Scotfairs Antique Fair \tiiii Hall. Mitchell 'l'heatre ('omple\. (iram ille Street.33"551l Illam 4 itlpm Ll llreei llrou \e \tall\ laden \xith teueller}. Uillh. linen. medalx and atlttquw

Aren’t Birds Brilliant RSl’li. l.oclmtnnoch.“1505 843003 I ‘pm l'ree Jolt} RSI’H \lall lot a look at the \xtldlite tn the l'irth ot (‘l'\de at l.tttldet\tott Ha} north ol lmerkip Pavement Pictures (‘i-iiigeiid \‘mioi (‘entre. \ltiedock ('ountt} l’at‘k. ('taigalhan Road. Milneaue. 950 (iltlfl. 3 -1pm Ll .-\dd a splaxh ot colour to the park tarmac \\ ith a coastline themed chalk diau Ill}: .4\ll ptoceedx go to the th‘ttlat D} \ttoph} (‘ampaien Chinese Only Corner Bram-ric- Metro. 5' (-t‘exxu ell Latte. 335 bl ii

3.3“ 4.3(lpm, tree. It _\ou are contident lll )our Mandarin ('hinexe then head doun to llll\ monthl} meeting: arid loin III the chat. .-\n ideal time to hrush tip on )tlllt‘ technique arid tneet neu people. 800* Group llnd)$elt\e. litltl H. 33 .\l;ttl\llL'ld SllL'L‘l. U-l 7005 3. ‘0 5pm. £5. the Ma) meeting: ol the BothSenxe hook group \xtll he looking: at Illi‘ Rr'xtiimlmri h) Roxe 'l't'etltattt.

Monday 1 9

Other events

Real Time: A MAX/MSP Night School ('(‘.-\. ‘50 Sauchiehall Street. 352 Minn. tittipiii. Ho iUni. Sonic .'\t’l\ Netuork present all accexxihle course in MAX/MS“ the \xorld‘x leading \oltuat‘e tor intei'acthe sound llhlilllillltllh.

Tuesday 20

Book events

Bill McFarlan \VttlL‘t'floltL‘K. 153 l57 Sauchiehall Street. 333 0105. 7pm. lace. The 'l'\' prexenter and head of one of Britain's leadng media consultanc} ht‘ottdcaxltltg littxtttL'\\L'\ dtxcuxxm ltt\ 3/ Ste/u In l’erwnu/ (‘ummiuui‘uliun Ilr'm'r'n.

Wednesday 21

Book events

Cafes Litteraires .-\llttlllL'C l-‘raneaiw de (ilaxgow 7 lloumont (iat'denx. 33‘) 43%|. 0pm. l’t'ee. I.ii (imnmtuin’ m! iini' (‘Iiunmn Dom c h) lirik ()rxenna is the hook under dtxcthxtott.

Mia Dolan \\'§llt'l‘\ltlllL‘-\. l5.‘ l57 Sauchiehall Street. 333 UltlS. 7pm. l‘ree. ()ne ol Britain's greatest px} chicx reads from her autohiograph}. I'Iic (ii/t: 'I‘lii' Stu/V of (III ()I'tlllttll‘\ llimtun ’\ Ifttr‘uonlinun l’im i'r:


Pasiely Art Institute l);tl\lL'} .\lu\eum and .v\rt (ialler). High Street. 38‘) SIS l. l3.3tlpm. l‘t‘ee. .-\ \hort and tnl’ormal talk looking: at the annual art e\hihition.

Steve Hill Braehead Arena. Killgx lnch Road. Renlre“. 385 [-14 I. 0.30pm. £3, :\ special (‘hrixtian e\ent hosted h} the e\ang_'eli\t \\ ho sparked a re\ t\a| at lirtmnu tlle :\\\etnhl} ot' (iod in l‘Iorida.

Other events

Badger Watch Stolltxh Wildlife 'l‘t'lhl. l'itlll\ ("(1)th RLNCH L'. (ll 555 005303. 7pm. £0 iUi. See badgers in their natural surroundings. Book in adxance.

Thursday 22

Book events

lan Pattison Water\totte\. l5.‘~ 15‘ Sauchiehall Street. 333 ‘Jltlfi. 7pm. l-‘ree. The creator of Rah (‘ Nexhitt launchex his neu no\ el. Sweet rind 'Ii'nrlr'r Him/tea”. See Boob for to re“.


Steve Hill Braehead .~\rena. Ktttgb lneh Road. Rent‘re“. 885 I441. 0.30pm. £3. See Wed 3 l.


Flats, football and furniture

I Tenement House This first floor. typicallate Victorian tenement flat dates back to 1892 and provides a fascinating look at Glasgow life during the first half of the 20th century. The four rooms have been maintained in true authentic style with bed recesses. liVing room. bathroom and fascmating kitchen area. The house shows how the original owner. Miss Agnes Toward. would have lived. cooked and entertained in Glasgow. The exhibition on the first floor shows the products and buildings of the era and compares an old style tenement to today's living style. 7 45 Bucc/euc/i Street. Garnet/i777. 333 0783. Daily 7-—:’5pm. £3.50 722.60).

I Scottish Football Museum The home of Scottish football. Hampden Park. now houses the hist0ry of the beautiful game in Scotland. After years of research the museum opened in 2001 and displays a Wide variety of football collectibles. trophies and memorabilia. On display is the oldest national trOphy in the world the Scottish Cup - Archie MacPherson's sheepskin coat. Kenny Dalglish's 100th cap and a cap and match ticket from the first International match there in 1872. There are also reconstructions of the original home dressing rooms and the Hampden press box. Hampden Park. Letherby Drive. 676 6739. MOn—Sat 70am—5pm; Sun 77am—5pm. £5 (C2507.

I Pollok House Set in the grounds of Pollok COuntry Park. Pollok House is one of the most elegant 18th century buildings in the c0untry. Lived in by the Maxwell family since the mid- 1 3th century. this historic house features some of the finest Spanish paintings in Britain from the collection ot Sir William Stirling Maxwell. From April until the end of October the house comes alive with guided tOurs and costumed interpreters taking on the roles of servants and distingUished guests. Pol/0k COuntry Park. 2060 Po/lokshaws Road. 6 76 64 70. Man-Sun 70am—5pm. £5 (£3. 7 57: family ticket 2 73. 50.



Edinburgh Castle. Royal Mile. 225 9846. Sat 17 & Sun 18 May. Noon—4.30pm

Following the huge success of last year. with over 11,000 people in attendance. the Edinburgh Castle Extravaganza is back with a vengeance. It hosts an unrivalled array of performers. promising an event that‘s better than ever before. merging drama. comedy and music with living history and combat displays.

Other treats at the popular permanent attraction include James lV's famous cannon Mons Meg, the One O'clock Gun with its own exhibition, lots of military silverware and. of course, the Stone of Destiny, used to crown Scottish kings.

Events are listed by date then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to edinburgh©, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.

Thursday 8


After Hours National (killer) ol Scotland. lllL' \ltttttld. 03-1 (Ctlll 5 it) "pm l‘IL'L' lhc (idllct) ‘\ dttoh \l.t_\ open |tl\l that little hit later lot a programme of talk. lltll\l\‘. lt‘ittllllf.‘\ and. ol cout'xe. .itt


Let’s Speak about Europe llhlllltl l‘rancatx d'lzcime. l Randolph ('texcent. 335 5‘00 Illatn noon l't‘ee Rottttdrtahle tll\(ll\\ltlll on [‘lttlL‘\\lUll;tl niohilit} in lzurope and the learning; ol languaeex in Scotland

Saturday 10

Other events

Scotland’s Knitting Only Show l<o_\.il Highland ('enti’e. ltllethlt. “5 03tltl. Illatn. {thc .\ range of \talh attd detnonxttationx lot‘ knitting: etlllltl\t.t\l\ Tiger Weekend latliiihiiigli xiii». (’ot‘storphine Road. “401"! Want 0pm {3 U ('otne along; and tom in the

actt\ lllL‘\ and llitll\ on the tltetne ot tieeix. a\ part ot the lzuropeMide 3|xt ('entur} 'l‘teet campaign.

Edinburgh Rush (Lilian-i Voltaire.

30 33 Blair Street. 33” 0| "0 lime\ and price\ \.ir_\. .\ \xeek ot \pecial shim \ h} group\ “ho pertotm regularl) around the capital

Antiques Fair Rina] Highland ('entre. lllglhlttn. “5 02”” lfLim l-ree Hrouxe or hit} from a “tile range of antique goods ttlttl collectthles.

Christian Aid Book Sale Si

.-\ndre\\ \ and St (ieorge‘x Church. I i (ieorge Street. 335 FM". Illam 4pm l'ree 'l‘hh \xeek-long \ale ot second-hand hi iokx l'.tl\L'\ thousands of pounds tot lllh important chant}. \o come along and do _\our htt as )0“ rifle through ltterar} \xonderx old and ne\\


Sunday Sessions at Protoacademy l’totoacadetn}. Room 333. ludinhurgh (‘ollege ot .'\rt. ‘9 the (irtt\\tll;trl\L‘l. 33! 030! 3 4pm. l-ree ('ontetnporar) art haxed research unit l’rotiuicadein} ~ho\\ca\e\ a prcwentation ot

neu \xoik h} lined} llood tolloued h\ .in accottipatmne dist ll\\|i'll pinup

Other events

Guinness Book of Records Dog Walk Ro}a| lllt'lllalltl (cutie. lllt'lhltill. “5 03”” Illam t.t|\ (ict )ottt poothes .tl lllL‘ Wad} ltlt llllx \\\lll\l lt'u'ltl the} \\.tlhlll}_‘ attempt

Tiger Weekend l dtnhuteh /oo. (’otxtotphtne Road. Hi ‘lli'l t3 ti Set" Sal ll)

Antiques Fair Royal lltg'hland ('entie. Ineloton. ‘5 03ft“ | tee See Sat lll

Other events

Christian Aid Book Sale \l :\Iltllt'\\ '\ and .\t (ieoig'e'x (lunch. I i (ieotee Street. 33* {Kl ' Illam i illpm l'lt'L' 3LT Sal Ill

Tuesday 1 3 .

Other events

Christian Aid Book Sale .\t J\lltllL'\\ '\ and St (ieotee’x ( lunch. I i (ieotee Stteet. 33‘ ih-l“ Illam i {tlpm l'lt't' See Sat l”

Wednesday 14


Behind the Scenes: History and Applied Arts l<o_\a| .\lu\eum. 3 (‘hamherx Sheet. 31" ~13 l‘)

“imam -l lllpm l'tce \tall ttom the department ot lll\ltll} and applied .tll\ are on hand to ttll\\\L‘l _\out qllt‘\lltttl\ about their \xoik attd recent .tuttthlllttlh

Cult of Celebrity I: Byron \allttllal l’ortiait (ialler). l Queen Street. 031 (ijtltl 13-15pm l‘tee (il}it l).t\l\ ltotti the ladinhureh (‘olleee ot .\rt f_'l\L'\ llll\ informed talk ahout the cult of \laltltttll

Other events

Christian Aid Book Sale St Andrews and St (ieoteek (lunch. I i (ieorge Street. 335 ‘H-l" Illam i illpm l't'L'c Sec Sat lll

Edinburgh College of Art’s 2003 Fashion Show lathnhurjgh (’olleee o! :\rt. l..tlll'l\ltttl l’lace. 33l (illflfl lptii «k ‘pm £5 L35 Your chance to we the lihllltltl designers ot the future at ladtnhutph (‘ollege ol \it\ annual l;t\lllttll \llll“ \ptillvtlL‘tl h} the Rina] Bank ot Scotland \me up itlltl't‘lllllllljj \lLNljJHL'h trom l.t\llltttl. \e\en ttom pertormancc costume and ten ttom te\tile\ \Klll he \homne ott thett new (UllL‘t'llUlh on the catualk the \hou \l. ill he hroadcaxt ll\ e on v. \x \\ eca ac uk on ‘lhu l5 \la) from 7. iflpm