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an: femur; ;: NM. /i:l:iit'l’l€:' arm/1;: Neraiesi: ‘rr‘azt', 'r:{l"," the sari tr‘t 1W: ' awe I," ’yK/l {1Y1 ££f:l;":, But the is ‘..i d" rt. M, ’lrrtails. e'itrz'tarr‘ r‘r; Interesf'rir; ':x':‘r,ai:s;;ns '-'v°_li ii

Miter". ',l "‘t;it‘r,,

and it ri‘arraftrzs fr; amid ()Jzt i;lr rifting extents in siliaf s a perfect exariipie of slick BBC docuri‘eritar‘, rr‘akirig. iIDo-iig .th'tl‘ifilthtiiv NitolJIi/JA‘. {LEAF/MK H LBY ITY

BBC1, Wed 28 May. 8pm 00


lhis episode of the tepid Casualty spzn-off features the usua‘ mix of FH-lite di'ari‘a. touch;- feeiy. (ttXl—p:;\(thologi. and appalling performances frori‘ some naguei; rrxtogriisa'1'c- actors. The only thing that makes this hour notenor'tr‘iy is the appearance of one Antonio Fargas. the forrner pimp and stool pigeon l~lugg\, Bear in Sta/ski and Hutch. Sadly. his r‘ierforn‘ance as a dot-.n-at-heei hlues musician who haunts the corridors of Holhy General when his tttlltll)8r-Oll(? female fan is taken ill is somev-ihat

Dire Pain [Laue

r< Sr 10.1

THE MICHAEL ESSANY SHOW Channel 4, Wed 28 May, 11.45pm 00

A more-access ta‘k s'ir:.'. att'acting 'ea- llr>.l,‘.'.ood stars. hosted l)‘, g 7%) ,ear <:id college student from his lining} 'ririi" ir‘. Nowreresnlle. littliél'lél sounds *rke an dillt‘iti’il‘n'y goof‘, protect But .'.’l‘i(}l‘ the host's nianc hurnourless schinarir‘ starts setting your tee h on edge .'.'lil‘.lil ter‘ seconds. all §}()()(l'.'.|ll towards his ‘.'.’lS" fulfilment fantasy guickh, evaporates.

Episode one proxes grOtOSQUOh, fascinating as a fly -on-tne-wall insight into lvlichaeI Essany's \.'.ie:rd world. encouraged by his cameraoperating mom and runner caterer dad :yep. it's The Kurnars, US-style‘i. The srnug script is a laugh-free xone. but there are some iilillliOllIlOYlally arr‘using n‘o'rtents such as Kelly R >i.-iiand's gargantuan n‘inders tuck-ng into pizza in the kitchen during recording.

His guests tip Essant, for great things hut. given that he exhipits all the charis ha of a Young CONSCWEHIHB. this seems highlx unlikeiy Add to that three commercial oreaks :n half an hour. endless product placen‘ent and nasty canned whoops. then you have perhaps the most irritating

Michael Essany turns on the schmarm

1 12 THE LIST .‘2 li‘a.»-:"‘ Ju'te .‘Ci‘fi

:ibim foamsé'AMERICAN


Channel 4, Sat 24 May. 8pm .0.


Channel 4, Sun 25 May. 6.55pm

John Adams hates opera. Can't stand the stuff. And yet, this modernist composer has earned his stripes in the US and beyond by rejigging one of the oldest art forms in the book and gaining himself the kind of banner headlines that Wagner would have enjoyed had he lived in a mass media


In American Classic, Adams giggles his way through his life story. which races to Nixon in China, which gave opera 3 shot in the arm and showed that contemporary politics shouldn't be above, or below, being tackled by tenors and sopranos. But it‘s The Death of Klinghoffer, his interpretation of the Achille Lauro tragedy of 1985, that really got Adams in trouble back home. When four Palestine Liberation Front members took control of a luxury liner, demanding the release of 50 Arab prisoners, bloodshed was inevitable. It came in the form of a wheelchair- bound American Jew, Leon Klinghoffer, shot and mercilessly

chucked overboard.

As Penny Tina Goes Shopping Woolcock's iilmic adaptation aptly shows, Adams did his damndest to stay as neutral as possible with this delicate story of Arab versus Jew, Middle East against the west. Yet, he took stick from all sides. Klinghoffer was panned by those claiming it to be an Israeli plot and hammered by the ones who believed it to be a PR job for the Arab world. As Adams makes clear, he is only there to communicate and get a reaction from his audience. Ultimately, that is all an artist can do.

(Brian Donaldson)

television experience of the \. ear. iAilan Radcliffe


Channel 4, Thu 29 May, 9pm 00

Tne concept of the glancrous criminal is a strange one. How do people .‘iho thiexe. assault. deal drugs and kit! end up tie ng lauded hi, some as role models? ESDQCEBTIy as in the case of the London undemorid and the old gits 'v.-.ihc ended up creating the 'Costa del Crime' nullOll the; model their looks and CChaHOLlf on Frank Butcher?

This facile and rather uncnallenging dociimentary traces the trend from the late 70s Ont-rams fer dodgy

British felons to head for the Costa del SOI in search of sun. sea and sangria as a retirement package. With a non— retrospective extradition treaty only signed by Spain in 198:3. the Costa became a haven for pot- hellied. middle-aged Cockney viideboys who thought their salad days would never end. Thankfully they did. thanks to increased Spanish police aCthfl. A time and a bunch of arrogant. conceited men best forgotten. frankly. iDoug Johnstonei

Israeli plot or Arab propaganda?



PLEASE YOUR MAN/WOMAN Five, Tue 3 & 10 Jun, 10.55pm O

Tired of telling us how to achieve the ultimate orgasm in print. COS/YTODO/ltc’i/l have teamed up With Fl‘Je to spice up Our love 'ives via the telly. A panel of isiexperts laka tandem It girls. Cosmo readers and Julia Carlingi talk richer“. through 50 ways to keep yow man happy. from .risiting a S’f‘p Out

to st:r;king',/r:iir fingertip his arse. All of ‘HtllCll is breathed Without one Sign of a srrirk by Amanda Donohoe SUH‘O are cliched lwearing Stis‘penrlers mine are physiologica rapparentl, rner‘ "are a (3 spot 100i and scrr‘e are JUST (tor/"right bizarre iflirflking criill; cor: came 0n Dare oreastsi out at; are intritrated and discussed 2'. s /;l‘. toe curling detail that art, poss‘ible eroticisrr‘ .3 Eradicated. Me." get their turn 1’) the follosiirig .veek. when the once-feminist publication teils yea hon to rm a girl's neart: listening when she‘s talking comes in at a paltr, number 46. two behind 'birndfolding /our ~.v:>mac'. Need I say more. rKefl/ Apteri