Glasgow life


From architecture to archery

I Glasgow School of Art Glasgow School of Art IS Charles Rennre Mackintosh's greatest achievement. As a lUlllOt' draughtsman :n 1886 he won a (:ompetrtroh designing a new building; for the school. creatrng what was to become the l)ll'tll of a new style lli architecture. Strll a working art school, regular guided tours let you experience tltlS famous and fascinating building. from the furniture and works on paper to Mackintosh and Glasgow Style artetacts. The Mack/rrtosh Ga/ler't: 167 Rent/cw Street. 3:33 4500. Mon— Thu 70mm 7pm; Frr Warn—Son); Sat lOa/n-nooh. Tet/rs take p/ace Mon—Fry l i am 8. 2pm. Sat 70.30am 8. H.30arn. £5 (£11).

I The Tall Ship at Glasgow Harbour Discover more about Glasgow's maritime heritage on board the SV Glen/e0. There are only trve Clydeburlt sailing ships that remarn afloat In the world and the Glen/ee rs the only one In the UK. Butlt tn 1896 It has been restored over the past SlX years and VlSltOl'S can explore the boat and talk to the crew to trlld Out what It was lrke sailing on the high seas. On shore. there Is a restaurant In the restored pumphouse as well as a permanent exhibition space Wltll interactive displays Such as The Glen/ee Story. As well as plenty of children's étCtl\-’|t!88 there rs also the cnance to take a mo deep the watter' on a power boat. 700 Stobcross Road. 2’ 2 2:3 73. Dar/t lOarn—Spm. £4.50 $3.25!; £3CCO/77p8rt/8d chr/dren free.

I Scotland Street School Museum Desrgned in 190.: by Charles Rennre lVlaCkllltOSh and restOred In 1990. thrs museum takes yoo back to tow school days. no matter what age vOu are. It shows the histon of QClUCathll Ill Scotland from 1872—1972 and the changes rn schooling over the

years. The 'jannre' and the 'headte'

show too round a reconstructed Edwardian cookery room and clas5rooms from the VlCtOllall era as well as through World War II and Into the 19605. 225 Scot/and Street. 429 7202. Mon—Sat lOam-Spm; Sun 2-50/77. Free.

100 THE LIST ‘.'.‘-.. :‘ .

Glasgow life continued

GOING GIIIIN Hsvlng mm— ?" ° W “Rm Other events mama“ Meet Your Neighbour St Mango Scottish Green Party in \ltrxeum ot Religioux lite and ;\rt. 2 1985 and became ("tulle Street. 55: :55- l'tee See l'll m“ in m 1998. Sines then he has Free Family Day Mallet} ol Modern l‘ olsctlonson \lt. Queen Street. 22‘) I‘l‘lb \oon ~1pm mud“ portyst llt‘t' l0 ek'lt'l‘ltllk' tlit‘ .\ll l‘lllitl'\ l, and eentenat}. lllL' \atlt‘lldl (ittllt'llL‘S and the w and was \l- ha\ e organised a da} ol tun “llll the Scottish Green ehanee to make xettlpttnex. plaxter eaxtx Party "SP torths and [‘HIIIS. e\perrment \\ ltli photograph}. Lothlans In May 1999. enter eompettttonx. ha\ e _\otn taee HO Wt" b0 dlscusslng painted and bounee on a boune} eaxtle MB [MW in “10 ()h. and see \ome art too It _\ou \\ ant. Gm" Partysnd M8 vlowson other m_ WI and personal lssuss. Talks I Robin Harper, Royal Artist Talk S“ Itehxpaee. l 2. 3-1 Concert H8”, Glasgow, 2 (‘t‘anuorth Street. lltllhead. (VS 1 2 Street, 353 (rtlfiq-li. 3pm. l'ree. llenr} (’oombex 8000. 1pm. 2350-24. Fri

lalln about lnx \olo \hmx at Suttelhpaee. 23 May Chinese-English Corner lit‘axxette Metro 3 (.lexx“ ell lane. tlb b l 3 l.

2.3“ 4.30pm. l'ree l’t'.tell\L‘ }ottt' Mandarin ('htnese and Izngltxh at tlnx trtendl) meeting; tor both le\ltlellt\ and

\ l\llt\t\ to the ett_\_

Other events

Meet Your Neighbour SI Mungo .\lu\eum ol' Relrgtottx lite and .'\rt. 2 (-.'I\lle Street. 553 255". l’t'ee. See l'l'l 3U. Cactus Day (ilaxgon liotante (iat'deth. -30 (heat \Vextet'n Road. 334 2122. Want 4pm. l‘ree. .\ dtxpla} and \ale ol eaett Hi the Ktbble l’alaee,


Freedom from Negative Emotions 'l'heoxoplneal sot-net}. 1“ Queens (‘rexeenL 5pm. {5. .\ talk b} lama Kinnnxar anpoehe. lounder ol~ the Ynngdt'tlne Stud) ('entre.

Other events

Green Drinks lilaekl'rtarx. 3o Bell Street. 552 5024. hillpm. l‘ree. ll~ )ott are llitt‘l't‘SlL'tl lli green I\\llC\ or work lli an associated llltltl\tl'_\. head doun to Blacklrtarx tor a ehat \\ 1th \ome like minded people.

Badger Watch Seotttxh \Vrltllrte ll'lhl. l";tll\ 0t ('l)de Rexet‘\e.ll1555 b652b2. "pm. to tt‘il. See 'l‘hu 2‘).

Tuesday 3

Book events Yann Martel \Valerxtone\. 15i IS"

early warning System


HANDS UP As a non-profit organisation Greenpeace has a presence in

over forty countries across Europe. America, Asia and the Pacific. Do your bit for the environment at these popular monthly meetings. I '. '2 «was CCU": K "as Sf'eef. 55$ 2; 5303’“. Pee. Tue 3 aw

Sauelnehall Street. ii2 “10* I2 illpm l'tee. laxt )eat'x Hooker l’rt/e unmet Yann .\l.ntel teadx ltom the \xmmne litut'l. /.Ilt‘ Ht ['1

Other events

Greenpeace Mono. I: Kmyx (mm. King: Street. 55‘ JUN 2. illprn l'tee Join m the monthl} (ireenpeaee meetlnex .tlitl tlU )tttll l‘ll till the planet

Bat Walk Seotttxh “tldltle llll\t. l'allx ol (lute Rexene. HIS?S («538 ‘lpm {-1 db. .‘\ gentle \lt‘oll \xrth an opportttnlt) to learn about batx on the rexen e ax \\ ell a\ other ttoettttttal Inhabitantx ol the texet\e

Wednesday 4


Paisley Art Institute l’atxle} .\lll\elllll and .-\rt (iallet'). High Street. XX” xl5l l2 ull‘lll. l't'ee, See \\t'tl :3

Other events

Windy Hill and Muirshiel Uncovered \lllllxltlt'l ('entr'e. (‘ltdemtnrxlnel Regional Park. (‘alder'glen Road. loehmnnm'h. owls S-l2Sll3. lpm. l-ree ;\ ‘leelmg: litter le\e| 2' en'enlar \xalk \\ ith the Rentrenxhn‘e :\eee~~ ()llleel.

Badger Watch Seotttxh \thdltle lt'lht. l".tll\ til (lxde Rt‘\t't\e. ‘ll 5‘5 (lti5:(\:_ “pm Ur (L it See It lltl 2‘) Cafe Flicker (ll£l\_L‘ti\\ \ledla .-\eee\\ (‘entre 3rd “not. H _-\lbron Street. 553 202“ " .illpm {I Subnnt )otn' lllll\lletl tlllli til the (i.\l.'\(l ttlltl the) \\ Ill \lttm It at thrx llH'l} exerting; ol lllm. drxeuxxton. ad\ tee and debate.

Friends of the Earth l'l'lClltlS or the liarth Seotland. ill lltllhead Street. 3 N lllSll. ",illpttt. l'ree. Help to look alter the planet and torn Ill the month!) lira-nth ol the lzarth meeting» (‘all or etnatl to had out more about them.


Colin Prior - Living Tribes BUTtlL‘h lttttllo. 25} Buehanan Street. 222 "'00. (rpm. l‘ree. ’l he renowned Seothxh photographer gnex a \lrde \htm ol' lil\ photographx teaturmg 15 ol the Hunt unique tribes \tlll euxttne lit the world toda}.

Other events

Bat Walk Setitthlt \Vildlite 'l‘rtrxt. l-alls ot (‘l_\de Rexen e. “I 555 («6262. ()pm. £41£2t See in 23.