysensual at W Nu .‘s‘u.

9pm 3am. l-i‘cc hclnrc l lpm: £5 (£5i at'tcr. \Vcckl}. llnt lltl\ nI scs} Iunk} linusc intisic l‘rnm l)J licnch} and Rudd) Mac.

I Get-Together at ('ahai‘ct \iiltairc. llpni .‘sain. £9 (£7i. l7 Ma}. lzdinhurgh Iasnurilc and nu ia/l Iusinn mastcr Jnscph Malik ((‘ninpnsti scts up his ncu i'c‘sidcnc}. sulitl} \scasmj: ia/l. l.atin. Bra/ilian and drum & hass rh}thnis. llnsting tlic I‘tuun' .S'umu/ u] .luz': ‘/ launch \sith Bcanlilcd l'nundcr and (‘nmpnst Rccnrds hcad hnnclin Michacl RL'itIhtHli. I‘IH' l/Iis (/(Ill' HII/\ '.'l'I.I\I-('(H'(/[Ill/(1(‘I’\ ut'! hull [)I‘H (' (um lu'ful‘i' "titling/II.

I Give it Some! at Bnngn (‘luh llpm 3am. £3 hclnrc midnight; £5 aI'tci'. .il Ma). l'caturing Ihc bust in Iunk. will. pull and all that inspircd hip hnp Irnm thc l'.| chundn innh.

I Greazed Up til Spidcr's \Ncli ('cllar liar. Spin 3am. £5. il Ma}. Mnrithl}. l'.|\is spccial \Hlli tnp rnckm' l)J \li()\\ casc tn thc King lrnni 'lnln. Rnckm‘ Rick and a gucst I'rnm thc Mcmphis Malia.

I Hz24 at lIc-rIniM'an l'niscrsit} l'ninn. Spin 2am. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. Sninnicrtiinc Sat's with the tip-heat “:24 1)] squad plasing an cclcctic mix nI cnntcinpni'ar} chart classics. Studcnts and thcir gucsts nnl}.

I Headspin at tinngn ('luh.

8.30pm 3am. £5 lk'liit‘c Illpm: £7