Mixed Exhibition t'nul Sat 31 Ma}. .\

\pr‘ing collection ol parntrngx including \xorkx b). John Bellan}. llarmxh McDonald. l’cter Nardrni. (‘ar'lo Roxxr. litigenc l)ckkert and new Scottixh ar‘trxtx.


l'ltiu't'xil) ol (ilaxgtm. «S2 llilllleatl Str'cct.

Ht) 54.”. Mon Sat 9.30am 5pm. Intimate Friends: Scottish Colourists at the University of Glasgow Sat ll) Ma) Sat 31 Ma). An e\ten\i\e exhibition highlighting the l'nner'xit} ol'(ila\go\\\ important Scotlixh eolottt'ixl collection.


IX King Street. 552 2540. Mon Sat llain 5pm.

Wa-Do-Dem: GFM l’nril Hi 23 May. A rte“ \eriex ol garlic-related artuor‘kx limit the et'eator'x ol I 'm'lr’ Juli/r urn!

ll'lrilc’lm'k. I‘llt‘ .S/tur'k and The (ii/It‘ll Run.


200 Bath Street. .iil ()722. Tue Sat 0am ()PIII.

Hanami: Flower Viewing in Japan Sat It) May Wed ll Jtrn. l’aintingx and ink drawings by Kate Beaugie inxpired by her travelx through liuropc. Rtnxia. Mongolia. ('hina and Japan in \earch ot~ the textual 'hanami' \ iewing the eherr‘) bloxxomx. NEW/V

St 10W,


ll Mitchell Lane. 22] (i302. Moll.

Wed Sat lt).3()am 5pm; 'l‘ue llam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. £3 (Slip). Common-Place Until Wed l I Jun. .-\ look at how buildings are concci\ ed and dc\eloped t'ocming on nine Seottrxh proiectx including lidinburgh'x l)ance lime and a \helter till 'l‘iree. newtormations 3 {Trial Sat 17 Ma) tliormi. l’rinted textilex b} \ome of Scotland\ foremost dcxigners including Joanne Kinnerxl)-'l'a}'lor. Fiona Mclrnodi and Anne K) ) ro Quinn.

Timorous Beasties llntil Sun 22 Jun tRex'ieu (killer) ). Rcecnt nork b} the (ilasgow-baxed design compan} \\ ho \pccialise in printed t'abricx. uallpaperx and interior\.

56 North l'ntil Sun 8 Jun l:\lL‘ti\el. Furniture and lighting t'rom )outtg contemporary Iidinburgh-ba\ed dexign compan). St» North.

Dream Stadiums l'ntil Sun I Jun. New media company Junetion- l 8 present a 3D-architccture web xite exploring the architecture of football \tadiums. architectural dexign proecxses and rntormation on regeneration.

LILLIE ART GALLERY Station Road. .\1ilnga\ie. 578 8847. Tue» Sat ltlarn lprn & 2-5pm.

13 Hands l'ntrl \Ved 2| .\la_\ .-\ unique touring c\hibrtron curated b} a group ot children uhich lnghlrghtx the “Mk ol it) leading Br'rtixh contemporar} cr'alttrlaket'x including gla“. te\trlc\. lencller). \tood. metal and ccr'amrcx.

Scottish Society of Architect l-lllll \Vetl 2l .\I;t_\. :\ tlhpld} Ul tt!‘I\\nl‘l\\ on the theme ol Scottrxh landxcape and \ lL'\\\ tr'om abroad.


322 «k 324 Duke Street. l)ennr\toun. 550 7270. Tue Sat noon (rpm.

0 Relaunch l'nul Sat 34 Ma). .-\rtr\t» run Market (iallcr‘) relaunch \\ ith an mhibitrou ol \xork b} .ll'Il\l\ \xho engage \Nith a range ol' rxxuex and \xhoxe \Hil'h originatcx trom an e\pan\r\e lrxt ol geographic locationx. l‘eatur'cd ar'trxtx include Belinda (iurdr. llana llalpcrm. Saad Hurt and Shauna .\lc.\Iullan. Sec rc\ie\\.


270 StttlL‘ltlellall Street. .iil 135-1.

.\lon Sat anm 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. Art Treasures of Kelvingrove liltlil late 2005. ()\cr 2lNl paintmgu [mm the Kelnngrmc collection take up rcxidcnc) at the .\lcl.cllan (iallerrex. 'l'he tll\])lil_\ lllL‘lllthS 'l‘ltotltax I'hilL'tl‘S I'ltt' I.u\l of (he (‘ltm and Rembrandt‘x .-l Man in .ll'mum‘. pllh \xor’k b} (‘hat‘lLN Rennie Mackintole Dutch and l-‘lemrxh art.


73 Robertxon Street. Surtc (i. Floor 1. 245' 37] I. Inc l-‘ri noon 5pm,

Simon Periton: Snip Riot Omen l‘ntrl l’rr lo Ma}, Simon l’errton. bext knoun tor hrx ‘dorl} \\ol‘k\'. getx hrx tirxt \olo \lttm in Scotland. In SIVII’ RIUI' (MI/{N hc \ltth three he“ multr-la'wr'ed cut out\ “hich depict a l)pe ot barrier or lacade. LAST CHANCE '1) E


22l \VLWI (icorgc Street. 248 9‘55.

Mon l‘ri ltlam 5.30pm; Sat ltlarn 2pm. William Crosbie RSA, RGI (1915-1999) l'ntil Sat 3] .\la_\ tclowd 23 20 Ma} I. .-\n e\hibition ot oil painting\. “atcr'colourx and dr'au rngx. Messengers of Summer l'nrrl Sat 31 Ma} telowd 23 20 Ma} i. .-\ \electron ot' paintingx b} l’hrlrpxon. ('adell. Redpath. liardlc} and man) more.


36 \Vaxhington Street. 221 2|23. Mon l‘rr 0am 5pm.

Design Ideas t'nr‘rl t-‘n Io Ma). .\lodel\ and drawing b} tint )car Maekintmh School of Architecture \tudentx.

Termini Mon 1‘) .\la_\ Sat 2.\‘ Jun. .-\ rni\ed e\hibition ot' “ork b) thrrd _\ear illuxtratorx and graphic dexrgnen at

Damian Llambias creates a site-specific sound installation for Glasgow Botanic Gardens

(il.t\gri\\ School HI .\ll thlleil l‘_\ .1 recent tield trip to Rome -- '


(‘cntrc tor Dexeloprncntal \rt\ l.\ \Ibron Strect. 552 2le Mon l‘rr lHarrr 5pm Arizona Dreams l'ntrl in 9 \la} \ collaboratoc c\hrbrtron b} l’to|ecl \brlrt} and \atnc .-\rrrcr'rcan artrxtx trom \r'i/ona lcatur‘rng imagex ot Scotland trout a Name \mcrrcan perxpccloe and \ rcc

Same as you? in to .\la_\ I112".qu .-\n e\lubrtron b} .-\rt lr'ek \rtrxtx ltd. a unique co operatnc run b} the atllxlx \\llll Icarmng tll\.tl‘lllllt'\ '


llS l)ougla\ Street. 2~l.\(i1.\o .\lorr l‘rr lllfitlam 5pm; Sat lilitlam lpm

An A-Z of Watercolour Painters l'ntrl Sat ltl\1;r).'l'lit' lirxt ma \crrexot c\hrbrtron\ b_\ rucrnbcrx ol the I{o_\al Scottrxh Socrcl} til l’.tllllel'\ Ill Watercolour leatur'rng uork b} .tlll\l\ \xrth alphabetical \urnamex l\ct\\eert .\ (1 including (‘hrrx lithlle. l’clcr Bourne and (‘ar'olrnc Harlc}.

An A-Z of Watercolour Painters Mon 1‘) Sat ‘I \la} l’art l\\o teatur'rng the alphalwtrcal \urnamcx H .\l


loo Rcutrc“ Street. :‘2 50*" Mon l‘rr ‘lam -l, illpm.

Stevie Barrett l'nnl Sat ;I \la} l’or’tr'artx. abxtr'actx. land and k'll)\L'.l|‘k'\ bi (il;t\go\\ ba~cd photographer Steue Barrett.


b Bur'nlicld Road. (irttnock. (rib |2HH 'l'ue l'rr llam 5pm; Sat lllatll 5pm. Sun noon 5pm.

Mixed Show l‘nul Sat *1 .\la} l’arntmgx b) (‘her'_\lene lbcr. Ian lzllrot. Donald \lacdonald and inner l)ougla\


20 King Str'cct.552215l.’lue Sat

lilam 5.30pm,

Missing Sat 1” Sat I“ \la}. According to Home ()tlice extrrnatcx. more than

2tNHH>H people are reported rmxxmg m the

[K each '\ear. Urn/Ire rx an c\hrbrtron armed at highlighting thrx rxxuc and 1\ part ot a natronal protect bctuccn ('u m/ l’lroroem/i/n maga/rnc and the National

\lrxxrng I’cr'mrh Helpline. S,-


I24 12b Suor‘d Str'ect. Iotl Duke Street I. Dennhtoun. t)".\l2 (NV-15 Hail} 1 “pm Alex Frost and Sally Osborn l'nnl Sun ll .\la_\. Suitchxpacc take o\ er a drxuxed \hop unrt m l)ennr\toun tor ll]l\ c\hrbrtron ot nexx \xall-baxcd and \culptural uork b} .'\le\ l~roxt and Sall} ()xborn.

Paterson . .

1 7 Edinburgh College of Art’s 2003 Fashion Show '. -.' :

I I‘I‘I’ti't": 1,0,]: t" {I " . -. L . Lucien e Day: Silk Mosaics and Early Textiles '

,‘1.,(:.1*u It .4

ii. Andy Warhol: Private Drawings from the 19505

I" ,rr; r (I I i ,r . I /' i ’r ' l‘ I A I‘. I] ' ( ‘z r r u I I u r (' I

lil- Salla Tykka: Cave 7' -':

fir,” I-lr /.', l' l r’ (i y .. j I

F3 Relaunch ?' - '-,-:: .'

we : w: - H

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2&- White/Edmund de Waal /" ’.-’-~’,-:,":' 5‘ °' r; :«°-

A ' .. , ' - r‘ r ' ' 1 r' r ‘. z 1

:xw; 180" E1“ . 2 z G w t 1" / 1/4

:. THE LIST 89