353 l.c\cti Stlccl. 'lolltinw. iii-'5‘) 9300" Wed 'lhu (i ‘ipm. l'l’l Sun noon "pin

Win Together Lose Together Play Together Stay Together l'l'l ‘) Sat ‘1 May .-\ temporary artixt-run \pac c houxcd ma toimei \hop. xlioning new “oil. hy ('iaig ('oulthard. Ruth l'.\\.ut. 'lommy (irate. u\\ll'ltl Johnxton. l);i\ Id .\lat I can and Katc ()Wcth. Ht


I!) South l'Hll Sticct. ~17S T'Slt). Mon Sat 1 lam ll ~15pm. Sun l3. 30 ll.-l5pm. Ambience t'nnl Sat it May. .-\n c\lnhrtion oi photography hy l)a\id \liitlhiiti id ')li’).'.


-l I)unda\ Street. 553 9544/5. Mon l‘il'l 10am (rpm; Sat Ilaiii ~lpm.

Masters of the Press Wed 2|

.‘ylay Sat 3| .lun. .»\ Witlt' iangc ol \portmg. military. \atn‘ical. topographical and cartographical lilltih plth nildlilc. poiuaiturc and landxcapcx hy a \clcction oi ai'tixtx. ii? 5)? it

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh Life, page 97.


-13 High Sheet. 53‘) -l|-l3. Mon Sat l0am 5pm.

The Golden Ages of Toys t'niil Sat 3’ .lun, Sliaic the magic of Mcccaiio. lloinhy tiaiii \et\. teddy hcarx and the \xondcrtul array oi toy\ that came to lite hctyyccn ISUt) and I‘Htl.


3 ('hamhcix Street. 347 43 l‘). Mon Sat l0ani 5pm i'l‘uc Spin); Sun noon 5pm. l‘il't‘t'.

Millennium Clock .\ chance to \ ieyy Rll\\l;tll mechanical \culptor liduard licrxudxky \ millennium clock. a kinetic \cnlptui'c. mcaxuring ‘im high.

William Speirs Bruce - The First Polar Hero l'ntil Sun I Jun. :\n c\lnhiuon cclchrating the lifetime aclncxcincntx oi William Spcii'x Bruce. a polar \t‘lt‘lllhl and lcadcr ol' the Scottixh National Antarctic li\pcdition in l‘)03 4. William Speirs Bruce Guided Tours l'i'i ‘) May. Wed H May. Hi If) May. Wtd 3| May. 3pm. (iuidcd tours ol‘ llll\ centenary c\hihition celchrating tlic hietimc aclneycincnt of polar \cientixt William Spciix lii‘ucc.

Textile Art from Southern Appalachia - The Quiet Work of Women l'ntil Sun 35 May. 'l‘c\tilc \yorkx hy \yomcn liying in the Southern Appalachia. a region that includcx \ycxtcrn .\'orth ('arolma. caxt ’l‘cnncxscc and \oth \ycxt Virginia.

Mao: Arts for the Masses t'niil Mon I Mar 300-1. The formation of ('ommimixt (‘hina r\ hrought to life through a pmatc collection of mastcrpicccx made hctueen I‘l50 l‘)7(i. acquired during and immediately after the (‘ultural Rcyolution.

Behind the Scenes: History and Applied Arts \Vcd H May.

l0.30am 4.30pm. Stall from the department oi lnxtory and applied artx

\\ ill he on hand to anxyy er your tlllL‘SlltlHS ahout their \\Ul‘l\ and recent .icqiii\itioii\.


lady SlaltN llntlw. Lady Stair\ ('lihc. SJUWUI. Mon Sat l0am 5pm.

In the Heart of the Wilderness lhlil Sat 30 Sep. .-\n c\hihition c\ploring the lite and malt of John Muir. the lcttcr-yxritcr. poet. \toi‘yteller and xcicniixt and look at the influence oi \yritcrx like Burns and Sir Walter Scott on lll\ \yorlc


l'nnerxity ol |)undec. l 3 Perth Road. 01333 345330. Mon l-ri Until S..‘~0pni; Sat |0am 4.30pm

Mary Arnold: Living her Own Life [hill in 33 May i('ra\tiord Budding. Bradxlian .‘\rt Space). Third year line art \tudent Mary Arnold curatcx llll\ e\hihition depicting \yomcn'x e\periencc\ in the early _\L';il'\ oi the School ot Art and l'niycrxity ('ollegc. Dundee t ISM l‘)(l‘)i.

Gallery Talk Tue 13 May I lam i('ra\\lord Building) Mary Arnold talkx ahout her curated \hoyy. 1.!”th lrcr ()n It 1.1/0

Jordan Baseman t‘niil Hi 23 May ((‘oopcr (iallct'y i. Video \yorlxx by Jordan liaxeinan on loan iroin the Saachi (‘ollection and thc :\rt\ (’ouncil oi lzngland. l‘ociixing on the 'ahiect' in society. liawman'x dm’umentary footage l\ edited into tll\lttl'lilltg narratiycx

leay ing the \ icu er unsure of \\ here to morally [itt\llltili thcmxelyes.


I53 Nethergatc. (ll 333 ‘)()‘)‘)()(l.

Tue Wed. Sat & Sun l0.30am 5.30pm; 'l'hu & l'ri lll.3(l;ttil Spin. Christopher Wool t'niil Sun 8 Jun. The tirst major [K \olo \hoyy for the intlucntial .-\inei'ican arti\t. ('hrixtophei‘ Wool. knoyi n for ltix hold and ollcti multi-lay cred paintingx WlllL‘li comhine \crcenprinting and \pray paint yyith painterly hruxhyyork. Born in ('hicago in l‘)55 and trim haxcd in NC“ York. photography hay play ed an important part in hi\ uork and the cxhihition l'caturcx iuo groupx ot' photograth each of o\ er [00 imagcx ax \y ell ax large-\calc pttlttllllgx.

Gallery Talks Sat 17 May. 3pm. An inl'ormal dixctixqon ahout the ('hrixtopher Wool exhihition \\ ith gallery \tall.

Craft Focus l'ntil Sun 35 May. Decoratiyc yet functional jCWCllCl')‘ hy Anne l‘inlay and \imple ceramic liirtlix hy Sam llall.

Alistair Clark l'ntil Sun 35 May. l’rintx haxed on \atellite images \ iewcd on radar and computer screens hy :\li\ltllt' ('lark.


35 3(i Mid Wynd. Mid Wyiid Industrial lixtatc. 0| 383 335983. Tue Sun

noon 5pm.

To the Care of the British Empire . . . l'ntil Sun ll May. l-‘iye Scntlixh artistx examine the xocial. historical, political and generational influencex reflected in contemporary identity in a diyerxe range of artixtic mediumx including hixtorical portrait painting. y-ideo inxtallation and minimalist \culpture. :\rll.\l\ include Richard Blaxx. Roderick Buchanan and (iraham l-‘agen. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


Albert Square. ()l 383 433084. Mon Sat 10.30am 5pm; Sun I330 4pm; 'l'hu l0.30am 7pm.

British Art l'ntil Sun 33 Jun. A \lllitll exhibition featuring \xorks by Walter Sickert. John Naxh and Stanley Spencer. The Beatles in Dundee t'niil Mon 30 Jun. A collection of photograth from the l)(‘ 'l'hoinxon tti'ClitH‘s and film footage to mark the 4011i anniversary of the Beatlex playing in Dundee. Created in the Company of Friends l-‘ri lo May Sun 33 Jun. .-\n e\hihition of work by a group of l‘rolcsxional Airlixtx. lllL‘ :\rli\t\' Lunch.

\\ ho meet regularly to tll\L‘tl.\\ ideax and plan C\lilhilitm\.

Keith Brockie: Rural Portraits l‘ri lh May Sun l5 Jun. Wildlife artixt Keith Brockie'x llL‘W project is a book on th‘ entire range (ll. Scotttxh natiye hreedx of" farm animalx.

Tl {*7/25

THE STORY OF THE LITTLE GENTLEMAN Brunton Theatre, Musselburgh, Sat 10 May; Paisley Arts Centre, Paisley.

Wed 14 May

With its long, long winter nights and (subsequent?) highest suicide rate in the world, Sweden is perhaps not such an unlikely home of children's author Barbo Lindgren. His tale of the desperately lonely Little Gentleman searching for a friend, successfully adapted by Lars Erik Brossner and Tomas von Bromssen for the stage, receives its British premiere this month with Catherine Wheels Theatre Company.

Director Gill Robertson, who has taken Catherine Wheels to great things since it was founded in 1999, went for the story because of its high emotional content. ‘All the shows that I've done are very small stories but very emotional stories,’ she says. ‘Kids are so quick to go through emotions - they’re happy one minute and they're sad the next. I think you feel things really intensely when you’re small, so a lot of the stories I’ve told to young children have been bittersweet tales'.

This was certainly true of the company's award-winning production Lifeboat, but thanks to a soul mate in the shape of a dog (man’s best friend after all), the Little Gentleman ends up more sweet than bitter. The characters ‘90 on a journey’, says Robertson. You could say their souls tilt

to welcome the Nordic sun.

The depth of feeling communicated by the piece is achieved largely through music. ‘The script is very, very simple, and we’ve paired that down even more,’ says Robertson. ‘There's hardly any words. It was originally written for a string quartet and the music tells the story, so music is really at the heart of this production. In our case, we've got a cellist and an

accordion player.’

Evocative instruments if ever there were ones; it's an enchanting prospect. Follow the northern lights - they lead the way to Musselburgh

and beyond. (Ruth Hedges)

Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to kids@list.co.uk, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.

Activities and Fun

Pottery Workshops Sat In at )7 May. noon (ipm. £5. l‘irenorkx Studio. 35a l)alhou\ie Street. 33 3738. ('hildren's norkxhopx for age\ 4-plnx. l’aint potx or hay e a go on the potter'x W heel.

Kids at CCA Sim ll May. ('(':\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4900. l‘un \lSUitl an \\(lrl\\ll(lp\. \torytelling and film and programme tll\c‘ll\\l0n\ for 3 l3 year olds.

Scottish Claymores v Rhein Fire Sun l8 May. 3pm. 'l'icketx lt'ntll £4. llampden Park. the National Stadium. l.etherhy l)ri\e. 0500 353535. More American football action ax the ('laymorex play another home game. The party kickx oil at noon with entertainment from top l).l\, the cheerleaders and a set from I’unu' Arm/enri- runner-up Lemar. Half-Term Activities Thu 33 Tue 37 May. l0ain (ipm. £6.50 (£4.50). (ilaxgow Science ('entre. 50 Pacific Quay. 430 5000. Interactive workshops. liy‘c science shown and demonstration» actiy itiex for kid\ and adults. pIUs linax Theatre. Scottish Power Space Theatre. Virtual Science Theatre. Lahs and liarly Learning ('entre.

B 22 May .700", THE LIST 93