
(tot Mourmuu BIKE WORLD cup 2003

Cut to the chase

With Scotland boasting some of the best single and downhill tracks in the UK, what better place than the Nevis Range ski area to host the Mountain Bike World Cup? Over 300 world-class competitors from more than 25 nations will be competing in the cross country, downhill and 4-cross races, making this the first triple event world cup to be held in the UK.

So what challenges face the mountain bikers, including UK hopefuls Steve Peat, Tracy Moseley and Fiona Griffiths? Using a combination of existing and newly-built tracks, the Olympic discipline of cross country on the Witch's Trail course, as it is ominously known, is a 2.5-hour endurance event in the Leanachan Forest which surrounds the Nevis Range. Not for the faint-hearted, the downhill is a 2.6km-long track and features a 525m vertical drop. And the 4-cross (4-X) event is a head-to-head between four riders who negotiate through a course of sharp turns and massive jumps.

Around 15,000 spectators are expected to attend this year‘s event and there will also be a world cup village with trade stands, competitions, live music and food and drink. So get there early, get the best vantage point and see how it's really done. (Helen Monaghan)

I Noixs H.113;ch Area. Ft)". Elia/*1 Sat 3' Va: .5 8.." Evil—5‘28 tit}

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Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication. Sports listings are subject to change, so please check in advance. Listings are compiled by Maureen Bills.

(t .t,kei 2- 19.3w: 1..

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Outside the cities Horse-racing: Kelso Races Kelm Rdt‘t‘t‘t‘lll'u‘. KCISU. lll5",‘\ 224-0-. o.4tlpiii. t“ £l5 t£4l1 tinder— It» t'ree. National litiiil horxe raeing.


2nd Capoeira Batlzado Walpole lltlll. (‘llLWlCl‘ Street. U795 I7 [6540,

0 0pm. £|5 i£ltli. See photo caption.

OutSIde the Cities

Athletics: Polaroid Series - Helensburgh 10k Hermitage .-\eadenty (‘antphell .-\\ enue. lleleiixhtii'gh. tlHSh b-2145. 7..‘~tl-9piii.

l... £‘l. lllkiti road raee

Saturday 24


Festival of Sport t‘ilaxgim Science Centre. 50 l’aeit'ie Qua). 4le 5000.

10am 0pm. £o.5tl t£~l5tli Faniil} oriented aeti\ itie\ ranging from athletieu. aerohies and climbing to .-\nieriean football and golf.

Charity event: RNID Zip Slide Challenge l-innieuon Crane. by Slit‘t'. l2.-l5 2.15pm. .i\re )oti hraie enough to laee the lS5lt zip \lltlt‘ R.\'ll) are on the lookout tor darede\ ilx to r.ii<e nione) for the eharit). lintrantx must

98 THE LIS'I' J.)

\iglu-t‘ t‘

5: ’t?

raixe a minimum ol £ ltltl and thme llllL'rL'\lt‘tl \llUllltl (all lll4l 55-1 “(5.5. Capoelra: Brazilian Party .\‘o 34. Albion Street. 0795 I'lo54tl. lllplll. £5. .-\ ltindraixing exening organixed h} (ii'oup Sen/ala Seotlaiid leaturiiig a eapoeira tlL‘lllUlhll'dlltlll \\ ith perl‘oriiiei‘s lroin litirope and Bra/i1. p|u\ lillhlt‘ troiii DJ 7..igtieiro atid [)1 Mali.


Capoeira: 2nd Capoeira Batizado lirtinlon 'l‘heati‘e. laid} \\ ell \Va}. .\lti~~elhurgh. “‘05 l‘lh5—ttl. l-(ipni. £35 it'llli See photo caption.

Football: Hibernian v Partick ThlSth lia~ter Road. I: Albion l’laee. rim 15‘5. 3pm. The linal Sl’l. li\ture lor hoth eltihx. “hieh. \hoelu thltlt‘. \hould we the pillilh xta) at l‘..l\lL‘l' Road.

OutSide the Cities

Football: Motherwell v Livingston lill' l’al‘lt. Maine Road. .\1other\\ell. lllli‘lh .53.“.“.“.“. 3pm. The l.th ill lllL' l\\.Cll.\ poxilion iii the SH. lie\ Ulll\\llll their hand\. ~o a I'L‘\tlll here ean onl) hooxt eontidenee


[:08th8' of Sport (ll.l\:_‘(l\\ Selenee Centre. 50 Paeitie Qua}. 420 5t)tlll. lilam-hpni. to 50 i £4.5tli See Sat 34. 2nd Capoeira Batizado Keliiii llall International Sportx ,-\ren.i. H45 .4\rg} le Street. “"5 I‘lo5-ttl I (ipiii. £35 i£2lii See photo ea ition.

Football: angers v Duntermline Athletic lhro\ Stadium. lidinixton l)ri\ e. t),\"tl hilt) NOS 3pm. -\ goal rout eotild see Rangerx elineh the league in lront ot their home \tlppfli‘l. ()t t'iltll'\L‘. that all depend\ on e\ ent~ ox er in Kilniarnoek

C" 7""

Football: Hearts v Dundee l\:‘.ee.:\tie Sladzaztl. (iittfite Road. 3”“ ‘3'} :i‘ll‘. \ piaee Zl‘. [tape 1\ \ltll at‘ to:

:r.:l\ il l.'\till\ go tiie J.;:‘.:?‘o~' \\.:\

Outs de the C 1 es

Motor-racing: international/British Rallycross Knoelthiil Rating (’izeiiit. lxnoekhill. l)uzileiiiiline. “13V: “2 ‘5‘" High oetane iiioioi iaeing

Football: Kilmarnock v Celtic Rtigl‘} l’atlt. Kllllltlllll‘tlx. “1%.1 535154 .‘pni \\ ith (‘eltie and Rangeix leer on [‘iilllh. the goal {all} here eotilil ileeiile the league title

Monday 26


2nd Capoeira Batizado Keliiii llall international Spot‘tx ,-\lL‘ll.l. 1-145 .\ig_\|e Street. “'05 l‘lo5Jll l opni £35 i£2lli See photo eaption

Tuesday 27


Football: Scotland v New Zealand 'l‘_\neea\tle Stadium. (ioigie Road. Illll ~lel hi‘ni t" £lll itii lietti'x ltittire hang~ in the halanee ll he ean't tail to \\lll oi er the home \tipport and \eeure a \ it'lot) lioiii llll\ (‘hallenge \lateh.

Wednesday 28


Rugby: Scotland v Barbarians .\ltiri'a_\lield Stadiuiii. Rnersdale (‘texeent Ho 5000, “pm. Hi) i£5 i. Seotland take on the liarharianx in llll\ Rtigh} World (‘tip \iarin-up ganie

Australian Rules Football 'I‘he \lcatlimx .-\l‘g_\ ll l’laee. llq‘h‘) lh‘hh55.

l‘ Rllpllt. l‘il'L‘C. l’lit} L‘l\ Hi all \l.llltltlltl\ iineluding lt'lSll (iaelie l'tllL‘\ [‘l.l}L‘l'\l and an} interested ne\\eonierx are im ited to turnout tor llll\ net-kl} training \L'\\lt‘l1.

OutSIde the Cities

Horse-racing: Ayr Races .-\}r Rttt‘ct‘tillrw. 3 \Vlllllt'lh Rlltltl. .-\_\l'. ill 3‘): Iii-H79. Illlpni. £5 £l5. National lltiitl raeing.

OutSide the Cities

Horse-racing: Ayr Races Air Rdt't‘t'tllll'fl‘. 2 lllllL'll\ Rt‘dtl. l'. ill 3‘): 3041"). llllpiii, £.\ £l5, See Thu 2‘).


Festival of Sport (ilatgim Seieiiee ('enti‘e. 5U l’aeitie Qua}. 42“ Soon.

lllani (ipin. £(i.5tl i£-l.5tli. See Sat I-l. Football: Tennent’s Scottish Cup Final Haiiipden Park. The National Stadium. l.etherh} l)ll\ e. (ilo (itiiiti 5pm. Ranger~ walked .t\\.l_\ \\ tilt the eoieted \ll\ er\\ are laxt _\ear. (‘an the) hold onto the title ()i~ \\ ill Dundee. \\ ithout l.ee \Villde in to“. pro\ Me the xhoe‘it ol' the xeamii’

OutSide the Cities

Cycling: UCI Mountain Bike World Cup NU l\ Range Sid .-\rea. l‘ort \Vilhain. lllW“ "H5525 £75” £25.50

i£4 51! £15 5th. under-tn lree. taiiiil}

tieket £195” £05 See pre\ie\\. Motorbracing: BRSCC/SMRC Knoekhill Raeing (’ireuit. Kittiekhill. Dunt'eriiiline. til 353 "2333‘ High oetane inotoi‘ raeing Horse-racing: Musselburgh Races .\ll1\\t‘ll‘tlrg‘ll Raeeeourxe. Linktield Road. M5 235‘). 2.20pm.

£10 e£l5 t£5i; under- lox tree. l-‘lat raeing.

Glasgow Cycling: Go Bike Meeting Belh

Brazilian sensation A little Brazilian spirit descends on central Scotland lOr this massive capoeira gathering. There Will be four days of maculele and capoeira instrtiCtiOn from teachers from the UK and Europe. A party on Saturday night mixes inuSiC and dance in relaxed surrOLinds.

I Capoeira Batizado, various venues, G/as‘gcu 8 Edinburgh, Fri 23—MOH 26 I lay. 5115“? 5:3 for weekend; £20~F25 be." dill,

liiidge. ('oiigiexx Road. IV" ‘2 Milton; lllani .-\ .‘ll iiiile qele round tiip aioiind the pietutextiue heritage \ illage ol \eit lanatk

Festival of Sport (il.l\:,_'tl\\ Seieiiee (t‘tlllC. 5t) l’aellle (‘ltla_\.~1:ll5llllll

lllaiii 0pm to 5” it-l 5th See Sat 24


Cricket: Scottish Saltires v Hampshire Hawks (iiaiige (“iiekei (‘ltilx l’ottgoiiei l’laee. Stoekltridge. il.‘ '43“. lpni. £lll i£5t \alional eriekel league li\tuie

American football: Edinburgh Wolves v Glasgow Tigers Jaek Kane Sports ('entre. IllS \iildiie .\l.llll\ Road. 47» (Mill. 3 .illpiii. l'iee l'he \Voliex pla} theii xeeond home game ol the BSI.

OutSide the Cities

Cycling: UCI Mountain Bike World Cup 2003 \ex l\ Range Ski :\iea. l‘tlll \Villiain. HIV)" "H5525 £" 50 £35 5” i£~l5ll £l5 5th. under-bk tree. laiiiil} llt'lxcl £l‘l5ll {05. See PlC\lL'\\. Motonracing: BRSCC/SMRC Knoekhill Raeing ('iieiiil. Knoekhill. l)tinlerniline. ill ‘3‘ "I ‘~ ‘3" See Sat 3]

OutSide the Cities

Golf: The Amateur Championship \dl'ltllh \enuex. .\_\l'\llllt'. ill 3‘): (il "34” (ioll' .tlll.tlL‘lll\ eoinpete at Ro)al 'lroon atid lr\ine Bogude goll L‘itlll\t'\

Tuesday 3

OutSide the Cities

Golf: The Amateur Championship \dl'ltllh \L‘lltlL'\. .'\)l\llll't'. HIS”: MTJH See Mon 2.

Wednesday 4


Australian Rules Football 'l'he .\leado\\\. .-\t‘g}ll l’laee. “"89 ltth‘i5 (i .illpiii. Free. See \Ved ZS

OutSide the Cities

Golf: The Amateur Championship Various \L‘llllL'x. .-\}l\llllt'. llll‘ll (il "240. Sec .\ltlll 2

Motor-racing: Stock Cars Kiioettiill Raeing (‘iretiiL Knoekhill. l)tinleriiiline. lll533 "33557. (i .‘illpni. t" :\ll loeal ela~~e~ ol ('oiidenheath Raeev. all \toel. earx ineluding Mlltittlh and mini xtoelt»

Outside the Cities

Golf: The Amateur Championship Various \enues. .-\_\i\hire. ill 2‘): MTJU, See Mon 2,